


My thanks to all those who, indirectly or directly, have helped me in the preparation of this book. These include my family, who have seen even less of me than usual while I worked away in my study, the talented and patient Flick Merauld, who kindly agreed to assist in proofing the final manuscript, and the equally talented Charles Gervais who lent me himself and his studio for the main cover image. I am also indebted to Bruce Livingstone, CEO of iStockphoto, Jon Oringer, CEO of Shutterstock, Serban Enache, CEO of Dreamstime, and Chad Bridwell, Director of US Operations, Fotolia, all of whom took the time to answer questions and permitted me to include in the book screen captures and other information from their libraries.

A number of microstock photographers were good enough to answer questionnaires, and their responses were used in the compilation of Chapter 10 or as background information. These photographers include Marianne Venegoni, Norma Cornes, Colin and Linda McKie, Carsten Reisinger, Stephen Coburn, Ron Sherwood, Ed Endicott, and Jo Ann Snover.

A word of special thanks to the staff of Elsevier, including Valerie Geary and Cara Anderson. There must have been times when they despaired of ever seeing a finished manuscript, but they never gave up hope—true dedication! Thanks too to Susan Harrison and Kathryn Liston in helping to edit, proof, and prepare the final manuscript.

I am also indebted to the many influences on my photographic development. There are too many to mention individually, but let me at least thank the UK Large Format Group, great people mad enough about photography to lug huge 4 × 5 and 8 × 10 film cameras around the United Kingdom in search of that one perfect moment (and they often seem to capture it), and to a group of photographer friends, including Jono, Charles, Gareth, Flick (again), and Lynn.

Thanks too to my business partner, Andrew, and to all the staff at Bargate Murray Solicitors in London.

To the esteemed members of the Yahoo Micropayment forum, my sincere thanks for your input and dialogue since I first formed the group in August 2005; thanks also to the many intelligent and talented microstock photographers, current and future, who are participating in, and helping to make a success of, one of the Internet’s greatest success stories of recent years—the microstock libraries.

I am sure there are many others I should also have mentioned. You have my thanks, one and all.

Douglas Freer, October 2007

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