About the Authors

RICHARD S. HALL is an active member of the Apache Felix framework development team as well as other Felix subprojects. He has been involved in open source OSGi work since 2000 and directly involved in the OSGi Alliance since 2004. Richard is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and works for Oracle on the GlassFish team, helping out out on OSGi issues or anything else, if he can.

KARL PAULS implemented the Apache Felix Framework Security Provider and is an active member of the Apache Felix framework development team as well as other Felix subprojects. He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and is involved in various Apache and other open source projects. Karl is a fellow at Luminis.

STUART MCCULLOCH is responsible for the maven-bundle-plugin at Apache Felix and the Pax-Construct tools for rapid OSGi development from OPS4j. He is also the author of Peaberry, a Guice extension for injecting dynamic services. Stuart is a consultant at Sonatype, working on dependency injection and modularization.

DAVID SAVAGE works for Paremus and has been designing and building OSGi applications since 2005 in many different areas including build tools, component models, data persistence, desktop UIs, management, messaging, provisioning, resolvers, and RPC. He contributes to the Apache Felix project especially in the area of development tooling via the Sigil subproject. He is also directly involved in developing specifications for the OSGi Alliance.

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