About the Author

SCOTT MILLETT is the Director of IT for Iglu.com and has been working with .NET since version 1.0. He was awarded the ASP.NET MVP in 2010 and 2011. He is also the author of Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns and Professional Enterprise .NET. If you would like to contact Scott about DDD or working at Iglu, feel free to write to him at [email protected], by giving him a tweet @ScottMillett, or becoming friends via https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottmillett.

About the Contributing Author

NICK TUNE is passionate about solving business problems, building ambitious products, and constantly learning. Being a software developer really is his dream job. His career highlight so far was working at 7digital, where he was part of self-organizing, business-focused teams that deployed to production up to 25 times per day. His future ambitions are to work on exciting new products, with passionate people, and continually become a more complete problem solver.

You can learn more about Nick and his views on software development, software delivery, and his favorite technologies on his website (www.ntcoding.co.uk) and Twitter (@ntcoding).

About the Technical Editor

ANTONY DENYER works as a developer, consultant, and coach and has been developing software professionally since 2004. He has worked on various projects that have effectively used DDD concepts and practices. More recently, he has been advocating the use of CQRS and REST in the majority of his projects. You can reach him via e-mail at antonydenyer.co.uk, and he tweets from @tonydenyer.

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