Appendix B. OSGi standard services

This appendix lists the Core, Compendium, and Enterprise services defined in release 4.2 of the OSGi specification. All services are optional: some are available from framework vendors, others are available from third-party vendors. Most service implementations work with any OSGi R4 framework.

B.1. Core OSGi services

Table B.1 lists the services defined in the OSGi Core specification. All of them are optional singleton services provided by the framework, except for the Service Hooks which may have zero or more instances registered by other bundles.

Table B.1. Core OSGi services





Package Admin Provides the ability to control and reflect over bundle- and package-level wiring org.osgi.service.packageadmin 1.2
Start Level Controls the relative order of bundle startup by assigning start levels to bundles org.osgi.service.startlevel 1.1
Conditional Permission Admin Enables permission assignment to bundles based on arbitrary conditions org.osgi.service.condpermadmin 1.1
Permission Admin Enables permission assignment to bundles based on bundle location org.osgi.service.permissionadmin 1.2
URL Handlers Multiplexes URL and content-handler factories to allow bundles to provide custom handlers org.osgi.service.url 1.0
Service Hooks Allows bundles to monitor and limit service registry events and access org.osgi.framework.hooks.service 1.0

B.2. Compendium OSGi services

Table B.2 lists the services defined in the OSGi Compendium specification. These services are provided by optional bundles installed on the base OSGi framework. There can be zero or more versions of a service registered at the same time.

Table B.2. Compendium OSGi services





Log Provides a lightweight logging facility for bundles org.osgi.service.log 1.3
HTTP Defines a simple HTTP server supporting dynamic servlet and resource registration org.osgi.service.http 1.2
Device Access Manages the linking of devices and device drivers org.osgi.service.device 1.1
Configuration Admin Manages bundle configuration data storage and injection 1.3
Metatype Provides a schema or type description mechanism org.osgi.service.metatype 1.1
Preferences Provides storage and access to preferences and settings data org.osgi.service.prefs 1.1
User Admin Manages user identities and associated attributes org.osgi.service.useradmin 1.1
Wire Admin Defines and connects data producers to consumers org.osgi.service.wireadmin 1.0
IO Connector Adaptation of the J2ME javax. communication infrastructure 1.0
Initial Provisioning Defines a packaging format and delivery approach to deploy an initial set of bundles org.osgi.service.provisioning 1.2
UPnP Provides infrastructure to publish and discover UPnP services org.osgi.service.upnp 1.1
Declarative Services Defines a lightweight service-oriented component model org.osgi.service.component 1.1
Event Admin Provides publish-and-subscribe and topic-based event notification org.osgi.service.event 1.2
Deployment Admin Defines a packaging format and delivery approach for deploying bundle-based applications org.osgi.service.deploymentadmin 1.1
Application Admin Defines an abstract application manager concept for managing arbitrary application types org.osgi.service.application 1.1
DMT Admin Defines an API for managing a device using concepts from the OMA DM specifications info.dmtree 1.0
Monitor Admin Defines how bundles can publish status variables and how administrative bundles can discover, read, and set status variables org.osgi.service.monitor 1.0
Foreign Application Access Enables foreign applications to participate in the OSGi service-oriented architecture org.osgi.application 1.0
Blueprint Container Defines a service-oriented component model closely aligned with Spring org.osgi.service.blueprint 1.0
XML Parser Addresses how the classes defined in JAXP can be used in OSGi org.osgi.util.xml 1.0

B.3. Enterprise OSGi services

Table B.3 lists the services defined in the OSGi Enterprise specification and specifically relating to using OSGi in an enterprise environment. These services are provided by optional bundles installed on the base OSGi framework. There can be zero or more versions of a service registered at the same time.

Table B.3. Enterprise OSGi services





Remote Service Admin Addresses how remote services can be provided inside an OSGi framework and discovered in a network org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin 1.0
JTA Provides the JTA specification as a service-based model javax.transaction 1.1
JMX Exposes an OSGi framework via JMX org.osgi.jmx 1.0
JDBC Enables OSGi-aware JDBC drivers org.osgi.service.jdbc 1.0
JNDI Defines how JNDI can be utilized from within an OSGi framework org.osgi.service.jndi 1.0
JPA Specifies how persistence units and JPA providers work in an OSGi framework org.osgi.service.jpa 1.0
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