Initializing the Application

Now that the application is done, you need to create the initial Customer, Order, and Product documents in the database. There are several different ways to do this, such as using a database script or creating an admin interface for you application. To make it simple, this example includes a basic Node.js script to generate the data you’ve seen so far.

The code in Listing 28.30 shows a basic Node.js script that first cleans up, removing the customers, orders, and products collections. It then creates a Customer document and an Order document and then adds several Product documents. It adds the Product documents to the Customer document’s cart and the Order document’s items.

Listing 28.30 cart_init.js: Initializing the shopping cart application data in MongoDB

01 var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
02 var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/cart'),
03 require('./models/cart_model.js'),
04 var Address = mongoose.model('Address'),
05 var Billing = mongoose.model('Billing'),
06 var Product = mongoose.model('Product'),
07 var ProductQuantity = mongoose.model('ProductQuantity'),
08 var Order = mongoose.model('Order'),
09 var Customer = mongoose.model('Customer'),
10 function addProduct(customer, order, name, imagefile,
11                     price, description, instock){
12   var product = new Product({name:name, imagefile:imagefile,
13                              price:price, description:description,
14                              instock:instock});
15, results){
16     order.items.push(new ProductQuantity({quantity: 1,
17                                           product: [product]}));
20     console.log("Product " + name + " Saved.");
21   });
22 }
23 Product.remove().exec(function(){
24   Order.remove().exec(function(){
25     Customer.remove().exec(function(){
26       var shipping = new Address({
27         name: 'Customer A',
28         address: 'Somewhere',
29         city: 'My Town',
30         state: 'CA',
31         zip: '55555'
32       });
33       var billing = new Billing({
34         cardtype: 'Visa',
35         name: 'Customer A',
36         number: '1234567890',
37         expiremonth: 1,
38         expireyear: 2020,
39         address: shipping
40       });
41       var customer = new Customer({
42         userid: 'customerA',
43         shipping: shipping,
44         billing: billing,
45         cart: []
46       });
47, result){
48         var order = new Order({
49           userid: customer.userid,
50           items: [],
51           shipping: customer.shipping,
52           billing: customer.billing
53         });
54, result){
55           addProduct(customer, order, 'Delicate Arch Print',
56               'arch.jpg', 12.34,
57               'View of the breathtaking Delicate Arch in Utah',
58               Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1));
59           addProduct(customer, order, 'Volcano Print',
60               'volcano.jpg', 45.45,
61               'View of a tropical lake backset by a volcano',
62               Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1));
63           addProduct(customer, order, 'Tikal Structure Print',
64               'pyramid.jpg', 38.52,
65               'Look at the amazing architecture of early America.',
66               Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1));
67           addProduct(customer, order, 'Glacial Lake Print',
68               'lake.jpg', 77.45,
69               'Vivid color, crystal clear water from glacial runoff.',
70               Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1));
71         });
72       });
73     });
74   });
75 });;

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