Defining the Weather AngularJS Controller

With the weather service and route defined on the Node.js server side, you can implement a controller that accesses the route to get weather data. Listing 29.10 implements weatherController in the AngularJS application Module object. The scope contains a list of cities and the location or city name used when getting weather data. Also, a locationIn value is defined to provide a model for a text input to add new city names.

The getWeather() function makes an $http GET request, passing the city parameter from $scope.location, and sets the $ value that will be bound to the view.

The addCity() function uses locationIn to add new cities to the cities array. If a city already exists, then it is not added. The location is set to the new city, and getWeather() retrieves the weather data.

Listing 29.10 rich_ui_app.js-weatherController: Implementing the AngularJS controller to interact with the view and backend service

001 var app = angular.module('richApp', []);
. . .
050 app.controller('weatherController', function($scope, $http) {
051   $scope.cities = ['London', 'Paris', 'New York',
052                    'Rome', 'Los Angeles'];
053   $scope.location = $scope.cities[0];
054   $scope.locationIn = '';
055   $scope.getWeather = function(){
056     $http({url: '/weather', method: "GET",
057            params:{city:$scope.location}})
058     .success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
059        $ = data;
060      })
061      .error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
062        $ = data;
063      });
064   };
065   $scope.addCity = function(){
066     if ($scope.cities.indexOf($scope.locationIn) != 0){
067       $scope.cities.push($scope.locationIn);
068     }
069     $scope.location = $scope.locationIn;
070     $scope.getWeather();
071   };
072   $scope.setLocation = function(city){
073     $scope.location = city;
074     $scope.getWeather();
075   };
076   $scope.getWeather('London'),
077 });

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