The SSL module enables HTTPS support, HTTP over SSL/TLS in particular. It gives you the possibility to serve secure websites by providing a certificate, a certificate key, and other parameters, defined with the following directives:




Context: http, server

Enables HTTPS for the specified server. This directive is the equivalent of listen 443 ssl, or listen port ssl, more generally.

Syntax: on or off

Default: ssl off;


Context: http, server

Sets the path of the PEM certificate. This directive can be specified multiple times to load certificates of different types.

Syntax: File path


Context: http, server

Sets the path of the PEM secret key file. 

This directive can be specified multiple times to load certificates of different types.

Syntax: File path


Context: http, server

Sets the path of the client PEM certificate.

Syntax: File path


Context: http, server

Orders Nginx to load a CRL (Certificate Revocation List) file, which allows checking the revocation status of certificates.


Context: http, server

Sets the path of the Diffie-Hellman parameters file.

Syntax: File path.


Context: http, server

Specifies the protocol that should be employed.

Syntax: ssl_protocols [SSLv2] [SSLv3] [TLSv1] [TLSv1.1] [TLSv1.2] [TLSv1.3];

Default: ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;


Context: http, server

Specifies the ciphers that should be employed. The list of available ciphers can be obtained by running the following command from the shell: openssl ciphers.

Syntax: ssl_ciphers cipher1[:cipher2...];

Default: ssl_ciphers ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP;


Context: http, server

Specifies whether server ciphers should be preferred over client ciphers.

Syntax: on or off

Default: off


Context: http, server

Enables verifying certificates transmitted by the client and sets the result in the $ssl_client_verify. The optional_no_ca value verifies the certificate if there is one, but does not require it to be signed by a trusted CA certificate.

Syntax: on | off | optional | optional_no_ca

Default: off


Context: http, server

Specifies the verification depth of the client certificate chain.

Syntax: Numeric value

Default: 1


Context: http, server

Configures the cache for SSL sessions.

Syntax: off, none, builtin:size or shared:name:size

Default: off (disables SSL sessions)


Context: http, server

When SSL sessions are enabled, this directive defines the timeout for using session data.

Syntax: Time value

Default: 5 minutes


Context: http, server

Specifies a file containing passphrases for secret keys. Each passphrase is specified on a separate line; they are tried one after the other when loading a certificate key.

Syntax: Filename

Default: (none)


Context: http, server

Specifies buffer size when serving requests over SSL.

Syntax: Size value

Default: 16k


Context: http, server

Enables TLS session tickets, allowing for the client to reconnect faster, skipping renegotiation.

Syntax: on or off

Default: on


Context: http, server

Sets the path of the key file used to encrypt and decrypt TLS session tickets. By default, a random value is generated.

Syntax: file name

Default: (none)


Context: http, server

Sets the path of a trusted certificate file (PEM format), used to validate authenticity of client certificates, as well as stapling of OCSP responses. More about SSL stapling can be found here:

Syntax: Filename

Default: (none)

This module is not included in the default Nginx build.

Additionally, the following variables are made available:

  • $ssl_cipher: Indicates the cipher used for the current request
  • $ssl_ciphers: Returns list of client supported ciphers
  • $ssl_curves: Returns list of client supported curves
  • $ssl_client_serial: Indicates the serial number of the client certificate
  • $ssl_client_s_dn and $ssl_client_i_dn: Indicates the value of the subject and issuer DN of the client certificate
  • $ssl_protocol: Indicates the protocol at use for the current request
  • $ssl_client_cert and $ssl_client_raw_cert: Returns client certificate data, which is raw data for the second variable
  • $ssl_client_verify: Set to SUCCESS if the client certificate was successfully verified
  • $ssl_session_id: Allows you to retrieve the ID of an SSL session
  • $ssl_client_escaped_cert: Returns the client certificate in PEM format
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