
access senses, 188

active listening, 81, 215

adaptors, 61, 62, 63, 64

advocacy journalism, 40-41, 124

advocacy journalists, 40

agent (see also assets),

definition of, 46-47

double, 47

agents, work ethic among, 47

Alzheimer’s disease, 175-176

analytic listening, 121, 122-125

anasognosia, 250

anecdotal information, 44, 45

verbal red flags in, 48-50

approaches, 96-97

Armstrong, Lance, 50, 212

Aronsson, Wendy, 33-34

asset validation, 48

assets, 196

Austin, Harvey, 177-181

Bancroft, Elizabeth, 67

Bandler, Richard, 55

barrier, objects that serve as a, 180, 219

barriers, 60-62, 217


cultural norms in establishing, 61

detecting deviations from, 63

determining a person’s, 54-55

deviations from, more obvious, 64

examples of deviations from, 54, 59, 61, 64, 217

monitor your own deviations from, 249

using NLP to establish, 55-58

behavior congruency, 220

belief detection, 33

beliefs, religious, analytical thinking and, 32

building rapport and, 84

truth and, 32

Ben-Zéev, Aaron, 106-107

Blink, 25-26

body language,

confidence and, 74, 76 (see also power poses)

deflating-ego technique and, 113

emotions and, 190

reinforce trust through open, 80

transformational power of positive, 76-77

body-language analysis, 43

Body Language Institute, 65

Boitano, Brian, 173-174 (see also visualization)

Bradley, “Epic” Bill, 250-251

Buddha, 19

building rapport, 67-94

Bundy, Ted, 206-207

Cage, John, 119-120

Central Intelligence Agency, see CIA

CI, 186-190


agent, 47

agents, determining motivation of, 46-47

CIA, right-wing conspiracy theory regarding, 30

Clinton, President Bill, 202, 210

cognition, 187-189

cognitive interview, see CI.

confabulation, 175-176

Congruency Group, 54, 74

conspiracy theories, 27-31

reasons people believe, 27-29

trance-proneness and, 28

conversation motivators, 79-80

choosing your, 120

eight categories of, 101-120

military style, 246 (see also approaches)

Crow, Trevor, 248

cryptomnesia, 169-173

Cuddy, Amy, 76, 77-78

deceit, real life examples of red flags for, 64-66

Deiner, Ed, 69

descriptive information, 45

Devine, Jack, 46, 47, 51

disinformation, Russian art of, 29

dissembling phrase, 202

Driver, Janine, 65

Earnest, E. Peter, 67, 196-198

Ekman, Paul, 59, 215-216, 217

electronic communication,

rapport-wrecking actions in, 91-94

rules of etiquette for, 90-91

emotion, facial expressions of, 215-216

emotionally focused therapy, 248

eye contact, 214-215

cultural differences regarding, 215

eye movement, 55-59

eyewitness misidentification, 23

Facebook, perception on, 87-88

facial expressions,

number of human, 215-216

unintended, 59

facial muscles, reliable, 59-60 (see also Paul Ekman)


how imagination, beliefs, and experiences shape, 27-35

source of, 24-26

FBI, 22

fight-or-flight response, 74, 211

Find Out Anything From Anyone, Anytime, 48, 81, 199, 236

Fischer, Ronald P., 186-190

Forden, David, 89

Freedom Riders, 21

FSB, 29

Geiselman, R. Edward, 186-190

gesture, self soothing, 75

Gladwell, Malcolm, 25-26

Goff, Lyn, 168

Good Hunting, 46

Grinder, John, 55

gut response, 26

haptics, 78

Harris, Sam, 32-33

Hartley, Gregory, 63, 175, 208, 216

Hill, William Henry, 243

Hohl, Dean, 191

Holiday, Ryan, 221

Horne, Ellen, 213

How to Spot a Liar, 63, 208

human intelligence, see HUMINT.


Hussein, Saddam, 226

illustrators, 60, 61

information sorting style, 191

information, types of, 44-46

Innocence Project, The, 23

intelligence, author’s definition, 38

interpersonal skills, 23

Jack, Rachael E., 215-217

James, William, 56

Johnson, Lyndon, 68, 70

Johnson, Spencer, 37

Kalugin, Oleg, 30, 44

Kennedy, President John. F.,

conspiracies regarding assassination of, 29

KGB theory regarding assassination of, 30

Kennedy, Robert, 20-22

Kessler, Glen, 51


missing, 212

source’s use of, 122-123

kinesics, 214-219

Kuklinski, Ryszard, 88-89

Landis, Floyd, 212

leading questions, don’t ask, 241

liars, pathological, 221

lie detection, foundational skill in, 55

lie, why do people, 220-221

lying to yourself, benefits of, 254-256

KGB, 29

Maddox, Eric B., 23, 226-243

Major, David, 29, 48, 53, 85, 195, 221

Marsh, Richard L., 170-172

Maslow, Abraham, 68

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 69

Tay and Diener’s critique of, 69-70

maximizing (technique), 244, 246

McGowan, Kat, 253-254

memories, two possible sources of false, 189


emotional experience and, 181

two types of, 173

memory distortion, four categories of, 166-176

minimizing (technique), 244-245

mirroring, 79

MI6, 19

misattribution, 166-169

Moses, William Stainton, 170

needs, (see also Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)

deficiency vs. growth, 68

self-actualization, 69

Neimark, Ira, 90

neuro-linguistic programming, see NLP.

Nimble, 86

Nixon, President Richard M., 203-204

NLP, 55-56

non-verbal red flags, 55-64

Obama, President Barack, 37, 40, 41-43

Oliver, J. Eric, 28

opinionated information, 46

assessing the veracity of, 52-53

use of distancing and modifiers in, 52

Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy?, 30

personal space, 219

Picoult, Jodi, 247, 41-42

polygraph test, 33

polygraph machines, 23

power pose, 75, 76

power zones, 80

presentation, red flags in, 47-64

Principles of Psychology, 56

proxemics, 219-220

proximate reality, 162

pull approach, 101

public space, 219


approach, 101

communication, 94

Putin, Vladimir, 37, 43-44

Pyle, James O., 81, 125, 199, 236


direct, 49

directed, 125

witness-compatible, 188


bad, 125, 127-128, 238-239

compound, 128, 239

control, 125-126, 237

direct, 125, 237

Edward Snowdon’s handling of, 39-40, 64

follow-up, 126, 237-238

good, 125, 237

leading, 127, 238

negative, 128, 238

non-pertinent, 127, 238

open-ended, 81

repeat, 126, 237

source’s avoidance of, 199-204

summary, 127, 238

vague, 128, 239


quid pro quo

as a conversation motivator, 79

as an incentive, 120, 129, 205

to build trust, 186

to get to the truth, 106, 225

quid pro quo,

definition of, 105

example of when not to use, 183

Rangers Lead the Way, 191

rapport-building techniques, 74, 78-81


best practices for online, 86-94

causes of resistance to, 72-73

importance of cultural sensitivity in, 82-84

online, 84-94

threat as a barrier to, 73

reading body language,

relaxing as important precursor to, 74


regulators, 61

Reilly, Michael T., 82, 244-245

reliable facial muscles, 59

Roediger, Henry, 168

Rotolo, Sue, 182-186

Saloschin, Robert, 21-22

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 256

Schaeffer, T. Evan, 201-202

Scharff, Hans, 70-72, 234

Scharff method, 70-72, 81, 85

self-plagiarism, 169

senses, number of, 24-25

Sheldrake, Rupert, 52-53

shiin, 117, 118

Sisco, Lena, 54, 58, 74, 79-80, 199, 220 (see also REBLE)

sixth sense, 25, 44

Snowdon, Edward, 37-40, 64-66, 218

social dynamics, 189

somatic experience, 248

sorting styles, three, 191-193

source amnesia, 173-174


assessing the partially cooperative, 199-223

ascertaining the motivation of a, 46-47

rapport-building with a hostile, 70 (see also Scharff method)

structuring questions for a, 190-193

sources, hostile, 225-246

Spiegel, Herbert and David, 27

Starek, Joanna, 254-256

statistical information, 45

Kessler’s three tips on assessing, 51-52

Steiner, Rudolph, 24

Stevenson, Ian, 172-173


actions that release, 61

cortisol and, 76

movements that indicate, 217, 249

obvious deviations from baseline that signal, 64, 209

processing information and, 187

Tay, Louis, 69

Thomson, Donald M., 167-168

trance-proneness, 27


importance of cultivating, 193

value of quid pro quo in establishing, 186


and belief, 31-33

and experience, 33-35

and imagination, 27-31

in therapy sessions, 33-35


ascertaining whether someone is telling the, 43

believers’ and non-believers’ perception of, 32-33

Oxford definition of, 19-20

telling yourself the, 247-254

what is, 19-35

untruths, unintended, sources of, 166-176

Vallano, Jonathan P., 185-186

Vedantam, Shankar, 28, 30

verbal red flags, 48-52

vetting the source, 37-66

Viskovich, Julio, 85

visual eye-accessing cue, 56

vocalics, 208-213

Williams, Brian, 39, 40, 64, 108, 218

willing suspension of disbelief, 206

Wood, Thomas J., 28

Yang, Yalin, 221

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