
The previous sections covered many kinds of information you will want to include in your knowledge base. This summary brings this information together.

Taken together, all the information that you desire to store in your knowledge base will define its schema. Collecting this information as you define your needs for your network will allow you to define a custom schema for your knowledge base. Table 3-1 compiles the information from the preceding sections into an example schema.

Table 3-1. Network Knowledge Base Schema
Knowledge Base Section Subsection Object Required?
Network inventory Device Name Yes
  IP address(es) Yes
  Location Yes
  Contact information Yes
  Switch No
  Switch port No
  Function No
  Usernames/passwords No
  Community strings Yes
  Physical key or badge requirements No
  MAC address(es) No
  Layer 2 connectivity No
  Layer 3 connectivity No
Policy management  Service level agreements No
  Policies For policy management
  Rules For policy management
Performance measurement and reporting  Interesting devices Yes
  Device groups No
 Availability Device name or address Yes
  Protocols to use Yes, unless only one
  Frequency to poll Yes
  Number of attempts Yes
  Timeout value Yes
 Response time Source/destination pairs Yes
  Response thresholds Yes
  Protocol to measure Yes, unless only one
 Accuracy Objects for each interface type Yes
  Accuracy thresholds Yes
 Utilization Rising thresholds Yes
  Falling thresholds If hysteresis is supported
 Reporting Report definitions Yes
  Devices or groups to report on Yes
Configuring events  Objects to set thresholds on Yes
  Devices and interfaces Yes
  Trigger values Yes
Prioritizing faults  Port or interface priority Yes
  How time of day affects priorities Desirable

Choose a method of implementing your knowledge base that starts out simply, yet can expand as you expand the amount and type of network management activities. Keep things simple and only implement the items that are more difficult if they are truly required in your network.

The bottom line for all this information is use it or lose it. If you are not actively using this information, it will quickly become out-of-date and useless. So, rely on this information and you will keep it accurate.

Now that you have a storage vehicle for information about your network, you can use it. The next chapter discusses performance management of your network, and will rely on the knowledge base to determine what to collect and to store the collected data.

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