List of Figures

Chapter 1. OSGi revealed

Figure 1.1. Modularity refers to the logical decomposition of a large system into smaller collaborating pieces.

Figure 1.2. Multiple JARs containing overlapping classes and/or packages are merged based on their order of appearance in the class path, with no regard to logical coherency among archives.

Figure 1.3. The OSGi Service Platform specification is divided into halves, one for the OSGi framework and one for standard services.

Figure 1.4. OSGi layered architecture

Figure 1.5. A bundle contains code, resources, and metadata.

Figure 1.6. The service-oriented interaction pattern. Providers publish services into a registry where requesters can discover which services are available for use.

Figure 1.7. Simple paint program user interface

Chapter 2. Mastering modularity

Figure 2.1. A module defines a logical boundary. The module itself is explicitly in control of which classes are completely encapsulated and which are exposed for external use.

Figure 2.2. Classes have explicit dependencies due to the references contained in the code. Modules have implicit dependencies due to the code they contain.

Figure 2.3. Even though object orientation and modularity provide similar capabilities, they address them at different levels of granularity.

Figure 2.4. The paint program is a simple Swing application.

Figure 2.5. Paint program class relationships

Figure 2.6. A bundle can contain all the usual artifacts you expect in a standard JAR file. The only major difference is that the manifest file contains information describing the bundle’s modular characteristics.

Figure 2.7. A class is a member of a bundle if it’s packaged in it, the bundle carries its module metadata inside it as part of its manifest data, and the bundle can be deployed as a unit into a runtime environment.

Figure 2.8. Packages (and therefore the classes in them) contained in a bundle are private to that bundle unless explicitly exposed, allowing them to be shared with other bundles.

Figure 2.9. Flow diagram showing the steps the JVM goes through to execute a Java program from the class path

Figure 2.10. Flow diagram showing the steps the JVM goes through to load a class from the class path

Figure 2.11. Graphical depiction of an exported package

Figure 2.12. Graphical depiction of an imported package

Figure 2.13. Structure of the paint program’s bundles

Figure 2.14. Logical structure of the paint program with separate modules for each shape implementation

Figure 2.15. Transitive dependencies occur when bundle A depends on packages from bundle B and bundle B in turn depends on packages from bundle C. To use bundle A, you need to resolve the dependencies of both bundle B and bundle C.

Figure 2.16. Transitive bundle-resolution wiring

Figure 2.17. How does the framework choose between multiple exporters of a package?

Figure 2.18. If a bundle is already resolved because it’s in use by another bundle, this bundle is preferred to bundles that are only installed.

Figure 2.19. Bundle A’s class space is defined as the union of its bundle class path with its imported packages, which are provided by bundle B’s exports.

Figure 2.20. HTTP service-dependency resolution

Figure 2.21. Subsequent HTTP client-dependency resolution

Figure 2.22. Consistent dependency resolution of HTTP service and client bundles

Figure 2.23. Bundle export uses import

Figure 2.24. Uses constraints detect class-space inconsistencies, so the framework can determine that it isn’t possible to resolve the HTTP client bundle.

Figure 2.25. Uses constraints guide dependency resolution.

Figure 2.26. Modular and nonmodular versions of the paint program

Chapter 3. Learning lifecycle

Figure 3.1. The four phases of the software lifecycle. An application is installed so you can execute it. Later, you can update it to a newer version or, ultimately, remove it if you no longer need it.

Figure 3.2. Execution-time evolution: dynamically adding shapes to and removing shapes from the paint program as if by magic

Figure 3.3. Class path versus OSGi framework with full lifecycle management

Figure 3.4. Difference between the bundle identifiers

Figure 3.5. OSGi bundle lifecycle

Figure 3.6. Bundle cache during framework restarts

Figure 3.7. TelnetBinding overview

Figure 3.8. The install-related portion of the bundle lifecycle state diagram

Figure 3.9. The start-related portion of the bundle lifecycle state diagram

Figure 3.10. The stop-related portion of the bundle lifecycle state diagram

Figure 3.11. The update-related portion of the bundle lifecycle state diagram

Figure 3.12. The uninstall-related portion of the bundle lifecycle state diagram

Figure 3.13. Storing state externally

Figure 3.14. Storing state with other bundles

Figure 3.15. Storing state internally

Figure 3.16. Extender pattern overview

Figure 3.17. Paint program as an implementation of the extender pattern

Figure 3.18. Dynamic paint program class relationships

Figure 3.19. Updating and refreshing bundles is a two-step process. Most of the work normally takes place in the second step during the framework refresh operation.

Chapter 4. Studying services

Figure 4.1. Services follow a contract and involve some form of discovery.

Figure 4.2. Using CRC to place responsibilities can be like playing pass-the-parcel.

Figure 4.3. Why you need contracts

Figure 4.4. Programming to interfaces means teams can work in parallel.

Figure 4.5. Simple dependency injection vs. service discovery

Figure 4.6. Listener pattern

Figure 4.7. Whiteboard pattern

Figure 4.8. OSGi service registry

Figure 4.9. Publishing a service that provides both stock listings and stock charts

Figure 4.10. Using an OSGi service

Figure 4.11. OSGi service ordering (by highest service.ranking and then lowest

Figure 4.12. Discovering an OSGi service

Figure 4.13. OSGi service events

Figure 4.14. Painting with services

Chapter 5. Delving deeper into modularity

Figure 5.1. If bundle C imports from B, both can share servlet instances with A because there’s only one copy of the Servlet class; but this creates a dependency for C on B.

Figure 5.2. If B and C each have a copy of the Servlet class, A can only share Servlet instances with either B or C because it can only see one definition of a class.

Figure 5.3. B and C can both export and import the Servlet package, which makes it possible for the framework to choose to substitute packages so all bundles use a single class definition.

Figure 5.4. a) Your metadata declares explicit attributes that are attached to your bundle’s exported packages, but b) the framework also implicitly attaches attributes explicitly identifying from which bundle the exports come.

Figure 5.5. Only attributes mentioned in the imported package declaration impact dependency resolution matching. Any attributes mentioned only in the exported package declaration are ignored.

Figure 5.6. If an export attribute is declared as mandatory, importing bundles must declare the attribute and matching value; otherwise, it won’t match when the framework resolves dependencies.

Figure 5.7. Bundle A exports the package but excludes the Util class. When bundle B imports the package from bundle A, it can only access the public Service class.

Figure 5.8. A bundle can export the same package multiple times, but this is only a form of masquerading. Only one set of classes exists for the package in the bundle.

Figure 5.9. Requiring a bundle is similar to explicitly importing every package exported by the target bundle.

Figure 5.10. When bundle B requires bundle A with reexport visibility, any packages exported from A become visible to any bundles requiring B.

Figure 5.11. a) The host and fragment bundles are deployed as independent bundles in the framework. b) When the framework resolves the host, it effectively merges the fragment’s content and metadata into the host bundle.

Figure 5.12. Paint program with installed German localization fragments

Chapter 6. Moving toward bundles

Figure 6.1. A bundle must have a unique identity.

Figure 6.2. Sharing implementations without exporting their packages

Figure 6.3. The classic application class loader merges JAR files into a single class space.

Figure 6.4. Embedding tightly coupled dependencies in a bundle

Figure 6.5. JAR-to-bundle cheat sheet

Figure 6.6. Turning a

Figure 6.7. Main jEdit window

Figure 6.8. jEdit when first run as OSGi bundle

Figure 6.9. Slicing code into bundles

Figure 6.10. Extracting a common jEdit plugin API

Figure 6.11. jEdit calculator plugin

Figure 6.12. Error attempting to print from jEdit

Chapter 7. Testing applications

Figure 7.1. Test deployment options

Figure 7.2. Testing Commons Pool inside an OSGi framework

Figure 7.3. Recommended test structure for OSGi bundle tests

Figure 7.4. Cobertura coverage report for Commons Pool

Figure 7.5. Mocking in action

Figure 7.6. Synchronizing tests with multithreaded code

Figure 7.7. Unit, bundle, and integration testing

Chapter 8. Debugging applications

Figure 8.1. Updated paint example running under jdb

Figure 8.2. Configuring the Eclipse Debugger

Figure 8.3. Debugging the paint example in Eclipse

Figure 8.4. Watching for NullPointer-Exceptions

Figure 8.5. Exception caused by a bad setColor() method

Figure 8.6. HotSwap failure updating DefaultShape

Figure 8.7. Successful HotSwap with the IBM JVM

Figure 8.8. Painting with the fixed example

Figure 8.9. Simple hub-and-spoke message system

Figure 8.10. Split packages and package-private visibility

Figure 8.11. Differences between ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError

Figure 8.12. Mismatched wiring due to missing uses constraints

Figure 8.13. Using TCCL with nested containers

Figure 8.14. Leak suspects reported by the Eclipse Memory Analyzer

Figure 8.15. Leaking thread stack identified by the Eclipse Memory Analyzer

Figure 8.16. Classic dangling service

Figure 8.17. Delegating service proxy

Chapter 9. Managing bundles

Figure 9.1. Versioning packages independently

Figure 9.2. Impact on versioning between using and implementing the interface

Figure 9.3. The platform implementation contains many subpackages that must evolve in step with the specification, but what’s the version of the implementation?

Figure 9.4. An administrator configures a bundle in the framework by interacting with the Configuration Admin Service. This approach decouples the administrator from having to know the internal workings of the bundle using the configuration data.

Figure 9.5. Difference between a ManagedService and ManagedServiceFactory

Figure 9.6. Metatype Service overview

Figure 9.7. System and user-preferences trees

Figure 9.8. The lazy activation policy causes a bundle to defer activation and linger in the STARTING state until a class is loaded from it, at which point the framework completes its activation.

Chapter 10. Managing applications

Figure 10.1. The OBR proposed specification provides a federated index that allows a management agent to resolve and install large numbers of bundles from a number of remote locations. The OBR index files are aggregated by a RepositoryAdmin service that resolves bundle dependencies on behalf of a management agent.

Figure 10.2. Relationships among the OBR repository entities

Figure 10.3. UML diagram of the Repository-Admin service. An external repository client uses the RepositoryAdmin and Resolver interfaces to download and install bundles and their transitive dependencies.

Figure 10.4. Structure of a deployment package JAR file

Figure 10.5. Paint program packaging alternatives

Figure 10.6. Transactional aspects of a session

Chapter 11. Component models and frameworks

Figure 11.1. Trivial component composition of two components: FooImpl and BarImpl

Figure 11.2. Component frameworks in OSGi are generally implemented as other bundles using the extender pattern. They remove boilerplate code from user bundles (often using metadata files—OSGI-INF/foo.xml in this case), allowing the deployer to build complex business services out of modular building blocks.

Figure 11.3. Components used in the modified paint application

Chapter 12. Advanced component frameworks

Figure 12.1. Blueprint injects a proxy object, which masks changes in the OSGi service registry. If the underlying service provider goes away and returns, the client code is insulated from this dynamism.

Figure 12.2. The Blueprint component lifecycle

Figure 12.3. The Blueprint metadata interface hierarchy

Figure 12.4. iPOJO components are an aggregation of handlers attached to the component container at execution time.

Chapter 13. Launching and embedding an OSGi framework

Figure 13.1. The Java META-INF/services approach discovers service providers at execution time by performing lookups of well-known named resource files to acquire concrete service-implementation class names.

Figure 13.2. The embedded framework instance forms an isolation boundary between the bundles on the inside and the application objects on the outside.

Figure 13.3. A framework instance represents the system bundle and provides the means to manage the framework instance as well as interact with deployed bundles.

Figure 13.4. a) Before The service-based paint program is composed of five bundle sharing packages and services.

Figure 13.4. b) After The standalone paint program combines the core paint program, shape API, and launcher into a single JAR file that provides and shares the API with the bundles and uses their services.

Figure 13.5. The standalone paint program

Chapter 14. Securing your applications

Figure 14.1. The JVM checks permissions by collecting all protection domains associated with classes on the call stack and seeing if each involved protection domain has the specified permission granted to it.

Figure 14.2. Conditional Permission Admin Service overview

Figure 14.3. Secured paint program prompting the user to grant the unsigned circle bundle permission to provide a shape service

Figure 14.4. Secured paint program after the user has granted permission to the unsigned circle bundle

Figure 14.5. Secured paint program with an unsigned circle bundle and a signed square bundle

Chapter 15. Web applications and web services

Figure 15.1. In this chapter you’ll build a simple web application hosted on a single OSGi framework that calls out to a number of back-end OSGi frameworks using web-services protocols.

Figure 15.2. The ResourceBinder has a mandatory dependency on the HTTP Service for providing content and an optional dependency on the Log Service for logging errors.

Figure 15.3. Static content served from the OSGi HTTP Service

Figure 15.4. JSP shopping cart application running in an OSGi environment

Figure 15.5. The Google stock-watcher application running in an OSGi context

Figure 15.6. The Google stock-watcher application running in an OSGi context

Figure 15.7. When making remote services available, the number of options is bewildering: protocols, transports, authentication schemes, and encryption algorithms all play their part.

Figure 15.8. Service providers and distribution providers can each define intents that are applied to a service endpoint.

Figure 15.9. The distribution provider bundle creates a remote endpoint for the service provider. It may also announce the location and type of this endpoint for other distribution provider bundles to find. The client-side distribution provider discovers remote endpoints and creates proxies to these services, which it injects into the local OSGi service registry.

Figure 15.10. Simple registry scheme that abstracts mechanism of service discovery

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