Writable Streams

Writable streams are designed to provide a mechanism to write data into a form that can easily be consumed in another area of code. Some common examples of Writable streams are:

Image HTTP requests on the client

Image HTTP responses on the server

Image fs write streams

Image zlib streams

Image crypto streams

Image TCP sockets

Image Child process stdin

Image process.stdout and process.stderr

Writable streams provide the write(chunk, [encoding], [callback]) method to write data into the stream, where chunk contains the data to write; encoding specifies the string encoding, if necessary; and callback specifies a callback function to execute when the data has been fully flushed. The write() function returns true if the data was written successfully. Writable streams also expose the following events:

Image drain: After a write() call returns false, emitted to notify listeners when it is okay to begin writing more data.

Image finish: Emitted when end() is called on the Writable object, all data is flushed, and no more data will be accepted.

Image pipe: Emitted when the pipe() method is called on a Readable stream to add this Writable as a destination.

Image unpipe: Emitted when the unpipe() method is called on a Readable stream to remove this Writable as a destination.

Writable stream objects also provide a number of methods that you can write and manipulate. Table 5.5 lists the methods available on Writable stream objects.


Table 5.5 Methods available on Writable stream objects

To implement your own custom Writable stream object, you need to first inherit the functionality for Writable streams. The simplest way to do this is to use the following code, which uses the util module’s inherits() method:

var util = require('util'),
util.inherits(MyWritableStream, stream.Writable);

Then you create an instance of the object call:

stream.Writable.call(this, opt);

You also need to implement a _write(data, encoding, callback) method that stores the data for the Writable object. The code in Listing 5.7 illustrates the basics of implementing and writing to a Writable stream. Figure 5.7 shows the output for Listing 5.7.

Listing 5.7 stream_write.js: Implementing a Writable stream object

01 var stream = require('stream'),
02 var util = require('util'),
03 util.inherits(Writer, stream.Writable);
04 function Writer(opt) {
05   stream.Writable.call(this, opt);
06   this.data = new Array();
07 }
08 Writer.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, callback) {
09   this.data.push(data.toString('utf8'));
10   console.log("Adding: " + data);
11   callback();
12 };
13 var w = new Writer();
14 for (var i=1; i<=5; i++){
15   w.write("Item" + i, 'utf8'),
16 }
17 w.end("ItemLast");
18 console.log(w.data);


Figure 5.7 Output of stream_write.js, implementing a custom Writable object.

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