Testing the configuration

As you can imagine, this tiny bit of detail might become an important issue if you constantly tweak your configuration. The slightest mistake in any of the configuration files can result in a loss of control over the service—you are then unable to stop it via regular init control commands, and obviously, it will refuse to start again.

In consequence, the following command will be useful to you in many occasions. It allows you to check the syntax, validity, and integrity of your configuration:

[[email protected] ~]$ /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -t

The -t switch stands for test configuration. Nginx will parse the configuration anew and let you know whether it is valid or not. A valid configuration file does not necessarily mean Nginx will start though as there might be additional problems such as socket issues, invalid paths, or incorrect access permissions.

Obviously, manipulating your configuration files while your server is in production is a dangerous thing to do and should be avoided when possible. The best practice, in this case, is to place your new configuration into a separate temporary file and run the test on that file. Nginx makes it possible by offering the -c switch:

[[email protected] sbin]$ ./nginx -t -c /home/alex/test.conf

This command will parse /home/alex/test.conf and make sure it is a valid Nginx configuration file. When you are done, after making sure that your new file is valid, proceed to replacing your current configuration file and reload the server configuration:

[[email protected] sbin]$ cp -i /home/alex/test.conf usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
cp: erase 'nginx.conf' ? yes
[[email protected] sbin]$ ./nginx -s reload
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