Identifying Frame Relay Interfaces

Before going into either performance or fault management for Frame Relay, you need to be able to associate the physical interface, sub-interface, and PVC. This section discusses steps for finding out whether Frame Relay is set up on a serial port. The process discussed should reveal the following information for a Cisco router:

  • Number of interfaces

  • Types of interfaces

  • Whether Frame Relay is configured

  • Sub-interface and DLCI numbers using the cfrExtCircuitTable

  • Statistics from the frCircuitTable (RFC 1315)

The variables used to gather this data are not covered in detail here, but are shown as examples of what you would need to gather to effectively map the router interfaces to the appropriate DLCIs. (The ifTable objects shown in the next example were covered in more detail in Chapter 12, “Monitoring System Interfaces.”)

Identifing Frame Relay Interfaces

To examine the serial ports to find if any are configured for Frame Relay, use the ifName and ifType variables from the ifTable:

> snmpwalk ifName
ifName.1 : Et0
ifName.2 : Se0
ifName.3 : Se1
ifName.4 : Nu0
ifName.5 : Lo0
ifName.6 : Lo253
ifName.7 : Se0.1
ifName.8 : Se0.2
ifName.9 : Se0.3
ifName.10 : Se0.4
> snmpwalk ifType
ifType.1 : ethernetCsmacd
ifType.2 : frameRelay
ifType.3 : propPointToPointSerial
ifType.4 : other
ifType.5 : softwareLoopback
ifType.6 : softwareLoopback
ifType.7 : frameRelay
ifType.8 : frameRelay
ifType.9 : frameRelay
ifType.10 : frameRelay

Now you know that the first serial port 0 and its sub-interfaces are Frame Relay.

Using the Cisco Frame-Relay MIB to Identify the Sub-interface

Identifying the sub-interface and associated DLCIs is essential for starting the data collection for either performance or fault management. At this point, you will need to use the Cisco Frame-Relay MIB's cfrExtCircuitTable; specifically, the following variables:

  • cfrExtCircuitIfName DisplayString: The text name of the interface or sub-interface with the associated DLCI. This is the same name string of an interface used in the configuration and all console displays, such as 'serial 0', 'serial 3/0.3', for instance: ciscoMgmt. = Serial1.3, where the OID is the cfrExtCircuitIfName.

  • cfrExtCircuitIfType INTEGER: The type of the sub-interface this DLCI is associated with, if configured—mainInterface(1), pointToPoint(2), multipoint(3). For instance, ciscoMgmt. = 3 would indicate as the cfrExtCircuitIfType, 5 is the main interface from the frCircuitIfIndex, 20 is the DLCI, and this sub-interface is configured for multipoint.

  • cfrExtCircuitSubifIndex InterfaceIndex: For a value greater than 0, this variable indicates the network management interface index for the sub-interface associated with this DLCI. Value 0 means the DLCI is not associated with any sub-interface. For example, ciscoMgmt.cfrExtCircuitSubifIndex.2.201 = 7 would indicate that the ifIndex for this sub-interface is 7.

The cfrExtCircuitTable is indexed by frCircuitIfIndex, frCircuitDlci. It provides the ifIndex value of the ifEntry this virtual circuit is layered onto and the DLCI for this virtual circuit. In the following example, the indexed number is 2, with the DLCI number following:

> snmpwalk cfrExtCircuitIfName
cfrExtCircuitIfName.2.101 : Serial0.1
cfrExtCircuitIfName.2.201 : Serial0.2
cfrExtCircuitIfName.2.301 : Serial0.3
cfrExtCircuitIfName.2.401 : Serial0.4
> snmpwalk cfrExtCircuitIfType
cfrExtCircuitIfType.2.101 : pointToPoint
cfrExtCircuitIfType.2.201 : multipoint
cfrExtCircuitIfType.2.301 : multipoint
cfrExtCircuitIfType.2.401 : multipoint

From the data gathered in this example, you can build a table such as Table 16-1.

Table 16-1. Correlating Interfaces, Sub-interfaces, and Virtual Circuits
ifIndex Namestring Subiftype DLCIs
7 Serial0.1 PointToPoint 101
8 Serial0.2 Multipoint 201
9 Serial0.3 Multipoint 301
10 Serial0.4 Multipoint 401

This gives you the basic information needed to correlate the performance and fault data in the chapter to the interface or sub-interface and the virtual circuits.

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