
In this chapter, we updated the TrackMyWalks application by adding a new project solution, TrackMyWalks.Tests, so that we can separate our tests from the main Portable Class Library. This gives us the ability to write test cases. We added the Mock framework so that it will provide us with the ability to successfully test our ViewModels as well as to provide the business logic behind them.

We then moved onto considering how we can leverage the UITest framework to write, test, and execute UI tests locally by using the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent and the Calabash framework, by adding the iOS and Android projects to the UITest solution project.

In the final chapter, you'll learn how to prepare your iOS app for submission to iTunes Connect, and learn how to set up internal and external users within TestFlight so that your users can download and test your apps on their iOS devices. To end the chapter, you will learn how to code-sign your Android apps before publishing, and releasing your Android APK file to the Google Play Store.

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