Using Additional Node.js Modules

This chapter exposes you to some additional built-in capabilities of Node.js. The os module provides operating system functionality that can be useful when implementing your applications. The util module provides various functionality, such as string formatting. The dns module provides the ability to perform DNS lookups and reverse lookups from a Node.js application.

The following sections describe these modules and how to use them in your Node.js applications. Some of the methods will already be familiar to you because you have seen them in previous chapters.

Using the os Module

The os module provides a useful set of functions that allow you to get information from the operating system (OS). For example, when accessing data from a stream that comes from the OS, you can use the os.endianness() function to determine whether the OS is big endian or little endian so that you can use the correct read and write methods.

Table 10.1 lists the methods provided by the os module and describes how they are used.

Table 10.1 Methods that can be called on the os module




Returns a string path to the default temp directory for the OS. Useful if you need to store files temporarily and then remove them later.


Returns BE or LE for big endian or little endian, depending on the architecture of the machine.


Returns the hostname defined for the machine. This is useful when implementing network services that require a hostname.


Returns the OS type as a string.


Returns the platform as a string; for example, win32, linux, or freeBSD.


Returns the platform architecture; for example, x86 or x64.


Returns the OS version release.


Returns a timestamp in seconds of how long the OS has been running.


On UNIX-based systems, returns an array of values containing the system load value for [1, 5, 15] minutes.


Returns an integer specifying the system memory in bytes.


Returns an integer specifying the free system memory in bytes.


Returns an array of objects that describes the model, speed, and times. This array contains the amount of time the CPU has spent in user, nice, sys, idle, and irq.


Returns an array of objects describing the address and family of addresses bound on each network interface in your system.


Contains the appropriate End Of Line characters for the operating system; for example, or . This can be useful to make your application cross-platform compatible when processing string data.

To help you visualize using the os module, Listing 10.1 calls each of the os module calls, and the output is shown in Listing 10.1 Output.

Listing 10.1 os_info.js: Calling methods on the os module

01 var os = require('os');
02 console.log("tmpdir :	" + os.tmpdir());
03 console.log("endianness :	" + os.endianness());
04 console.log("hostname :	" + os.hostname());
05 console.log("type :		" + os.type());
06 console.log("platform :	" + os.platform());
07 console.log("arch :		" + os.arch());
08 console.log("release :	" + os.release());
09 console.log("uptime :	" + os.uptime());
10 console.log("loadavg :	" + os.loadavg());
11 console.log("totalmem :	" + os.totalmem());
12 console.log("freemem :	" + os.freemem());
13 console.log("EOL :	" + os.EOL);
14 console.log("cpus :		" + JSON.stringify(os.cpus()));
15 console.log("networkInterfaces : " +
16             JSON.stringify(os.networkInterfaces()));

Listing 10.1 Output Calling methods on the os module

tmpdir :    C:UsersCalebTZDAppDataLocalTemp
endianness :   LE
hostname :     DESKTOP-3I5OR8I
type :         Windows_NT
platform :     win32
arch :         x64
release :      10.0.14393
uptime :       1473719.6450068
loadavg :      0,0,0
totalmem :     12768796672
freemem :      8033443840

cpus :

Using the util Module

The util module is a catch-all module that provides functions for formatting strings, converting objects to strings, checking object types, performing synchronous writes to output streams, and some object inheritance enhancements.

The following sections cover most of the functionality in the util module. They also explain ways to use the util module in your Node.js applications.

Formatting Strings

When handling string data, it is important to be able to format the strings quickly. Node.js provides a rudimentary string formatting method in the util module that handles many string formatting needs. The util.format() function accepts a formatter string as the first argument and returns a formatted string. The following shows the syntax for the format() method, where format is the formatter string and then [...] represents the following arguments:


The format argument is a string that can contain zero or more placeholders. Each placeholder begins with a % character and is replaced with the converted string value from its corresponding argument. The first formatter placeholder represents the second argument and so on. The following is a list of supported placeholders:

Images %s: Specifies a string

Images %d: Specifies a number (can be integer or float)

Images %i: Specifies an integer

Images %f: Specifies a floating point value

Images %j: Specifies a JSON stringifyable object

Images %: If left empty afterward, does not act as a placeholder

The following is a list of things to keep in mind when using format():

Images When there are not as many arguments as placeholders, the placeholder is not replaced. For example:
util.format('%s = %s', 'Item1'); // 'Item1:%s'

Images When there are more arguments than placeholders, the extra arguments are converted to strings and concatenated with a space delimiter.
util.format('%s = %s', 'Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3'); // 'Item1 = Item2 Item3'

Images If the first argument is not a format string, then util.format()converts each argument to a string, concatenates them together using a space delimiter, and then returns the concatenated string. For example:
util.format(1, 2, 3); // '1 2 3'

Checking Object Types

It is often useful to determine whether an object you have received back from a command is of a certain type. To do this, you can use the isinstanceof operator, which compares the object types and returns true or false. For example:

([1,2,3] isinstanceof Array) //true

Converting JavaScript Objects to Strings

Often, especially when debugging, you need to convert a JavaScript object to a string representation. The util.inspect() method allows you to inspect an object and then return a string representation of the object.

The following shows the syntax for the inspect() method:

util.inspect(object, [options])

The object parameter is the JavaScript object you want to convert to a string. The options method allows you to control certain aspects of the formatting process. options can contain the following properties:

Images showHidden: When set to true, the non-enumerable properties of the object are also converted to the string. Defaults to false.

Images depth: Limits the number of levels deep the inspect process traverses while formatting properties that are also objects. This can prevent infinite loops and also prevent instances where complex objects cost a lot of CPU cycles. Defaults to 2; if it is null, it can recurse forever.

Images colors: When set to true, the output is styled with ANSI color codes. Defaults to false.

Images customInspect: When set to false, any custom inspect() functions defined on the objects being inspected are not called. Defaults to true.

You can attach your own inspect() function to the object, thus controlling the output. The following code creates an object with first and last properties, but inspect outputs only a name property:

var obj = { first:'Caleb', last:'Dayley' };
obj.inspect = function(depth) {
  return '{ name: "' + this.first + " " + this.last + '" }';
//Outputs: { name: "Caleb Dayley" }

Inheriting Functionality from Other Objects

The util module provides the util.inherits() method to allow you to create objects that inherit the prototype methods from another. When you create the new object, the prototype methods are automatically used. You have already seen this in a few examples in the book; for example, when implementing your own custom Readable and Writable streams.

The following shows the format of the util.inherits() method:

util.inherits(constructor,  superConstructor)

The prototype of constructor is set to the prototype of superConstructor and executed when a new object is created. You can access the superConstructor from your custom object constructor using the constructor.super_ property.

Listing 10.2 illustrates using inherits() to inherit the events.EventEmitter object constructor to create a Writable stream. Notice on line 11 the object is an instance of events.EventEmitter. Also notice on line 12 the Writer.super_ value is eventsEmitter. The results are shown in Listing 10.2 Output.

Listing 10.2 util_inherit.js: Using inherits() to inherit the prototypes from events.EventEmitter

01 var util = require("util");
02 var events = require("events");
03 function Writer() {
04   events.EventEmitter.call(this);
05 }
06 util.inherits(Writer, events.EventEmitter);
07 Writer.prototype.write = function(data) {
08   this.emit("data", data);
09 };
10 var w = new Writer();
11 console.log(w instanceof events.EventEmitter);
12 console.log(Writer.super_ === events.EventEmitter);
13 w.on("data", function(data) {
14     console.log('Received data: "' + data + '"');
15 });
16 w.write("Some Data!");

Listing 10.2 Output util_inherit.js: Using inherits() to inherit the prototypes from events.EventEmitter

Received data: "Some Data!"

Using the dns Module

If your Node.js application needs to resolve DNS domain names, look up domains, or do reverse lookups, then the dns module is helpful. A DNS lookup contacts the domain name server and requests records about a specific domain name. A reverse lookup contacts the domain name server and requests the DNS name associated with an IP address. The dns module provides functionality for most of the lookups that you may need to perform. Table 10.2 lists the lookup calls and their syntax, and describes how they are used.

Table 10.2 Methods that can be called on the dns Module



lookup(domain, [family], callback)

Resolves the domain. The family attribute can be 4, 6, or null, where 4 resolves into the first found A (IPv4) record, 6 resolves into the first round AAAA (IPv6) record, and null resolves both. The default is null. The callback function receives an error as the first argument and an array of IP addresses as the second. For example:

function (error, addresses)

resolve(domain, [rrtype], callback)

Resolves the domain into an array of record types specified by rrtype. rrtype can be

Images A: IPV4 addresses, the default

Images AAAA: IPV6 addresses

Images MX: Mail eXchange records

Images TXT: Text records

Images SRV: SRV records

Images PTR: Reverse IP lookups

Images NS: Name Server records

Images CNAME: Canonical Name records

The callback function receives an error as the first argument and an array of IP addresses as the second. For example:

function (error, addresses)

resolve4(domain, callback)

Same as dns.resolve() except only for A records.

resolve6(domain, callback)

Same as dns.resolve() except only for AAAA records.

resolveMx(domain, callback)

Same as dns.resolve() except only for MX records.

resolveTxt(domain, callback)

Same as dns.resolve() except only for TXT records.

resolveSrv(domain, callback)

Same as dns.resolve() except only for SRV records.

resolveNs(domain, callback)

Same as dns.resolve() except only for NS records.

resolveCname(domain, callback)

Same as dns.resolve() except only for CNAME records.

reverse(ip, callback)

Does a reverse lookup on the ip address. The callback function receives an error object if one occurs and an array of domains if the lookup is successful. For example:

function (error, domains)

Listing 10.3 illustrates performing lookups and reverse lookups. In line 3, resolve4() is used to look up the IPv4 addresses, and then in lines 5–8, reverse() is called on those same addresses and the reverse lookup performed. Listing 10.3 Output shows the result.

Listing 10.3 dns_lookup.js: Performing lookups and then reverse lookups on domains and IP addresses

01 var dns = require('dns');
02 console.log("Resolving www.google.com . . .");
03 dns.resolve4('www.google.com', function (err, addresses) {
04   console.log('IPv4 addresses: ' + JSON.stringify(addresses, false, ' '));
05   addresses.forEach(function (addr) {
06     dns.reverse(addr, function (err, domains) {
07       console.log('Reverse for ' + addr + ': ' + JSON.stringify(domains));
08     });
09   });
10 });

Listing 10.3 Output dns_lookup.js: Performing lookups and then reverse lookups on domains and IP addresses

Resolving www.google.com . . .
IPv4 addresses: [
Reverse for ["sfo07s17-in-f4.1e100.net","sfo07s17-in-f68.1e100.net"]

Using the crypto Module

The crypto module is interesting and fun to play around with. As the name suggests, it creates cryptographic information, or in other words, creates secure communication using secret code. To use crypto, you must make sure that it is loaded into your Node project. Although cool, this module isn’t necessary, and a Node application can be built without including support for crypto. The easiest way to do ensure crypto is loaded is to use a simple try catch (err); for example:

let crypto;
try {
  crypto = require('crypto');
} catch (err) {
  console.log('crypto support is disabled!');

The crypto module includes several classes that provide functionality to encrypt and decrypt data and streams. Table 10.3 lists all the different classes that the crypto module provides.

Table 10.3 Classes that can be used in the crypto module




Used for working with SPKAC (a certificate signing request mechanism) and primarily used to handle output of HTML5.


Used to encrypt data in either a stream that is both readable and writable, or using the cipher.update and cipher.final methods.


The opposite of cipher. Used to decrypt data using either a readable and writable stream or the decipher.update and deciper.final methods.


Used to create key exchanges for Diffie-Hellman (a specific method for exchanging cryptographic keys).

eCDH (Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman)

Used to create key exchanges for ECDH (same as Diffie-Hellman, but the two parties use an elliptical curve public-private key pair).


Used to create hash digests of data using a readable and writable stream or hash.update and hash.digest.


Used to create Hmac digests of data using a readable and writable stream or Hmac.update and Hmac.digest.


Used to generate signatures.


Used in tandem with sign to verify the signatures.

The most common use for the crypto module is to use the Cipher and Decipher classes to create encrypted data that can be stored and decrypted later; for example, passwords. Initially, passwords are entered as text, but it would be foolish to actually store them as text. Instead, passwords are encrypted using an encryption algorithm such as the ('aes192') method. This allows you to store data encrypted so if it is accessed without decrypting, your password is protected from prying minds. Listing 10.4 shows an example of encrypting and decrypting a password string. The output follows in Listing 10.4 Output.

Listing 10.4 encrypt_password.js: Using cipher and decipher to encrypt and then decrypt data

var crypto = require('crypto');
var crypMethod = 'aes192';
var secret = 'MySecret';
function encryptPassword(pwd){
  var cipher = crypto.createCipher(crypMethod, secret);
  var cryptedPwd = cipher.update(pwd,'utf8','hex');
  cryptedPwd += cipher.final('hex');
  return cryptedPwd;
function decryptPassword(pwd){
  var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(crypMethod, secret);
  var decryptedPwd = decipher.update(pwd,'hex','utf8');
  decryptedPwd += decipher.final('utf8');
  return decryptedPwd;
var encryptedPwd = encryptPassword("BadWolf");
console.log("Encrypted Password");
Decrypted Password");

Listing 10.4 Output Using cipher and decipher to encrypt and then decrypt data

Encrypted Password

Decrypted Password

Other Node Modules and Objects

This section lists some other Node modules and objects that would be beneficial for you to know about:

Images Global: Object available throughout all the modules. Globals range anywhere from _dirname, which gives you the name of the directory, to the Process object.

Images V8: Module used to expose APIs, specifically for the version of V8 that is built in to the Node binary.

Images Debugger: Module used to debug your Node application. To use, simply start Node with the debug argument, like so: $ node debug myscript.js.

Images Assertion testing: Module that provides a basic set of assertion tests used to test invariants.

Images C/C++ add-ons: Objects that allow you to dynamically link shared objects written in C or C++. They provide an interface that both JavaScript in Node and C/C++ libraries can use, allowing them to work as a regular Node.js applications.

Images REPL (Read Event Print Loop): Accepts individual lines of input, evaluates them using a user-defined function, and then outputs the results.


The os module allows you to get information about the system, including the operating system type and version, the platform architecture, and programming helps, such as the amount of free memory, temp folder location, and EOL characters. The util module is the catch-all library for Node that has methods for synchronous output, string formatting, and type checking. The dns module performs DNS lookups and reverse lookups from a Node.js application. The crypto module encrypts and decrypts data to secure private data.


In the next chapter, you jump into the world of MongoDB. You learn the MongoDB basics and how to implement it in the Node.js world.

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