Understanding the commonly used UITest methods

As mentioned previously, in this section, we will learn about some of the commonly used methods that we can use with the UITest framework. The UITest framework provides you with a way of automating the interactions between your iOS, or Android apps using C# and the NUnit testing platform.

We will be using an instance of the IApp and ConfigureApp classes that will be used to create our iOS and Android IApp instances to handle all the interactions within the UI.

As we progress throughout the next couple of sections, we will be taking a closer look at how to create IApp instances using the ConfigureApp class. The UITest framework provides you with several APIs that you can use to interact with an app's user interface.

The following table describes some of the more commonly used methods and the ones that we will be using to test the TrackMyWalks app:

UITest methods



This will essentially take a screenshot of the current state of the app.


This is used to send a tap interaction to a specific element on the app's current screen.

EnterText() and ClearText()

These methods are used to add and remove text from input elements such as the entry views used within Xamarin.Forms.


This method is essentially used to locate or find elements that are currently displayed within the app's screen.


This command is commonly used to interact in real-time with the app through the terminal using the UITest API.


This method is used to pause the test until a specific element appears on the app's current screen within a specific timeout period.

Methods such as the Query and WaitForElement return an AppResult[] object that you can essentially use to determine the results of the call. An example would be that if you used the Query method call that returns an empty result set, we can be sure that the element does not exist within the app's current screen.


It is worth mentioning that currently the UITest framework only provides support for both the iOS and Android platforms and doesn't yet provide support for the Windows Phone platform.

As you will see from the methods displayed in the following table, these are essentially all the members pertaining to the AppQuery class that are used by the Query and WaitForElement method members of the IApp methods:

AppQuery class methods



Finds elements on the app's current screen, based on their class type.


Finds elements within the app's current screen, based on their text or identifier.


Performs CSS selector operations on the contents of a WebView on the app's current screen.


If you are interested in learning more about the various types of UITest methods, please refer to the Introduction to Xamarin.UITest at https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/testcloud/uitest/intro-to-uitest/ .

Now that you understand some of the most commonly used UITest methods, we can start to implement some tests which we will be covering over the next couple of sections within this chapter.

Setting up and initializing our TrackMyWalks app for UITest

Prior to starting an app and interacting with it using the UITest framework, we need to do some preliminary initialization steps for which we'll make some modifications within the AppInitializer class. The AppInitializer class contains a static method called StartApp.

This static method is called each time the test's Setup method is called to get an IApp instance. It currently supports both the iOSApp and AndroidApp as defined by the ConfigureApp class.

One thing that you will notice within the AppInitializer class is that the ApkFile and the AppBundle have both been commented out. You will need to uncomment these if you would like to run the tests locally within the unit test pane using Xamarin Studio.

        using System; 
        using System.IO; 
        using System.Linq; 
        using Xamarin.UITest; 
        using Xamarin.UITest.Queries; 
        namespace TrackMyWalks.UITests 
            public class AppInitializer 
                public static IApp StartApp(Platform platform) 
                    if (platform == Platform.Android) 
                        return ConfigureApp.Android 
                            // TODO: Update this path to point
                               to your Android  
                            // app and uncomment the code if the
                               app is not  
                            // included in the solution. 
                    return ConfigureApp.iOS 
                        // TODO: Update this path to point to
                           your iOS app and  
                        // uncomment the code if the app is 
                           not included in the 
                        // solution. 
                        // yWalks.iOS.app").StartApp(); 

As you can see from the preceding code snippet, the AppInitializer class contains several different methods that are part of the ConfigureApp method. The following table provides a brief description of what each one is used for:

ConfigureApp methods



This method is used for specifying the path to the app bundle to use during testing.


This method essentially launches the app within the simulator.


This method is essentially used to enable debugging and logging of messages and is particularly useful if you need to troubleshoot problems when running the application using the simulator.


This method configures the device to use with the device identifier. This can be used to detect iOS simulators using the following command line statement:

xcrun instruments -s devices


This method is used to enable screenshots when you're running tests locally. By default, screenshots are always enabled whenever tests are being run using Xamarin Test Cloud.


This method will essentially pause the test execution and invoke the REPL in a terminal prompt.

As you can see, the AppInitializer file doesn't contain much information, but as we work our way through this chapter, we will be adding the Xamarin.TestCloud.Agent to the iOS portion of the TrackMyWalks app so that we will be able to run our UITests.

Implementing the CreateNewWalkEntry using the UITest.Framework

In the previous section, we looked at some of the different types of methods that we can use to customize the AppInitializer class so that we can specify different app bundles to use during testing, as well as to enable screenshots, and provide the ability to debug our unit tests within the Xamarin Studio environment.

In this section, we will begin by implementing a UITest that we can use to handle signing into Facebook and creating a new walk entry using the UITest framework.

Let's now start to implement the code required for our class by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the Test.cs file which can be located within the TrackMyWalks.UITests project as part of the TrackMyWalks.Tests solution folder.
  2. Next, ensure that the Test.cs file is displayed within the code editor, and enter in the following highlighted code sections, as shown in the code snippet:
            using System; 
            using System.IO; 
            using System.Linq; 
            using NUnit.Framework; 
            using Xamarin.UITest; 
            using Xamarin.UITest.Queries; 
            namespace TrackMyWalks.UITests 
              public class Tests 
                IApp app; 
                Platform platform; 
  3. Then, modify the Tests instance method that will be responsible for creating a new instance of our IApp instance. We update our entryCellPlatformClassName string variable to return the type of TextField, dependent on the platform that we are testing on. Under iOS, we use the UITextField, whereas under Android it will use the default EntryCellEditText class. Proceed and enter in the highlighted code sections within the following code snippet:
            string entryCellPlatformClassName;
            public Tests(Platform platform)
              this.platform = platform;
              entryCellPlatformClassName = platform 
                == Platform.iOS
     ? "UITextField"
     : "EntryCellEditText"; 
            public void BeforeEachTest() 
              app = AppInitializer.StartApp(platform); 
            public void AppLaunches() 
                 app.Screenshot("First screen."); 
  4. Next, create the SignInToFacebook instance method that will be responsible for handling the test's steps specifically to the Facebook sign-in process. This uses the user's login credentials to automate the login process prior to carrying out other steps within the UI. Proceed and enter in the highlighted code sections within the following code snippet:
    // Perform signing in to Facebook      
    public void SignInToFacebook()
        // Set up our Facebook credentials
            var FaceBookEmail = "<Your-Facebook-Email-Address> ";
        var FaceBookPassword = "<Your-Facebook-Password>";
            // Wait for Login button within Facebook oAuth webview 
            // to appear.
            app.WaitForElement(x => x.WebView().Css("[name=login]"));
        // Enter text within the webview with name="email"
        app.EnterText(x => x.WebView().Css("[name=email]"), 
            // Enter text within the webview with name="email"
            app.EnterText(x => x.WebView().Css("[name=pass]"), 
            app.ScrollDownTo(x => x.WebView().Css("[name=login]"));
            // Tap the button in the webview with name="login"
            app.Tap(x => x.WebView().Css("[name=login]"));
  5. Then, create the PopulateEntryCellFields instance method that will be responsible for handling the test steps specifically for the creation of a new walk entry. In this method, we make use of both the ClearText and EnterText methods of the UITest framework that will locate each entry field within the New Walk Entry form and populate it with the necessary information. The DismissKeyboard method will, as the name suggests, dismiss the keyboard from the view and continue to the next step. Proceed and enter in the highlighted code sections within the following code snippet:
        // Populate our EntryCell Fields
      void PopulateEntryCellFields()
          // Clear the default text entry for our Title EntryCell
          app.ClearText(x => x.Class
        // Enter in some default text for our Title EntryCell
          app.EnterText(x => x.Class
                 "This is a new walk Entry");
          // Enter in some default text for our Notes EntryCell
          app.EnterText(x => x.Class(entryCellPlatformClassName).Index(1),
          "New Note Entry For Walk Entry");
          // Clear the default text for our Image Url EntryCell
          app.ClearText(x => x.Class(entryCellPlatformClassName).Index(6));
          // Enter in some default text Image Url EntryCell
          app.EnterText(x => x.Class(entryCellPlatformClassName).Index(6),"
  6. Next, create the ChooseDifficultyPicker instance method that will be responsible for displaying the difficulty picker that contains various choices of difficulty for the user to choose from. All we are doing here is displaying the picker when the user taps into the cell entry, and dismissing the picker from the view when then user taps the Done or OK buttons. Proceed and enter the highlighted code sections, as shown within the following code snippet:
        // Automatically tap into the Difficulty Cell to display the 
     // Difficulty Picker, and dismiss it by pressing the Done or 
     // OK button.
     public void ChooseDifficultyPicker()
           // Tap into Difficulty EntryCell 
           app.Tap(x => x.Class(entryCellPlatformClassName).Index(5));
           // Tap Done located within the Difficulty Picker Cell
           if (platform == Platform.iOS)
             app.Tap(x => x.Marked("Done"));
             app.Tap(x => x.Marked("OK"));
  7. Then, create the CreateNewWalkEntry UITest method that includes the [Test] attribute. This is an abstract class that represents a test within the UITest and NUnit.Test framework. This method will essentially be the main test driver and will call each of the other instance methods that we've previously declared. Within this method, we call our SignInToFacebook method to perform the sign-in to Facebook, using the user's Facebook credentials.
  8. Upon successful login, we use the WaitForElement method to wait until the main Track My Walks screen has been displayed, prior to using the Assert.IsTrue method to check to see if the Track My Walks screen is displayed. If it's not displayed, our test will fail and display the assigned error message within the Test Results screen. Proceed and enter the following code sections shown within the following code snippet:
      public void CreateNewWalkEntry()
           // Sign in to Facebook
           // Wait for main screen to appear and check for our 
           // navigation title.
           var navigationBarTitle = (platform == Platform.iOS ?
          "Track My Walks - iOS" :
    "Track My Walks - Android");
          var mainScreen = app.WaitForElement(x => x.Marked
          // Check to see if the Track My Walks - iOS main screen is 
          // displayed.
          Assert.IsTrue(mainScreen.Any(), navigationBarTitle + " screen 
          wasn't shown after signing in.");
  9. Next, we use the Tap method of the app class instance and the Marked method to find the Add element within the app's current screen, and wait until the New Walk Entry page is displayed within the screen. We then proceed to use the Assert.IsTrue method to check to see if the New Walk Entry screen has been successfully displayed. Alternatively, our test will fail and display the assigned error message within the Test Results screen. Proceed and enter in the highlighted code sections shown within the following code snippet:
        // Click on the Add button from our main screen and wait for 
        // the New Walk Entry screen to appear.
        app.Tap(x => x.Marked("Add"));
        var newWalkEntryBarTitle = "New Walk Entry";
        var newWalkEntryScreen = app.WaitForElement(x => x.Marked(newWalk
        // Check to ensure that our New Walk Entry screen was displayed.
        Assert.IsTrue(newWalkEntryScreen.Any(), newWalkEntryBarTitle + " 
        screen was not shown after tapping the Add button.");
  10. Then, we call the PopulateEntryCellFields and ChooseDifficultyPicker instance methods to populate our entry cell fields and handle the display of the difficulty picker selector. In our final steps, we use the Tap method of the app class instance, and we use the Marked method to find the Save element within the app's current screen. We'll wait until the Track My Walks page is displayed, before using the Assert.IsTrue method to check to see if the Track My Walks screen has been successfully displayed. Alternatively, our test will fail and display the assigned error message within the Test Results screen. Proceed and enter the following highlighted code sections, as shown within the following code snippet:
            // Populate our Entry Cell Fields
            // Display our Difficulty Picker selector.
            // Then tap on the Save button to save the details and exit
           // the screen.
    app.Tap(x => x.Marked("Save"));
            // Next, wait for main screen to appear
               mainScreen = app.WaitForElement(x => x.Marked
            // Check to see if the Track My Walks - iOS main screen is
           // displayed.
             Assert.IsTrue(mainScreen.Any(), navigationBarTitle
               + " screen wasn't shown after signing in.");

In the preceding code snippet, we began by implementing the various instance methods that will be required to perform each test for our CreateNewWalkEntry. We added the [Test] attribute to our CreateNewWalkEntry instance method. This method will essentially be the main test driver and call each of the other instance methods that we've previously declared. Within this method, we call our SignInToFacebook method to perform the sign-in to Facebook, using the user's Facebook credentials. Upon successful login, we use the WaitForElement method to wait until the main Track My Walks screen has been displayed.

In the next step, we used the Tap method of the App class instance, and use the Marked method to find the Add element within the App's current screen, and wait until the New Walk Entry page is displayed within the screen. We then proceed to use the Assert.IsTrue method to check to see if the New Walk Entry screen was successfully displayed. Alternatively, our test will fail and display the assigned error message within the Test Results screen.

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