

2Do app, 166

3D Sun, 253

3G connections, 4G connections versus, 68

4G connections

3G connections versus, 68

turning off, 356

4G signal strength icon, 11

5th Grade Math Testing Prep, 227

6th Grade Math Testing Prep, 251

6th Grade Vocabulary Prep, 248

7th Grade Math Testing Prep, 274

8mm HD app, 332


accent marks, typing, 131

accepting friend requests in Game Center, 343

accessories for protecting iPad from damage, 380-381

accidentally deleting apps, 59

accounts. See also Apple IDs

Adobe account, signing up, 187

email accounts

choosing when sending messages, 106

deleting, 105

setting up, 103-105

syncing, 27

achievement challenges, issuing, 346

achievements, checking in Game Center, 344

activating. See turning on


apps to Dock, 62

email accounts, 104

events to calendar, 156

friends in Skype, 122

headers and footers, 142

images to documents, 143-144

notes in iBooks, 183

people to Contacts app, 87-88


to Contacts app, 89

to Game Center, 341-342

to photo albums, 326

reminders, 163-165

repeating events to calendar, 157

web pages to Reading List, 79

Address Book, syncing contacts, 26

Address Book Duplicate Cleaner app, 92

addresses (email)

creating iCloud addresses, 22

signing up, 105

adjusting. See changing; editing

Adobe account, signing up, 187

Adobe Photoshop Express app, 331

ads, reading web pages without, 81

age limitations for social media, 102

Agile Messenger HD Pro app, 100

AIM for iPad app, 100

Airplane Mode, turning on, 358

AirPlay, 296

AirPrint, 135

printing documents in Pages, 146

alarm clocks, 168-171

deleting alarm, 171

editing alarm, 171

setting alarm, 169

turning alarm off, 170

album art, 297


creating, 324-325

deleting, 327

moving photos to, 326

Aldrin, Buzz, 253

alerts, creating, 157

alert sounds

choosing, 63-64

syncing, 29

Algebra Touch, 275-276

A Life Cycle App, 277-278

allowances (iTunes)

advantages to parents, 46

described, 44

setup, 45

alternate symbols, typing, 131

Amazon, 184-185, 293

American History Time Line, 211

American Presidents for iPad, 236-237

Ana Lomba’s French/Spanish for Kids: The Red Hen, 243-244

Angry Birds HD, 349

animals, drawing, 217-219


FaceTime calls, 118

questions with Siri, 51

antonyms, looking up, 203-204

Apple IDs

creating, 21-23

for Messages app, 79

uses for, 16

applying changes when syncing, 37

appointments. See events


accidentally deleting, 59

adding to Dock, 62

arranging, 28, 59

art apps

fourth grade, 216-219

fifth grade, 240-242

sixth grade, 264-266

seventh grade, 285-287

automatically syncing, 29

chat and instant messaging, 100-101

contact management, 92

copying and pasting text, 132-133

cutting text, 133

Dock, 58


from App Store app, 41-43

with iTunes app, 38-41

e-book apps, 174-176

English/language arts apps

fourth grade, 200-204

fifth grade, 223-226

sixth grade, 247-250

seventh grade, 269-274

foreign language apps

fourth grade, 220-221

fifth grade, 243-244

sixth grade, 266-267

seventh grade, 287-289

game apps

downloading, 336-337

in-app purchases, 338-339

list of, 349-351

games, 335

history/social studies apps

fourth grade, 211-214

fifth grade, 234-237

sixth grade, 256-259

seventh grade, 279-282

on home screen, 10-12

installing, 28

Internet Explorer 10. See Internet

launching, 12

magazine apps, 194-196

math apps

fourth grade, 204-207

fifth grade, 227-231

sixth grade, 251-252

seventh grade, 274-276


between screens, 60

into folders, 61

Music app, 295

buttons and controls, 297-299

creating playlists, 300-301

deleting playlists, 301

playing music, 296

music apps

fourth grade, 214-216

fifth grade, 237-240

listening to music, 303

sixth grade, 260-264

seventh grade, 282-284

photo apps, 331-332

pictures from, 57

printing from, 136

privacy settings, changing, 377-379

reading apps, 190

redownloading, 371

science apps

fourth grade, 208-210

fifth grade, 232-233

sixth grade, 253-256

seventh grade, 277-278

selecting text, 133

streaming music apps, 294

syncing, 28

text messaging apps, 99

to-do list apps, 166-167

video apps, 332-333

for web browser, 82-83

writing apps

list of, 148-149

Notes, 136-138

Pages, 138-148

Apps tab (syncing with iTunes), 28-29

App Store app

downloading from, 41-43

game apps, downloading, 336-337

redownloading apps, 371


apps, 28, 59

Dock, 62

art apps

fourth grade, 216-219

fifth grade, 240-242

sixth grade, 264-266

seventh grade, 285-287

ArtStudio for iPad, 285

astronomy, 209

audiobooks, syncing, 35

Auto-Brightness, 65, 355

autocorrect feature, 134

automatically syncing apps, 29

automatic backups, 20

Awesome Note HD (+ToDo) app, 167


back camera, 6, 314

backing up, 25

automatic backups, 20

iPad data, 363

to iCloud, 363-364

restoring backed up data, 365-368

by syncing, 365

music, 364

Barnes & Noble, buying e-books, 186-187

battery life, increasing, 355-358

battery meter icon, 12

BCC: line (email messages), 106

biology. See science apps

blue names in Messages app, 95


keyboards, 128-130

turning off, 356

Bobo Explores Light, 232-233

Boggle, 200


creating, 77-78, 181

syncing, 27


adding notes in iBooks, 183


from Amazon, 184-185

from Barnes & Noble, 186-187

at iBookstore, 176-177

creating bookmarks in iBooks, 181

deleting from iBooks, 177

finding, 174-176

highlighting text in iBooks, 182

iBooks app, downloading, 173

from library, 187-190

checking out, 189

finding library with OverDrive app, 188

reading in iBooks, 178-179

returning to library, 190

searching within, 180

Books tab (syncing with iTunes), 35

brightness level

auto-brightness, 355

changing, 64-65, 179

Britannica Kids: Ancient Egypt, 259

Britannica Kids: Ancient Rome, 256

Britannica Kids: Aztec Empire, 279-280

Britannica Kids: Solar System, 208

Britannica Kids: Volcanoes, 255-256

browsers. See web browsers

brushes, 265-266, 285


list of, 6-8

Music app, 297-299

On button, 4

in Safari, 71-73


with App Store app, 41-43


from Amazon, 184-185

from Barnes & Noble, 186-187

at iBookstore, 176-177

in-app purchases, 338-339

with iTunes Allowance

advantages to parents, 46

described, 44

setup, 45

with iTunes app, 38-41

movies from iTunes, 310-311

in Newsstand app, 191-192

TV shows from iTunes, 312-313

Buzz Aldrin Portal to Science and Space Exploration HD, 253


Calendar app, 155-162

adding events, 156

creating alerts, 157


calendars, 161-162

events, 158

repeating events, 157

editing events, 158

multiple calendars, 159-160

repeating events, 157

syncing calendars, 161


deleting, 161-162

multiple, 159-160

syncing, 26

calls. See FaceTime; Skype

Camera app

focusing cameras, 317

recording video, 318

taking photos, 315

zooming photos, 316

Camera Roll, 324


back camera, 6, 314

focusing, 317

front camera, 6, 314


in FaceTime, 117

in Skype, 124

taking pictures, 57

capacity bar, 25

Capo, 282

caps lock, enabling, 132

caring for your iPad, 379-381

Cartoon Network app, 332

cases, 380

cats, drawing, 218-219

CC: line (email messages), 106

CDs, ripping, 292-293

Cell and Cell Structure, 232

cell staining, 277

cellular connections for FaceTime, 118

challenges, issuing

achievement challenges, 346

score challenges, 345

changing. See also editing

alarm, 171

e-book appearance, 179

events in calendar, 158

margins, 143

passcodes, 376

phone number type, 88

privacy settings, 377-379

screen brightness, 64-65, 179

side switch function, 8

sleep mode timing, 358

sounds, 63-64

text color (in e-books), 179

wallpaper and lock screen, 55-56

chat. See also Messages app

apps for, 100-101

safety issues, 113

in Skype, 124

checking out e-books from library, 189

checking scores and achievements in Game Center, 344

chemistry. See science apps

Chinese History Timeline, 257


email accounts when sending messages, 106

passwords, 23

pencil, brush, marker in SketchBook Pro, 265-266

photos for photo albums, 325

ringtones for contacts, 87

side switch function, 8

sounds, 63-64

sources, 151-152

text tones for contacts, 87

The Civil War Today, 234

classes via iTunes U, 34-35

cleaning iPad screen, 381

Clock app, 168-171

deleting alarm, 171

editing alarm, 171

setting alarm, 169

turning alarm off, 170

clock icon, 11

color of text (in e-books), changing, 179

colors of names in Messages app, 95

Color Splash for iPad app, 331

comic book apps, 190

Comic Heroes magazine, 195

compatibility with Game Center, 340


backing up via syncing, 365

buying from iTunes Store on, 43

ejecting iPad from, 37

Game Center on, 340

iPad compared to, 3

pictures from, 57

syncing with. See syncing with iTunes


Bluetooth keyboards to iPad, 129-130

with friends in Game Center, 342-343

to Wi-Fi networks, 17


3G versus 4G, 68

4G connections, 71

finding Wi-Fi networks, 69-70

Internet connections for Find My iPad feature, 361

Constitution and Federalist Papers, 257

contact management apps, 92


adding in Skype, 122

connecting in Game Center, 342-343

deleting, 91

editing, 90

grouping, 92

syncing, 26

Contacts app, 86-92


people to, 87-88

photos, 89

deleting contacts, 91

editing contacts, 90

grouping contacts, 92

controllers for games, 338

controls in Music app, 297-299


deleting, 98

managing, 97


CDs, 292-293

text, 132-133

copyright issues

file-sharing services, 295

ripping CDs, 293


accent marks and alternate symbols (on keyboard), 131

Apple IDs, 21-23

bookmarks, 77-78

documents, 138-139

folders, 61

headers and footers, 142

iCloud email addresses, 22

notes, 136

numbers and symbols (on keyboard), 130-131

playlists, 300-301

screens, 29

crediting sources, 152-153

Cursive Practice, 200-201



adding apps to Dock, 62

arranging apps, 59

choosing sounds, 63-64

creating folders, 61

editing folders, 61-62

moving apps between screens, 60

pictures, where to get, 57

screen brightness, 64-65

wallpaper and lock screen, 55-56

MathBoard questions, 230-231

Cut the Rope HD, 349

cutting text, 133


Daedalus Touch, 148

damage, protecting iPad from, 379-381

data push, turning off, 355

DC Comics app, 190

Declaration for iPad, 258

definitions of words, looking up, 203

deleting. See removing, 202-204

disabling. See turning off

Distant Suns 3, 254

djay, 283

Dock, 12, 58, 62

Dock Connector port, 6, 128


adding images to, 143-144

creating, 138-139

deleting, 148

emailing, 147

formatting, 140-141

headers and footers, 142

margins, 143

naming, 145

printing in Pages, 146

saving, 139

syncing with iTunes, 134-135

word counts, 141

DoInk Animation & Drawing, 241

Dolls’ House Magazine, 195

Dolphin Browser HD, 82

Do Not Disturb

enabling, 119

scheduling, 120-121

Doodle Buddy for iPad, 217

DoReMi 1-2-3, 215

dots (screens) icon, 12

double tap gesture, 9


from App Store app, 41-43

game apps, 336-337

iBooks app, 173

with iTunes app, 38-41

sheet music, 262-264

drawing animals, 217-219

Drawing Pad, 264-265

dropping your iPad, avoiding, 379

drying out iPad, 362


earbuds, headphones versus, 302

EarMan HD, 237

earthquakes, iQuakeMini, 254

Easy Beats 2 Pro Drum Machine, 215

EasyBib for iPad, 248


adding notes in iBooks, 183


from Amazon, 184-185

from Barnes & Noble, 186-187

at iBookstore, 176-177

creating bookmarks in iBooks, 181

deleting from iBooks, 177

finding, 174-176

highlighting text in iBooks, 182

iBooks app, downloading, 173

from library, 187-190

checking out, 189

finding library with OverDrive app, 188

returning, 190

reading in iBooks, 178-179

searching within, 180

syncing, 35

eD Cell Simulation and Stain Tool, 277

editing. See also changing

contacts, 90

photos, 277

reminders, 165

educational apps. See types of apps (art apps, math apps, etc.)

ejecting iPad from computer, 37

The Elements: A Visual Exploration, 278

Elevated Math, 275

email, 102-112


choosing when sending messages, 106

deleting, 105

setting up, 103-105

syncing, 27


creating iCloud addresses, 22

signing up, 105

deleting messages, 112

errors, 104

fetching less often, 356

moving messages, 112

printing from, 77

reading messages, 110-111

replying to email messages, 108

safety issues, 113

sending, 105-106

documents, 147

photos/videos, 108-110, 328-329

with Siri, 107-108

web pages, 75

size limits on messages, 329

enabling. See turning on

English/language arts apps

fourth grade, 200-204

fifth grade, 223-226

sixth grade, 247-250

seventh grade, 269-274

Enlightenment 101: The TextVook, 280

Envelope app, 78

Epic Math HD, 227-228

Equalizer, turning off, 357

erasing data with wrong passcode entry, 377

errors, email, 104

European Exploration: The Age of Discovery, 280



to calendar, 156

repeating events, 157

creating alerts for, 157


in calendar, 158

repeating events, 157

editing in calendar, 158

Evernote, 272-274

extending battery life, 355-358


Facebook, 101, 288


answering calls, 118

cellular connections, 118

Do Not Disturb feature, 119-121

making calls, 116-117

with Siri, 117

requirements for using, 118

safety issues, 125

setup, 115-116

FamilyFun Magazine, 195

Famous Monsters magazine, 195

fetching email, how often to fetch, 356

fifth grade

art apps, 240-242

English/language arts apps, 223-226

foreign language apps, 243-244

history/social studies apps, 234-237

math apps, 227-231

music apps, 237-240

science apps, 232-233

Fifth Grade Vocabulary Prep, 224

file-sharing services, 295

finding. See also searching

e-books, 174-176

library with OverDrive app, 188

lost/stolen iPad, 358-361

Wi-Fi networks, 69-70

YouTube videos, 306-307

Find My iPad feature, 359-360

enabling, 20, 46-47

five-finger pinch gesture, 10

five-finger swipe gesture, 9


email errors, 104

your iPad

increasing battery life, 355-358

restarting frozen iPad, 354

water/liquid spills, 362

Flash, 78-79

online games, 336

focusing cameras, 317


creating, 61

deleting, 62

moving, 62

renaming, 61

font size in e-books, 179

food, protecting iPad from, 379

footers in Pages, 142

foreign language apps

fourth grade, 220-221

fifth grade, 243-244

sixth grade, 266-267

seventh grade, 287-289

forgotten passcodes, restoring, 377


documents, 140-141

of e-books, changing, 179

images and shapes in Pages, 144

tables in Pages, 145

forwarding text messages, 98

four-finger pinch gesture, 10

four-finger swipe gesture, 9

fourth grade

art apps, 216-219

English/language arts apps, 200-204

foreign language apps, 220-221

history/social studies apps, 211-214

math apps, 204-207

music apps, 214-216

science apps, 208-210

Fractions App by Tap to Learn, 228

French for iPad, 243

French in a Month HD, 266-267

Frida’s World, 241



to Contacts app, 73-74

in Skype, 122

connecting in Game Center, 342-343

inviting in multiplayer games, 347-348

From: line (email messages), 106

front camera, 6, 314

frozen iPad, restarting, 354

Fruit Ninja HD, 349

full screen mode

reading e-books, 179

watching videos, 309

FX Photo Studio HD app, 331


Game Center, 339-348

accepting friend requests, 343

achievement challenges, 346

adding photos, 341-342

checking scores and achievements, 344

connecting with friends, 342-343

game compatibility, 340

on Macs, 340

safety issues, 348

score challenges, 345

games. See also Game Center

downloading, 336-337

from App Store app, 41-43

with iTunes app, 38-41

hotseat games, 348

in-app purchases, 338-339

joysticks and controllers, 338

kinds of, 335

list of, 349-351

multiplayer games, inviting friends, 347-348

online games, Flash, 336

GarageBand, 261

generations of iPads, 5

Genius playlists, 297

geography, 212

gestures, list of, 9-10

Good Reader app, 190

Google Play, 293

grammar. See English/language arts apps

Grammar Games, 201

GrammarPrep: Fragments, Run-ons, and Comma Splices, 224-225

GrammarPrep: Subjects and Verbs, 224

GrammarPrep: Using Commas, 249

Grammar Up, 270

GroupEmail app, 92

grouping contacts, 92

guitars, tuning, 284. See also music apps

Guitar Toolkit, 284

Guitar World magazine, 195


hard resets, 354

headers in Pages, 142

headphone jack, 6

headphones, earbuds versus, 302

hearing, protecting, 302

HeyWire app, 99

highlighting text in iBooks, 182

History: Maps of the United States, 235

history/social studies apps

fourth grade, 211-214

fifth grade, 234-237

sixth grade, 256-259

seventh grade, 279-282

Home button, 6

home screen, icons and apps on, 10-12


art apps

fourth grade, 216-219

fifth grade, 240-242

sixth grade, 264-266

seventh grade, 285-287

English/language arts apps

fourth grade, 200-204

fifth grade, 223-226

sixth grade, 247-250

seventh grade, 269-274

foreign language apps

fourth grade, 220-221

fifth grade, 243-244

sixth grade, 266-267

seventh grade, 287-289

history/social studies apps

fourth grade, 211-214

fifth grade, 234-237

sixth grade, 256-259

seventh grade, 279-282

math apps

fourth grade, 204-207

fifth grade, 227-231

sixth grade, 251-252

seventh grade, 274-276

music apps

fourth grade, 214-216

fifth grade, 237-240

sixth grade, 260-264

seventh grade, 282-284

online research, 150

avoiding plagiarism, 152-153

choosing sources, 151-152

science apps

fourth grade, 208-210

fifth grade, 232-233

sixth grade, 253-256

seventh grade, 277-278

writing apps

list of, 148-149

Notes, 136-138

Pages, 138-148

hotseat games, 348

How It Works magazine, 196

How to Make Origami, 242


iA writer, 149

iBooks app, 174

creating bookmarks, 181

deleting e-books, 177

downloading, 173

highlighting text, 182

reading e-books, 178-179

searching in e-books, 180

writing notes in e-books, 183

iBookstore, buying e-books, 176-177


backing up to, 363-364

creating email addresses, 22

enabling, 19

redownloading from, 369-371

requirements for using, 361

restoring data from, 366-367

icons on home screen, 10-12

IDs. See Apple IDs

ignoring friend requests in Game Center, 343

iHeartRadio, 303

iLuv Drawing Animals, 217-219

images. See also photos

adding to documents, 143-144

formatting in Pages, 144

IM (instant messaging) apps, 100-101

imo app, 101

iMovie app, 332

in-app purchases, 338-339

increasing battery life, 355-358

Info tab (syncing with iTunes), 26-27

installing apps, 28

instant messaging apps, 100-101

Internet. See also networking

connections for Find My iPad feature, 361

Flash, 78-79

pictures from, 57-58

Safari. See Safari

safety issues, 81

searching with Siri, 73

inviting friends in multiplayer games, 347-348

iOS, versions of, 12-13

iOS 6, YouTube on, 306


backing up, 363

to iCloud, 363-364

restoring backed up data, 365-368

by syncing, 365


list of, 6-8

On button, 4

cleaning, 381

computer compared to, 3


adding apps to Dock, 62

arranging apps, 59

choosing sounds, 63-64

creating folders, 61

editing folders, 61-62

moving apps between screens, 60

pictures, where to get, 57

screen brightness, 64-65

wallpaper and lock screen, 55-56

ejecting from computer, 37

finding lost/stolen iPad, 358-361


increasing battery life, 355-358

restarting frozen iPad, 354

water/liquid spills, 362

gestures on, 9-10

home screen, icons and apps on, 10-12

models of, 5, 67

printing from AirPrint, 135


from damage, 379-381

data on, 374-377

from theft, 373-374

restoring, 25

searching on, 48

setup, 17-21

sleeping/waking, 4

speaking to. See Siri

syncing with iTunes. See iTunes, syncing with

turning on/off, 4

using at school, 150

iQuakeMini, 254

iTooch ENGLISH Grade 5, 225-226

iTooch MATH Grade 5, 228

iTunes, 263, 293

arranging apps in, 62

buying TV shows, 312-313

downloading with, 38-41

movies from, 309-310

redownloading purchases, 369-371

restoring data from, 367-368

syncing with, 24-38

applying changes, 37

Apps tab, 28-29

Books tab, 35

documents, 134-135

Info tab, 26-27

iTunes U tab, 34-35

Movies tab, 31

Music tab, 30-31

Photos tab, 36

Podcasts tab, 33-34

Summary tab, 25-26

Tones tab, 29

TV Shows tab, 32-33

via Wi-Fi, 38

iTunes Allowance

advantages to parents, 46

described, 44

setup, 45

iTunes Match service, 364

iTunes U tab (syncing with iTunes), 34-35


joysticks for games, 338

Kahlo, Frida, 241, 286


Bluetooth keyboards, connecting to iPad, 129-130

kinds of, 128

onscreen keyboard, 130

accent marks and alternate symbols, 131

autocorrect, 134

caps lock, 132

copying and pasting text, 132-133

numbers and symbols, 130-131

Kid Art for iPad, 217

Kid Science: Gross Science, 208

Kindle app, 174, 187


landscape mode

locking screen in, 8

reading email messages, 110-111

watching fullscreen videos, 309

language arts apps. See also foreign language apps

fourth grade, 200-204

fifth grade, 223-226

sixth grade, 247-250

seventh grade, 269-274

Language Coach, 289, 303

Latin Phrases, 288

launching apps, 12

learning Siri usage, 50

Learn Piano HD, 216

legal issues

file-sharing services, 295

ripping CDs, 293


e-books from, 187-190

finding with OverDrive app, 188

logging in, 188

A Life Cycle App, 277-278

limitations of Siri, 52

LineTime: World History Timeline HD, 235


emailing, 75

opening in tabs, 74

liquid spills on iPad, fixing, 362

listening to music

AirPlay, 296

apps for, 303

Literary Analysis Guide, 270

Living Language, 243, 288-289

Lobster Diver HD, 229

Location Services

disabling, 357, 378

enabling, 18


with passcodes, 374-377

remotely, 360

screen, 8

lock or mute icon, 11

lock screen, customizing, 55-56

logging into library, 188

logic problems, solving in math, 252

looking up

definitions of words, 203

synonyms and antonyms, 203-204

Looptastic HD, 283

lost iPad, finding, 46-47, 358-361

Lost Mayan Civilization, 281


Macs, Game Center on, 340


apps for, 195-196

Newsstand app, 191-194

buying in, 191-192

deleting from, 193-194

reading in, 193

Magic Piano, 238

Mail app, 102-112. See also email


email accounts, 105

messages, 112

moving messages, 112

reading messages, 110-111

replying to messages, 108

safety issues, 113

sending messages, 105-106

photos/videos, 108-110

with Siri, 107-108

setting up email account, 103-105

making. See also creating

phone calls

with FaceTime, 116-117

in Skype, 123-124

playlists, 300-301

Manga Art Academy HD, 242


in Find My iPad feature, 359

History: Maps of the United States, 235

margins in Pages, 143

markers, choosing in SketchBook Pro, 265-266

Marvel Comics app, 190

math apps

fourth grade, 204-207

fifth grade, 227-231

sixth grade, 251-252

seventh grade, 274-276

MathBoard, 229-231

Mathemagics, 252

MathGirl Addition House, 205

MathLands, 252

Math Mago, 206-207

Math Ninja HD, 205

Math Snacks HD, 251

Math Testing Prep, 227

Math Word Problems Grade 6, 252

memory. See storage space, 26

Mercury Web Browser Pro, 82

Meritum Paint Pro, 265

Messages app, 93-98


conversations, 98

messages, 97-98

forwarding messages, 98

managing conversations, 97

safety issues, 113

sending messages, 94-95

photos/videos, 287-288

with Siri, 81-82

undelivered messages, 83

messages (email)

deleting, 98

moving, 98

reading, 96-97

replying to, 94

sending, 91-92

documents, 147

photos/videos, 94-96, 329-330

with Siri, 95-96

web pages, 75

size limits, 287

MicroSIM card port, 8

Middle School Math Pro 7th Grade, 275

MindSnacks apps, 220-221

Minecraft – Pocket Edition, 349

Mobicip Safe Browser, 82

models of iPads, 5

Monet HD, 286-287

Motion Math HD, 205-206

movies from iTunes, 309-310. See also videos

buying/renting, 309-310

downloading, 38-41

watching, 314

Movies tab (syncing with iTunes), 31



between screens, 60

into folders, 61

between notes, 137

email messages, 112

folders, 62

photos to photo albums, 326

tables in Pages, 145

within songs, 297

multi-finger pinch gesture, 10

multi-finger swipe gesture, 9

multiplayer games, inviting friends, 347-348

multiple calendars

creating, 159-160

deleting, 161-162

syncing, 161

multiple photos, sharing

via email, 328

via text messaging, 330

multitasking gestures, turning on, 10

music. See also Music app

AirPlay, 296


fourth grade, 214-216

fifth grade, 237-240

listening to music, 303

sixth grade, 260-264

seventh grade, 282-284

backing up, 364

downloading with iTunes app, 38-41

file-sharing services, 295

online music stores, 293-294

playing, 296


creating, 300-301

deleting, 301

syncing, 301

protecting your hearing, 302

redownloading, 370

restoring from backup, 368

ripping CDs, 292-293

streaming music apps, 294

volume, 297

Music app, 295

buttons and controls, 297-299

creating playlists, 300-301

deleting playlists, 301

Equalizer, turning off, 357

playing music, 296

Music tab (syncing with iTunes), 30-31

mute or lock icon, 11


FaceTime calls, 117

Skype calls, 124

sounds, 64

Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome, 258



documents, 145

folders, 61

National Geographic Kids magazine, 196

Netflix app, 332-333


3G connections, 68

4G connections, 71

connecting to Wi-Fi networks, 17

finding Wi-Fi networks, 69-70

Newsstand app, 191-194

buying in, 191-192

deleting from, 193-194

reading in, 193

Nook app, 175

notes, 136-138

creating, 136

in iBooks, 183

deleting, 137

moving between, 137

printing, 137

viewing list of, 137-138

note-taking with Evernote, 272-274

NPR for iPad, 303

NPR Music, 303

numbers, typing, 130-131


On button, 4-6

online games, 335

Flash, 336

online music stores, 293-294

online research, 150

avoiding plagiarism, 152-153

choosing sources, 151-152

onscreen keyboard, 130

accent marks and alternate symbols, entering, 131

autocorrect, 134

caps lock, 132

copying and pasting text, 132-133

numbers and symbols, entering, 130-131

opening links in tabs, 74

operating system, 12

options in Reminders app, 164-165

order of operations, 276

Oregon Trail, 211-212


apps, 59

Dock, 62

email messages, 112

to-do lists, 166

origami, 242

Outliner for iPad, 271

OverDrive app, 175, 187-190

checking out e-books from library, 189

finding library, 188

returning e-books to library, 190


pages, turning in e-books, 178

Pages app, 138-148


adding images to, 143-144

creating, 138-139

deleting, 148

emailing, 147

formatting, 140-141

naming, 145

printing, 146


images and shapes, 144

tables, 145

headers and footers, 142

margins, 143

word counts, 141

pairing mode (Bluetooth keyboards), 129

Pandora, 303

Papercraft Inspirations magazine, 196

parents, advantages of iTunes Allowance, 46

passcodes, 374-377

choosing, 23

pasting text, 132-133

PatternMusic MXXIV, 238

pausing music, 297

pencils, choosing in SketchBook Pro, 265-266

people. See friends

personal data, protecting, 377-379

phone calls. See FaceTime; Skype

phone numbers

changing type of, 88

with free texting apps, 99

phonics, 202

photo albums

creating, 324-325

deleting, 327

moving photos to, 326

Photo Booth app, 319

deleting photos, 320

photos. See also Photos app


to Contacts app, 89

to documents, 143-144

to Game Center, 341-342

apps for, 331-332

deleting, 323

from Internet, saving, 58

moving to photo albums, 326

Photo Booth app, 319

deleting photos, 320

Picture Frame app, turning off, 376

screenshots, 317


via email, 108-110, 328-329

safety issues, 330-331

via text messaging, 329-330

taking, 315

viewing, 315, 321

wallpaper and lock screen, customizing, 55-56

where to get, 57

zooming, 316

Photos app, 320-327

deleting photos/videos, 323

photo albums

creating, 324-325

deleting, 327

moving photos to, 326

sharing photos via email, 328-329

viewing photos, 321

watching videos, 322

Photos tab (syncing with iTunes), 36

Photo Stream, 57

physics. See science apps

Pianist Pro, 261

piano, learning to play. See music apps

Picture Frame app, turning off, 376

pictures. See photos

pinch gesture, 10

plagiarism, 152-153

PlainText, 149

Plants versus Zombies HD, 350


music, 296

protecting your hearing, 302

sheet music, 262-264


creating, 300-301

deleting, 301

Genius playlists, 297

syncing, 301

plugging in keyboards with Dock Connector, 128

Pocket Booth app, 332

Podcasts tab (syncing with iTunes), 33-34

Popular Science+ magazine, 196

portrait mode, 4

locking screen in, 8

reading email messages, 110-111

watching fullscreen videos, 309


Dock Connector port, 6

MicroSIM card port, 8

Powers of Minus Ten—Cells and Genetics, 278

presidential history, 236-237

primary documents, 256

primary sources, 151, 257


with AirPrint, 135

from apps, 136

documents in Pages, 146

from email, 77

notes, 137

web pages, 76

priorities, setting for reminders, 165

privacy issues

changing privacy settings, 377-379

sharing photos/videos, 330-331

turning off Location Services, 357

problem solving in math, 252

Project Gutenberg, 175



from damage, 379-381

data, 374-377

from theft, 373-374

privacy, 377-379

your hearing, 302

public usage of iPad, avoiding theft, 374

purchases, redownloading, 369-371

purchasing. See buying

push, turning off, 355


questions, answering with Siri, 51

radio stations, streaming music apps, 294

Reader, 81


apps for, 190

e-books in iBooks, 178-179

email messages, 110-111

in Newsstand app, 193

Reading List articles, 80

web pages without ads, 81

Reading List, 79-81

Real Racing 2 HD, 350


apps, 59

Dock, 62

recording videos, 318

The Red Hen, 243-244

red names in Messages app, 95

redownloading from iCloud, 369-371

Reminders app, 162-166


reminders, 163

to-do lists, 166

deleting reminders, 165

editing reminders, 165

options in, 164-165

remote locking your iPad, 360

remote wiping your iPad, 360


alarm, 171

apps accidentally, 59


in e-books, 183

in iBooks, 181

calendars, 161-162

contacts, 91

conversations, 98

data with wrong passcode entry, 377

documents, 148

e-books from iBooks, 177

email accounts, 105

email messages, 112

events in calendar, 158

everything on your iPad, 360

folders, 62

highlighted text

in e-books, 183

in iBooks, 182

images and shapes in Pages, 144

iPad from computer, 37

items from iPad, 26

from Newsstand app, 193-194

notes, 137

in e-books, 183

photo albums, 327

photos, 323

Photo Booth app, 320

playlists, 301

reminders, 165

repeating events in calendar, 159

tables in Pages, 145

text, 133

text messages, 97-98

videos, 323

Renaissance History 101: The Animated TextVook, 281

renaming folders, 61


movies from iTunes, 310-311

TV shows, 313



adding to calendar, 157

deleting in calendar, 159

songs, 297

replying to email messages, 108

requests, accepting in Game Center, 343


for FaceTime, 118

for, 361

requiring passcode, changing settings for, 376

researching online, 150

avoiding plagiarism, 152-153

choosing sources, 151-152

resending undelivered messages, 97

resizing images and shapes in Pages, 144

restarting frozen iPad, 354


backed up data, 365-368

forgotten passcodes, 377

iPad, 25

music from backup, 368

returning e-books to library, 190

rice, drying out iPad with, 362

ringtones, selecting for contacts, 87

ripping CDs, 292-293

Rocket Math, 206

Rock Prodigy: Guitar, 239-240

rotate gesture, 10



buttons, 71-73

creating bookmarks, 77-78

emailing web pages, 75

opening links in tabs, 74

pictures from, 57-58

printing web pages, 76

Reader, 81

saving web pages with Reading List, 79-81

why Flash doesn’t work, 78-79

zooming in and out, 73-74

safety issues. See also privacy issues

in FaceTime or Skype, 125

Game Center, 348

on Internet, 81

sharing photos/videos, 330-331

social media, 102


documents, 139

notes, 136

pictures from Internet, 58

web pages with Reading List, 79-81

scheduling Do Not Disturb, 120-121


iPad usage at, 150

via iTunes U, 34-35

schoolwork. See homework

science apps

fourth grade, 208-210

fifth grade, 232-233

sixth grade, 253-256

seventh grade, 277-278

score challenges, issuing, 345

scores, checking in Game Center, 344

Scrabble, 271

screen lock, 8

screen protectors, 380


brightness, adjusting, 64-65, 179

cleaning, 381

creating, 29

moving apps between, 60

screenshots, 317

screens icon, 12

searching. See also finding

Internet with Siri, 73

on iPad, 48

songs, 298

within e-books, 180

security passcodes, 374-377

choosing, 23

selecting text, 133. See also choosing


email messages, 105-106

documents, 147

photos/videos, 108-110, 328-329

with Siri, 95-96

web pages, 75

photos/videos via email, 108-110

text messages

via Messages app, 94-95

with Siri, 95-96

SentenceBuilder for iPad, 201

Settings app, passcode locks, 375

setting up

email accounts, 103-105

FaceTime, 115-116

Find My iPad, 46-47

Game Center, 339

iPad, 17-21

iTunes Allowance, 45

seventh grade

art apps, 285-287

English/language arts apps, 269-274

foreign language apps, 287-289

history/social studies apps, 279-282

math apps, 274-276

music apps, 282-284

science apps, 277-278

shake gesture, 10

shapes, formatting in Pages, 144


with file-sharing services, 295


via email, 328-329

safety issues, 330-331

via text messaging, 329-330

Shazam, 303

sheet music, downloading, 262-264

shuffling songs, 297-299

shutting down iPad, 4

side switch, purpose of, 6-8

signal strength icon, 11

signing up

for Adobe account, 187

for email address, 105

silencing sounds, 64

Simplex Spelling Phonics 1, 202

Siri, 49-52


events to calendar, 156

reminders, 163

answering questions with, 51

deleting alarms, 171

determining iPad model with, 5

disabling, 51

enabling, 20

making FaceTime calls, 117

searching Internet, 73


email messages, 107-108

text messages, 95-96

setting alarm, 169

tutorial, 50

using with passcode locks, 376

what it can do, 49

what it cannot do, 52

sixth grade

art apps, 264-266

English/language arts apps, 247-250

foreign language apps, 266-267

history/social studies apps, 256-259

math apps, 251-252

music apps, 260-264

science apps, 253-256

size limits on email messages, 329

size of text in e-books, 179

sizing images and shapes in Pages, 144

SketchBook Pro for iPad, 265-266

Sketches 2, 242

skipping songs, 297

Skype, 121

adding friends, 122

making calls, 123-124

safety issues, 125

sleep mode, 4

changing time for, 358

Slow Downer Lite, 260-261

Smart Covers, 4, 381

Smart Group app, 92

snooze button (on alarm clock), enabling, 169

social media, 101-102

social studies apps

fourth grade, 211-214

fifth grade, 234-237

sixth grade, 256-259

seventh grade, 279-282

solar system, 208

3D Sun, 253

Buzz Aldrin Portal to Science and Space Exploration HD, 253

Solar Walk, 209-210

songs. See also music

moving within, 297

repeating, 297

searching, 298

shuffling, 297-299

skipping, 297

sorting, 298

syncing, 30-31

sorting songs, 298

SoundHound, 303


choosing, 63-64

syncing, 29


choosing, 151-152

crediting, 152-153

Spanish for iPad, 243

Spanish in a Month HD, 266-267

speaker, location of, 6

speaking to iPad. See Siri

special effects, Photo Booth app, 319

spelling, autocorrect feature, 134. See also English/language arts apps


fixing, 362

protecting iPad from, 379

Spotify, 293-294

Spotlight, 12, 48

Stack the States, 212


apps, 12

iPad, 4

stolen iPad

avoiding theft, 373-374

finding, 46-47, 358-361

storage space, 26

Store button (Music app), 297

Storybuddy 2, 225

streaming music apps, 294

subscribing in Newsstand app, 192

Summary tab (syncing with iTunes), 25-26

swipe gesture, 9

switch, purpose of, 6-8

switching cameras

in FaceTime, 117

in Skype, 124

symbols, typing, 130-131


backing up via, 365

calendars, 161

with iTunes, 24-38

applying changes, 37

Apps tab, 28-29

Books tab, 35

documents, 134-135

Info tab, 26-27

iTunes U tab, 34-35

Movies tab, 31

Music tab, 30-31

Photos tab, 36

Podcasts tab, 33-34

Summary tab, 25-26

Tones tab, 29

TV Shows tab, 32-33

via Wi-Fi, 38

music from backup, 368

playlists, 301

synonyms, looking up, 203-204


Table of Contents (in e-books), 178

tables, formatting in Pages, 145

tabs, opening links in, 74

taking notes with Evernote, 272-274

taking photos, 315

tap and drag gesture, 9

tap and hold gesture, 9

tap gesture, 9

TapTyping, 249

telephone calls. See FaceTime; Skype

templates in Pages, 139

testing passcodes, 375


copying and pasting, 132-133

cutting, 133

formatting, 140-141

highlighting in iBooks, 182

selecting, 133

text color (in e-books), changing, 179

Textfree app, 99

text messaging. See also Messages app

apps for, 99

safety issues, 113

TextNow app, 99

text size in e-books, 179

text tones, selecting for contacts, 87

theft, protecting iPad from, 373-374

thesaurus in, 203-204

Ticket to Ride, 350

tilt gesture, 10

to-do lists

adding reminders, 165

apps for, 166-167

creating, 166

toggling side switch function, 8

Tones tab (syncing with iTunes), 29

ToodleDo app, 167

touch gestures, list of, 9-10

Touch Pets Cats, 351

Touch Pets Dogs 2, 351

Treble Clef Kids, 216

troubleshooting. See fixing

tuning guitars, 284

turning off

4G, 356

alarm clock, 170

Bluetooth, 356

data push, 355

Equalizer, 357

iPad, 4

Location Services, 357, 378

Picture Frame app, 376

Siri, 51

sounds, 64

Wi-Fi, 356

turning on

Airplane Mode, 358

caps lock, 132

Do Not Disturb, 119

Find My iPad, 20, 46-47

iCloud, 19

iPad, 4

Location Services, 18

multitasking gestures, 10

Siri, 20

snooze button (on alarm clock), 169

turning pages in e-books, 178

tutorials, Siri, 50

TV shows

from iTunes

buying, 312-313

watching, 314

redownloading, 370

TV Shows tab (syncing with iTunes), 32-33

Twitter, 102, 330

types of phone numbers, changing, 88


accent marks and alternate symbols, 131

autocorrect feature, 134

instruction, TapTyping, 249

numbers and symbols, 130-131


undelivered messages, resending, 97

unlocked Wi-Fi networks, 70

updates, checking for, 25

U.S. Geography by Discovery Education, 212-214

versions of iOS, 12-13

videoconferencing. See FaceTime; Skype


apps for, 332-333

deleting, 323

from iTunes, 309-322

buying/renting, 310-311

downloading, 38-41

watching, 322

recording, 318


via email, 108-110, 328-329

safety issues, 330-331

via text messaging, 329-330

syncing, 31

watching in Photos app, 322


finding, 306-307

on iOS 6, 306

watching, 308-309

Videos app, watching movies/TV shows from iTunes, 314


list of notes, 137-138

photos, 315, 321

movies/TV shows from iTunes, 309


apps for, 332-333

in Photos app, 320

YouTube videos, 308-309

Virtual Sheet Music, 262-264

vocabulary. See English/language arts apps

volcanoes, Britannica Kids: Volcanoes, 255-256

Volume button, 6

Volume Control, 302

volume on music, 297


waking up iPad, 4

wallpaper, 12, 55-56

Washington, George, 236-237

watching. See viewing

water, protecting iPad from, 379

water lily paintings (Monet), 286-287

web-based games. See online games, 335-336

web browsers. See also Internet

apps for, 82-83

buttons, 71-73

creating bookmarks, 77-78

emailing web pages, 75

opening links in tabs, 74

pictures from, 57-58

printing web pages, 76

Reader, 81

saving web pages with Reading List, 79-81

syncing bookmarks, 27

why Flash doesn’t work, 78-79

zooming in and out, 73-74

web pages

emailing, 75

opening in tabs, 74

printing, 76

reading without ads, 81

saving with Reading List, 79-81

why Flash doesn’t work, 78-79

wet iPad, fixing, 362


connecting to networks, 17

defined, 68

finding networks, 69-70

syncing via, 38

turning off, 356

Wi-Fi + 4G iPads, 68, 71

Wi-Fi/4G signal strength icon, 11

Wi-Fi Finder, 82

Wikipedia, 152

wiping your iPad remotely, 360

wireless keyboards. See Bluetooth keyboards, 128-130

word counts in Pages, 141

word problems, 252

word processors. See writing apps

words, looking up definitions, 203

The World by National Geographic, 282

World History Games, 259


documents, 138-139

email messages, 105-106

notes, 136, 183

writing apps

list of, 148-149

Notes, 136-138

Pages, 138-148

Writing Magazine, 196


Yahoo! Messenger app, 101

YouTube, 305

finding videos, 306-307

on iOS 6, 306

sharing photos, 330

watching videos, 308-309

Zombie Grammar Force, 250

zooming, 73-74, 316

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