123, RF 144

link 189

16-Bit Manipulation 8283

100% rule 85


Alain Briot, link 201

Alamy 2, 11, 159160, 162, 184

discussion group, link 202

link 199


link 190

American Bar Association Copyright


link 201

Antialiasing filter 94


and macro lenses 145

and shutter speed 6974

smaller lens 84

wide 40, 65, 69, 88, 156

Artifacts 9193

Adobe Camera Raw and 95

and compact digital cameras 106, 141

lossy compression 9192

minimizing 9293

and noise-reduction programs 92

and sharpening 99

Artist exclusivity 27, 143144, 170

and Dreamstime 23

and Fotolia 25

and iStockphoto 2627

prediction 188

Arts and Humanities Data Service FAQ

link 200



and clipping paths 129133

composition and 6465, 69

fixing 128129

home studios and 119, 123, 126

vector images as 59, 61

Big Stock Photo

link 189

Bit depth

and CCD scanners 117

and image manipulation 80

bridge cameras 108109


link 201



link 190

Camera Labs

link 201

Camera shake 45, 73, 84, 88, 99, 105, 121

Can Stock Photo

link 190

Case studies 165174

Chromatic aberrations 93

and Photoshop's Lens correction tool 93

and Silkypix 93

Clipping paths 48, 129134

Color 69

balance of camera 138

blotches 88

in compositions 41, 46, 54, 63, 69

example of 71, 72

moiré and color noise 9395

and monitor calibration 78

sRGB color space 153155

Color artifact removal software 95

Quantum Mechanic 200

Commissions 10, 13, 18, 2127

123 RF 189

Albumo 190

and artist exclusivity 27, 143144, 170

Big Stock Photo 189

Dreamstime 2324, 189

Fotolia 25, 189

Geckostock 190

Gimmestock 190

iStockphoto 2627, 189

Lucky Oliver 190

predictions for 188

referral 146148

ScandinavianStockPhoto 190

Shuttermap 190

Shutterstock 2425, 189

SmallPhotoMedia 189

SnapVillage 189

Stockxpert 189

compact digital cameras 106108

and noise 85


checklist 6364

compositionally challenged image 6466

rule of thirds 45, 6568

Copyrights 175179

for editorial use only photographs 160

and privacy 179

and registration 176

removing symbols and logos in photographs 9799

rejection 45, 98, 180181

removing from photographs 9799

resources 200201

third-party copyright 176177

Corbis 2, 6, 159, 184

link 199

and SnapVillage 11, 144, 186187, 189

Crop factor sensors 107, 112

Cropping 6869, 155

and medium format digital 114


Depth of field 40, 73, 84, 152, 156

example of high depth of field 75

example of shallow depth of field 74

Digital Camera HQ

link 201

Digital Camera Review

link 201

Digital cameras 7

advantages of 104105, 141143

and antialiasing filter 94

bridge cameras 108109

compact digital cameras 106108

fixed lens 108

cutaway 108

digital sensor size comparison 107

digital single-lens reflex cameras 105, 109113

and dust 96 97

and file formats 79, 92

manual, read the 155

medium format digital cameras 113114

and noise 85

prosumer cameras 108109

reviews 201

scanning backs 114115

versus film 103106

Digital Photography Blog link 201

Digital Photography Review link 201

Digital single-lens reflex cameras (dSLRs) 109113, 141, 143

crop factor 112

four thirds system 113

live view 105

and macro lenses 145

open standards 113

Discussion groups 146, 181

photo equipment review and 201

stock-related, links 201202

Dreamstime 144

affiliate/referral program 148

extended licenses 2324

ftp upload 24

link 189

model and property release samples 192195

purchase options 1618

royalties 2324

Drum scanners 116117

Dust blobs 9697

and built-in dust-reduction systems 9697

clone stamp 9697

patch tool 96

spot healing brush 96



advantages of digital cameras 104105

bridge cameras 108109

compact digital cameras 106108

digital single-lens reflex cameras 105,


drum scanners 116117

expensive 16

film or digital? 103104

film scanner 116117

flatbed scanners 116117

medium format digital cameras


photo equipment review and discussion, links 201

prosumer cameras 108109

scanning backs 114115


aperture and shutter speed 7374, 84

expose to the right 85, 120

and high dynamic range (HDR) 121

histogram 85, 87

and night shots 47

and noise 8588

raw format and 7982

setting 86

Extended (enhanced) licenses 23

Dreamstime 2324

Fotolia 25

iStockphoto 26

Shutterstock 24



link 190

Film grain 85, 105, 162

Fine Art Photography

link 201


color temperature 138

meter 136 139

studio 120

Focal length 63, 6869, 74, 7576

Forums 146, 163, 201202


affiliation program 147148

application programming interface 148

commission structure 25

customer support 25

European market 25

extended licenses 25

ftp upload 25

image search screen capture 52

licensing and pricing screen capture 21

link 189

model and property release samples 198

purchase options 19


link 190

Fotosearch 162

ftp software 145

BulletProof 199

Classic FTP 199

Cute FTP 199

FTP Voyager 199

Smart FTP 199

WS_FTP 199

ftp upload 162, 173

Dreamstime 16, 24

Fotolia 25

iStockphoto 26

Shutterstock 25



link 190


link 190

Getty 2, 6, 159, 184

and iStockphoto 11, 143144, 151, 186

link 199


link 190


High dynamic range (HDR) 121

Home studio, setting up 119140

and backgrounds 128134

backlit studio setup 123

and business shots 126

and isolated images 126129

lighting techniques, advanced 134139

macro lenses 122123

and people shots 125126

simple setup 123125

table and window setup 119122

Hyperfocal distance 73


Image Vortex

link 190

Images, types of

architecture 45

business 3036, 50, 126

cityscapes 4548

concept shots 5758

fashion 3637

flowers 5254, 56

food 4042

isolated 31, 50, 51, 126129

lifestyle 3036

landscape 4245

night shots 4748

objects 4852

people shots 125126

rule of thirds 45

seasonal and festive 3640, 127

signs 58, 60

simple 29

travel 4245

vectors 5859, 6162

Imaging Resource

link 201

Intellectual property rights 45

ISO settings 8384, 88, 105

and compact digital cameras 106107

Isolated images 3132, 48, 50, 51, 126129, 151

and clipping paths 130

iStockphoto 7, 9, 10, 11

artist exclusivity 26, 27, 143144

commission structure 2627

extended licenses 26

founding of 810

ftp upload 26

and Getty 11, 186

key word system 151152

link 189

Photographers Training Manual 78

purchase options 19, 22

referrals 147

video offering 187


Joe Cornish

link 201

JPEG file format 7981

and artifacts 9193

and clipping paths 129

and color balance 138

and manipulation 8283

and sharpening 99

and sRGB color space 154155

versus raw 8081


Keywords 150152

how to enter keywords 151



dirty 99

fisheye lens 75

fixed lenses on compact cameras 108

and focal length 68, 74, 99

lens correction filter 93

macro 5354, 65, 120, 122123, 145146

moderate telephone lens 69

open standard 113

portrait lens 69

quality 99

specially designed 112

standard lens 69

telephoto lens 43, 69, 74

wide-angle lens 33, 43, 45, 69, 73

Licenses 6, 1112, 2127, 159

Lighting techniques, advanced 134138

color balance 138

flash meter 136139

light tents 136

links for lighting tips 202

product tables 136

rim lighting 134136

slave relay 138

Links, useful 199202

Livingstone, Bruce 8, 186

predictions 187

Lossy format 81, 91

Lucky Oliver

link 190

Luminous Landscape, The, link 201


Macro lenses 5354, 65, 120, 122

123, 145146

medium format digital cameras 113114, 115

Microstock photography

and broadband Internet access 7

case studies 165174

copyrights, trademarks and model

releases 175182

cultural differences between traditional

outlets and 162

diversification of 187

earnings from 1328, 165174

early days of stock photography 46

equipment 103118

founding of 8

future of 183188

home studio, setup 119140

and the Internet 7

library links 189190

predictions for 187188

and rights-managed stock 159–164

royalties and licenses 2127

rules 78

sales models 1621

site features, most important 173

submission strategies 2728

technical issues 77101

tips and tricks 141–158

traditional libraries, comparison of 1112

what sells and what does not 2962


link 190

Model release 41, 98, 181182

and Data Protection Act 181

samples 191198

Moiré and color noise 9395

antialiasting filter 94

example of 94

software 95

Monitor calibration 7879

Moodboard link 190


Neat Image 8889

link 199

Networking 156157

Noise 8384, 8591

color blotches 88

and exposure 8588

histogram 8788

luminance noise 85

noise-reduction software 8891,199200

Noise Ninja 88, 91

link 199

Noise-reduction software 8891, 199200

Imagenomic Noiseware 200

Neat Image 199

Nik Dfine 199

Noise Ninja 199

Richard Rosenman 200

STOIK Noise AutoFix 199

Visual Infinity Grain Surgery 200


Photography Review

link 201

Photoshop 1516, 79, 82, 145

built-in noise reduction 8991,92

built-in raw converter 82, 93, 200

clone stamp 9697

dodge tool 124

Grain Generator 90

and moirés 9495

Noise Ninja 88, 91

palette 130

quick selection tool 133

and sharpening 100

spot healing brush 96

Photoshop Elements 79, 82

Photo sites of interest

Alain Briot, link 201

Brightnewlight, link 201

Fine Art Photography, link 201

Joe Cornish, link 201

The Luminous Landscape, link 201

UK Large-Format Photographer's Group, link 201

PhotoSource International 162

Privacy 179

Property release 182

samples of 191198

prosumer cameras 108109


Raw file decoding software, third-party

Adobe Photoshop 200

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 200

Apple Aperture 200

Bibble 200

DxO Optics Pro 200

Silkypix 200

Phase One Capture One LE and Pro 200

Raw file format 7981

raw converters 82

raw file decoders 82

third-party raw decoders 82

versus JPEG 8081

Referral links 147148

Dreamstime 148

Fotolia 147148

iStockphoto 147

Shutterstock 147

Registration 176

Rejections 77

architecture 177

copyright symbols and logos 9798

dust blobs 14

film grain 105

inspection process 78

and noise 85

overfiltering an image 90

preventing 180

rules 78

sunflowers 153

Rights-managed 12, 159163

Alamy 159

cultural differences between traditional and microstock libraries 162

specialist libraries 161162

Royalties and licenses, see Commissions Rule of thirds 45, 6568

Rules of microstocks 78


Sales models 1621

credit package sites 16

Fotolia 19, 21

iStockphoto 19, 22

subscription sale sites 16

Shutterstock 1819, 20

hybrid sites 16

Dreamstime 1618


link 190

ScanHi-End Group

link 201

Scanning backs 114115

scanning film 114, 116118

Selective focus 53, 65, 69, 151152

example of 70


and bridge cameras 109

and chromatic aberrations 93

compact digital cameras 106

and digital SLRs 109113

digital sensor size comparisons 107

and dust 9697

and ISO settings 8384

moiré and color noise 9394

and raw files 7980

Sharpening 99101

and camera shake 99

and dirty or greasy lens 99

and in-camera sharpening 99

and lens quality 99

and poor focus 99

and rejection 99

unsharp mask 100

Sharpening software

FocalBlade 200

Focus Magic 200

Nik Sharpener Pro 200

PhotoKit Sharpener 200


link 190

Shutter speed

and aperture 6974

Shutterstock 10, 11

extended licenses 24

ftp upload 25

link 189

model and property release samples 196197

commissions 2425

purchase options 1819

Silkypix 82

link 200

Single-lens reflex (SLR) 53, 65, 68, 103, 162

digital SLR 105, 120, 141

and dust 96

SnapVillage 11, 144, 186

link 189

Specialist libraries 161162

sRGB color space 153155

Steve's Digicams link 201

Stock Index Online 161162

link 199


link 189

Stockxpert 11, 144, 186

link 189

Submission strategies 2728

Sunflowers 153


Technical issues 77101

16-bit manipulation 8283

100% rule 85

artifacts 9193

banding 80

chromatic aberrations 93

dust blobs 9697

exposure 85

file formats 7981

image-degradation problems 80

inspection process 78

ISO settings 8384

moiré and color noise 9395

monitor calibration 7879

noise 8384, 8591

and rejections 77, 85

white balance 8182


link 190

TIFF file format 7981

Tips and Tricks 141157

Buy a macro lens if you own a dSLR 145

Buy and use Adobe Photoshop 145

Buy a tripod to go with that new macro

lens 145146

Buy decent FTP upload software 145

Buy the best equipment you can afford 141143

Challenge your creativity 152153

Check what is selling—and what is not 149

Decide if artist exclusivity is for you 143144

Don't crop too tightly 155

Enlist friends and colleages 149150

Expose to the right 85

Get an independent view by joining independent forums 146

Get networking 156157

Join the forums 146

Read the manual! 155

Set key words accurately 150151

Set up referral links 146179

Shoot the light 155156

Upload new work regularly but in small batches 150

Use selective focus 151152

Use sRGB color space for submission 153155

Trademarks 179180

and rejection 180181

Traditional libraries 2

Alamy 2, 11, 199

comparison to Microstocks 1112

Corbis 2, 199

Cultural differences between microstock libraries and 162

early days of 46

Getty 2, 199

and the Internet 7

and specialized markets 12

Stock Index Online Library Portal 199


UK Copyright Services

link 200

UK Large-Format Photographer's Group

link 201

UK Photographer's Rights Guide

link 200

US Copyright Office

link 200


link 190


White balance 8182

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