About the author

Paul McFedries is an Excel expert and full-time technical writer. Paul has been authoring computer books since 1991 and has more than 95 books to his credit, which combined have sold more than 4 million copies worldwide. His titles include the Que Publishing books My Office 2016, Windows 10 In Depth (with coauthor Brian Knittel), and PCs for Grownups, as well as the Sams Publishing book Windows 7 Unleashed. Paul is also the proprietor of Word Spy (www.wordspy.com), a website devoted to lexpionage, the sleuthing of new words and phrases that have entered the English language. Please drop by Paul’s personal website at mcfedries.com or follow Paul on Twitter, at twitter.com/paulmcf and twitter.com/wordspy.

For companion files, you can visit the book’s page at mcfedries.com, https://mcfedries.com/books/book.php?title=excel-2019-formulas-and-functions, or at the Microsoft Press Store, MicrosoftPressStore.com/Excel2019FormulasFunctions/downloads.

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