Abrams, Stacey, 180


dismissing your own, 32–33

gender differences in promoting, 143

listing your own, 19–21

sharing your own, 34

Addressed, how you should be, 66–67

Adele, 81

Alienation, 31

Alliances, with other women, 110

Alter egos, 75–90, 194

benefits of, 84

and fear of public speaking, 75–77

and gender expectations, 2–3

and respect in workplace, 59

steps to create, 84–90

tapping into your, 81–84

and thinking of yourself in third person, 78–80

Amazon, 25, 30, 31, 33, 98

Anxiety, 148

Apologies, 137–157

and Emotional Freedom Techniques, 147–153

and gender, 141–147

making unnecessary, 137–141

replacing, with gratitude, 154–157


and alter ego, 87

importance of, 45, 53–54

Apple, 98

Ask, presenting your, 181, 187–190

Asset, making yourself, 71–72

The Atlantic, 145

Attraction, psychology of, 56

Authenticity, 74

Backpedaling, 109

Backstage Capital, 178

The Balancing Act, 20

Bartow, Ann, 94

“The Batman Effect” (Robson), 77

BBC, 77

Because, 160–166

Behavioral response, to emotion, 116


avoiding self-limiting, 46–50

unlearning of, 84–85

Belonging, in the room, 79

Best Buy, 33

Beware the Female Biglaw Partner (blog), 145

Beyoncé, 81, 107

Blakely, Sara, 19, 180

Boll, Jamie, 20


and “nice” girls, 104

request for workplace, 205

that build respect, 66–71


and feminine modesty, 144

learning to, 32–34

in micro-conversations, 185–186

power of, 8–9

and self-promotion, 22–28

Brown, Amanda, 95

Brudz, Steve, 143

Bruner, Pamela, 148

Bryant, Kobe, 81

Business Insider, 48

Cherry, Kendra, 115

Chess, 131

Chira, Susan, 107

Clark, David M., 76–77

Clinton, Hillary, 180

Coca-Cola, 134

Columbia Business School, 20

Communication, 113–135

in alter ego, 88–89

being less reactive in, 123–125

bragging as, 22, 33

closed, by leaders, 30

with confidence, 89

cost-benefit analysis, 133–135

effected by Covid-19 pandemic, 13–14

emotional element of, 115–117

and leadership, 7–8

and networking, 9

nonverbal (see Nonverbal communication)

reactive, 117–123

responsive, 125–129

and silence, 130–133

steps to respond effectively, 129–130

of your worth, 13–15

“Communication in the Real World” (University of Minnesota), 42

Company policies, requesting fair consideration of, 201

Complex prepositions, 162–163


and alter egos, 79, 87

and apologies, 150

and bragging, 26

communicating with, 89

The Confidence Factor for Women, 6–7, 13, 37, 89, 164

Confidentiality, maintaining, 69

Consistency, in sharing your accomplishments, 34

Control, of yourself, 122


micro- (see Micro-conversations)

simplicity in, 190

taking initiative to engage in, 49–50

Cooper, Marianne, 64

Corcoran, Barbara, 19

Cost-benefit analysis, in communication, 133–135

Covid-19 pandemic, 13–14


responding with gratitude towards, 156

and success, 119


and apologetic behaviors, 142

communication skills for, 192–193

effective communication necessary for, 169

influencing perceptions of gatekeepers for, 42–43

and others’ perceptions of you, 54

women in, 3–4

Cues, for habits, 152–153

Culture, gender expectations and, 1–3

Currency, bragging as, 25

Cutraro, Erin Loos, 61


communication style viewed by, 122–123

earning respect of, 71

gratitude when talking to, 155

making connections with, 85

making yourself an asset to, 72

quality of conversations and, 182

silence as signal for, 132

staying in your lane to attract attention of, 74


effective communication of, 171–172

explaining with prepositions, 160–161

Deliverables, focus on, 183

Details, unnecessary, 176–177, 202

The Devil Wears Prada (film), 64

Dey, Rohini, 98

Dibels, 178

Distancing, with alter ego, 83–84

Double Dutch jump rope, 55–56

Duhigg, Charles, 150–153

Education Connection commercials, 99

8-Minute Rule, 178–182


composing responses to, 124

gratitude in, 155

prioritizing, 68

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), 147–153

Emotional statements, in negotiations, 196–198


and communication, 115–117

and habits, 153

putting aside, 90

“Emotions and Types of Emotional Responses” (Cherry), 115

Encyclopedia of Strategic Leadership and Management, 143

Energy frequency, changing, 149

Entrepreneur, 21, 25

Estrada, Jessica, 40

Evidence, presenting, 181, 183–185, 200

Expectations, setting, 72–73


and gender, 5

learning to stop providing, 15

offering unnecessary, 171

overexplaining, 177

and prepositions, 160–161

Eye contact, 48

Facebook, 20, 27, 86, 98, 125–126

Fair considerations of company policies, 201

Fairchild, Caroline, 60

Family, women’s care of, 93

Farber, Madeline, 93


communicating with, 28

and negotiation, 164

Feminine modesty, 143–145

50 Cent, 134

“Fight or flight” reactions, 116

First impressions:

importance of, 37–40

making great, 53–54

First person, speaking in, 24, 33, 48–49

Fitting in, 74

Focus, on yourself, 24

The Food Network, 98

“For Women, Being “Liked” at Work is a Double-Edged Sword” (Fairchild), 60

“For Women Leaders, Likability and Success Hardly Go Hand-in-Hand” (Cooper), 64

Forbes, 8, 20, 21, 25, 51, 78

Forchheimer, Shannon, 145

Forgive to Win! (Jacobson), 32

Fortune, 93

Frankel, Bethenny, 180

Frankel, Lois, 100

Gallo, Amy, 38


engaging in conversation with, 50

influencing perceptions of yourself by, 42–43, 46

making yourself an asset to, 72

Gates, Melinda, 180


as adjective of profession, 97–98

and apologies, 141–147

and self-promotion, 28–32

Gender expectations:

and being “nice,” 91–92

and culture, 1–3

and success, 64

at work, 11–12

in workplace, 60

Gender wage gap, 93

Generic statements, avoiding, 196–198, 200


expectations for, 1–3

and pink perception in upbringing of, 105–106

teaching feminine modesty to, 144–145

Girls Trip (film), 104

Glamour, 21

Glass cliff, 74

Goals, setting, 85–86

Grant, Adam, 108

Gratitude, replacing apologies with, 154–157

Grey Horse Communications, 29

Guilt, 173

Habit, apologizing as, 149

Hall, Regina, 104

Harbinger, AJ, 48

Harris, Carla, 43

Harvard Business Review, 38, 64

Harvard Business School, 20, 150

Harvey, Steve, 20

Hauser, Robin, 63

Hedging, apologies as, 141

Hinshaw, Stephen, 106

Housing and Urban Development Redevelopment Fund, 47

“How Apologies Kill Our Confidence,” 150

“How to Give and Employee Feedback About Their Appearance” (Gallo), 38

“How we form habits, change existing ones.” (Wood), 151

“How Your Perception Is Your Reality, According to Psychologists” (Estrada), 40

How Your Professional Appearance Affects Your Productivity (Time Management Ninjas), 54

Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter (50 Cent), 134

Ice Breaker conversation starters, 50

IGI Global, 143

Inc., 19, 21, 25, 27, 49, 125, 180

“Increase Your Ask,” 163–166

Incubators, 178–179

India Arie, 174


communicating, with apologies, 142

dealing with, 75–77

and nonverbal communication, 102–104

Intentions, setting, 71–73, 181


continuing after, 109

by men and women, 107–108

Introductions, 181, 185–187

It Takes Two, 56

Jackson, Curtis, 134

Jackson, Selma, 10–11

Jacobson, Walter E., 32

James, Lebron, 81

JCI Foundation, 43, 30, 31

Johnson, Dwayne, 81

Jordan, Michael, 81

Jovanovic, Maja, 150

Just Not Sorry app, 143

Kakwani, Manish, 143

KISS principle, 169, 143


avoiding self-limiting, 46–50

and backpedaling, 109

as intentional tool, 134–135

minimizing, with apologies, 143


downplaying roles of, 23–24

as problem solvers, 79–80

reactive vs. responsive, 14

as responsive communicators, 117

women as, 3–4, 100


and communication, 7–8

and likability, 63

look for roles in, 69–70

and performance under pressure, 83–84

Lean In, 125

Legally Blonde (film), 95

Liability, becoming, 72


and apologies, 145

pitfalls of, 61–63

psychology of, 63–65

respect vs., 60–63

“The Likability Dilemma,” 63

“The Likability Trap Is Still a Thing” (Cutraro), 61

The Lily, 144

Limitations, 5

LinkedIn, 60

Listening, in interviews, 10

Lists, making, 68

Live Science, 142

Long-term thinking, 124

Lopez, Eric, 9

Lunch meetings:

building relationships with, 68–69

setting expectations for, 72–73

Management role, request for, 203

Manufactured identities, 81

MC Lyte, 55

McKinsey & Company, 125


gratitude when talking in, 155

lunch (see Lunch meetings)

Mentorship, request for, 204

Meridian points, 148, 149

Micro-conversations, 167–190

8-Minute Rule for, 178–182

steps for creating, 182–190

unnecessary information in, 169–177

Microsoft, 98

Mighty Forces, 29

Million Dollar Listing New York, 19, 180

Mindset, 40

Modesty, 143–145

Momentum, in conversations, 184

Morgan Stanley, 43

MTV Awards, 107

“Naomi Osaka apologizing for winning is the other tragedy of the U.S. Open” (Tavakoli-Far), 144

“Nasty” woman, becoming, 107–111


prepositions in, 163–166

sample scripts for salary, 195–196, 198–200

women’s reluctance to engage in, 93–94

Networking, 9–11

New York Times, 55, 107, 108

“Nice,” women as, 91–93, 100–106

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office (Lois Frankel), 100

Nicknames, 66–67

No Explanation Required lifestyle, 193

Nonverbal communication:

eye contact, 48

and insecurities, 102–104

and perceptions, 40, 51–54

pose, 52–53

posture, 51–52

smiling as, 100–102

Nursing, 99

O, The Oprah Magazine, 25

O’Leary, Kevin, 19, 49

On Your Side Tonight with Jamie Boll, 20

One Sheet, 27–28

On-topic, remaining, 128, 129


increasing, by bragging, 24–25, 28, 34

and perceptions, 40

prepositions in conversations about, 163–166

responsive approach to, 134–135

Oprah, 21

Oprah Effect, 18

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 93

Osaka, Naomi, 144

Overcoming Fake Talk (Stoker), 51

Overpracticing, 110–111

Passive communication, 14

avoiding, 130

in negotiating, 164

reactive communication as, 120

Passive prepositions, 160–162

Pauses, in communication, 123–124

People-pleasing, 173

Perceptions, 37–54

definitions of, 42

importance of, 37–40

influencing others’, 45–50

and nonverbal communication, 51–54

of others, 40–43

self-perception, 44–45

Performance, 42–43

Personal time, requests for, 202

Personality profile, of alter ego, 87–89

Phrases to avoid, 205

Physiological response, to emotion, 116

Pink (singer), 81

Pink perception, 94–100, 194

Poses, 52–53

Posture, 51–52

The Power of Habit (Duhigg), 150, 152–153

Power poses, 52–53

Prepositions, 159–166, 193

complex, 162–163

in opportunity conversations, 163–166

passive, 160–162

Pressure, performance under, 82–84

Prioritization, 67–70

Problem solvers, leaders as, 79–80

Productivity, 67–70

Professionalism, 127


gender as adjective of, 97–98

marketed toward women, 95–96, 99

Proof, presenting, 183–185

Psychology of likability, 63–65, 76

Public speaking, 75–77, 110, 156

Reactions, 117–123, 194

learning to avoid, 123–125

negative consequences of, 115

responses vs., 114–115

Real estate investments, 61–63

Reality, perception and, 43

Reclaiming your time, 70–71

Reiss, Tami, 143


building, with lunch meetings, 68–69

in building companies, 89

with work colleagues, 57–58

Remunerative value statement, 35–36

Replacement value, 35, 200–201

Representation, of self, 41

Respect, 55–74

boundaries that build, 66–71

creating, in routines, 71–74

likability vs., 60–63

mixed messages about earning, 57, 65

and psychology of likability, 63–65

Responses, 125–129, 194

and Covid-19 pandemic, 13–14

deciding when not to respond at all, 132–133

reactions vs., 114–115, 120

steps for effective, 129–130

Responsibility, for other’s perceptions, 40–41

Résumés, 12–13, 26–28

Reviews, sharing your own, 33–34

Rewards, for apologizing, 152

Risk-aversion, 104–105

Road rage, 120

Rob Base, 56

Robson, David, 77

Role models, for girls, 1–2


changing habits in, 151–152

creating respect in, 71–74

Salary negotiations, 195–196, 198–200

Sample scripts:

for fair consideration of company policies, 201

request for management role, 203

request for mentorship, 204

request for personal time, 202

request for workplace boundaries, 205

for salary negotiations, 195–196, 198–200

Sandberg, Sheryl, 20, 108, 125, 180

Saying no:

lack of explaining when, 165–166

and respect, 73

Schumann, Karina, 141–142

ScienceDaily, 151

Self-limiting language and behaviors, 46–50, 140

Self-perception, 44–45

Self-promotion, 17–36

and bragging, 22–28

and communication, 13–15

gender gap in, 28–32

instead of résumés, 12–13

learning to brag, 32–34

and perceptions, 43

remunerative value statement, 35–36

The Self-Promotion Gap, 29

Serhant, Ryan, 19, 180

“7 Things Everyone Should Know About the Power of Eye Contact” (Harbinger), 48

Shark Tank, 19, 49, 178

She Should Run, 61

Sia, 81


and communication, 130–133

and learning to speak up, 191–192

as response, 130

Simple, 174

Small Business Association, 178

Small talk, 179

Smiling, 100–102

Smith, Jada Pinkett, 20

“Social incentives for gender differences in the propensity to initiate negotiations,” 93–94

Social media, 86, 118–119

Social phobia, 76–77

Society for Human Resource Management, 99

Socioeconomic norms, gender and, 99–100

“Some Dumb Girl Syndrome” (Bartow), 94–95

Southpaw Insights, 29

Speaking up, by women, 107–111

“Speaking While Female” (Sandberg and Grant), 108

Standing up, 52, 109

The State of Black Women in Corporate America, 125

Staying in your lane, 73–74

“Step Up to 2020 with an Alter Ego,” 78

The Steve Harvey Show, 20, 21–22, 24

Stoker, John, 51

Strategy, importance of, 131

Subconscious mind, role of, 32

Subjective experience, of emotion, 115–116


and criticism, 119

perceptions of women with, 64

and respect, 59–60

Survival-level businesses, 98

Survival-level careers, 99

Swift, Taylor, 107

Tapping, 147–153

Tavakoli-Far, Nastaran, 144

TED Talks, 19, 52, 63, 150

TEDx events, 21, 27

Temper tantrums, 122


for replacing apologies with gratitude, 154–156

for trigger interactions, 123

Terms of endearment, 66–67

Tesla, 98

“That will never happen for me” mindset, 80

Third person, thinking of yourself in, 78–80

“This Chrome email plugin wants you to stop saying ‘sorry’ all the time” (Torres), 143

Tillberg, Eric, 143


reclaiming your, 70–71

taking adequate, in effective responses, 129

Time Management Ninjas, 54

Timelines, for responses, 200

Toastmasters, 110

The Today Show, 20, 24, 144

Torres, Monica, 143

The Tory Burch Foundation, 178

Training Day (film), 183

Triggers, recognizing, 123

The Triple Blind (Hinshaw), 106


and perceptions of others, 41, 54

and respect, 65

Unique value proposition (UVP), 128, 198

“The Universal Phenomenon of Men Interrupting Women” (Chira), 107

University of Minnesota, 42

University of Southern California, 151

Unlearning, of behaviors, 84–85

Upstream Analysis, 29

U.S. News, 28

UVP (unique value proposition), 128, 198


in conversations, 182–183

proving in 8 minutes, 178–179

Vanzant, Iyanla, 148

Vermilion Restaurants, 98, 115

Vitamin Water, 134

Wage gap, 93

Wall Street Journal, 21, 55

Well+Good, 40

Wells, Adrian, 76–77

The Wendy Williams Show, 19

West, Kayne, 107

Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work?, 145

“Why Don’t More Women Negotiate?” (Sankar), 20

“Why Women Apologize More Than Men” (Schumann and Ross), 141–142

William and Mary School of Law, 94

Williams, Serena, 144

Williams, Wendy, 19

Winfrey, Oprah, 18, 180


alienation of other, due to self-pride, 31

in the C-suite, 3–4

lack of support from other, 145–146

marginalized, by pink perception, 95–96

supporting other, 110

Women@ Leadership Day, 20

Women-centered stereotypes, 91–111

becoming a “nasty” woman, 107–111

perpetuation of, 100–106

and pink perception, 94–100

Women’s Summit, 49

Wood, Wendy, 151


emotions impacting you at, 116

expectations for behavior in, 65

reactive communication in, 121–122

relationships in, 57–58

request for boundaries in, 205

Y-Combinator, 178

Zuckerberg, Mark, 45

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