Server block

The following step will require you to create a new file in the directory specified earlier. For example, create a file called wordpress.conf in the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ folder. Define your virtual host configuration by inserting or updating the following directives:

server { 
   # Listen on all network interfaces on port 80 
   listen 80; 
   # Specify the host name(s) that will match the site 
   # The following value allows both www. and no subdomain 
   # Set the path of your WordPress files 
   root /home/wordpress/www; 
   # Automatically load index.php 
   index index.php; 
   # Saves client request body into files, cleaning up afterwards 
   client_body_in_file_only clean; 
   client_body_buffer_size 32K; 
   # Allow uploaded files up to 300 megabytes 
   client_max_body_size 300M; 
   # Automatically close connections if no data is  
   # transmitted to the client for a period of 10 seconds 
   send_timeout 10s; 
   # The rest of the configuration (location blocks)  
   # is found below 
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