What Is Node.js?

Node.js is a development framework that is based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. You write Node.js code in JavaScript, and then V8 compiles it into machine code to be executed. You can write most—or maybe even all—of your server-side code in Node.js, including the webserver and the server-side scripts and any supporting web application functionality. The fact that the webserver and the supporting web application scripts are running together in the same server-side application allows for much tighter integration between the webserver and the scripts.

The following are just a few reasons Node.js is a great framework:

Image JavaScript end-to-end: One of the biggest advantages of Node.js is that it allows you to write both server- and client-side scripts in JavaScript. There have always been difficulties in deciding whether to put logic in client-side scripts or server-side scripts. With Node.js you can take JavaScript written on the client and easily adapt it for the server and vice versa. An added plus is that client developers and server developers are speaking the same language.

Image Event-driven scalability: Node.js applies a unique logic to handling web requests. Rather than having multiple threads waiting to process web requests, with Node.js they are processed on the same thread, using a basic event model. This allows Node.js webservers to scale in ways that traditional webservers can’t.

Image Extensibility: Node.js has a great following and very active development community. People are providing new modules to extend Node.js functionality all the time. Also, it is very simple to install and include new modules in Node.js; you can extend a Node.js project to include new functionality in minutes.

Image Fast implementation: Setting up Node.js and developing in it are super easy. In only a few minutes you can install Node.js and have a working webserver.

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