UserID filter

This module assigns an identifier to clients by issuing cookies. The identifier can be accessed from the variables $uid_got and $uid_set further in the configuration:




Context: http, server, location

Enables or disables issuing and logging of cookies.

The directive accepts four possible values:

  • on: Enables v2 cookies and logs them
  • v1: Enables v1 cookies and logs them
  • log: Does not send cookie data, but logs incoming cookies
  • off: Does not send cookie data

Default value: userid off;


Context: http, server, location

Defines the IP address of the server issuing the cookie.

Syntax: userid_service ip;

Default: IP address of the server


Context: http, server, location

Defines the name assigned to the cookie.

Syntax: userid_name name;

Default value: The user identifier


Context: http, server, location

Defines the domain assigned to the cookie.

Syntax: userid_domain domain;

Default value: None (the domain part is not sent)


Context: http, server, location

Defines the path part of the cookie.

Syntax: userid_path path;

Default value: /


Context: http, server, location

Defines the cookie expiration date.

Syntax: userid_expires date | max;

Default value: No expiration date


Context: http, server, location

Assigns a value to the P3P header sent with the cookie.

Syntax: userid_p3p data;

Default value: None

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