Defining the Table AngularJS Controller

With the /word route handler in place, you can implement the AngularJS controller that accesses the list of words displayed in the table. Listing 29.17 implements tableController in the AngularJS application Module object.

The first few lines define the words array, which contains the data for the table as well as the contains, limit, skip, and direction values used in the $http GET request to retrieve the set of words. The sortFields array provides data to select which field to sort on.

The getWords() function makes an $http GET request to the /words route and populates the $scope.words array that is bound to the table data with the results. Notice that the limit, skip, sort, direction, and contains fields are sent with the request to support sorting, paging, and filtering.

The find() method reinitializes the skip value and then calls getWords() to perform a new search. The next() and prev() methods adjust the skip value to page the results from the words database.

Listing 29.17 rich_ui_app.js-tableController: Implementing the AngularJS controller to interact with the Word model on the server

001 var app = angular.module('richApp', []);
002 app.controller('tableController', function($scope, $http) {
003   $scope.words = [];
004   $scope.contains = '';
005   $scope.limit = 5;
006   $scope.skip = 0;
007   $scope.skipEnd = 0;
008   $scope.sortFields = ['Word', 'First', 'Last', 'Length',
009                        'Vowels', 'Consonants'];
010   $scope.sortField ="Word";
011   $scope.direction = "asc";
012   $scope.getWords = function(){
013     $http({url: '/words', method: "GET",
014            params:{ limit:$scope.limit,
015                     skip:$scope.skip,
016                     sort:$scope.sortField,
017                     direction:$scope.direction,
018                     contains:$scope.contains }})
019     .success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
020        $scope.words = data;
021        $scope.skipEnd = $scope.skip + $scope.words.length;
022      })
023      .error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
024        $scope.words = [];
025        $scope.skipEnd = $scope.skip + $scope.words.length;
026      });
027   };
028   $scope.find = function(){
029     $scope.skip = 0;
030     $scope.getWords();
031   };
032   $ = function(){
033     if($scope.words.length == $scope.limit){
034       $scope.skip += parseInt($scope.limit);
035       $scope.getWords();
036     }
037   };
038   $scope.prev = function(){
039     if($scope.skip > 0){
040       if($scope.skip >= parseInt($scope.limit)){
041         $scope.skip -= parseInt($scope.limit);
042       } else{
043         $scope.skip = 0;
044       }
045       $scope.getWords();
046     }
047   };
048   $scope.getWords();
049 });

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