
Once again, Nikon has created another groundbreaking camera. The D7000 is the first camera of its kind in the Nikon lineup. Fitting in between the prosumer D90 and the professional D300s, the D7000 is the best of both worlds. The D7000 takes the ease of operation of the D90 and combines it with the toughness of the D300s. The D7000 has magnesium-alloy top and bottom plates as well as weather sealing. And with 19 scene modes to make shooting in any situation a snap, the D7000 is a great camera for those just getting into photography with an eye on becoming a pro.

Another great feature of this camera is the addition of the full 1080p High Definition video and the ability to select the shutter speed and ISO, with full-time auto-focus, a Nikon first that it shares with the D3100. With superb high ISO performance and amazing possibilities with the depth of field options, dSLRs like the D7000 are taking over the video industry.

This Digital Field Guide is meant to be an adjunct to the manual, explaining the camera and its functions in more detail, in a way that's easier to understand. The real-world applications in Chapters 8 through 15 take some of the most basic types of photography and break them down, showing you how pros capture these shots so you too can get great shots.

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