
Microservices are the new kids on the block. They are a way of solving problems, but it does not mean that they will always be the best solution. Microservices are a full and complex architecture that you need to understand deeply in order to be able to apply them successfully in the real world.

We know that understanding and having everything in place for microservices can take time and can be very complex, so for this reason we wrote this book--to give you a small guide to microservices, from A to Z. This book will only be a glimpse of what you can do with microservices, but we hope that it will be at least a helpful start into this world.

We will start our journey in this book by explaining the foundations of this architecture, the basic knowledge you will need to have. As you advance through the book, we will be increasing the level of difficulty. However, we will guide you through every step of the process, so at the end of the book you will be able to know whether a microservice architecture is the best solution for your problem and how can you apply this architecture.

Enjoy your microservices!

What this book covers

Chapter 1, What are Microservices?, will teach you all the basics of microservices.

Chapter 2, Development Environment, will take you through setting up your development machine to build microservices successfully.

Chapter 3, Application Design, will help you start designing your application, creating the foundation of your project.

Chapter 4, Testing and Quality Control, looks at how important testing your application is and how can you add tests to your application.

Chapter 5, Microservices Development, will cover building a microservices application, explaining each step involved.

Chapter 6, Monitoring, covers how to monitor your application so that you can always know how your application is behaving.

Chapter 7, Security, focuses on how you can add an extra layer of complexity to your application to make it more secure.

Chapter 8, Deployment, explains how you can deploy your application successfully.

Chapter 9, From Monolithic to Microservices, discusses an example of how a monolithic application can be transformed into a microservice.

Chapter 10, Strategies for Scalability, outlines how you can create a scalable application.

Chapter 11, Best Practices and Conventions, will refresh your knowledge about the best practices and conventions you should use in an application.

Chapter 12, Cloud and DevOps, looks at the different cloud providers and the DevOps world.

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