Distributing your application

Once all the development for your module/application is complete and you are ready with your complete working application and setup file, the next task will be to share your hardwork with the World to benefit others. The steps to release it to the world by using PyPI are quite straightforward. The first thing you need to do as an author of a package is to register yourself. You can do it directly from the command line as follows:

    $ python setup.py register
    running register
    running egg_info
    We need to know who you are, so please choose either:
     1. use your existing login,
     2. register as a new user,
     3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or
     4. quit
    Your selection [default 1]:


This process will fail if you do not have proper metadata information of any file missing in your setup.py. Make sure you have setup.py working first.

Finally, you can upload your distribution on PyPI by doing the following:

    $ python setup.py sdist upload

Hopefully, if you typed everything correctly, your application will be packaged and available on PyPI for the World to use.

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