Absorption resonance

Accessible light bullets

experimental conditions for observing

formation of

Accessible soliton limit

Accessible solitons

nematicons as

in NLC beam propagation general model

phase shift of


of Snyder- Mitchell model

Accessible soliton solutions

Air- NLC input/output interfaces. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

Alberucci, Alessandro

All-optical angular steering

All-optical control, on nematicons

All-optical control protocols

All-optical devices

All-optical guided-wave signal processors

All-optical perturbation

All-optical signal steering

All-optical X junction


differential equation for

of oscillation

Amplitude oscillations

levels of beating in

Amplitude- width relation, 375. See also Steady-state amplitude- width relation

Analog optical processor

Analog signal processors

Analytical solutions, numerical simulations vs.

Anchoring conditions

AND logic gate, nematicon-based

Angular momentum

shedding of

Angular momentum conservation equation

Angular momentum loss

Angular profile

Angular velocity

Anisotropic media

Anisotropic nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (ANLSE)

Anisotropic perturbative model

Anisotropy, in reorientational dynamics

Ansatz. See Gaussian ansatz


Aperiodic breathing

Apparent walk-off

Approximate analytical self-similar solutions

Approximate analytical solutions, perturbation method for finding

Approximate self-similar soliton solutions

Approximate solitary wave solutions

Arbitrary beams, propagation of

Arbitrary index profile

Arbitrary n and m solutions, properties of

Assanto, Gaetano

Associated refractive index deformations

Asymmetric configuration

Asymmetric multipole solitons

Asymmetry, sources of

Asymptotic theory

Atmosphere index of refraction


Averaged Lagrangian method. See also Interaction-averaged Lagrangian method

Averaging analysis, correct conservation laws for

Averaging method

Azimuthal instability

Azimuthally dependent vortices

Azimuthal solitary waves, linking of



Azimuthon stability


Beam behavior, in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media

Beam center, temperature variation at

Beam center of mass

Beam diffraction

numerical simulations of

Beam distortion

Beam envelope evolution

Beam evolution

Beam filamentation

Beam incoherence

Beam-induced local reorientation

Beam intensity, modulation depth of

Beam intensity fluctuations

Beam interaction

Beam motion decoupling

Beam polarization

Beam positions

Beam power

Beam power integral

Beam profile evolution, degree of

Beam profiles

Beam propagation. See also NLC beam propagation general model

in NN media

temperature-induced confined

in 2D strongly NN media

Beam propagation direction, changes in

Beam-propagation method

Beams. See also Arbitrary beams; Converging (focused) input beam; Extraordinarily polarized beams; Extraordinary beam; Gaussian beam(s); Light beam propagation; Nonlinear beam evolution; Optical beams; Optical vortex beams; Paraxial light beamentries; Rotating beams; Self-trapped optical beams; Solitary wave beams; Spatially incoherent beams; Speckled beam; Stabilizing beam; Two-beam launch; Vortex beams

equations governing

interaction with dark vortices

Beam self-steering

Beam shape comparisons

Beam trajectories


Beam waist

Beam walk-off

Beam wave vector

Beam width

Beating levels, in amplitude oscillation

Beeckman, Jeroen

Belic, Milivoj R.

Bend deformation

Bent waveguide

Berreman/van Doorn simplification

Bessel functions


Bessel's equation

Bias. See also External voltage bias

application of

in modifying walk-off

results of

Bias-controlled interface

Biased NLC cells. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

modulational instability in

nonlinear light propagation in

Bias-free nematic liquid crystals, optical soliton dynamics in

Bias-free nematicons

Bias reorientation

Bias voltage

Bias voltage switching time

Bidimensional anisotropic BPM code. See also BPM (1 + 1)D simulations

Bidimensional channel waveguides

Bidimensional confinement


Binary all-optical half adder (HA)

Birefringence, changing

Blach, Jean-Francois

Bloch oscillations (BO)

Bloch theory

Boolean inputs

Bortolozzo, Umberto

Bose- Einstein condensates (BECs)

Boundary, power-dependent repulsion from

Boundary conditions

Boundary effects

Bounded cells, vortices in

Bounded functions

Bounded solutions

BPM (1 +1)D simulations. See also Bidimensional anisotropic BPM code

Bragg reflection

Breather clusters, of Snyder- Mitchell model

Breathers. See also Discrete breathers; Nematicon breathers; Optical breathers; Vector breathers

complex-variable-function Gaussian

Breathing period dependence, vs. voltage

Breathing periodicity

Bright (2 + 1 + 1)D solitons

Bright pulses, intensity of

Bright solitons

attraction between

Bright vortices

Broad director response

BSO (Bi12SiO20) crystal


BSO layer

BSO-made liquid crystal light valve

BSO-made transmissive LCLV

Capillary geometry

Catalan constant

Cell geometry

Cells, switching time of

Cell walls


vortices in

Center of mass, motion of. See also Beam center of mass; Nematicon ``center of mass''; Soliton ``center of mass''

Center of mass equation

``Center of mass'' trajectory

Channel waveguide


Charge of the vortex

Chiral dopant

Chiral nematic liquid crystals (ChNLCs). See also ChNLC entries

changing pitch and birefringence in

in creating spatial solitons

energy minimization in

light beam propagation in

theoretical model of

Chiral nematicons

Chiral nematics

``Chirp'' variational approach

ChNCL cells. See also Chiral nematic liquid crystals (ChNLCs)

schematic configuration of

ChNLC periodicity

Chopped laser beam

Circular control beams

Circular index perturbation

Circular spots, interaction with

Closed-form solution, for invariant nematicons

Cnoidal wave solution

Coherent Lagrange triangle, angular momentum of

Coherent structures

evolution of

modulation theory for

Collective molecular reorientation

Colliding solitons


Collisionless shock

Colloidal media

Comb layout

Comb-patterned electrodes

Complex-variable-function (CVF) Gaussian beam

Complex-variable-function Gaussian breathers/solitons

Conformal mapping

Conservation laws

Conservation of angular momentum equation. See Angular momentum conservation equation

Conservation of mass equation. See Mass conservation equation

Conserved energy density

Continuous spectrum

Continuous wave (cw) solution. See also CW background

Control-beam-induced charges

Control beams

``Control'' light beam

Converging (focused) input beam, tailoring the size of

Convolution integral

Coordinate systems


for three-color Lagrange solution

Coordinate transformation

Copropagating beams, dynamics and interaction of

Copropagating bound state

Copropagating (CO) nematicons

Coulombian torque

Counter-propagating (CP) beams

Counter-propagating nematicons

Counter-propagating solitons

bound state of

``head-on'' collision of

interaction of

Coupled evolution PDEs. See also Partial differential equations (PDEs)

Coupled partial differential equations

Coupled Schrimagesdinger- Poisson system

Coupled waveguides, vortex-type structures in

Coupling coefficients

Coupling distance (LC)

Crank- Nicolson algorithm

Critical (input) soliton power

Curved dielectric surfaces

nematicon interaction with

strong interaction of nematicons with

Curved surfaces, nematicon interactions with

Cutoff frequency

CW background. See also Continuous wave (cw) solution

Dark solitary waves, amplitude of

Dark temporal solitons

Dark vortex, interaction with beam

D-dimensional spatiotemporal solitons

Defects, beam attraction to

Defocusing equations, analytical solutions for

Defocusing nonlinearity

Defocusing nonlocal media, DSW in

Defocusing photorefractive crystal

Defocusing thermal media, shock development in

Deformed ChNLCs, free energy of. See also Chiral nematic liquid crystals (ChNLCs)

Delta function

Deng, Dongmei

Destabilizing terms, of single-color vortices

Desyatnikov, Anton S.

Dielectric inhomogeneities

Dielectric interfaces

Dielectrics, nematic liquid crystals as

Dielectric tensor, localized defect in

Differential equations

Diffraction. See also Beam diffraction; Discrete diffraction; Linear diffraction; Negative diffraction

balance of self-focusing with

of light

Diffraction coefficient(s) (D)

Diffraction coefficient weightings

Diffractive background

Diffractive broadening

Diffractive radiation shedding. See also Shedding diffractive radiation

Diffractive radiation shelf

Diffusion model

Dimensionless NNLSE. See also Nonlocal nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (NNLSE, NNSE)

Dimensionless transform

Dipolar interactions

``Dipole azimuthons,''

generation of

Dipole-induced perturbation

Dipole-like modes

Director angle amplitude

Director components, time evolution of

Director distortion

Director distribution(s)

numerical simulations of

Director equation

Director orientation

Director profile

Director pulse

Director reorientation

Discrete breathers

Discrete diffraction

Discrete light propagation, in liquid crystalline waveguide arrays

Discrete propagation

Discrete solitons

Discrete spatial soliton

Discrete systems

characterization of

for nonlinear beam steering

Dispersion diagrams

Dispersive shock waves (DSWs)

development in nonlocal media

development of

experimental and numerical results concerning

in focusing media

governing equations for

numerical evolution of

in optical media

Dispersive wave equations

Doped NLCs. See also Dye-doped nematic liquid crystals; Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

solitons in

Double poles

Double refraction

Doughnut-shaped vortices

DSW solutions. See also Dispersive shock waves (DSWs)

Dye-doped nematic liquid crystals, nematicon self-steering in. See also Doped NLCs

Dye-mediated field- NLC interaction


Dynamic temperature distribution

Dynamic transverse instability

E7 director distribution, numerical simulations of

E7 group velocity dispersion

Effective index, of input waveguides

Effective index distribution

Ehrenfest theorem of quantum mechanics

Eigenfunction expansion



Eigen-soliton solutions

Eigenvalue equations

Eigenvalue problem

Eikonal equation

Elastic constants. See Frank elastic constants

Elastic energy

Electrically defined interfaces

Electrically driven nematicon steering

Electrically induced reorientation

Electrical permittivity, of ChNLCs

Electric energy

Electric field

influence of external


Electric field amplitude

Electric field distribution

Electric field equation

Electric field profile

Electric permittivity

Electrode configurations

Electrode geometries, alternative

Electrode patterning

Electrode periodicity

Electrodes, in planar cells

Electromagnetic wave packets

Electronic nonlinearities

Electro-optic material, in liquid crystal light valves

Electro-optic NLC response. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

Electro-optic response

Elongated isosceles triangle solution

Energy, types of

Energy conservation equation

Energy conservation modulation equation

Energy equation

Equilibrium orientation

``Equivalent functions,''

Equivalent transverse force

Euler- Lagrange differential equation(s)

Evanescent-field coupling

Evolution profiles

Evolution with control beams

Evolution without perturbation

Exact solitons

Excitation conditions

Excitation-dependent X junction

Excited nematicons

Experimental measurements, theoretical predictions vs.

Experiments, role of losses in

Extended modulation theory

External beam addressing/multiplexing

External beams, soliton gating/switching by

External electric field, influence of

External spatial light modulator

External voltage, tunability and

External voltage bias

Extraordinarily (y)-polarized beam

Extraordinarily polarized beams

Extraordinary beam, polarization adjustment of

Extraordinary eigenwave

Extraordinary index

Extraordinary polarization

Extraordinary polarized beam

Extraordinary refractive indices

perturbation of

Extraordinary signal beam

Extraordinary wave

Extraordinary wave component

Far-field divergence, of Gaussian beams

Fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrum, analysis of

Fast-local nonlinearities

FB analysis

FB modes

Fiber heat conductivity

Field-induced reorientation

Field spatial profile

50/50 duty cycle electrode patterns

Finite pitch (p), helical structure of

Finite-size defects

First-order mode

First-order perturbations

Fixed point relations

Fixed trial functions

Flat-top beams

Flat-top pulse

Flow effects, influence of

Fluorescence, maximum intensity of

Fluorescence recovery enhancement

Fluorescence signal

Fluorescence spectrum

Focused input beam, tailoring the size of

Focusing equations, analytical solutions for

Focusing ``lensing'' effect

Focusing media

Focusing NLS equation. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE)

modulation equations for

Focusing photorefractive media

Forcing terms

with harmonic oscillators

Fourier expansion

Fourier series

Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT)

eigenfunctions of


Fractional solitons

Fractional topological charges

Frank elastic constants

Frank- Green equation

Frimagesedericksz-like threshold

Frimagesedericksz threshold

Frimagesedericksz transition

Free energy, of deformed ChNLCs

Free energy terms

``Free nematicons

Frequency conversion, soliton-enhanced

Full numerical solution

modulation solution vs.

Function transform/transformation

Fundamental frequency (FF)

Galerkin approximation

Gamma function (Γ)

Garcia-Reimbert, Catherine

Gating, by external beams

Gaussian ansatz

Gaussian beam(s)


far-field divergence of

light propagation for

numerical simulations of

Gaussian beam evolution

Gaussian beam profile

Gaussian CVF Gaussian soliton

Gaussian functions

Gaussian initial conditions

Gaussian input

Gaussian kernel

Gaussian solitons

Gaussian WS soliton family

Gauss- Seidel scheme

Geometric optics expansion

Geometric optics solution

Glass- NLC interfaces, rubbing of. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

Global conservation laws

``Global'' self-focusing

Goos- Himagesnchen-like shift, on total internal reflection

Goos- Himagesnchen shift

Graded interface

Gradient, of nonlinear index center. See also Index gradient; Induced index gradient; Quasilinear gradient; Refractive index gradient; Temperature gradient

Gravitating masses, interacting nematicons and

Gravitational clusters

Gravitation of nematicons

Gravitation triangle configuration

Green function (G, H)

integral of

symmetry of

Group-velocity dispersion (GVD)

Guest- host system

Guided azimuthally dependent modes

Guided modes

Guiding channels

Guo, Qi

H00 mode

Half adder (HA)

Half-moon solitons

Half-width at half-maximum (HWHM)

Harmonic motion equation, frequency of

Harmonic oscillator equation

Harmonic oscillators

Heat diffusion process

Heat equation

Heat profile

Helical structure, of finite pitch

He- Ne beam

Henninot, Jean-Francois

Hermite CVF Gaussian soliton

Hermite- Gaussian (HG) cluster

Hermite- Gaussian solitons

Hermite- Gaussian spatial solitons, one-dimensional

Hermite- Laguerre- Gaussian (HLG) cluster

Hermite polynomials

High birefringent ChNLCs. See also Chiral nematic liquid crystals (ChNLCs)

Higher dimensions, nonlinear wave evolution in

Higher order modes

Higher order spatial solitons

Highly nonlinear regime

High speed optical modulators

High thermal nonlinearity

Homeotropic texture

Homogeneous medium, light propagation in

Homogeneous orientation

Homogenic texture

Hu, Wei

Hyperbolic modulation equations

Image analysis

Ince- Gaussian (IG) cluster

Incoherent nematicon behavior

Independent variables, with harmonic oscillators

Index distribution

Index gradient(s)


Index layers, guiding

Index modulation

Index of refraction. See Refractive index entries

Index profile(s). See also Arbitrary index profile; Induced index profile; Nonhomogeneous index profile; Refractive index profile

Indium tin oxide (ITO)

Indium tin oxide (ITO)-transparent electrodes

Indium tin oxide film

Induced index gradient

Induced index profile

Infinitely extended medium

Infinite nonlocality limit

Initial Gaussian profile

In-phase solitary waves

In-phase voltages

In-plane interaction, of two-color nematicons

In-plane nematicon interaction

In-plane soliton steering

In-plane steering, of nematicons

Input beam waist

Input phase dislocation

Input polarization, change in

Input polarization angle

Input soliton power

Input vortex beam

Input vortex power

Input waveguides, effective index of

Instability mechanism


Intensity profile

evolution of

Interaction-averaged Lagrangian method

Interaction scenarios

Interaction term

Interfaces, nematicon interaction with

Interferometric technique


Intermolecular interactions

Invariant nematicons, closed-form solution for

Inverse Laplace transform

Inverse scattering

Inverse scattering solution

Inverse scattering theory

Inverse surface wave normals

Isosceles triangle Lagrange solutions

Isotropic channels

Iterative algorithms

Izdebskaya, Yana V.

Janossy effect

Janossy response

Jordan blocks

Karpierz, Miroslaw A.

Kepler coordinates

Kepler form

Kepler-like modulation equations

Kerr coefficient

Kerr dependence

Kerr effect, reorientational

Kerr-like effect, self-focusing

Kerr-like field- matter interaction

Kerr media

(2 + 1 + 1)D nonlinear wave propagation in

Kerr nonlinearity

Kerr response

Kerr self-focusing angle

Kerr-type nonlinearity

Kink solution

Kivshar, Yuri S

Korteweg- de Vries (KdV) equation

soliton solution of

Kronecker function (δij)

Lagrange three-body solution

Lagrange triangle solution

Lagrangian density

Lagrangian method, averaged

Lagrangian operator/formulation

with nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation

for three-color nematicon equations

Laguerre differential equation

Laguerre- Gaussian (LG) cluster

Laguerre- Gaussian (LG) soliton families, two-dimensional

Laguerre polynomials

Landau- Lifshits equation, modulation equations for

Landau- Zener (LZ) tunneling

Laplace transforms


Laser beam powers

Laser-induced molecular reorientation

Laser light, propagation of

Laudyn, Urszula A.

LC layers, photoconductive transduction across. See also Liquid crystals (LCs)

LCLV nonlinear coefficient. See also Liquid crystal light valves (LCLVs)

LCLV response time

LC molecule polarizabilities

``Lensing'' effect

Leslie coefficients

Light, diffraction of

Light beam propagation, in TNLCs and ChNLCs

Light bullets. See also Accessible light bullets; Optical bullets

in NLCs

trains of

Light-by-light guiding

Light-induced reorientation

Light intensity profile

Light- matter interactions, discretization of

Light-NLC interactions. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

Light propagation

confined via thermo-optical effect in nematic liquid crystals


in a homogeneous medium

Light self-confinement

in the absence of losses

Light self-focusing, in liquid crystals

Light self-localization

Light tunneling

Light valve optimization

Light valves. See also Liquid crystal light valves (LCLVs)

nematicons in

spatial solitons in

Linear diffraction

Linear discrete light propagation, studies on

Linear eigenmodes, dispersion diagram of

Linear eigen polarizations

Linear eigenvalue problem

Linear homogeneities, nematicon self-steering through interaction with

Linear index distribution

Linearity breakdown

Linearized electric field equation

Linearized NLS equation. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE)

Linearized perturbation theory, for nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation

Linearly polarized beam

Linear media, vortices in

Linear momentum

Linear oscillators

Linear perturbation

Linear Poisson equation

Linear polarization

Linear potential

Linear refractive index gradient

Linear regime

Linear Schrimagesdinger equation. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE)

Linear stability problem

Linear trapping potential

Linear walk-off

Liquid crystal displays (LCDs)

Liquid crystal layers, tuning

Liquid crystal light valves (LCLVs). See also LCLV entries; Light valves

cell structure and working principle of

nonlinear mechanism in

optical addressing in transverse configurations of

possibilities related to

typical response functions of

Liquid crystalline waveguide arrays, discrete light propagation in

Liquid crystal molecules

Liquid crystal reorientation, time to complete

Liquid crystals (LCs)

influence of flow in

as an intermediary medium

light self-focusing in

optical nonlinear effects of

spatially nonlocal response of

switching times of

thermal nonlinearity in

Liquid crystal switching, time dependence of

Local frequency, of an oscillator

Local inversion symmetry

Localized D-dimensional spatiotemporal solitons

Localized refractive index change

Local media, vortex propagation in

Local nonlinear media

Local nonlinear response

Local nonlinear Schrimagesdinger-type equation. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE)

Local reference system

Local reorientation, beam-induced

Long-distance thermally induced nonlinear beam propagation

Longitudinal derivative

Longitudinal direction, self-guided propagation in

Longitudinal field

Long-range interactions

Loss coefficient (δ, δu)

Losses. See also Radiative loss; Scattering losses

due to Rayleigh scattering

light self-confinement in the absence of

role of

Low birefringence ChNLCs. See also Chiral nematic liquid crystals (ChNLCs)

Low frequency electric field

Low frequency field distribution

Low order solitons, radial distribution of

Lu, Daquan

Mach- Zehnder arrangement

Mach- Zehnder interferometer

MacLaurin series

Magma equation

Magma evolution problem

Magnetic energy

Marchant, Tim R.

Mask, initial vortex produced by

Mass conservation

Mass conservation equation

Mass conservation law

Mass equation

Mass flux

Mass flux equation

Mass loss

Mass modulation equation

Mathematical modeling, of LZ phenomenon

Mathematical models, of spatial solitons

Mauguin limit

Maximum fluid velocity

Maximum tilt

Maxwell's equations

Mean nematicon trajectory

Mechanical rubbing

Medium (media). See also Kerr media

infinitely extended

nonlocal nonlinear

refractive index of

Method of averaging

Method of images

Method of multiple scales. See Multiple scales method

Methyl Red dye


evolution of

Miesowicz coefficients

MI gain profiles. See also Modulational instability (MI)

Minzoni, Antonmaria A.

Mixed polarization state

Modal expansion

Models. See also Mathematical models

anisotropic perturbative

scalar perturbative

Modified Bessel functions

Modified Snyder- Mitchell model

Modulated solutions

Modulational instability regimes

Modulational instability (MI)

development of

experimental results on

generating with a spatially incoherent beam

Modulational transverse stability analysis

Modulation amplitude oscillations

Modulation analysis

Modulation depth, of beam intensity

Modulation equations. See also Energy conservation modulation equation

for conservation of energy

governing nonlinear beams

integrals in


for nematicon evolution

soliton amplitude vs.

solution of

Modulation oscillation

Modulation solutions

agreement with numerical solutions

full numerical solution vs.

Modulation steady-state amplitude

Modulation theory. See also Whitham's modulation theory

based on trial functions

for coherent structures


nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation and

Molecular adsorption/desorption

Molecular director

Molecular director distribution

Molecular interactions

Molecular reorientation


optical nonlinearity arising from


Momentum conservation

Momentum equations

Monotonous functions

Multiband discrete breather

Multiband optical breather

Multiband vector breathers

Multicore directional coupler

Multidimensional clusters

Multilayer propagation

Multimode nematicon-induced waveguides

Multinematicon clusters

Multiple beams

Multiple layered structures

Multiple nematicons, interaction of

Multiple nonlinearities

Multiple nonlinear mechanisms

Multiple scales analysis

example of

``Multiple scales'' form

Multiple scales method

Multiple scales perturbation theory

Multiple solitons, generating

Multipole solitons



Multi-soliton interactions

Nabla operator

``Narrow'' solitons

Navier- Stokes equations

Negative diffraction

Nematic, the. See also Nematics

optical field interaction with

Nematic director

Nematic layers

beam propagation in

electric field applied across

Nematic LC layer. See also Liquid crystals (LCs)

Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs). See also Bias-free nematic liquid crystals; NLC entries; Nematicon entries

bias voltage switching time in

as birefringent uniaxials

development of MI for

doped vs. undoped

evolution of nonlinear beams in

first observation in

geometries within

as good test material

light propagation in

nonlinear beam evolution in

nonlinear beam propagation in

nonlocal modulational instability in

nonlocal response of

perturbative solution of NNLSE for a single soliton in

reorientational response of

solitary waves in

spatiotemporal dynamics and light bullets in

twisted and chiral

voltage-controllable characteristic length of

vortices in

waveguide arrays in

Nematic liquid crystal spatial solitons

excitation of



time dependence of

Nematicon-based signal routers/processors

Nematicon beams, interaction of

Nematicon behavior

Nematicon bending

Nematicon breathers

Nematicon ``center of mass,''

Nematicon clusters

Nematicon control

with external light beams

Nematicon creation

Nematicon deviation

Nematicon equations

full numerical solutions of

numerical solutions of

radiation loss for

Nematicon evolution

modulation equations for

Nematicon evolution regimes

Nematicon excitation

Nematicon generation

Nematicon-induced index perturbation

Nematicon-induced waveguides, multimode

Nematicon interaction

Nematicon motion

equivalent Newtonian gravitation configurations and

Nematicon- nematicon interactions

Nematicon oscillations

Nematicon paths

external control of

Nematicon position, dynamical equations for

Nematicon power

increases in

Nematicon power-dependent self-routing

Nematicon profiles


Nematicon propagation

influence of external electric field on

modeling of

Nematicons. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs); Single-hump nematicons; Two-color nematicons

as accessible solitons

all-optical control on

control of


director distributions of

electric field profiles of

encountering dielectric interfaces

evolution of

formation of


governing equations for

gravitation of

in-plane steering of

interacting with localized beams

interaction potential of

interactions between

interactions with curved surfaces


in light valves

long-range interaction between

motions of

nonlocal character of

nonplanar evolution of

origin of term

out-of-plane steering of

phase difference between

physics of

planar interactions between

properties of

relative displacement of

routing of

setup for observing

in a single layer

solitary waves in nematic liquid crystals as

spatial optical solitons in


as strongly nonlocal spatial solitons

subject to walk-off

temporal modulation instability in

theoretical models on

transverse dynamics of

twisted and chiral


Nematicon self-escape

Nematicon self-steering. See also Nematicon steering

in dye-doped nematic liquid crystals

through interaction with linear homogeneities

Nematicon separation, steady states for

Nematicon steering

Nematicon trajectories



optical control of

in the perturbative limit

3D control of


Nematicon waist

Nematicon walk-off. See also Walk-off entries

voltage control of

Nematicon waveguides

Nematic phase, molecular distribution in

Nematics, twisted and chiral. See also Nematic, the

Nematic vortex problems, formulating

Newtonian gravitation

Newtonian gravitation configurations, nematicon motion and

Newtonian-like gravitation of nematicons

Neyts, Kristiaan

NLC beam propagation general model. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

NLC birefringence

NLC cell geometry

NLC cells. See also NLC-filled cells

nonlinear light propagation in

NLC dielectric anisotropy

NLC electro-optic response

NLC-filled cells, planar geometry of

NLC layers, changing optical properties of

NLC media, thermo-optical effects in

NLC mixture E7

NLC nonlinearity

NLC nonlinear response

NLC orientation, preferred

NLC orientational response

NLC refractive indices

NLC response function

NLC ruling model

NLC waveguide arrays

NLS equation (NLSE). See Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE)

NLS Lagrangian operator, Nimagesther's Theorem on

NLS modulation equations

NLS solitons, sech profile of

NLS soliton solution

NLS-type equations

NN models. See also Nonlocal nonlinear (NN) media

NNSE model. See also Nonlocal nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (NNLSE, NNSE)

Nonadiabatic limit

Noncentrosymmetry modeling

Nonhomogeneous index profile

Nonhomogeneous orientation

Nonlinear (NL) angular steering

Nonlinear beam evolution


in nematic liquid crystals

Nonlinear beam propagation, thermally induced

Nonlinear beams, modulation equations governing

Nonlinear beam steering

Nonlinear discrete light propagation, studies on

Nonlinear dispersion relation

Nonlinear dispersive wave equations

Nonlinear dynamics, multiple nonlinearities and space- time decoupling of

Nonlinear effect (images). See also Nonlinear effects

Nonlinear effective coefficient

Nonlinear effects

Nonlinear eigenmodes

Nonlinear eigenvalue problem

Nonlinear focusing, strength of

Nonlinear incoherent interaction

Nonlinear index

Nonlinear index center, gradient of

Nonlinear-index coefficient

Nonlinear index perturbation

Nonlinear induced refractive index

Nonlinear integral equation

Nonlinear interaction, decreasing

Nonlinearities, temporal behavior of

Nonlinear light propagation

in biased NLC cells

in a weakly nonlocal medium

Nonlinearly induced refractive index change

Nonlinear materials

Nonlinear media

Nonlinear nonlocality. See also Nonlocal nonlinear entries

Nonlinear nonlocal localization phenomena, mathematical framework for

Nonlinear nonlocal optical media

Nonlinear optic effects, new class of

Nonlinear optics

perturbation models in

Nonlinear perturbations

Nonlinear perturbative regime

Nonlinear polarization

Nonlinear propagation



Nonlinear refractive index potential

Nonlinear regimes

Nonlinear response, terms in

Nonlinear ruling models

Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE). See also Nonlocal nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (NNLSE, NNSE)

linearized perturbation theory for

modulation theory and

nonlinear terms of

numerical solution of

trial function used for

Nonlinear transverse dynamics

Nonlinear wave equations, finding the DSW of

Nonlinear wave evolution, analysis of

Nonlinear wave evolution in higher dimensions, theoretical approaches to

Nonlocal effects

Nonlocal interactions


calculated trend of



degrees of 3

effect of

through response functions

voltage-controlled degree of

vortex stabilization and

Nonlocality classes

Nonlocality measurement

Nonlocality parameter (images)

Nonlocality values

Nonlocal limit

Nonlocal media. See also Nonlocal nonlinear (NN) media

dispersive shock waves in

nonlinear light propagation in

vortex evolution in

Nonlocal modulational instability, in NLCs

Nonlocal NLSE. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE); Nonlocal nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (NNLSE, NNSE)

Nonlocal nonlinear (NN) media. See also Strongly nonlocal nonlinear (NN) media

beam propagation in

self-trapped optical beams in

vortex stabilization in

Nonlocal nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (NNLSE, NNSE). See also Dimensionless NNLSE; Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE)

perturbative solution of, for a single NLC soliton

Nonlocal reorientation

Nonlocal response

Nonlocal spatial optical solitons, large phase shift of

Nonlocal spatial solitons

in nematic liquid crystals

properties of

Nonnegligible electric field components

Nonperturbative nonlinear regime

Nonstraight nematicon trajectories

Nonuniform anchoring

Nonuniform waveguide

Nimagesther's Theorem

Numerical methods

Numerical simulations

analytical solutions vs.

Numerical solutions

agreement with modulation solutions

uniform soliton theory results vs.

ODE (ordinary differential equation) system. See also Ordinary differential equations (ODEs)

On-axis amplitude

One-color azimuthons, unstable

One-dimensional (1D) QHO. See also Quantum harmonic oscillator (QHO)

One-dimensional dielectric lattice

One-dimensional DSW. See also Dispersive shock waves (DSWs)

One-dimensional Hermite- Gaussian (HG) spatial solitons

One-dimensional self-similar solitary waves

1D photonic lattice


1D waveguide arrays

(1 + 1)D semianalytical soliton

(1 + 1)D simplified model

Optical ``ship'' waves

Optical addressing, in LCLV transverse configurations

Optical anisotropy

of the electric permittivity

of liquid crystalline molecules

Optical axis, stabilizing effects on vortices. See also Optic axis entries

Optical axis perturbation

Optical beams

propagating in NLC-filled planar cells

propagation of

Optical breathers

Optical bullets. See also Light bullets

dense trains of

Optical field

evolution of

interaction with nematic

Optical field distributions

Optical Frimagesedericksz transition (OFT). See also Frimagesedericksz entries

Optical lattices

Optical localized structures, control of

Optically controlled soliton dynamics

Optically induced double interface

Optically induced perturbation

Optically induced reorientation

Optically induced reorientational nonlinearity

Optical media, dispersive shock waves in

Optical multiband vector breathers

Optical nonlinearities

arising from molecular reorientation

typical response times for

Optical potential, soliton operations and

Optical power

Optical power loss

Optical processor, analog

Optical propagation, under multiple nonlinear contributions

Optical properties, temperature and

Optical reorientation

effect of

Optical shocks, development of

Optical soliton dynamics, in bias-free nematic liquid crystals

Optical solitons

Optical spatial solitons

link to doughnut-shaped vortices

Optical vortex beams, propagation of

Optical vortices

stability and propagation of


study of

Optic axis. See also Optical axis

inducing changes in

Optic axis distribution

Optic axis reorientation

Ordinary differential equations (ODEs). See also ODE (ordinary differential equation) system

Orientational self-waveguides, thermal self-waveguides vs.

Orientational solitons

Orientation angle (θ)

Orthogonality, enforcing

Oscillation amplitude(s)

Oscillation period

Oscillator equation

Oscillators, local frequencies of

Oscillatory ``breather'' solution

Out-of-plane steering, of nematicons

Ouyang, Shigen

Overdriving scheme

Parabolic cylinder functions

Parabolic profile

Paraxial approximation, linear limit in

Paraxial envelope, evolution of

Paraxial light beam, behavior of

Paraxial light beam dynamics model

Paraxial nematicon profile

Paraxial wave equation

Partial differential equations (PDEs). See also Coupled evolution PDEs; PDE (partial differential equation) system


Patterned electrodes

PCB, refractive indices of

PDE (partial differential equation) system, of the reorientation equation


Peccianti, Marco


Periodic boundary conditions

Periodic lattices, formation of

Periodic oscillations

Periodic photonic lattice

Periodic refractive index modulation, photonic structures with

Periodic solutions

Periodic wave

Period of oscillation

Perturbation equation

Perturbation methods

for finding approximate analytical solutions

for solitary waves

Perturbation models, in nonlinear optics

Perturbation regime, propagation in

Perturbation relaxation time

Perturbation series solution

Perturbation theory. See also Multiple scales perturbation theory

Perturbative approximations

Perturbative expansion equation

Perturbative regime

Perturbative solution, of the NNLSE for a single NLC soliton

Perturbed inverse scattering theory

Perturbing terms

Phase, in simple harmonic oscillator

Phase-dependent short-range interactions

Phase difference

between solitons

Phase-independent interaction

Phase retardation

Phase shift, of accessible soliton

Phase transition, clarifying the onset of

Photoconductive transduction, of intensity into applied voltage

Photoconductor response


Photonic lattices

Photonic potential

Photonic structures, with periodic refractive index modulation

Photoreceptors, in liquid crystal light valves

Photorefractive LCLVs. See also Liquid crystal light valves (LCLVs)

Photorefractive light valves, transmissive configuration of

Photorefractive media

Piccardi, Armando

Pitch (p)


Pitchfork topological reactions

Planar cells. See also Planar (unbiased) NLC cells


simplified (1 + 1)D models in

voltage-defined interfaces and

Planar director orientation

Planar geometry, of NLC-filled cells

Planar interactions, between nematicons

Planar (unbiased) NLC cells

Planar waveguide array

Plane polar coordinates

Poisson equation


Poisson-like equations

Poisson's formula

Polar angles

Polar coordinates

Polarized field envelope


Position oscillations

Positive index gradient

Positive low frequency anisotropy

Power, optical

Power attenuation

Power conservation

Power-dependent nematicon self-ejection

Power-dependent nonlocal interaction

Power-dependent repulsion, from boundary

Power-dependent self-routing, in nematicons

Poynting vectors

Preferred NLC orientation


Pretilting electric field

Prism index of refraction

Probe beam

Profile changes

Propagating pulses, temporal properties of

Propagation axis

Propagation medium

Protective switching

Pure electronic nonlinearities

Quadratic graded-index channels

Quadratic media

Quadratic self-induced index

Quantum harmonic oscillator (QHO). See also One-dimensional (1D) QHO; Two-dimensional (2D) QHO

Quantum harmonic oscillator theory

Quasilinear gradient

Quasi-sinusoidal oscillation, in the waist


Radial index variation

Radially symmetric solitons

Radiation equation

Radiation loss

for the nematicon equations

Radiation shedding. See also Diffractive radiation shedding

Radiation shelf. See Shelf of radiation (g)

Radiative loss, differences in

Rayleigh dissipation function

Rayleigh scattering

losses due to

Ray optics

Ray-optics approximation

Reconfigurable ``circuits,''

Red probe

Reference frame

Refractive index change

Refractive index deformations

Refractive index distribution

second low-power probe and

Refractive index gradient

Refractive index perturbations

Refractive index profile

Refractive indices. See also Nonlinear induced refractive index

changes in


of PCB

in strongly NN media

temperature dependence of

Refractive perturbation

Regimes of interaction, accessing

Regular response function


in NLC-filled cells

saturation of

in the yz-plane

Reorientational dynamics, anisotropy in

Reorientational Kerr effect

Reorientational mechanism

Reorientational nematic liquid crystals

Reorientational nonlinearity

optically induced

time dependence of

Reorientational optical media, dispersive shock waves in

Reorientational response

Reorientational solitons, formation of

Reorientation dynamics

Reorientation equations

PDE system of

Repulsive potential well

Residori, Stefania

Resonance frequency

Resonant coupling

Resonant terms, with harmonic oscillators

Response functions

nonlocality through

Response kernels

Rest energy

Rotating beams

Rotating coordinate system

Rotational symmetry

Rotational viscosity

Routers. See also Self-routing

Rubbing, of glass- NLC interfaces

Ruling models, nonlinear

Rutkowska, Katarzyna A.

Saturable media

Saturable NLS equation. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE)

Saturn-like configuration

Scalar equation, for beam envelope evolution

Scalar geometries

Scalar parameters

Scalar paraxial propagation equation

Scalar perturbative model

Scale invariance

Scattering losses

Schrimagesdinger- Poisson equations

Schrimagesdinger- Poisson system

Schrimagesdinger's equation. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE); Nonlocal nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (NNLSE, NNSE)

Schwarz- Christoffel map

Sciberras, Luke W.

Screening term

Sech (hyperbolic secant) beam profile

Sech initial condition

Sech profile

Sech trial function

Second harmonic (SH)

Second low-power probe, refractive index distribution and

Second-order perturbation

Secular terms

with harmonic oscillators

Self-action effects


Self-confined beam

Self-confined waves






balance of diffraction with

in a ChNLC cell

in the dye-doped NLC layer

Self-focusing angle

Self-focusing effects

Self-focusing Kerr-like effect

Self-focusing materials

Self-focusing media

Self-guided propagation, in stable nematicons

Self-induced fractional Fourier transform

Self-induced index well

Self-induced waveguide


Self-routing, power-dependent

Self-similar Hermite- Gaussian (HG) spatial solitons


Self-similar method

Self-similar soliton solution

Self-similar waves

Self-similar Whittaker soliton functions

Self-steering. See Beam self-steering; Nematicon self-steering

Self-trapped beams

Self-trapped dipole-like beam

Self-trapped optical beams, in nonlocal nonlinear media

Self-trapped solitons

Self-trapped vortices



thermal vs. orientational

Semianalytical solutions

Separation of scales

Shape-preserving accessible solitons

Shape-preserving nonlinear wave packets

Shedding diffractive radiation. See also Diffractive radiation shedding

Shed low-wave-number diffractive waves

Shed radiation

Shelf of radiation (g)


Shelf radius

Shelf term

Shock development, in a defocusing thermal medium

Short pulses, propagation of

Short-range interactions


Signal beam trajectory, controlling

Signal processing routers

Signal steering, all-optical

Simple harmonic oscillator equation

Simple harmonic oscillators

Simplified (1 + 1)D model, in a planar cell

Sine- Gordon equation

Single beam propagation

Single-color vortices, destabilizing terms of

Single-hump nematicon profiles

Single-hump nematicons, existence curve for

Single-hump solitons

Single-layer necklace solitons


Single resonance model


Singular phase structure, of dipole azimuthons


Slowly varying envelope approximation (SVEA)

Slow-nonlocal nonlinearities

Slow scales

Smallness parameter

Smyth, Noel F.

Snyder- Mitchell approximation

Snyder- Mitchell limit

Snyder- Mitchell model

accessible soliton of

breather and soliton clusters of

proof of equivalence with strongly nonlocal model

Solitary wave

variational approximation for

via self-focusing

Solitary wave amplitudes

measurement of

Solitary wave beams, analyzing the motion of

Solitary wave clusters

Solitary wave energy states

Solitary wave evolution

Solitary waves

interaction between

in nematic liquid crystals

perturbation methods for

Solitary wave solutions


Soliton amplitudes


modulation equations vs.

Soliton-based optical switching

Soliton beams, total internal reflection of

Soliton behavior

Soliton ``center of mass,''

Soliton clusters, of Snyder- Mitchell model

Soliton cluster types

Soliton controlD configuration of

Soliton deflection

Soliton deviation

Soliton dynamics, optically controlled

Soliton eigenvalue

Soliton-enhanced frequency conversion

Soliton evolution

Soliton excitation

Soliton existence curve

Soliton families

in strongly nonlocal media

in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media

Soliton formation

experimental observation of


Soliton formation time

Soliton gating, by external beams

Soliton-induced perturbations

Soliton-induced waveguides

Soliton-like propagation regime

Soliton-like regime

Soliton operations, optical potential and

Soliton paths, control of. See also Soliton trajectories

Soliton perturbation theory

Soliton profiles


Soliton propagation

in different layers

in 3D anisotropic media

Solitons. See also Accessible solitons; Bright solitons; Multi-soliton interactions; Nonlocal spatial optical solitons; Nonlocal spatial solitons; Spatial optical solitons; Spatial solitons; Strongly nonlocal spatial solitons; Vector solitons



complex-variable-function Gaussian

in doped NLCs


as a gas of interacting particles

in-phase and out-of-phase

interactions of

long-range interaction of

``narrow'' and ``wide,''

phase difference between

short-range interaction of

temporal behavior of

ubiquitous nature of


waveguide properties of

Soliton- soliton interaction, time evolution of

Soliton square distributions

Soliton stability

Soliton steering


measurement of

Soliton switching, by external beams

Soliton trajectories. See also Soliton paths


Soliton vortices

Soliton waist

Soliton walk-off, tuning

Soliton waveguide dispersion

Soliton waveguides

Soliton wave rotation

Space- time decoupling, of nonlinear dynamics

Spatial demultiplexer

Spatial gap solitons

Spatial light localization

Spatially incoherent beams

Spatially periodic refractive index modulation

Spatial nonlocal solitons

Spatial optical solitons

fluorescence recovery enhancement and

potential of

Spatial perturbation

Spatial profiles

Spatial self-localization

Spatial solitary waves

Spatial soliton creation, experimental results of

Spatial solitons. See also Nonlocal spatial solitons

applications of

creation of

in light valves

mathematical models of

modifying trajectories of

in nematic liquid crystals

in NLCs


time dependence in NLCs

Spatiotemporal dynamics, in NLCs

Spatiotemporal solitons (STSs)

Speckled beam, input profile of

Spiraling nematicons

Spiral wave phase

Spontaneous pattern formation

Stability threshold

Stabilization mechanism

Stabilizing beam

Stable (3 + 1)D solitary waves

Stable bright solitons

Stable DSW

Stable light bullets

Stable nematicons

self-guided propagation in

Stable vector solitons

Stable vortex

evolution of

strong distortion of

Static external electric field

Static reorientation

Stationary soliton solutions

Steady nematicon profile

Steady nematicon state

Steady state, time to reach

Steady-state amplitude- width relation

for vortices

Steady-state light propagation

Steady-state transmission, of xenon light

Steady vortex relation

Steering, voltage required for

Steering angle

Stegeman, G. I.

Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)

Strongly nonlocal limit

Strongly nonlocal media, soliton families in. See also Strongly nonlocal nonlinear (NN) media

Strongly nonlocal model, proof of equivalence with Snyder- Mitchell model

Strongly nonlocal NLSE. See also Nonlinear Schrimagesdinger (NLS) equation (NLSE); Nonlocal nonlinear Schrimagesdinger equation (NNLSE, NNSE)

Strongly nonlocal nonlinearity

Strongly nonlocal nonlinear (NN) media

beam behavior in

soliton families in


Strongly nonlocal spatial solitons

features of

nematicons as

phenomenological theory of

Strong nonlocality

Structure tunability

STS propagation, conditions for stable. See also Spatiotemporal solitons (STSs)

Super-Gaussian field

Surface, attraction to

Surface energy


by external beams


Switching behavior, influence of flow on

Switching-off times

Switching speed

Switching time(s)

of liquid crystals

Switching time equations

Symmetric breather

Symmetric multipole solitons

Symmetric response function

Symmetric single-layer necklace solitons

Symmetric soliton solutions

Symmetry-breaking instability

Taylor expansion

Taylor series

Temperature, optical properties and

Temperature gradient


Temporal modulation instability, in nematicons

Temporal nonlinearity

Temporal solitons


TE-polarized beam

Theoretical predictions, experimental measurements vs.

Thermal coefficient of refraction

Thermal effects

atmosphere index of refraction and

Thermal equilibrium

Thermally induced nonlinear beam propagation

Thermal media

Thermal nonlinearity

Thermal nonlinear propagation

Thermal optical solitons, applications for

Thermal self-focusing

Thermal self-waveguides, orientational self-waveguides vs.

Thermal solitons

temporal evolution of

Thermo-optical effects

light propagation confined via

in media other than NLCs

physical aspect of

Thermo-optical solitons

Thermotropic energy

Thick NLC cells. See also Nematic liquid crystals (NLCs)

Third harmonic (TH) frequency

Three-bit digital router

Three-color Lagrange solution

linearized stability of

Three-color nematicon cluster

Three-color nematicon equations

Three-color potential, nonmonotonicity of

3D anisotropic media, soliton propagation in

3D model, numerical simulations of

3D solitons

Three-nematicon evolution

(3 + 1)D evolutionmodel

Threshold angular momentum


Tilt angle

Time dependence, of spatial solitons in NLCs

Time-harmonic electric field

TM-like polarization

Topological charge

Topological reactions



Total internal reflection (TIR)

Goos- Himagesnchen-like shift on

of soliton beams

Total momentum conservation equations

Townes solitons

Train profile evolution (images)

Trajectory changes

Transcendental equation

Transverse configurations

optical addressing in LCLV

Transverse intensity distribution

Transverse modulation

Transverse patterns

Traveling wave solution

Trial functions

choice of


for the electrical field


modulation theory based on

Triangle solutions

Tunability, external voltage and

Tunable discreteness, systems with

Tunable one-dimensional photonic lattice

Tuning, of soliton walk-off

Tuning curves

Twisted nematic liquid crystals (TNLCs)

in creating spatial solitons

theoretical model of

Twisted nematicons

Twisted nematics

Two-beam interaction

Two-beam launch

Two-color equations, numerical solution of

``Two-color'' nematicons

evolution of

in-plane interaction of

Two-dimensional all-optical perturbation

Two-dimensional DSW. See also Dispersive shock waves (DSWs)

Two-dimensional (2D) Hermite- Gaussian (HG) functions

Two-dimensional Laguerre- Gaussian (LG) soliton families

Two-dimensional NN media, wave equation in. See also Nonlocal nonlinear (NN) media

Two-dimensional (2D) QHO. See also Quantum harmonic oscillator (QHO)

Two-dimensional self-similar Hermite- Gaussian (HG) spatial solitons

Two-dimensional soliton solutions

Two-dimensional spatial solitons

Two-dimensional strongly NN media

Two-dimensional Whittaker solitons

Two-nematicon clusters

(2 + 1)D complete model

(2 + 1 + 1)D nonlinear wave propagation, in Kerr media

(2 + 1 + 1)D optical bullets

(2 + 1 + 1)D solitary waves

(2 + 1 + 1)D soliton solution

Two timing assumption

``Two timing'' form

Two-wave mixing experiments

Unbiased NLC cells

Undular bore

Uniform soliton theory

Uniform soliton theory results, comparison with numerical solutions

Uniform wave train

Unstable DSW. See also Dispersive shock waves (DSWs)

Unstable one-color azimuthon

Unstable vortices

Vacuum point

Variational equations

Variation of parameters

Varying solitons

Vector breathers, optical multiband

Vectorial nematicons

Vector solitons

Velocity components, of liquid crystal flows

Velocity drifts


breathing period dependence vs.

required for steering

Voltage-controllable degree

Voltage-controllable interactions

Voltage-controlled soliton steering

Voltage-defined interfaces

nematicon interaction with

Voltages, in-phase

Voltage-tunable architectures

Vortex- beam interaction, vortex stabilization by

Vortex beams

astigmatic transformation of

Vortex cluster interactions

Vortex destabilization

Vortex ``doughnut,''170

Vortex evolution

modulation theory analysis of

in nonlocal media

Vortex instability

Vortexlike initial conditions, evolution of

Vortex lines, dynamic behavior of

Vortex profile

Vortex propagation

analysis of

in local media

Vortex-ring WS solitons

Vortex- shelf resonance

Vortex solutions

Vortex stability

Vortex stabilization

nonlocality and

in nonlocal nonlinear media

by vortex- beam interaction

Vortex-type solutions

Vortex-type structures, in coupled waveguides


azimuthally dependent

in bounded cells

in cell walls

equations governing

having angular momentum

in nematic liquid crystals

steady-state amplitude- width relation for


Waist, quasi-sinusoidal oscillation in. See also Beam waist; Input beam waist; Nematicon waist

Waist-independent soliton path

Waist oscillations


Walk-off. See also Beam walk-off; Nematicon walk-off; Soliton walk-off



changes in


modifying with a voltage bias

nonlinear changes in

nonlinear changes in


role of

Walk-off angles

Walk-off reference system

Walk-off term

Walk-off variations

Warenghem, Marc

Wave cutoff behavior

Wave equations

in 2D NN media

Wave evolution in higher dimensions, theoretical approaches to

Waveguide arrays, in nematic liquid crystals


multimode nematicon-induced


Wave packet propagation

Wave trains

Wave-vector components, conservation of

Wave vector deviation

Wave vector mismatches

Weakly nonlocal medium, nonlinear light propagation in

Weak nonlocality

Whitham modulation theory

Whittaker differential equation

Whittaker functions

Whittaker solitons (WSs)



Whittaker soliton (WS) solutions

``Wide'' solitons

Worthy, Annette L.

Xenon light, steady-state transmission of

X junction



XNOR gate

Y junction

Yukawa equations

z-dependent solutions

Zener model

Zero-boundary condition

Zero initial velocity

Zero-order perturbation

Zhong, Wei-Ping

z-independent QHO

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