Path options

When running the configure command, you are offered the chance to enable some switches that let you specify the directory or file paths for a variety of elements. Please note that the options offered by the configuration switches may change according to the version you downloaded. The following options listed are valid with the stable version, as of release 1.13.8. If you use another version, run the ./configure --help command to list the available switches for your setup.

Using a switch typically consists of appending some text to the command line. For instance, using the --conf-path switch:

[[email protected] nginx-1.13.8]# ./configure --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Here is an exhaustive list of the configuration switches for configuring paths:



Default value


The base folder in which Nginx will be installed.


If you configure other switches using relative paths, they will connect to the base folder.

For example; specifying --conf-path=conf/nginx.conf will result in your configuration file being found at /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.


The path where the Nginx binary file should be installed.



The path of the main configuration file.



The location of your error log. Error logs can be configured very accurately in the configuration files. This path only applies in case you do not specify any error logging directive in your configuration.



The path of the Nginx PID file. You can specify the PID file path in the configuration file. If that's not the case, the value you specify for this switch will be used.


The PID file is a simple text file containing the process identifier. It is placed in a well-defined location so that other applications can easily find the PID of a running program.


The location of the lock file. Again, it can be specified in the configuration file, but if it isn't, this value will be used.


The lock file allows other applications to determine whether or not the program is running. In the case of Nginx, it is used to make sure that the process is not started twice.


Defines the path to the Perl modules. This switch must be defined if you want to include additional Perl modules.



Path to the Perl binary file; used for executing Perl scripts. This path must be set if you want to allow execution of Perl scripts.



Defines the location of access logs. This path is used only if the access log directive is unspecified in the configuration files.



Directory used for storing temporary files generated by client requests.



Location of the temporary files used by the proxy.





Location of the temporary files used by the HTTP FastCGI, uWSGI, and SCGI modules.

Respectively <prefix>/fastcgi_temp,<prefix>/uwsgi_temp, and <prefix>/scgi_temp.


Location of the application build.


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