
Windows Server 2003 will be the fifth version of Windows NT—as the operating system used to be called—that I've had to learn to use. Looking back to the first version I used, Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1, I can see that the product has come a long way! In fact, there are almost no similarities between the new version and its ancient ancestor. But looking back to the most recent version, Windows 2000 Server, reveals a less drastic evolution. Sure, there's a lot of new functionality, and some menu options have changed, and so forth, but there's still a lot that's shared between Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.

That commonality has always been something that has bugged me when I set out to learn a new version of Windows, or any other product. Bookstore shelves are always full of books promising to teach me the new version in a few days or purporting to be the most complete reference available on the new product. That's great, but all those books assume I know nothing about Windows, which isn't the case: I know plenty about the previous version. What I've always wanted is a book that will just tell me what's new in the latest version of Windows, allowing me to build on my skills with the prior version, rather than requiring me to start from scratch. I often speak at technical conferences, and the most popular sessions I do are “What's New” lectures that cover the differences in a product. My audience is usually quite familiar with the prior version of the product and just wants to know what has changed and how it will affect them. Why can't there be a book that does the same thing?

That's what this book—and indeed, this entire series—is all about. Instead of picking up another $50 book that assumes you know nothing, this relatively slim volume builds on your Windows 2000 Server knowledge and helps you become an expert on Windows Server 2003. Everything in this book is focused on helping you learn what's new in Windows Server 2003, how it will affect you and your environment, and how you can leverage new capabilities to make your job easier and your network more efficient and productive. This book doesn't teach you the basics of TCP/IP, and you won't have to wade through a discussion on how the Microsoft Management Console works: You're assumed to know all that based on your work with Windows 2000 Server.

On the other hand, this book isn't just a list of features, either. Any Microsoft sales drone can provide you with such a list, if that's all you need. This book is designed to show you how new features operate, how to design them into your network, and how to work around any new weaknesses or incomplete features that might have cropped up. In short, this book is your shortcut to Windows Server 2003, and it will save you the time of starting from scratch, like I've always had to do when a new version of Windows has come out.

So, what if you're not already a Windows 2000 guru? Maybe you've used Windows 2000 Server a lot, but you've never bothered to play with Certificate Services, or perhaps you've only glanced at Internet Information Services (IIS). Don't worry because this book doesn't leave you out in the cold. Plenty of additional material exists in the form of online sidebars and is referenced within the text of this book. These online sidebars provide background information to help bring you up to speed, so that the information in this book is still helpful. Practically speaking, then, this book is ideal for anyone with a year or more of experience with Windows 2000 Server. If there's a particular topic, such as IIS or Certificate Services, that you're a little behind on, those online sidebars will give you all the information you need to use this book effectively. We'll also keep the Web site updated with additional online information, errata, and other material, as necessary—so be sure to check it out!

Future titles in this series will have the same mission, acting as your shortcut for products such as Exchange Server, SQL Server, and a variety of others. All these products will have new versions coming out soon, and if you're already using the current version, this series will offer the shortcut you're looking for. Some of these books will be written by authors you already know, whereas others will be written by new authors that share my vision for this series. Throughout each book, I'll be making sure that we're not wasting your time with old information and that each title helps you learn the new version of that particular product as quickly as possible. If you have a suggestion for a title that would make your life easier, feel free to contact me through my Web site at

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and start becoming a Windows Server 2003 expert!

Don Jones

Series Editor and founding partner of BrainCore.Net, LLC

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