List of Figures

Figure 2-1 The format of /etc/hosts

Figure 2-2 /etc/resolv.conf

Figure 2-3 DNS Network Control Panel

Figure 2-4 /etc/named.conf

Figure 2-5 /etc/named.cache

Figure 2-6 /var/adm/named.north

Figure 2-7 /var/adm/db.121.121.10

Figure 2-8 The big picture of DNS

Figure 3-1 The bitmap editor

Figure 3-2 A sample seedfile

Figure 3-3 A sample filters file

Figure 3-4 A sample SNMP configuration screenshot

Figure 3-5 The polling GUI

Figure 6-1 Overlapping collection domains

Figure 6-2 Defining collection station community strings

Figure 8-1 The syslog.conf file

Figure 8-2 The xnmevents GUI

Figure 8-3 Main event configuration GUI

Figure 8-4 The event configuration customization GUI

Figure 8-5 Event flows in NNM

Figure 9-1 Potential performance problem locations

Figure 9-2 Projecting capacity using SNMP data

Figure 9-3 A sample chart used in an SLA

Figure 9-4 A sample SNMP data trimmer script

Figure 9-5 How sample rates effect data quality

Figure 9-6 Calculating the impact of performance polling

Figure 9-7 TCP throughput vs. packet loss

Figure 9-8 NNM threshold parameters

Figure 9-9 64-bit counters in SNMPv2C

Figure 9-10 A shared medium RMON probe

Figure 9-11 NetMetrix Internet view of point-to-point traffic

Figure 9-12 A simple network topology in service simulator

Figure 9-13 Simulation results for Ethernet delay

Figure 9-14 Capacity Planning Methodology

Figure 10-1 Managing the DMZ

Figure 10-2 Relationship between NNM and the firewall

Figure 10-3 A sample router access list

Figure 10-4 The router packet filter

Figure 13-1 NNM autolayout and secondary subnets

Figure 13-2 DHCP configuration parameters

Figure 16-1 The ITO window of NNM systems

Figure 16-2 A sample NNM deployment project schedule

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