GoldenGate health check

Since Oracle GoldenGate 11g Release 2, a health check script has been made available on the MOS portal at

The SQL script comes in three flavors for each database version and provides a health check report for integrated capture and apply processes. The supported database versions are:

  1. Oracle database (integrated capture only)
  2. Oracle database
  3. Oracle database

Once logged in to MOS, search for Doc ID: 1448324.1 and download the required version. Copy the script to your database server and execute it as follows:

sqlplus /nolog
SQL> spool /tmp/icrhc_12101.html
SQL> @icrhc_12101.sql

When the script completes, the HTML file can be opened and viewed using a web browser.

The report provides a wealth of information that comprises the following areas:

  1. Summary
    • The overview information
    • Advice and warnings of potential issues with configuration
  2. Configuration
    • The generic database information
    • Integrated Extract/capture process configuration details
  3. Analysis
    • The integrated capture and apply process history
    • Table constraints check
    • The detailed view information for diagnostic purposes
  4. Statistics
    • The runtime state of database-integrated component processing
    • Logminer-detailed statistics
  5. Patch Inventory
    • The database patch-level details

Here is the summary from the Oracle GoldenGate Integrated Extract/Replicat Health check (v3.1.31):

GoldenGate health check

This is an example of a configuration check with advice:

++ Configuration checks ++ ++ + ERROR: The DBA_REGISTRY status information for component 'CATALOG' requires attention. Status is INVALID. Please recompile the component + In addition, the following healthcheck report provides GoldenGate process wait event details that are invaluable to troubleshoot performance issues:
GoldenGate health check

It is important that you obtain the latest version of the health check script because Oracle Support frequently adds new functions.

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