Container service

Docker has started playing a very important role in microservices architecture. Docker orchestration is inevitable for any complex microservices application. Let's have a look at what AWS provides for Docker containers and Docker orchestration by going through the following list:

  • Amazon Fargate: This service allows users to run their containers without needing to manage any infrastructure. That is, users don't need to provision for the hardware on which the container runs; AWS Fargate does that for the users. Users just need to specify their CPU and memory and launch their application, which should be packaged in a container. AWS Fargate then takes care of setting up the requested hardware and launching the application. AWS Fargate is integrated with AWS ECS and AWS EKS.
  • Amazon ECSECS stands for Elastic Container Service. This is a container orchestration service from AWS that supports Docker containers. Users can use this service to orchestrate their containers, instead of loading and managing their own container orchestration software. 
  • Amazon EKS: This stands for Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes. In the realm of Docker orchestration software, Kubernetes is becoming very popular. The EKS service of AWS is a managed Kubernetes service. With this service, users need not manage their own Kubernetes clusters; AWS takes care of provisioning, patching, and upgrading Kubernetes servers. Any application currently running on a Kubernetes cluster is fully compatible with AWS EKS. The role of Amazon EKS is shown in the following diagram:
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