Handling Data I/O in Node.js

Most active web applications and services have a lot of data flowing through them. That data comes in the form of text, JSON strings, binary buffers, and data streams. For that reason, Node.js has many mechanisms built in to support handling the data I/O from system to system. It is important to understand the mechanisms that Node.js provides to implement effective and efficient web applications and services.

This chapter focuses on manipulating JSON data, managing binary data buffers, implementing readable and writable streams, and compressing and decompressing data. You learn how to leverage the Node.js functionality to work with different I/O requirements.

Working with JSON

One of the most common data types that you work with when implementing Node.js web applications and services is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). JSON is a lightweight method to convert JavaScript objects into a string form and then back again. This provides an easy method when you need to serialize data objects when passing them from client to server, process to process, stream to stream, or when storing them in a database.

There are several reasons to use JSON to serialize your JavaScript objects over XML including the following:

Images JSON is much more efficient and takes up fewer characters.

Images Serializing/deserializing JSON is faster than XML because it’s simpler syntax.

Images JSON is easier to read from a developer’s perspective because it is similar to JavaScript syntax.

The only reasons you might want to use XML over JSON are for complex objects or if you have XML/XSLT transforms already in place.

Converting JSON to JavaScript Objects

A JSON string represents the JavaScript object in string form. The string syntax is similar to code, making it easy to understand. You can use the JSON.parse(string) method to convert a string that is properly formatted with JSON into a JavaScript object.

For example, the following code snippet defines accountStr as a formatted JSON string and converts it to a JavaScript object using JSON.parse(). Then member properties can be accessed via dot notation:

var accountStr = '{"name":"Jedi", "members":["Yoda","Obi Wan"], 
                 "number":34512, "location": "A galaxy far, far away"}';
var accountObj = JSON.parse(accountStr);

The preceding code outputs the following:

[ 'Yoda', 'Obi Wan' ]

Converting JavaScript Objects to JSON

Node also allows you to convert a JavaScript object into a properly formatted JSON string. Thus the string form can be stored in a file or database, sent across an HTTP connection, or written to a stream/buffer. Use the JSON.stringify(text) method to parse JSON text and generate a JavaScript object:

For example, the following code defines a JavaScript object that includes string, numeric, and array properties. Using JSON.stringify(), it is all converted to a JSON string:

var accountObj = {
  name: "Baggins",
  number: 10645,
  members: ["Frodo, Bilbo"],
  location: "Shire"
var accountStr = JSON.stringify(accountObj);

The preceding code outputs the following:

{"name":"Baggins","number":10645,"members":["Frodo, Bilbo"],"location":"Shire"}

Using the Buffer Module to Buffer Data

While JavaScript is Unicode friendly, it is not good at managing binary data. However, binary data is useful when implementing some web applications and services. For example:

Images Transferring compressed files

Images Generating dynamic images

Images Sending serialized binary data

Understanding Buffered Data

Buffered data is made up of a series of octets in big endian or little endian format. That means they take up considerably less space than textual data. Therefore, Node.js provides the Buffer module that gives you the functionality to create, read, write, and manipulate binary data in a buffer structure. The Buffer module is global, so you do not need to use the require() statement to access it.

Buffered data is stored in a structure similar to that of an array but is stored outside the normal V8 heap in raw memory allocations. Therefore a Buffer cannot be resized.

When converting buffers to and from strings, you need to specify the explicit encoding method to be used. Table 5.1 lists the various encoding methods supported.

Table 5.1 Methods of encoding between strings and binary buffers




Multi-byte encoded Unicode characters used as the standard in most documents and webpages.


Little endian encoded Unicode characters of 2 or 4 bytes.


Same as utf16le.


Base64 string encoding.


Encode each byte as two hexadecimal characters.

Big Endian and Little Endian

Binary data in buffers is stored as a series of octets or a sequence of eight 0s and 1s that can be a hexadecimal value of 0x00 to 0xFF. It can be read as a single byte or as a word containing multiple bytes. Endian defines the ordering of significant bits when defining the word. Big endian stores the least significant word first, and little endian stores the least significant word last. For example, the words 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D would be stored in the buffer as [0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D] in big endian but as [0x0D, 0x0C, 0x0B, 0x0A] in little endian.

Creating Buffers

Buffer objects are actually raw memory allocations; therefore, their size must be determined when they are created. The three methods for creating Buffer objects using the new keyword are

new Buffer(sizeInBytes)
new Buffer(octetArray)
new Buffer(string, [encoding])

For example, the following lines of code define buffers using a byte size, octet buffer, and a UTF8 string:

var buf256 = new Buffer(256);
var bufOctets = new Buffer([0x6f, 0x63, 0x74, 0x65, 0x74, 0x73]);
var bufUTF8 = new Buffer("Some UTF8 Text u00b6 u30c6 u20ac", 'utf8');

Writing to Buffers

You cannot extend the size of a Buffer object after it has been created, but you can write data to any location in the buffer. Table 5.2 describes the three methods you can use when writing to buffers.

Table 5.2 Methods of writing from Buffer objects



buffer.write(string, [offset], [length], [encoding])

Writes length number of bytes from the string starting at the offset index inside the buffer using encoding.

buffer[offset] = value

Replaces the data at index offset with the value specified.

buffer.fill(value, [offset], [end])

Writes the value to every byte in the buffer starting at the offset index and ending with the end index.

writeInt8(value, offset, [noAssert])

writeInt16LE(value, offset, [noAssert])

writeInt16BE(value, offset, [noAssert])

There is a wide range of methods for Buffer objects to write integers, unsigned integers, doubles, and floats of various sizes using little endian or big endian. value specifies the value to write, offset specifies the index to write to, and noAssert specifies whether to skip validation of the value and offset. noAssert should be left at the default false unless you are absolutely certain of correctness.

To illustrate writing to buffers better, Listing 5.1 defines a buffer, fills it with zeros, writes some text at the beginning using the write() method at line 4, and then adds some additional text using a write that alters part of the existing buffer using write(string, offset, length) at line 6. Then in line 8 it adds a + to the end by directly setting the value of an index, as shown in Listing 5.1 Output. Notice that the buf256.write("more text", 9, 9) statement writes to the middle of the buffer and buf256[18] = 43 changes a single byte.

Listing 5.1buffer_write.js: Various ways to write to a Buffer object

1 buf256 = new Buffer(256);
2 buf256.fill(0);
3 buf256.write("add some text");
4 console.log(buf256.toString());
5 buf256.write("more text", 9, 9);
6 console.log(buf256.toString());
7 buf256[18] = 43;
8 console.log(buf256.toString());

Listing 5.1 Output buffer_write.js: Writing data from a Buffer object

odech05>node buffer_write.js
add some text
add some more text
add some more text+

Reading from Buffers

There are several methods for reading from buffers. The simplest is to use the toString() method to convert all or part of a buffer to a string. However, you can also access specific indexes in the buffer directly or by using read(). Also Node.js provides a StringDecoder object that has a write(buffer) method that decodes and writes buffered data using the specified encoding. Table 5.3 describes these methods for reading Buffer objects.

Table 5.3 Methods of reading from Buffer objects



buffer.toString([encoding], [start], [end])

Returns a string containing the decoded characters specified by encoding from the start index to the end index of the buffer. If start or end is not specified, then toString() uses the beginning or end of the buffer.


Returns a decoded string version of the buffer.


Returns the octet value in the buffer at the specified offset.

readInt8(offset, [noAssert])

readInt16LE(offset, [noAssert])

readInt16BE(offset, [noAssert])

There is a wide range of methods for Buffer objects to read integers, unsigned integers, doubles, and floats of various sizes using little endian or big endian. These functions accept the offset to read from an optional noAssert Boolean value that specifies whether to skip validation of the offset. noAssert should be left at the default false unless you are absolutely certain of correctness.

To illustrate reading from buffers, Listing 5.2 defines a buffer with UTF8 encoded characters, and then uses toString() without parameters to read all the buffer, and then with the encoding, start, and end parameters to read part of the buffer. Then in lines 4 and 5 it creates a StringDecoder with UTF8 encoding and uses it to write the contents of the buffer out to the console. Next, a direct access method is used to get the value of the octet at index 18. Listing 5.2 Output shows the output of the code.

Listing 5.2 buffer_read.js: Various ways to read from a Buffer object

1 bufUTF8 = new Buffer("Some UTF8 Text u00b6 u30c6 u20ac", 'utf8');
2 console.log(bufUTF8.toString());
3 console.log(bufUTF8.toString('utf8', 5, 9));
4 var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder;
5 var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
6 console.log(decoder.write(bufUTF8));

Listing 5.2 Output buffer_read.js: Reading data from a Buffer object

odech05>node buffer_read.js
Some UTF8 Text ¶ テ €
Some UTF8 Text ¶ テ €

Determining Buffer Length

A common task when dealing with buffers is determining the length, especially when you create a buffer dynamically from a string. The length of a buffer can be determined by calling .length on the Buffer object. To determine the byte length that a string takes up in a buffer you cannot use the .length property. Instead you need to use Buffer.byteLength(string, [encoding]). Note that there is a difference between the string length and byte length of a buffer. To illustrate this consider the followings statements:

"UTF8 text u00b6".length;
//evaluates to 11
Buffer.byteLength("UTF8 text u00b6", 'utf8');
//evaluates to 12
Buffer("UTF8 text u00b6").length;
//evaluates to 12

Notice that the same string evaluates to 11 characters, but because it contains a double-byte character the byteLength is 12. Also note that Buffer("UTF8 text u00b6").length evaluates to 12 also. That is because .length on a buffer returns the byte length.

Copying Buffers

An important part of working with buffers is the ability to copy data from one buffer into another buffer. Node.js provides the copy(targetBuffer, [targetStart], [sourceStart], [sourceIndex]) method on Buffer objects. The targetBuffer parameter is another Buffer object, and targetStart, sourceStart, and sourceEnd are indexes inside the source and target buffers.


To copy string data from one buffer to the next, make sure that both buffers use the same encoding or you may get unexpected results when decoding the resulting buffer.

You can also copy data from one buffer to the other by indexing them directly, for example:

sourceBuffer[index] = destinationBuffer[index]

Listing 5.3 illustrates three examples of copying data from one buffer to another. The first method in lines 4–8 copies the full buffer. The next method in lines 10–14 copies only the middle 5 bytes of a buffer. The third example iterates through the source buffer and only copies every other byte in the buffer. The results are shown in Listing 5.3 Output.

Listing 5.3 buffer_copy.js: Various ways to copy data from one Buffer object to another

01 var alphabet = new Buffer('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
02 console.log(alphabet.toString());
03 // copy full buffer
04 var blank = new Buffer(26);
05 blank.fill();
06 console.log("Blank: " + blank.toString());
07 alphabet.copy(blank);
08 console.log("Blank: " + blank.toString());
09 // copy part of buffer
10 var dashes = new Buffer(26);
11 dashes.fill('-');
12 console.log("Dashes: " + dashes.toString());
13 alphabet.copy(dashes, 10, 10, 15);
14 console.log("Dashes: " + dashes.toString());
15 // copy to and from direct indexes of buffers
16 var dots = new Buffer('-------------------------');
17 dots.fill('.');
18 console.log("dots: " + dots.toString());
19 for (var i=0; i < dots.length; i++){
20   if (i % 2) { dots[i] = alphabet[i]; }
21 }
22 console.log("dots: " + dots.toString());

Listing 5.3 Output buffer_copy.js: Copying data from one Buffer object to another

odech05>node buffer_copy.js
Blank: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Dashes: --------------------------
Dashes: ----------klmno-----------
dots: .........................
dots: .b.d.f.h.j.l.n.p.r.t.v.x.

Slicing Buffers

Another important aspect of working with buffers is the ability to divide them into slices. A slice is a section of a buffer between a starting index and an ending index. Slicing a buffer allows you to manipulate a specific chunk.

Slices are created using the slice([start], [end]) method, which returns a Buffer object that points to start index of the original buffer and has a length of endstart. Keep in mind that a slice is different from a copy. If you edit a copy, the original does not change. However, if you edit a slice, the original does change.

Listing 5.4 illustrates using slices. Note that when the slice is altered in lines 5 and 6, it also alters the original buffer, as shown in Listing 5.4 Output.

Listing 5.4 buffer_slice.js: Creating and manipulating slices of a Buffer object

1 var numbers = new Buffer("123456789");
2 console.log(numbers.toString());
3 var slice = numbers.slice(3, 6);
4 console.log(slice.toString());
5 slice[0] = '#'.charCodeAt(0);
6 slice[slice.length-1] = '#'.charCodeAt(0);
7 console.log(slice.toString());
8 console.log(numbers.toString());

Listing 5.4 Output buffer_slice.js: Slicing and modifying a Buffer object

odech05>node buffer_slice.js

Concatenating Buffers

You can also concatenate two or more Buffer objects together to form a new buffer. The concat(list, [totalLength]) method accepts an array of Buffer objects as the first parameter, and totalLength defines the maximum bytes in the buffer as an optional second argument. The Buffer objects are concatenated in the order they appear in the list, and a new Buffer object is returned containing the contents of the original buffers up to totalLength bytes.

If you do not provide a totalLength parameter, concat() figures it out for you. However, it has to iterate through the list, so providing a totalLength value is faster.

Listing 5.5 concatenates a base Buffer with one buffer and then another, as shown in Listing 5.5 Output.

Listing 5.5 buffer_concat.js: Concatenating Buffer objects

1 var af = new Buffer("African Swallow?");
2 var eu = new Buffer("European Swallow?");
3 var question = new Buffer("Air Speed Velocity of an ");
4 console.log(Buffer.concat([question, af]).toString());
5 console.log(Buffer.concat([question, eu]).toString());

Listing 5.5 Output buffer_concat.js: Concatenating Buffer objects

odech05>node buffer_concat.js
Air Speed Velocity of an African Swallow?
Air Speed Velocity of an European Swallow?

Using the Stream Module to Stream Data

An important module in Node.js is the stream module. Data streams are memory structures that are readable, writable, or both. Streams are used all over in Node.js, for example, when accessing files or reading data from HTTP requests and in several other areas. This section covers using the Stream module to create streams as well as read and write data from them.

The purpose of streams is to provide a common mechanism to transfer data from one location to another. They also expose events, such as when data is available to be read, when an error occurs, and so on. You can then register listeners to handle the data when it becomes available in a stream or is ready to be written to.

Some common uses for streams are HTTP data and files. You can open a file as a readable stream or access the data from an HTTP request as a readable stream and read bytes out as needed. Additionally, you can create your own custom streams. The following sections describe the process of creating and using readable, writable, duplex, and transform streams.

Readable Streams

Readable streams provide a mechanism to easily read data coming into your application from another source. Some common examples of readable streams are

Images HTTP responses on the client

Images HTTP requests on the server

Images fs read streams

Images zlib streams

Images crypto streams

Images TCP sockets

Images Child processes stdout and stderr

Images process.stdin

Readable streams provide the read([size]) method to read data where size specifies the number of bytes to read from the stream. read() can return a String, Buffer or null. Readable streams also expose the following events:

Images readable: Emitted when a chunk of data can be read from the stream.

Images data: Similar to readable except that when data event handlers are attached, the stream is turned into flowing mode, and the data handler is called continuously until all data has been drained.

Images end: Emitted by the stream when data will no longer be provided.

Images close: Emitted when the underlying resource, such as a file, has been closed.

Images error: Emitted when an error occurs receiving data.

Readable stream objects also provide a number of functions that allow you to read and manipulate them. Table 5.4 lists the methods available on a Readable stream object.

Table 5.4 Methods available on Readable stream objects




Reads data from the stream. The data can be a String, Buffer, or null, meaning there is no more data left. If a size argument is read, then the data is limited to that number of bytes.


Sets the encoding to use when returning String in the read() request.


This pauses data events from being emitted by the object.


The resumes data events being emitted by the object.

pipe(destination, [options])

This pipes the output of this stream into a Writable stream object specified by destination. options in a JavaScript object. For example, {end:true} ends the Writable destination when the Readable ends.


Disconnects this object from the Writable destination.

To implement your own custom Readable stream object, you need to first inherit the functionality for Readable streams. The simplest way to do that is to use the util module’s inherits() method:

var util = require('util');
util.inherits(MyReadableStream, stream.Readable);

Then you create an instance of the object call:

stream.Readable.call(this, opt);

You also need to implement a _read() method that calls push() to output the data from the Readable object. The push() call should push either a String, Buffer, or null.

Listing 5.6 illustrates the basics of implementing and reading from a Readable stream. Notice that the Answers() class inherits from Readable and then implements the Answers.prototye._read() function to handle pushing data out. Also notice that on line 18, a direct read() call reads the first item from the stream and then the rest of the items are read by the data event handler defined on lines 19–21. Listing 5.6 Output shows the result.

Listing 5.6 stream_read.js: Implementing a Readable stream object

01 var stream = require('stream');
02 var util = require('util');
03 util.inherits(Answers, stream.Readable);
04 function Answers(opt) {
05   stream.Readable.call(this, opt);
06   this.quotes = ["yes", "no", "maybe"];
07   this._index = 0;
08 }
09 Answers.prototype._read = function() {
10   if (this._index > this.quotes.length){
11     this.push(null);
12   } else {
13     this.push(this.quotes[this._index]);
14     this._index += 1;
15   }
16 };
17 var r = new Answers();
18 console.log("Direct read: " + r.read().toString());
19 r.on('data', function(data){
20   console.log("Callback read: " + data.toString());
21 });
22 r.on('end', function(data){
23   console.log("No more answers.");
24 });

Listing 5.6 Output stream_read.js: Implementing a custom Readable object

odech05>node stream_read.js
Direct read: yes
Callback read: no
Callback read: maybe
No more answers.

Writable Streams

Writable streams are designed to provide a mechanism to write data into a form that can easily be consumed in another area of code. Some common examples of Writable streams are

Images HTTP requests on the client

Images HTTP responses on the server

Images fs write streams

Images zlib streams

Images crypto streams

Images TCP sockets

Images Child process stdin

Images process.stdout, process.stderr

Writable streams provide the write(chunk, [encoding], [callback]) method to write data into the stream, where chunk contains the data to write, encoding specifies the string encoding if necessary, and callback specifies a callback function to execute when the data has been fully flushed. The write() function returns true if the data was written successfully. Writable streams also expose the following events:

Images drain: After a write() call returns false, the drain event is emitted to notify listeners when it is okay to begin writing more data.

Images finish: Emitted when end() is called on the Writable object; all data is flushed and no more data will be accepted.

Images pipe: Emitted when the pipe() method is called on a Readable stream to add this Writable as a destination.

Images unpipe: Emitted when the unpipe() method is called on a Readable stream to remove this Writable as a destination.

Writable stream objects also provide a number of methods that allow you to write and manipulate them. Table 5.5 lists the methods available on a Writable stream object.

Table 5.5 Methods available on Writable stream objects



write(chunk, [encoding], [callback])

Writes the data chunk to the stream object’s data location. The data can be a String or Buffer. If encoding is specified, then it is used to encode string data. If callback is specified, then it is called after the data has been flushed.

end([chunk], [encoding], [callback])

Same as write(), except it puts the Writable into a state where it no longer accepts data and sends the finish event.

To implement your own custom Writable stream object, you need to first inherit the functionality for Writable streams. The simplest way to do that is to use the util module’s inherits() method:

var util = require('util');
util.inherits(MyWritableStream, stream.Writable);

Then you create an instance of the object call:

stream. Writable.call(this, opt);

You also need to implement a _write(data, encoding, callback) method that stores the data for the Writable object. Listing 5.7 illustrates the basics of implementing and writing to a Writable stream. Listing 5.7 Output shows the result.

Listing 5.7 stream_write.js: Implementing a Writable stream object

01 var stream = require('stream');
02 var util = require('util');
03 util.inherits(Writer, stream.Writable);
04 function Writer(opt) {
05   stream.Writable.call(this, opt);
06   this.data = new Array();
07 }
08 Writer.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) {
09   this.data.push(data.toString('utf8'));
10   console.log("Adding: " + data);
11   callback();
12 };
13 var w = new Writer();
14 for (var i=1; i<=5; i++){
15   w.write("Item" + i, 'utf8');
16 }
17 w.end("ItemLast");
18 console.log(w.data);

Listing 5.7 Output stream_ write.js: Implementing a custom Writable object

odech05>node stream_write.js
Adding: Item1
Adding: Item2
Adding: Item3
Adding: Item4
Adding: Item5
Adding: ItemLast
[ 'Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3', 'Item4', 'Item5', 'ItemLast' ]

Duplex Streams

A Duplex stream combines Readable and Writable functionality. A good example of a duplex stream is a TCP socket connection. You can read and write from the socket connection once it has been created.

To implement your own custom Duplex stream object, you need to first inherit the functionality for Duplex streams. The simplest way to do that is to use the util module’s inherits() method:

var util = require('util');
util.inherits(MyDuplexStream, stream.Duplex);

Then you create an instance of the object call:

stream. Duplex.call(this, opt);

The opt parameter when creating a Duplex stream accepts an object with the property allowHalfOpen set to true or false. If this option is true, then the readable side stays open even after the writable side has ended and vice versa. If this option is set to false, ending the writable side also ends the readable side and vice versa.

When you implement a Duplex stream, you need to implement both a _read(size) and a _write(data, encoding, callback) method when prototyping your Duplex class.

Listing 5.8 illustrates the basics of implementing writing to and reading from a Duplex stream. The example is basic but shows the main concepts. The Duplexer() class inherits from the Duplex stream and implements a rudimentary _write() function that stores data in an array in the object. The _read() function uses shift() to get the first item in the array and then ends by pushing null if it is equal to "stop", pushes it if there is a value, or sets a timeout timer to call back to the _read() function if there is no value.

In Listing 5.8 Output, notice that the first two writes "I think, " and "therefore" are read together. This is because both were pushed to the Readable before the data event was triggered.

Listing 5.8 stream_duplex.js: Implementing a Duplex stream object

01 var stream = require('stream');
02 var util = require('util');
03 util.inherits(Duplexer, stream.Duplex);
04 function Duplexer(opt) {
05   stream.Duplex.call(this, opt);
06   this.data = [];
07 }
08 Duplexer.prototype._read = function readItem(size) {
09   var chunk = this.data.shift();
10   if (chunk == "stop"){
11     this.push(null);
12   } else {
13     if(chunk){
14       this.push(chunk);
15     } else {
16       setTimeout(readItem.bind(this), 500, size);
17     }
18   }
19 };
20 Duplexer.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) {
21   this.data.push(data);
22   callback();
23 };
24 var d = new Duplexer();
25 d.on('data', function(chunk){
26   console.log('read: ', chunk.toString());
27 });
28 d.on('end', function(){
29   console.log('Message Complete');
30 });
31 d.write("I think, ");
32 d.write("therefore ");
33 d.write("I am.");
34 d.write("Rene Descartes");
35 d.write("stop");

Listing 5.8 Output stream_ duplex.js: Implementing a custom Duplex object

odech05>node stream_duplex.js
read:  I think,
read:  therefore
read:  I am.
read:  Rene Descartes
Message Complete

Transform Streams

Another type of stream is the Transform stream. A Transform stream extends the Duplex stream but modifies the data between the Writable stream and the Readable stream. This can be useful when you need to modify data from one system to another. Some examples of Transform streams are

Images zlib streams

Images crypto streams

A major difference between the Duplex and the Transform streams is that for Transforms you do not need to implement the _read() and _write() prototype methods. These are provided as pass-through functions. Instead, you implement the _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) and _flush(callback) methods. The _transform() method should accept the data from write() requests, modify it, and then push() out the modified data.

Listing 5.9 illustrates the basics of implementing a Transform stream. The stream accepts JSON strings, converts them to objects, and then emits a custom event named object that sends the object to any listeners. The _transform() function also modifies the object to include a handled property and then sends a string form on. Notice that lines 18–21 implement the object event handler function that displays certain attributes. In Listing 5.9 Output, notice that the JSON strings now include the handled property.

Listing 5.9 stream_transform.js: Implementing a Transform stream object

01 var stream = require("stream");
02 var util = require("util");
03 util.inherits(JSONObjectStream, stream.Transform);
04 function JSONObjectStream (opt) {
05   stream.Transform.call(this, opt);
06 };
07 JSONObjectStream.prototype._transform = function (data, encoding, callback) {
08   object = data ? JSON.parse(data.toString()) : "";
09   this.emit("object", object);
10   object.handled = true;
11   this.push(JSON.stringify(object));
12   callback();
13 };
14 JSONObjectStream.prototype._flush = function(cb) {
15   cb();
16 };
17 var tc = new JSONObjectStream();
18 tc.on("object", function(object){
19   console.log("Name: %s", object.name);
20   console.log("Color: %s", object.color);
21 });
22 tc.on("data", function(data){
23   console.log("Data: %s", data.toString());
24 });
25 tc.write('{"name":"Carolinus", "color": "Green"}');
26 tc.write('{"name":"Solarius", "color": "Blue"}');
27 tc.write('{"name":"Lo Tae Zhao", "color": "Gold"}');
28 tc.write('{"name":"Ommadon", "color": "Red"}');

Listing 5.9 Output stream_transform.js: Implementing a custom Transform object

odech05>node stream_transform.js
Name: Carolinus
Color: Green
Data: {"name":"Carolinus","color":"Green","handled":true}
Name: Solarius
Color: Blue
Data: {"name":"Solarius","color":"Blue","handled":true}
Name: Lo Tae Zhao
Color: Gold
Data: {"name":"Lo Tae Zhao","color":"Gold","handled":true}
Name: Ommadon
Color: Red
Data: {"name":"Ommadon","color":"Red","handled":true}

Piping Readable Streams to Writable Streams

One of the coolest things you can do with stream objects is to chain Readable streams to Writable streams using the pipe(writableStream, [options]) function. This does exactly what the name implies. The output from the Readable stream is directly input into the Writable stream. The options parameter accepts an object with the end property set to true or false. When end is true, the Writable stream ends when the Readable stream ends. This is the default behavior. For example:

readStream.pipe(writeStream, {end:true});

You can also break the pipe programmatically using the unpipe(destinationStream) option. Listing 5.10 implements a Readable stream and a Writable stream and then uses the pipe() function to chain them together. To show you the basic process, the data input from the _write() method is output to the console in Listing 5.10 Output.

Listing 5.10 stream_piped.js: Piping a Readable stream into a Writable stream

01 var stream = require('stream');
02 var util = require('util');
03 util.inherits(Reader, stream.Readable);
04 util.inherits(Writer, stream.Writable);
05 function Reader(opt) {
06   stream.Readable.call(this, opt);
07   this._index = 1;
08 }
09 Reader.prototype._read = function(size) {
10   var i = this._index++;
11   if (i > 10){
12     this.push(null);
13   } else {
14     this.push("Item " + i.toString());
15   }
16 };
17 function Writer(opt) {
18   stream.Writable.call(this, opt);
19   this._index = 1;
20 }
21 Writer.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) {
22   console.log(data.toString());
23   callback();
24 };
25 var r = new Reader();
26 var w = new Writer();
27 r.pipe(w);

Listing 5.10 Output stream_ piped.js: Implementing stream piping

odech05>node stream_piped.js
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
Item 10

Compressing and Decompressing Data with Zlib

When working with large systems or moving large amounts of data around, it is helpful to be able to compress and decompress the data. Node.js provides an excellent library in the Zlib module that allows you to easily and efficiently compress and decompress data in buffers.

Keep in mind that compressing data takes CPU cycles. So you should be certain of the benefits of compressing the data before incurring the compression/decompression cost. The compression methods supported by Zlib are

Images gzip/gunzip: Standard gzip compression

Images deflate/inflate: Standard deflate compression algorithm based on Huffman coding

Images deflateRaw/inflateRaw: Deflate compression algorithm on a raw buffer

Compressing and Decompressing Buffers

The Zlib module provides several helper functions that make it easy to compress and decompress data buffers. These all use the same basic format of function(buffer, callback), where function is the compression/decompression method, buffer is the buffer to be compressed/decompressed, and callback is the callback function executed after the compression/decompression occurs.

The simplest way to illustrate buffer compression/decompression is to show you some examples. Listing 5.11 provides several compression/decompression examples, and the size result of each example is shown in Listing 5.11 Output.

Listing 5.11 zlib_buffers.js: Compressing/decompressing buffers using the Zlib module

01 var zlib = require("zlib");
02 var input = '...............text...............';
03 zlib.deflate(input, function(err, buffer) {
04   if (!err) {
05     console.log("deflate (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString('base64'));
06     zlib.inflate(buffer, function(err, buffer) {
07       if (!err) {
08         console.log("inflate (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString());
09       }
10     });
11     zlib.unzip(buffer, function(err, buffer) {
12       if (!err) {
13         console.log("unzip deflate (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString());
14       }
15     });
16   }
17 });
19 zlib.deflateRaw(input, function(err, buffer) {
20   if (!err) {
21     console.log("deflateRaw (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString('base64'));
22     zlib.inflateRaw(buffer, function(err, buffer) {
23       if (!err) {
24         console.log("inflateRaw (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString());
25       }
26     });
27   }
28 });
30 zlib.gzip(input, function(err, buffer) {
31   if (!err) {
32     console.log("gzip (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString('base64'));
33     zlib.gunzip(buffer, function(err, buffer) {
34       if (!err) {
35         console.log("gunzip (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString());
36       }
37     });
38     zlib.unzip(buffer, function(err, buffer) {
39       if (!err) {
40         console.log("unzip gzip (%s): ", buffer.length, buffer.toString());
41       }
42     });
43   }
44 });

Listing 5.11 Output zilb_ buffers.js: Compressing/decompressing buffers

odech05>node zlib_buffers.js
deflate (18):  eJzT00MBJakVJagiegB9Zgcq
deflateRaw (12):  09NDASWpFSWoInoA
gzip (30):  H4sIAAAAAAAAC9PTQwElqRUlqCJ6AIq+x+AiAAAA
inflate (34):  ...............text...............
unzip deflate (34):  ...............text...............
inflateRaw (34):  ...............text...............
gunzip (34):  ...............text...............
unzip gzip (34):  ...............text...............

Compressing/Decompressing Streams

Compressing/decompressing streams using Zlib is slightly different from compressing/decompressing buffers. Instead, you use the pipe() function to pipe the data from one stream through the compression/decompression object into another stream. This can apply to compressing any Readable streams into Writable streams.

A good example of doing this is compressing the contents of a file using fs.ReadStream and fs.WriteStream. Listing 5.12 shows an example of compressing the contents of a file using a zlib.Gzip() object and then decompressing back using a zlib.Gunzip() object.

Listing 5.12 zlib_file.js: Compressing/decompressing a file stream using the Zlib module

01 var zlib = require("zlib");
02 var gzip = zlib.createGzip();
03 var fs = require('fs');
04 var inFile = fs.createReadStream('zlib_file.js');
05 var outFile = fs.createWriteStream('zlib_file.gz');
06 inFile.pipe(gzip).pipe(outFile);
07 gzip.flush();
08 outFile.close();
09 var gunzip = zlib.createGunzip();
10 var inFile = fs.createReadStream('zlib_file.gz');
11 var outFile = fs.createWriteStream('zlib_file.unzipped');
12 inFile.pipe(gunzip).pipe(outFile);


At the heart of most intense web applications and services is a lot of data streaming from one system to another. In this chapter, you learned how to use functionality built into Node.js to work with JSON data, manipulate binary buffer data, and utilize data streams. You also learned about compressing buffered data as well as running data streams through compression/decompression.


In the next chapter, you see how to interact with the file system from Node.js. You get a chance to read/write files, create directories, and read file system information.

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