Performance Management

Performance management of ATM includes measuring the traffic on both the physical interface and the individual virtual circuits in the interface. There are many ways to retrieve this data. The method to use depends on the device, the software level on the device, and the configuration of the device.

This performance section is divided into an edge section that covers IOS routers and Catalyst switches, and a switch section covering the ATM switches in the middle. The MIBs and their implementation differ greatly between the two types of devices and therefore must be addressed separately.

Router/Catalyst Switch Interfaces

This section covers how to gather performance data from ATM interfaces on Cisco routers and Catalyst switch interfaces. We will use both SNMP and CLI show commands to gather this data.

ATM Interface Entries in the ifTable

An ATM interface will show up multiple times in the ifTable. Looking at the most common example, an OC3 type interface, you see the following entries:

  • The physical layer (in this case, sonet)

  • The ATM cell layer

  • The AAL5 layer

  • Any sub-interfaces supported and configured (depending on the IOS level)

Example 14-1 shows the ifTable entries from a 7500 router running 12.0(5)T IOS code. It illustrates these types of entries:

Example 14-1. ifTable entries for an ATM interface.
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.2 : ATM4/0
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.16 : ATM4/0-atm layer
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.17 : ATM4/0-aal5 layer
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.20 : ATM4/0.1-atm subif
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.21 : ATM4/0.1-aal5 layer
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.22 : LEC.1.3
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.23 : ATM4/0.2-atm subif
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.24 : ATM4/0.2-aal5 layer
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.25 : LEC.2.3
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.26 : ATM4/0.3-atm subif
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.27 : ATM4/0.3-aal5 layer
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifDescr.28 : LEC.3.3
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.2 : sonet
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.16 : atm
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.17 : aal5
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.20 : atmSubInterface
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.21 : aal5
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.22 : aflane8023
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.23 : atmSubInterface
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.24 : aal5
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.25 : aflane8023
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.26 : atmSubInterface
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.27 : aal5
interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifType.28 : aflane8023

As stated in Chapter 12, “Monitoring System Interfaces,” generic sub-interface support for the interfaces table began in IOS 11.1. However, support for different sub-interface encapsulations differs. LAN Emulation (LANE) sub-interface support began in IOS 11.2. Support for other encapsulations, such as RFC 1483 and RFC 1577, started in IOS 12.0T. In Example 14-1, you see two entries for each LANE sub-interface. The LEC entry has been available since 11.1. But in 12.0(3)T, when ATM sub-interface support began, the other entry pops up.

You must consider how the ATM stack works in order to understand what traffic can be measured, and how it is measured, at each layer. An AAL5 PDU will be padded out to a multiple of 48 bytes. These are the bytes that get counted at the AAL5 layer. The CPCS PDU is then segmented into multiple 48-byte SAR PDUs. The 5-byte cell header is then placed on each SAR PDU to make a 53-byte cell. These are the bytes that get counted at the ATM layer.

The traffic statistics you can get from the ifTable for ATM interfaces is limited because of several factors. The ATM chipsets used in Cisco routers and Catalyst switches do not support cell counts. Therefore, a table entry for a router or catalyst switch will have no traffic counts whatsoever at the ATM cell layer. The ATM cell layer entry for a sub-interface will inherit these limitations.

You can get octet and packet counts at the sonet layer. But non-unicast, broadcast, and multicast counters have no meaning at this layer; they are either not present or set to 0. For example the ifTable and ifXTable entries for the sonet entry from a 7500 router running IOS 12.0(5)T are shown in Example 14-2:

Example 14-2. Interface table entry for the sonet layer.
ifDescr.2 :  ATM4/0
ifType.2 : sonet
ifMtu.2 : 4470
ifSpeed.2 : 155520000
ifInOctets.2 : 245512134
ifInUcastPkts.2 : 1558340
ifInNUcastPkts.2 : 0
ifOutOctets.2 : 214064371
ifOutUcastPkts.2 : 1385648
ifOutNUcastPkts.2 :  0
ifXEntry.ifName.2 :   AT4/0
ifXEntry.ifHCInOctets.2 :  245490684
ifXEntry.ifHCInUcastPkts.2 :  1558179
ifXEntry.ifHCOutOctets.2 :  214043781
ifXTable.ifXEntry.ifHCOutUcastPkts.2 :  1385491

In Example 14-3, a walk of the entire ifTable entry of the ATM layer interface shows no counters of any kind, however. Example 14-3 shows an ATM layer entry in the ifTable and ifXTable for a router running IOS 12.0(5)T:

Example 14-3. ATM layer entry in the ifTable and ifXTable for a router running IOS 12.0(5)T.
ifIndex.16 :  16
ifDescr.16 : ATM4/0-atm layer
ifType.16 : atm
ifSpeed.16 :155520000
ifPhysAddress.16 :
ifAdminStatus.16 : up
ifOperStatus.16 : up
ifLastChange.16 : (2792) 0:00:27.92
ifName.16 : AT4/0
ifXEntry.ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable.16 : disabled
ifXEntry.ifHighSpeed.16 : 156
ifXEntry.ifPromiscuousMode.16 : false
ifXTable.ifXEntry.ifConnectorPresent.16 : false

At the AAL5 layer, you can get both octets and packet counts. The octet counts are the number of octets in the AAL5 CPCS PDUs. The packet counts are the number of AAL5 CPCS PDUs. As with the sonet layer, you can get only unicast packet counts. AAL5 sub-interface entries have the same counters. See Examples 14-4 and 14-5 for details:

Example 14-4. ATM traffic ifTable counter entries for the AAL5 layer.
ifIndex.17 : 17
ifDescr.17 :  ATM4/0-aal5 layer
ifType.17 : aal5
ifInOctets.17 : 218085
ifInUcastPkts.17 : 20900
ifOutOctets.17 : 224307
ifOutUcastPkts.17 :20779
ifName.17 : AT4/0
ifXEntry.ifInMulticastPkts.17 : 0
ifXEntryifInBroadcastPkts.17 : 0
ifXEntry.ifOutMulticastPkts.17 : 0
ifXEntry.ifOutBroadcastPkts.17 : 0

Example 14-5. ATM traffic ifTable counter entries for the AAL5 sub-interface.
ifIndex.21 : 21
ifDescr.21 :  ATM4/0.1-aal5 layer
ifType.21 : aal5
ifInOctets.21 : 26487249
ifInUcastPkts.21 : 372882
ifOutOctets.21 : 540
ifOutUcastPkts.21 : 3846
ifXEntry.ifName.21 :  AT4/0.1
ifXEntry.ifInMulticastPkts.21 : 0
ifXTable.ifXEntry.ifInBroadcastPkts.21 : 0
ifXTable.ifXEntry.ifOutMulticastPkts.21 : 0
ifXTable.ifXEntry.ifOutBroadcastPkts.21 : 0

MIB Variables for ATM Traffic

To get packet and octet counts at the sonet layer, use the interfaces table (ifTable) and the interfaces extension table (ifXTable). To get packet and octet counts at the AAL5 layer, use the interfaces table and the interfaces extension table. But the broadcast and multicast packets counts are set to 0 at this layer, per RFC 2515.

From RFC 2233, the MIB variables relevant to ATM traffic are as follows (subject to limitations as described in the preceding section):

  • ifInOctets, ifOutOctets

  • ifInUCastPkts, ifOutUCastPkts

  • ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets

  • ifHCInUcastPkts, ifHCOutUcastPkts

To get packet and octet counts on individual virtual circuits (per VC) use Cisco's extension to the aal5VccTable from RFC 1695 (the AToM MIB). The aal5VccTable contains only error counters. The extensions in the CISCO-AAL5-MIB have packet and octet counts. The entries in the cAal5VccTable are indexed by the interface index of the sonet entry, then the VPI, and then the VCI. If you want to look at the VPI/VCI of 0/16, you would poll cAal5VccInOctets.2.0.16 (refer to Example 14-1). Support for this table began in IOS 11.3.

From CISCO-AAL5-MIB, the relevant variables are as follows:

  • cAal5VccInOctets, cAal5VccOutOctets: The number of AAL5 CPCS PDU octets transmitted or received on a given VCC

  • cAal5VccInPkts, cAal5VccOutPkts: The number of AAL5 CPCS PDU packets transmitted or received on a given VCC

CLI Commands for ATM Information

You can also use CLI show commands to retrieve traffic data. However, they would be awkward to use to obtain data for trending purposes or to retrieve data on many virtual circuits. Instead, the CLI show commands should be used when your NMS alerts you to an anomaly to drill down to the issue. You can use these commands to get real time data on your interfaces or virtual circuits. We will cover several different commands to get octet and packet counts from both interfaces and virtual circuits.

The show interface atm command (see Example 14-6) shows basic traffic statistics for the physical interface.

Example 14-6. Using show interface atm to obtain ATM information for a router or Catalyst switch.
nms-7507a#show int atm4/0
ATM4/0 is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is cxBus ATM
  MTU 4470 bytes, sub MTU 4470, BW 155520 Kbit, DLY 80 usec,
     reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255A
  Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set
  Keepalive not supported
  Encapsulation(s): AAL5, PVC mode
  256 TX buffers, 256 RX buffers,
  2048 maximum active VCs, 1024 VCs per VP, 21 current VCCs
  VC idle disconnect time: 300 seconds
  Signalling vc = 2, vpi = 0, vci = 5
  UNI Version = 4.0, Link Side = user
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never D
  Queueing strategy: fifo
  Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
  5 minute input rate 8000 bits/sec, 8 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 8000 bits/sec, 7 packets/secB
     1656932 packets input, 260382286 bytesC, 0 no buffer
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
     1475252 packets output, 227529370 bytesC, 0 underruns
     0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets
     0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

The annotated lines of output from Example 14-6 are as follows:

A The txload and rxload represent the traffic load on the interface as a fraction of 255. This fraction is calculated using the 5-minute exponential averaging algorithm discussed in Chapter 7 “Understanding and Using Basic Network Statistics.”

B The 5-minute input/output bit and packet rate. Once again the 5-minute average is calculated using the 5-minute exponential averaging algorithm detailed in Chapter 7.

C The total packet and byte counts since the last clearing of the interface counters. You must check when the counters were cleared in order for these numbers to make any sense.

D The last clearing of “show interface” counters shows how long the counters have been counting packets. Generally, you will clear the counters first in order to get a point of reference with the CLI show commands.

The show atm traffic command shown in Example 14-7 gives a quick snapshot of the traffic statistics. Of interest here is the total number of AAL5 packets transmitted or received (A).

Example 14-7. Obtaining ATM information with the show atm traffic command.
nms-7507a#sh atm traff
3255301 Input packets
2156303 Output packetsA
0 Broadcast packets
0 Packets received on non-existent VC
111 Packets attempted to send on non-existent VC
0 OAM cells received
F5 InEndloop: 0, F5 InSegloop: 0, F5 InAIS: 0, F5 InRDI: 0
F4 InEndloop: 0, F4 InSegloop: 0, F4 InAIS: 0, F4 InRDI: 0
0 OAM cells sent
F5 OutEndloop: 0, F5 OutSegloop: 0,     F5 OutRDI: 0
F4 OutEndloop: 0, F4 OutSegloop: 0,     F4 OutRDI: 0
0 OAM cell drops

The show atm vc command (see Example 14-8) gives a list of all virtual circuits, either PVC or SVC. To get details—including traffic statistics of individual VCs—you can specify the VC of interest (as shown in Example 14-9).

Example 14-8. Using show atm vc to obtain a list of virtual circuits.
nms-7507a#sh atm vc
            VCD /                                      Peak  Avg/Min Burst
Interface   Name       VPI   VCI  Type   Encaps   SC   Kbps   Kbps   Cells  Sts
4/0        2            0     5   PVC    SAAL     UBR  155000                UP
4/0        1            0    16   PVC    ILMI     UBR  155000                UP
4/0.1      7            0    39   SVC    LANE-LEC UBR  155000                UP
4/0.2      8            0    40   SVC    LANE-LEC UBR  155000                UP
4/0.3      9            0    41   SVC    LANE-LEC UBR  155000                UP
4/0.1      10           0    42  MSVC-1  LANE-LEC UBR  155000                UP
4/0.2      11           0    43  MSVC-1  LANE-LEC UBR  155000                UP
4/0.3      12           0    44  MSVC-1  LANE-LEC UBR  155000                UP
4/0.1      13           0    45   SVC    LANE-LEC UBR  155000                UP

Example 14-9. Specifying a VC for more detailed information with the show atm vc command.
nms-7507a#show atm vc 8
ATM4/0.2: VCD: 8, VPI: 0, VCI: 40
UBR, PeakRate: 155000
LANE-LEC, etype:0x6, Flags: 0x14C7, VCmode: 0xE000
OAM frequency: 0 second(s)
InPkts: 3436, OutPkts: 11790, InBytes: 108, OutBytes: 673704
InPRoc: 1, OutPRoc: 6238, Broadcasts: 0
InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 3435, OutAS: 5552
OAM cells received: 0
OAM cells sent: 0
Status: UP
TTL: 0
interface =  ATM4/0.2, call locally initiated, call reference = 6
vcnum = 8, vpi = 0, vci = 40, state = Active(U10)
 , point-to-point call
Retry count: Current = 0
timer currently inactive, timer value = 00:00:00
Remote Atm Nsap address: 47.00918100000000902B458B01.00902B458751.02

LS1010 and Catalyst 8500MSR Interfaces

This section covers different methods for obtaining traffic statistics from Cisco ATM switches: the LS1010 and the Catalyst 8500MSR. We cover both interface and per VC statistics. In addition to SNMP and show commands, we take a look at ATM accounting and ATM RMON.

The primary data to watch are traffic counts. On ATM switches, we look at counts on the interfaces as well as counts on the individual virtual circuits. Counts at the AAL5 layer do not usually apply on ATM switches, unless an AAL5 entity is configured on the switch. An AAL5 entity can be configured to access internal resources on the switch (such as in-band management of the SNMP agent).

MIB Objects for ATM Switch Interfaces

The traffic you can count on the LS1010 and 8500MSR interfaces includes cell counts and octet counts. For total cell or octet counts, the interfaces table works well. In addition, the 8500MSR supports the High Capacity 64-bit counters in the interfaces extension table. Therefore, the polling interval can be much less on high-speed ATM interfaces.

For traffic counts, use the following MIB objects from RFC 2233:

  • ifInOctets, ifOutOctets: The octet counts for all cells, including OAM (Operation And Management) cells on this interface.

  • ifInUCastPkts, ifOutUcastPkts: The number of cells received or transmitted over that physical port.

  • ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets: The same as ifIn/OutOctets, except counters are 64-bit instead of 32-bit. Only supported on the 8500MSR.

Currently, in order get cell counts in individual virtual circuits, the proprietary ciscoAtmVclTable must be used. Entries in this table are indexed by the interface index, the VPI, and the VCI. This is the same indexing as the cAal5VccTable from the preceding router section.

For cell counts on individual virtual circuits, use the following MIB injects from the CISCO-ATM-CONN-MIB: ciscoAtmVclInCells, ciscoAtmVclInCells.

CLI Commands for ATM Switch Information

As with routers and catalyst switches, the LS1010 and Catalyst 8500MSR ATM switches have a multitude of CLI show commands you can use to obtain real time traffic data. SNMP and the MIB objects described in the preceding section are the best mechanisms for collecting data for trending and other analysis. However, you will at times need to drill down and collect some information in real time. The following CLI show commands should provide you with that information.

The show interface atm command gives octet counts for a given interface, as shown in Example 14-10.

Example 14-10. Obtaining octet counts for a given interface with show interface atm.
nms-1010a#show interface atm0/0/0
ATM0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is oc3suni
  MTU 4470 bytes, sub MTU 4470, BW 155520 Kbit, DLY 0 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
  Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set, keepalive not supported
  Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:00:32 D
  Queueing strategy: fifo
  Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
  5 minute input rate 7000 bits/sec, 17 packets/sec
  5 minute output rate 13000 bits/sec, 33 packets/sec A
     1166 packets input, 61798 bytes,B 0 no buffer
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
     1815 packets output, 96195 bytes,C 0 underruns
     0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
     0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Annotated items in Example 14-10 are as follows:

A The input and output cell and bit rate: These rates are a 5-minute average calculated using the 5-minute exponential sliding average, as described in Chapter 7.

B Input cell and octet counts: The packet count is the number of cells received on that interface.

C Output cell and octets counts: The packet count is the number of cells transmitted from that interface.

D The time elapsed since interface counters were cleared: In this example, counters were cleared 32 seconds before the show interface command was executed.

The show atm traffic command gives a breakdown of cell counts for each interface, as shown in Example 14-11.

Example 14-11. Obtaining cell counts per interface with show atm traffic.
nms-1010a#sh atm traffic

Interface ATM0/0/0
Rx cells: 151076606
Tx cells: 287452750
5 minute input rate: 7000 bits/sec, 16 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 15000 bits/sec, 35 cells/sec

The show atm vc traffic command shows per VC cell counts, as shown in Example 14-12.

Example 14-12. Obtaining cell counts per VC with show atm vc traffic.
nms-1010a#sh atm vc traffic
Interface    VPI     VCI      Type      rx-cell-cnts     tx-cell-cnts
ATM0/0/0     0       5         PVC            38336            38135
ATM0/0/0     0       16        PVC               41              677
ATM0/0/0     0       39        SVC               15                3
ATM0/0/0     0       40        SVC            30957                3
ATM0/0/0     0       41        SVC            24444                3

ATM Accounting

ATM accounting, a feature on the LS1010 and Catalyst 8500MSR, provides accounting and billing data for VCs on the switch. The implementation on the LS1010 and Catalyst 8500MSR are defined in the ATM-ACCOUNTING-INFORMATION-MIB and the ACCOUNTING-CONTROL-MIB. As implemented at the time of this writing, these branches are hung off the ciscoExperimental branch. However, these two MIB documents are on a standards track and are officially defined in RFC 2512 and RFC 2513.

The type of data collected is described in the ATM-ACCOUNTING-INFORMATION-MIB. This MIB branch cannot be accessed via SNMP. It only provides the list of objects ATM Accounting can collect data for. The amount of data this mechanism collects is too large for SNMP collection. Instead, you would use SNMP or the CLI to configure ATM Accounting. The control features for SNMP are described in RFC 2513 and the ACCOUNTING-CONTROL-MIB. The CLI mechanism is described in the device-configuration documentation.

The data that can be collected is formally defined in the ATM-ACCOUNTING-INFORMATION-MIB. There is a branch defined with 35 sub-trees hanging from it. Each sub-tree is a particular data point that is sampled and stored into a file. The data collected includes the connection type, interface information, and usage (cell counts). You configure which of the 35 data objects will be sampled and stored into the file either via SNMP or the CLI ATM Accounting commands.

The ATM Accounting data is collected on the switch in a file. The file can be transferred to the NMS via tftp or ftp, or the device can be configured to remotely log the ATM Accounting records via a TCP pipe. The remote logging daemon would reside on the NMS station and listen for a connect request from the ATM switch. After the connection is established, the remote daemon collects the records and writes them to a file. You must configure tftp on the ATM switch to allow a tftp client to issue a read request to retrieve the file. Use the following command:

tftp-server {atm-acct-active:acctng_file1 | atm-acct-ready:acctng_file1}

Use the atm accounting selection commands to configure which ATM-ACCOUNTING data objects to collect.

Use the atm accounting file commands to configure the accounting file itself.

Then, you want to set a threshold on how full the file must be before an acctngFileNearlyFull or acctngFileFull SNMP trap is sent. After the trap is received, you need to trigger the tftp transfer of the file. Please refer to the ACCOUNTING-CONTROL-MIB for details on these traps.

The file (whether remotely logged or transferred from the switch) is a binary file in ASN.1 format. Currently the name of the file on the switches is fixed as acctng_file1. Please see Appendix B,“ATM Accounting Files,” for details on the file format and how to decode it.

Please refer to the “Configuring ATM Accounting and ATM RMON” section of the LS1010 or Catalyst8500MSR documentation for full details on configuring ATM accounting. For further details on the account file and how to decode it, please see Appendix B.


ATM RMON provides another mechanism to collect traffic statistics and much more information. ATM RMON is very similar to standard RMON. There are four tables, as follows:

  • atmStatsTable

  • atmHostTable

  • atmMatixSDTable

  • atmMatrixTopNTable

To start collecting ATM-RMON data, you must define a port select group via the CLI or SNMP. You can define more than one port select group. The port select group allows a group of ports on the device to be configured as an aggregate.

Like standard RMON, ATM RMON generates traffic statistics and host, matrix, and TopN tables for the port select group. The port select group is configured for atmStats, the size of the host and matrix tables. Then, the port select groups are enabled on the desired interfaces. So, a port select group collects the data for a set of desired interfaces for each service class.

Two service classes are defined in ATM RMON:

  • cbrAndVbr: Constant and variable bit rate services

  • abrAndUbr: Available and unspecified bit rate services

ATM-RMON will collect data on these two service classes separately.

After ATM RMON collection is configured and enabled, data on each port select group is sampled and stored in the ATM RMON tables. Each table provides cell counts, call attempts, calls, and connect time. Cell counters are both 32- and 64-bit counters. If your NMS can use only SNMPv1, the 32-bit counters are your only choice. There is also a rollover counter provided in each table to track how often the 32-bit counter has rolled over. Given the high bandwidth of ATM interfaces, the rollover counter and the 32-bit counter must be sampled. If your NMS supports SNMPv2c, you should use the 64-bit counters.

There are four basic ATM RMON tables:

  • atmStatsTable: This table includes a row for each port select group and service class. The table is indexed by portSelGrpIndex and atmStatsClass. In this table are the statistical totals for all ATM addresses discovered in the configure port select groups.

  • atmHostTable: This table includes a row for each ATM host and class of service for each port select group configured. The table is indexed by portSelGrpIndex, atmHostAddress, and atmHostSClass. The atmHostAddress is the host's NSAP address. For a given port select group, you can find the traffic generated by each ATM host for a given class of service.

  • atmMatixSDTable: This table is a matrix of the source and destination host pairs for a given port select group. The table is indexed by portSelGrpIndex, atmMatrixSDSrcAddress, atmMatrixSDDstAddress, and atmMatrixSDSClass. The type of data collected is the same as the other tables.

  • atmMatrixTopNTable: This table shows the top traffic generators from the atmMatrixSDTable.

An example will clarify how the data is collected. If you have a port select group configured on the switch

atm rmon portselgrp 7 maxhost 500 maxmatrix 2000 host-prio 1 owner "test"

and that port select group is enabled on interface ATM0/0/1

								nms-1010a#sh atm rmon status
PortSelGrp: 7 Status: Enabled  Hosts:  13/500  Matrix:  58/2000

a walk of the atmStatsTable will look like Example 14-13.

Example 14-13. A walk of the atmStatsTable.
atmStatsControlDropEvents.7 : 0
atmStatsControlOwner.7 : test
atmStatsControlStatus.7 : Active
atmStatsCreateTime.7.1 : (10828535) 1 day, 6:04:45.35
atmStatsCreateTime.7.2 : (10828535) 1 day, 6:04:45.35
atmStatsCells.1 : 0
atmStatsCells.7.2 : 1571269959
atmStatsCellsRollovers.7.1 : 0
atmStatsCellsRollovers.7.2 : 0
atmStatsNumCallAttempts.7.1 : 0
atmStatsNumCallAttempts.7.2 : 1571269959
atmStatsNumCallAttempts.7.1 : 0
atmStatsNumCallAttempts.7.2 : 16199
atmStatsNumCalls.7.1 : 0
atmStatsNumCalls.7.2 : 15369
atmStatsConnTime.7.1 : 0
atmStatsConnTime.7.2 : 51829224

You see in the example that the table is first indexed by 7, the port select group number. The table is then indexed by 1, the CBR/VBR service class; or by 2, the ABR/UBR service class. There is no activity in the CBR/VBR service class; therefore, all traffic is in the ABR/UBR service class.

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