Chapter 15. Secure Web Protocols

Chapter 10, "Protecting Data in Transit," focused on how Secure Shell (ssh) prevents nosey users (local or remote) from capturing your system passwords with sniffers. This greatly enhances your internal network's security.

However, if you deploy your Linux system as an electronic commerce server, you must also provide your customers and support staff with secure connections from their Web clients in the outside world to your server. That's what this chapter is all about.

The Problem

Despite early market projections, electronic commerce was no overnight success. Initially, this was due to the public's unfamiliarity with the Internet, but it eventually became clear that before online commerce could really take hold, Web-based communication had to be secure. Plainly, users were reticent to send credit card data over the Internet, with good reason.

By default, Web-based communication had several weaknesses:

  • HTTP offers no encryption mechanism, and therefore third parties can sniff traffic between clients and the server. Thus, the user's session offers little or no privacy.

  • HTTP is a stateless protocol: It doesn't store information on users, and therefore it cannot verify a user's identity.

  • HTTP provides no means to authenticate an ongoing session. Hence, it cannot determine whether a third, untrusted party has hijacked the current session.

To address these shortcomings, Netscape Communications developed the Secure Sockets Layer Protocol or SSL.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) from Netscape Communications Corporation

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a three-tiered method that employs RSA and DES authentication and encryption, as well as additional MD5 integrity checking. Using these methods, SSL addresses all three issues inherent in Web-based communication:

  • At connection time, the client and server define and exchange a secret key, which is used to encrypt transiting data. Hence, even though SSL traffic can be sniffed, it is encrypted and therefore difficult to unravel.

  • SSL supports public key cryptography, so the server can authenticate users using popular schemes like RSA and the Digital Signature Standard (DSS).

  • The server can verify the integrity of ongoing sessions using message digest algorithms, like MD5 and SHA. Thus, SSL can guard against third parties hijacking a session.

SSL protects data through two layers and two steps. In the first, the client and server perform a handshake (similar to the TCP handshake). During this process, they exchange keys and then establish and synchronize a cryptographic state between them. Next, SSL takes application data (in the record layer) and encrypts it. Later, on the receiving end, this process is executed in reverse. As explained in the SSL Protocol Internet Draft:

  • SSL is a layered protocol. At each layer, messages may include fields for length, description, and content. SSL takes messages to be transmitted, fragments the data into manageable blocks, optionally compresses the data, applies a MAC, encrypts, and transmits the result. Received data is decrypted, verified, decompressed, and reassembled, then delivered to higher level clients.

(From The SSL Protocol, Version 3.0. Alan O. Freier (Netscape Communications), Philip Karlton (Netscape Communications), Paul C. Kocher (Independent Consultant), at


SSL can also (as of version 3.0) verify a user's identity on the client end. To learn more, please see the SSL 3.0 specification, located at

These features make SSL an excellent tool for securing electronic commerce transactions between a server under your control and unknown clients.

This chapter will take you through SSL installation and implementation.

SSL's Security History

SSL does have a significant security history, beginning in September 1995, when two Berkeley students—Ian Goldberg and David Wagner—announced that they had cracked Netscape's random number generator scheme.

This news rocked the electronic commerce community and prompted sensational media coverage. Here's an excerpt from a NY Times article by John Markoff titled "Security Flaw Is Discovered in Software Used in Shopping":

  • A serious security flaw has been discovered in Netscape, the most popular software used for computer transactions over the Internet's World Wide Web, threatening to cast a chill over the emerging market for electronic commerce. The flaw, which could enable a knowledgeable criminal to use a computer to break Netscape's security coding system in less than a minute, means that no one using the software can be certain of protecting credit card information, bank account numbers, or other types of information that Netscape is supposed to keep private during online transactions.[*]

Although Netscape quickly addressed the issue, the story serves as a sobering reminder that even excellent security tools can fail because of flawed implementation.

Goldberg and Wagner began their analysis in the dark, chiefly because Netscape held back source code on certain vital elements of SSL. The students therefore reverse-engineered the code, and in the process, they discovered a major flaw in how Netscape generated random numbers.

Random numbers have always been a problem in cryptography, even when functions used to derive them are fundamentally sound. This is because it is very difficult to generate a truly random number. In this context, the term random refers to a quality with minimal predictability. In science and nature, many systems and cycles that initially appear to be chaotic or random do in fact have observable predictability. Often, the key to recognizing that predictability, or recognizing a pattern in a seemingly patternless phenomenon, is time.


A simple example of recognizing a pattern could involve children playing jump rope with two ropes. Here, you have several variables: two ropes and two children with two arms each. As they twirl and twist the ropes, it might seem to you that the number of revolutions per minute and the positional relationships between the ropes at any given time are random, or even chaotic. They're probably not. If you sample many uninterrupted hours of play with these same two children and two ropes, over time a discernable pattern will likely emerge.

Indeed, deriving truly random numbers is such a difficult process that scientists have turned to unconventional means. For example, some researchers have focused their studies on chaos theory, the mathematical study of chaotic structures. Perhaps the most interesting, offbeat step in this direction is the use of lava lamps to generate random numbers. To see such a project in action, visit LavaRand at SGI:

Meanwhile, to compensate for our current inability to computationally create truly random numbers without help from outside chaotic systems, programmers rely on a rather complex parlor trick. Instead of trying to derive a random number from natural phenomena, programmers use functions that generate normal numbers and subject them to mathematical operations so complicated that the average human cannot perceive the observable predictability within them. The resulting number is, for all purposes, random enough. Or is it?

Much depends on the steps that programmers take to derive this random—or more appropriately, pseudo-random—number. Every number has a starting point or seed source, and depending on your initial seed source, your so-called pseudo-random number may be fundamentally flawed from the start.

For instance, suppose that you derived your seed source from standard multiplication tables, 1×1 to 9×9. Here, you'd have 89 possible numbers, or multiplication values, to choose from. Anyone could quickly identify all 89 combinations, even without pen and paper. Your resulting number, therefore, would never be random enough. This was essentially at the heart of SSL's first vulnerability.

Goldberg and Wagner determined that Netscape was using three values to generate the seed source for the initial secret key:

  • A process ID (PID)

  • A parent process ID (PPID)

  • The time, in seconds and microseconds

Because local users can easily obtain process IDs on UNIX and Linux, Goldberg and Wagner needed only to ascertain the time. And, as they explained in their paper "Randomness and the Netscape Browser: How secure is the World Wide Web?", this was not very difficult:

  • Most popular Ethernet sniffing tools (including tcpdump) record the precise time they see each packet. Using the output from such a program, the attacker can guess the time of day on the system running the Netscape browser to within a second.

(From "Randomness and the Netscape Browser: How secure is the World Wide Web?", Ian Goldberg and David Wagner, Dr. Dobb's Journal, 1996.

This effectively gave them the time in seconds. (Milliseconds, as they pointed out, were a trivial issue at best because there are only one million milliseconds per unit, a infinitesimally small range to search given today's computing power.) The end result was that Goldberg and Wagner could crack Netscape's early SSL in less than a minute in some cases.


Different programming languages offer different means of pseudo-random number generation. Perl offers a generic rand, while C offers rand() and srand() (available from stdlib.h). See their respective man pages for more information.

If you're interested in seeing the old SSL attack in action, get an old 40-bit version of Netscape and run this code against SSL encrypted traffic: The code will extract the 16-byte master key for that session.

In 1997, various researchers, including Edward Felten's team at Princeton and Frank O'Dwyer of Rainbow Diamond Limited, determined that SSL-enabled browsers were vulnerable to Hyperlink Spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks:

  • In hyperlink spoofing, the attacker generates hyperlinks that lead the user's client to believe that a secure connection to a secure server has been made, when in fact the connection is to another server, secure or otherwise. Learn more in O'Dwyer's paper, "Hyperlink Spoofing: An Attack on SSL Server Authentication," located at

  • In a man-in-the-middle attack, the attacker redirects the user's client to a bogus "secure" server. The user's client dutifully connects, unaware that the destination is a copy of a legitimate Web site. Learn more in Felten's paper, titled "Web Spoofing: An Internet Con Game," located at

Finally, SSL's more recent security history (June 1998) involved a peripheral issue: a vulnerability in RSA Laboratories' Public-Key Cryptography Standard #1 (PKCS#1). The flaw allowed attackers to recover information from SSL-encrypted sessions. The flaw has since been fixed. To get an excellent overview of how it worked, get Daniel Bleichenbacher's paper titled "Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Against Protocols Based on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1," available at

Despite these early problems, though, SSL ultimately emerged as the de facto standard for securing connections between Web clients and servers, and today many SSL implementations exist. Some of these are commercial, but as a Linux user you'll want a free SSL implementation with open source. Hence, this chapter focuses on Apache-SSL with SSLeay.

Installing Apache-SSL

To install Apache-SSL, you'll need three things:

You're probably wondering why I chose Apache 1.2.6 (or better) for this example. Here's why: Before writing Maximum Linux Security, I researched the things that irked readers most about consumer-oriented, mass-produced computer books. The number one gripe, it turned out, was that many such books contained installation procedures that readers could not easily reproduce. Often, code and configuration examples simply didn't work.

So, with this book, I resolved to test each example vigorously. If I found that a software author's installation procedure did not work smoothly, or if configuration of the same utility gave varied results on different Linux distributions or versions, I chucked it.

During testing, I found that SSleay's results substantially varied in version 0.9. To ensure that all readers could get a crack at setting up Apache-SSL error-free, I chose SSLeay version 0.8 instead. 0.8 worked equally well on multiple systems—old and new, a.out and ELF, Caldera and Red Hat—and it posed few installation and configuration problems.

However, I'm not suggesting that you should use Apache 1.2.6 and SSLeay 0.8 in an enterprise (or other sensitive) environment. Instead, I merely offer this example to familiarize a broader spectrum of users with Apache-SSL. After you skim through this step-by-step setup (or perhaps implement it), you'll fly through installations of newer versions that will undoubtedly be released after this book is printed. (Essentially, I offered this example strictly because I know that it will work on your system.)

Let's run through it.


Note that SSLeay is free and legal for all non-commercial use. However, several legal issues are worthy of note. If you intend to use SSLeay for commercial purposes, you may need to obtain a license from RSA regarding use of RSA libraries. (The same is true if you compile in RC4 support.) Also, IDEA may carry legal issues when used in Europe. If you have any doubts, consult an attorney, or at least see the SSLeay FAQ at

Unpacking, Compiling, and Installing OpenSSL

To unpack SSLeay, copy SSLeay-0_8_1b_tar.gz to /usr/src, unzip the compressed file, and un-tar the archive:

cp SSLeay-0_8_1b_tar.gz /usr/src
cd /usr/src
gunzip SSLeay-0_8_1b_tar.gz
tar-xvf SSLeay-0_8_1b_tar

SSLeay will extract to /usr/src/SSLeay-0.8.1b/. Next, change to that directory and run Configure:

cd /SSLeay-0.8.1b
perl ./Configure linux-elf

Note that the preceding example is for Linux ELF systems only. If your architecture or target is different, start Configure without arguments and it will print a wide range of options:

# perl ./Configure
Usage: Configure [-Dxxx] [-Lxxx] [-lxxx] os/compiler
pick os/compiler from:
BC-16              BC-32              FreeBSD            NetBSD-sparc
NetBSD-x86         SINIX-N            VC-MSDOS           VC-NT
VC-W31-16          VC-W31-32          VC-WIN16           VC-WIN32
aix-cc             aix-gcc            alpha-cc           alpha-gcc
alpha400-cc        bsdi-gcc           cc                 debug
debug-irix-cc      debug-linux-elf    dgux-R3-gcc        dgux-R4-gcc
dgux-R4-x86-gcc    dist               gcc                hpux-cc
hpux-gcc           hpux-kr-cc         irix-cc            irix-gcc
linux-aout         linux-elf          nextstep           purify
sco5-cc            solaris-sparc-cc   solaris-sparc-gcc  solaris-sparc-sc4
solaris-usparc-sc4 solaris-x86-gcc    sunos-cc           sunos-gcc
unixware-2.0       unixware-2.0-pentium

Note that in addition to architecture and binary targets, you can also set other options at the Configure command line, including

  • DES_PTR—Use this option to specify that during the build, you want to use pointer arithmetic instead of default array lookups in the DES in crypto/des/des_locl.h.

  • DES_RISC1—Use this option to specify a different DES_ENCRYPT macro that helps reduce register dependencies (a good choice for RISC architecture). This will often produce faster performance on RISC processors.

  • -DNO_BF—Use this option to build SSLeay without Blowfish support.

  • -DNO_DES—Use this option to build SSLeay without DES/3DES support.

  • -DNO_IDEA—Use this option to build SSLeay with no IDEA support.

  • -DNO_MD2—Use this option to build SSLeay without MD2 support.

  • -DNO_RC2—Use this option to build SSLeay with no RC2 support.

  • -DNO_RC4—Use this option to build SSLeay with no RC4 support.

  • -DRSAref—Use this option to build SSLeay to use RSAref.


Other, more obscure options also exist. For example, you can specify to use int instead of long in DES if need be. Check the SSLeay documentation for more information.

After you define your architecture and options, run Configure. In response, it will print out a brief summary of your pre-make configuration. Here's an example:

[root@linux7 SSLeay-0.8.1b]# perl Configure linux-elf
CC     =gcc
CFLAG  =-DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -m486 -Wall
DES_ENC=asm/dx86-elf.o asm/cx86-elf.o
BF_ENC =asm/bx86-elf.o
DES_PTR used
DES_RISC1 used
RC4_INDEX mode
BF_PTR2 used

I recommend clipping and pasting these values into a temporary file. Some options on certain Linux systems can trigger a bad make. You may be forced to change them later, so it's nice to have them handy in that event.

Next, run make:


The make will take several minutes, but if you have ANSI C support installed, you shouldn't have any problems here. You'll know that you have a successful make when you see this message:

NOTE: The OpenSSL header files have been moved from include/*.h
to include/openssl/*.h.  To include OpenSSL header files, now
to include/openssl/*.h.  To include OpenSSL header files, now
directives of the form
     #include <openssl/foo.h>
should be used instead of #include <foo.h>.
These new file locations allow installing the OpenSSL header
files in /usr/local/include/openssl/ and should help avoid
conflicts with other libraries.
To compile programs that use the old form <foo.h>,
usually an additional compiler option will suffice: E.g., add
to the CFLAGS in the Makefile of the program that you want to compile
(and leave all the original -I...'s in place!).

Please make sure that no old OpenSSL header files are around:
The include directory should now be empty except for the openssl

After you verify that the make was successful, run this command:

make rehash

Finally, try a test, like this:

make test

Here you may encounter problems. On some systems, the optimization flags in the Makefile will cause the test to fail. If that happens, edit the Makefile and remove the optimization flag from the CLFAGS option line.

Depending on your system's configuration, the relevant line will be either line 59 or 60, whichever is not commented out:

CFLAG= -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -m486 -Wall -Wuninitialized

Here is the optimization flag to remove:


After you remove the optimization flag, start again (make clean; make) and everything should be fine.


On Caldera OpenLinux 1.2, even if you change the -03 optimization flag, the make test will fail during the randtest procedure. Apparently, SSLeay doesn't like 1.2's random. I tried compiling several different versions of SSLeay on OpenLinux 1.2, without success. However, the packages compiled cleanly and without event on Red Hat 5.1. I can only conclude that the problem is with OpenLinux 1.2 and not SSLeay. The solution is to obtain a more recent version of OpenLinux.

You'll know when your make test is clean because you'll see this message:

Signed certificate is in newcert.pem
newcert.pem: OK
make[1]: Leaving directory '/SSLeay-0.9.0b/test'
SSLeay 0.9.0b 29-Jun-1998
built on Wed Jun 30 01:20:01 PDT 1999
options:bn(64,32) md2(int) rc4(idx,int) des(ptr,risc1,16,long) idea(int)
C flags:gcc -DL_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -DBN_ASM -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -m486
-Wall -Wuninitialized -DSHA1_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DRMD160_ASM

Once you verify that your test was successful, install the package, like this:

make install

Unpacking, Patching, and Installing Apache

Next, copy apache_1_2_6_tar.gz (or a later version) to /usr/src and unpack it:

cp apache_1_2_6_tar.gz /usr/src
cd /usr/src
gunzip apache_1_2_6_tar.gz
tar -xvf apache_1_2_6_tar

Apache will unpack to /usr/src/apache-1.2.6/. After you verify that it unpacked correctly, copy apache_1_2_6+ssl_1_17_tar.gz to /usr/src/apache-1.2.6 and unpack it:

cp apache_1_2_6+ssl_1_17_tar.gz /usr/src/apache-1.2.6
cd /usr/src/apache-1.2.6
gunzip apache_1_2_6+ssl_1_17_tar.gz
tar -xvf apache_1_2_6+ssl_1_17_tar

This should unpack the following files:

  • ben.pgp.key.asc—The author's PGP public key.

  • EXTRAS.SSL—Documentation on extra features.

  • LICENCE.SSL—The Apache-SSL license.

  • md5sums—MD5 checksums for these files (using md5sum).

  • md5sums.asc—The author's detached signature of md5sums.

  • README.SSL—A brief overview.

  • SECURITY—Reflections on SSL and security.

  • src/apache_ssl.c—An extra module for Apache.

  • SSLconf/conf/access.conf—An empty Apache access configuration file.

  • SSLconf/conf/httpd.conf—A sample httpd.conf file.

  • SSLconf/conf/mime.types—A sample mime.types configuration file.

  • SSLconf/conf/srm.conf—An emery Apache srm configuration file.

  • SSLpatch—A vital patch file (we'll use it in a moment).

After verifying that the files have unpacked properly, and before compiling Apache, apply the supplied patch, like this:

patch -p1 < SSLpatch

Next, change to /usr/src/apache-1.2.6/src/, copy Configuration.tmpl to Configuration, and open Configuration for editing. In it (among other possible things), you must change the SSL_BASE variable. This tells Apache where to find the SSL libraries during compilation. To change that value, open Configuration and go to line 63. It should look like this:

#SSL_BASE= /u/ben/work/scuzzy-ssleay6

Change this to the SSLeay source directory. For this example, I changed mine to this:


Once you set the SSL_BASE variable and exit, you're ready to make Apache:


To verify that your make went smoothly, check /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src for the following file:

-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       543482 Jun 30 04:00 httpsd

If it exists, you're in business. Time to move on to certificate generation.

Preparing to Generate a Certificate

Before you can generate a certificate, you must first configure ssleay.cnf. To do so, change to /usr/local/ssl/lib/. Here's what the file looks like by default:

# SSLeay example configuration file.
# This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.
RANDFILE                = $ENV::HOME/.rnd
[ ca ]
default_ca      = CA_default            # The default ca section

[ CA_default ]

dir             = ./demoCA              # Where everything is kept
certs           = $dir/certs            # Where the issued certs are kept
crl_dir         = $dir/crl              # Where the issued crl are kept
database        = $dir/index.txt        # database index file.
new_certs_dir   = $dir/newcerts         # default place for new certs.

certificate     = $dir/cacert.pem       # The CA certificate
serial          = $dir/serial           # The current serial number
crl             = $dir/crl.pem          # The current CRL
private_key     = $dir/private/cakey.pem# The private key
RANDFILE        = $dir/private/.rand    # private random number file

x509_extensions = x509v3_extensions     # The extensions to add to the
default_days    = 365                   # how long to certify for
default_crl_days= 30                    # how long before next CRL
default_md      = md5                   # which md to use.
preserve        = no                    # keep passed DN ordering

# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
# and supplied fields are just that :-)
policy          = policy_match

# For the CA policy
[ policy_match ]
countryName             = match
stateOrProvinceName     = match
organizationName        = match
organizationalUnitName  = optional
commonName              = supplied
emailAddress            = optional

# For the 'anything' policy
# At this point in time, you must list all acceptable 'object'
# types.
[ policy_anything ]
countryName             = optional
stateOrProvinceName     = optional
localityName            = optional
organizationName        = optional
organizationalUnitName  = optional
commonName              = supplied
emailAddress            = optional

[ req ]
default_bits            = 1024
default_keyfile         = privkey.pem
distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name
attributes              = req_attributes

attributes              = req_attributes

[ req_distinguished_name ]
countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_default             = AU
countryName_min                 = 2
countryName_max                 = 2

stateOrProvinceName             = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_default     = Some-State

localityName                    = Locality Name (eg, city)

0.organizationName              = Organization Name (eg, company)
0.organizationName_default      = Internet Widgits Pty Ltd

# we can do this but it is not needed normally :-)
#1.organizationName             = Second Organization Name (eg, company)
#1.organizationName_default     = CryptSoft Pty Ltd

organizationalUnitName          = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
#organizationalUnitName_default =

commonName                      = Common Name (eg, YOUR name)
commonName_max                  = 64

emailAddress                    = Email Address
emailAddress_max                = 40

[ req_attributes ]
challengePassword               = A challenge password
challengePassword_min           = 4
challengePassword_max           = 20

unstructuredName                = An optional company name

[ x509v3_extensions ]

nsCaRevocationUrl               =
nsComment                       = "This is a comment"

# under ASN.1, the 0 bit would be encoded as 80
nsCertType                      = 0x40


You must determine what these values should be. Some will be hard-coded into your certificate and displayed when visitors connect. However, you can set just a few and define the rest in interactive mode when you generate your certificate. For example, you could use a brief file, like this:

# The following variables are defined.  For this example I will
#populate the various values
[ req ]
default_bits    = 512           # default number of bits to use.
default_keyfile = testkey.pem   # Where to write the generated keyfile
                                # if not specified.
distinguished_name= req_dn      # The section that contains the
                                # information about which 'object' we
                                # want to put in the DN.
attributes      = req_attr      # The objects we want for the
                                # attributes field.
encrypt_rsa_key = no            # Should we encrypt newly generated
                                # keys.  I strongly recommend 'yes'.

# The distinguished name section.  For the following entries, the
# object names must exist in the SSLeay header file objects.h.  If they
# do not, they will be silently ignored.  The entries have the following
# format.
# <object_name>         => string to prompt with
# <object_name>_default => default value for people
# <object_name>_value   => Automatically use this value for this field.
# <object_name>_min     => minimum number of characters for data (def. 0)
# <object_name>_max     => maximum number of characters for data (def.
# All of these entries are optional except for the first one.
[ req_dn ]
countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_default             = AU

stateOrProvinceName             = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_default     = Queensland

Once you define your desired options, return to /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/src and issue the following command:

make certificate

Here, SSLeay will walk you through the process interactively:

[root@linux7 apache_1.2.6]# cd /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/
[root@linux7 apache_1.2.6]# cd src
[root@linux7 src]# make certificate
/usr/src/SSLeay-0.8.1b/apps/ssleay req -config
-new -x509 -nodes -out ../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem 
-keyout ../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem; 
ln -sf ../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem
x509 -noout -hash < ../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem'.0
Using configuration from /usr/src/SSLeay-0.8.1b/crypto/conf/ssleay.cnf
Generating a 512 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '../SSLconf/conf/httpsd.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name
or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Queensland]:California
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Malibu
Organization Name (eg, company) [Mincom Pty Ltd]:Macmillan Publishing
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [MTR]:SAMS
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:Anonymous
Email Address []:[email protected]

This will generate your certificate (httpsd.pem) and place it here:


You're nearly done. Now you need to configure httpsd's startup files.

Configuring httpsd Startup Files

You'll find sample configuration files (access.conf-dist, httpd.conf-dist, and srm.conf-dist) in /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/conf. These files are actually empty in some SSLeay distributions, but don't worry. In many respects, you can set options in these files precisely as you would for a normal Apache install.

The directives and options that differ from standard Apache values point to various resources (like your certificate). Here's a very lightweight example:

ServerType standalone
Port 80
Listen 443
User webssl
Group webssl
ServerAdmin [email protected]
ServerRoot /var/httpd/
ErrorLog logs/error_log
TransferLog logs/access_log
PidFile logs/
MinSpareServers 3
MaxSpareServers 20
StartServers 3
SSLCACertificatePath /var/httpd/conf
SSLCACertificateFile /var/httpd/conf/httpsd.pem
SSLCertificateFile /var/httpd/conf/httpsd.pem
SSLLogFile /var/httpd/logs/ssl.log
SSLCacheServerPort 8080
SSLCacheServerPath /usr/src/SSLeay-0.8.1b
SSLSessionCacheTimeout 10000

Note that in order for the server to find your certificates, you must specify the correct directory and ensure that the certificates are actually there. For example, if you define this as your certificate file:

SSLCertificateFile /var/httpd/conf/httpsd.pem

you must copy httpsd.pem from here:


to here:


Testing the Server

Lastly, before installing httpsd to its final resting place (and cleaning up), you should test your server. To do so, issue the httpsd command plus the -f flag defining your configuration file's location. For example:

httpsd -f /var/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


httpsd -f /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/conf/httpd.conf

In response, httpsd will start up:

./httpsd -f /usr/src/apache_1.2.6/conf/httpd.conf
Reading certificate and key for server
PID 1342

To test-drive your new Apache-SSL server, crank up Netscape Communicator and connect to the port you assigned httpsd to. If your server is running correctly, Netscape will notify you with a New Cite Certificate window. Please see Figure 15.1.

The Netscape NewApache-SSLtestingSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLtestingWeb protocolsSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLtestingNetscape Communications CorporationSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSL Certificate Notification window.

Figure 15.1. The Netscape New Certificate Notification window.

Choose Next to examine details about the certificate. In response, Netscape Communicator will report the certificate's owner, signer, and encryption strength. Please see Figure 15.2.

To see expanded certificate information, choose More Info. Here, Communicator will display the identity, distinguished name, location, and duration of validity for the current certificate. Please see Figure 15.3.

Communicator's report on Apache-SSLtestingSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLtestingWeb protocolsSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLtestingNetscape Communications CorporationSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLthe current certificate.

Figure 15.2. Communicator's report on the current certificate.

CertificateApache-SSLtestingSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLtestingWeb protocolsSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLtestingNetscape Communications CorporationSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSL details.

Figure 15.3. Certificate details.

Because it doesn't initially recognize the certificate, Communicator will next prompt you to accept or decline it for the current sessions. Please see Figure 15.4.

If you choose to accept the certificate, Netscape will advise you that even though the current session will be encrypted, it may not necessarily protect you from fraud. And by default, Netscape highlights the option to notify you whenever you send data to the server. Please see Figure 15.5.

Finally, when you accept the certificate, Netscape will notify you that the current session is being encrypted but that you can later decide not to trust the certificate. Please see Figure 15.6.

Communicator Apache-SSLtestingSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLtestingWeb protocolsSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLtestingNetscape Communications CorporationSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLrequests authorization to accept the current certificate.

Figure 15.4. Communicator requests authorization to accept the current certificate.

Communicator's advisoryApache-SSLtestingSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLtestingWeb protocolsSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLtestingNetscape Communications CorporationSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSL statement on fraud.

Figure 15.5. Communicator's advisory statement on fraud.

Communicator's final Apache-SSLtestingSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLtestingWeb protocolsSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Apache-SSLSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLtestingNetscape Communications CorporationSecure Sockets Layer (SSL)Apache-SSLadvisory about the current certificate and session.

Figure 15.6. Communicator's final advisory about the current certificate and session.

Configuration Notes

Fine-tuning your Apache-SSL configuration works in precisely the same manner as with traditional Apache. In fact, from a configuration viewpoint, Apache-SSL takes nothing away but instead adds several features. For example, in addition to traditional Apache environment variables, Apache-SSL supports SSL-centric environment variables. These are summarized in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1. Apache-SSL Environment Variables

HTTPSSpecifies whether the server is using HTTPS.
HTTPS_CIPHERSpecifies which cipher is being used.
HTTPS_KEYSIZESpecifies the session key size.
HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZESpecifies which secret key size is being used.
SSL_CIPHERSpecifies which cipher is being used.
SSL_CLIENT_<x509>Specifies the component of the client's DN.
SSL_CLIENT_CERTSpecifies the Base64 encoding of the client's certificate.
SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_nSpecifies the Base64 encoding of the client's certificate's chain.
SSL_CLIENT_DNSpecifies the DN in the client's certificate.
SSL_CLIENT_I_<x509>Specifies a component of the client's issuer's DN.
SSL_CLIENT_I_DNSpecifies the DN of the client's certificate issuer.
SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSIONSpecifies which SSL version is being used.
SSL_SERVER_<x509>Specifies a component of the server's DN.
SSL_SERVER_DNSpecifies the DN in the server's certificate.
SSL_SERVER_I_<x509>Specifies a component of the server's certificate issuer's DN.
SSL_SERVER_I_DNSpecifies the server's certificate issue's DN.
SSL_SSLEAY_VERSIONSpecifieswhich SSLeay version is being used.

You can grab and display these environment variables from CGI scripts in the usual way. For example, from a PERL script:

print "$ENV{'SSL_CIPHER'}

or, in C:

char *myvariable

And finally, Apache-SSL supports several SSL-centric configuration directives, the majority of which go into httpd.conf, access.conf, or .htaccess. These are summarized in Table 15.2.

Table 15.2. Apache-SSL Directives

CustomLogThis works just like it does with standard Apache. The only difference is that in Apache-SSL, you can log several additional values, including the session cipher, the client certificate, failed authentication, and the SSL version.
HTTPSSpecifies whether the server is using HTTPS.
HTTPS_CIPHERSpecifies which cipher is being used, SSL or TLS.
HTTPS_KEYSIZESpecifies the session key size.
HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZESpecifies which secret key size is being used.
SSLBanCipherThis is the reverse of SSLRequireCipher. For arguments, it takes a comma-delimited list of ciphers that the server will reject.
SSLCACertificateFileSpecifies a file that contains not one but several certificates.
SSLCACertificatePathSpecifies from which certificate authorities you'll accept a client's certificate.
SSLCacheServerPathSpecifies a path to the global cache server. (See the server documentation for more information.)
SSLCacheServerPortSpecifies a port for the cache server. (See the server documentation for more information.)
SSLCacheServerRunDirSpecifies the directory in which your cache server runs. (See the server documentation for more information.)
SSLCertificateFileSpecifies the location of your single certificate file (*.pem).
SSLCertificateKeyFileSpecifies the location of your private key file.
SSLDisableTurns off SSL. This is useful when you have multiple virtual hosts, and some need SSL while others don't.
SSLEnableTurns on SSL. This is useful when you have multiple virtual hosts and some need SSL while others don't.
SSLRequireCipherSpecifies a cipher or ciphers that a client must conform to in order to transact. This is the reverse of SSLBanCipher. For arguments, it takes a comma-delimited list of ciphers that the server will accept.
SSLVerifyClientSets your server's paranoia level. Levels run from 0 (no certificate at all required) to 3 (the client must present a valid certificate, at the least).

About Certificates and Certificate Authorities

If you're planning to use Linux to establish an electronic commerce server, you should obtain certificates from a recognized certificate authority—a trusted third party that issues certificates and verifies their authenticity. Such certificates can greatly enhance your firm's credibility and help it meet the often-stringent requirements to be an electronic commerce trading partner.

Pricing schemes vary, but nearly all established certificate authorities demand that you produce legal proof that you're authorized to use your firm's legal business name in transactions. Typical examples are

  • A valid business license

  • Articles of incorporation

  • Corporation registration record from the Secretary of State or Department of Corporations

  • DBA

  • Notarized partnership papers

Here are some established certificate authorities:

  • Entrust Technologies offers one-year SSL certificates for $299.00. (Interestingly, Entrust claims that some 40 million root certificates from their competitors will expire within Web clients on December 31, 1999. Entrust's will not.) Learn more at

  • EuroSign is the European Certification Authority. According to its Web site, EuroSign is still becoming organized. Learn more at

  • GTE offers the GTE CyberTrust SSL certificate (with a free demo version) for $99.00 for six months. Check it out at

  • The Thawte Consulting Certification Division offers personal and server certificates. SSL Server certificates are $125.00 a year, and personal certificates are free. However, some words of warning: Thawte asks for very personal data, including your driver's license, passport, social security number, date of birth, and home address. This isn't my cup of tea (obviously), but because of Thawte's stringent requirements, their certificates are well-accepted and offer high assurance. Check out Thawte's services at

  • VeriSign is probably the best-known certificate authority and offers SSL certificates for 50 different Web servers (including Apache-SSL using SSleay). VeriSign's Secure Site option (standard SSL) is $349.00 for the first year. Find out more at

  • Xcert International provides digital certificate services primarily to business and government entities. Learn more at

Summary of Apache-SSL

Apache-SSL is not the only available SSL implementation, but it's an excellent learning tool. Not only can you learn how to secure Web-based electronic commerce transactions, but because the SSLeay source is open, you can also see how various algorithms are used in authentication.


Although SSL is the prevailing system today for encrypting client-to-server interaction, other secure transaction standards and protocols exist. One is Secure Electronic Transaction, or SET, a system sponsored by IBM, MasterCard, and Visa. SET (designed specifically for credit-card transactions) emerged with much fanfare and has been a favorite of banks, credit card companies, and other large financial institutions.

However, SET has not yet taken the Internet by storm. One contributing factor is that in SET transactions, all participants know their trading partners' identities. (Each participant possesses a personal or business digital certificate.) But SET offers some advantages from a consumer's viewpoint. Consumers are issued a wallet, a helper application that stores and transmits their verified identities and financial information to SET-enabled remote servers. In this respect, a SET transaction resembles whipping out your wallet or pocketbook to pay for goods. I personally don't like it, but depending on your field, SET could be a suitable electronic commerce solution for you. To learn more, find the full SET specification at

Further Reading on SSL

Finally, to learn more about SSL, check out the following resources.

Other Secure Protocols: IPSEC

SSL-based solutions are excellent when you're protecting client-to-server interaction. However, in enterprise environments, you may need something that focuses more on protecting network-to-network interaction. For this, you'll almost certainly want IPSEC.

IPSEC is the Internet Protocol Security Option, a system that applies encryption and session integrity checking for IP datagrams. Originally developed for sensitive environments like defense networks, IPSEC is now used to shield data traveling between two or more networks and is a key component of virtual private networks.


VPN technology allows companies with leased lines to form a closed and secure circuit between themselves over the Internet. In this way, such companies ensure that data passed between them and their counterparts is secured via encryption and shielded from third parties. Many firms save thousands of dollars a year this way by eliminating their leased lines.

IPSEC is superior to competing solutions in many ways. For example, because IPSEC performs encryption and authentication at the packet level, it is largely platform- and application-neutral. This has wide implications because IPSEC can transparently protect many different kinds of network traffic.

Currently, there are three free IPSEC implementations to choose from:

  • FreeS/WAN (Secure Wide Area Network)—A project to deliver an IPSEC and IKE implementation for Linux.

  • NIST Cerberus—An IPSEC reference implementation for Linux; a fully operational IPSEC that provides host-to-host, host-to-router, and router-to-router IPSEC services.

  • Linux x-kernel IPSEC from the University of Arizona—This project is no longer active, but source code is still available. Learn more at

Establishing IPSEC-enabled network interaction is beyond the scope of this book. The subject could easily demand a separate volume, devoted strictly to this. But if you're interested in how IPSEC works, go to the source:


SSL is sufficient to protect your client-to-server traffic from third-party eavesdropping, and you can even use SSL libraries to enable other applications with SSL functionality. But sometimes, the folks driving the client are the enemy. In this case, SSL cannot protect you. Instead, you must rely on secure programming techniques to shield your server from attack. That's what the next chapter is all about.

[*] Emphasis added

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