28PfMP® Exam Practice Tests and Study Guide
Optimize Portfolio
Active components and inactive ones for resource allocation
‘To- be’ state to guide optimization
Portfolio management plan
Approach to dene, optimize, and authorize components
Portfolio reports
Risks resource pool data, capability and capacity
Portfolio process assets
Data, tools, templates, information
Tools and techniques
List of components for prioritization
Capability and capacity analysis
Human, nancial and asset
Quantitative and qualitative analysis
Cost- benet
Spreadsheets—resource loading or cash ow
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)
Market/ competitor
Business value
Graphical analysis
Risk vs. return
Pie charts
Bubble graphs
Portfolio management plan
Portfolio reports
Portfolio process assets
Authorize Portfolio
Previous approved components requiring authorization
Portfolio management plan
Process to authorize components and allocate/ reallocate resources
Portfolio reports
Financial, resources, governance decisions
Resources—human, shared assets, nancial
Tools and techniques
Authorization technique activities
Portfolio management information system
Show components with assigned resources
Portfolio management plan
Portfolio process assets
Resources, assets, governance decisions
Provide Portfolio Oversight
Current or planned components and organizational strategy
Integrated view of strategy
Portfolio management plan
Overall portfolio approach to meet organizational strategy
Portfolio reports
Performance, resource capability/ capacity, risks/ issues, nancial
Portfolio process assets
Policies, processes, procedures, knowledge bases
Historical performance information, governance decisions, open issues
Tools and techniques
Portfolio review meetings
At specied milestones or triggered by external events
Elicitation techniques
Compiling status reports, facilitating meetings, questionnaires, surveys
Portfolio management plan
Portfolio process assets
Portfolio reports
Practice Questions
INSTRUCTIONS: Note the most suitable answer for each multiple- choice
question in the appropriate space on the answer sheet.
1. Your organization adopted a management- by projects culture ve years ago,
and at that time, the CEO set up an Enterprise Project Management Ofce.
Last year, it received the PMO of the Year Award. Now that the organization
is moving into portfolio management, the leader ship team decided to estab-
lish a Portfolio Management Ofce, and you were selected to manage it.
One reason why it felt a Portfolio Management Ofce should be set up even
though the EPMO was working so effectively is that:
a. It highlights the need for a centralized and structured Governance Board
and process
b. It assists the Governance Board by supporting component proposals and
c. In addition to providing guidance on the practice of portfolio manage-
ment, it also supports component execution
d. It provides project and program process information to the Governance
2. As you work to implement portfolio management in your global nancial
company, the members of the Portfolio Review Board and other key stake-
holders will not be collocated. Meetings will be virtual ones with a variety
of social media used for communications regarding the portfolio process,
the artifacts, component proposals, reports, and terminations. An example of
an enterprise environmental factor as you prepare the portfolio performance
plan is:
a. Organizational culture
b. Asset capacity
c. Managing compliance with legislation
d. Pre- determined risk prole
32PfMP® Exam Practice Tests and Study Guide
3. Fortunately, your organization recognized that for portfolio management to
be effective, it needed to be managed by someone who was independent of
the PMO. It also established a Portfolio Oversight Group with the CEO as its
Chair and the heads of the Business Units as its members. While the group
has numerous functions, not to be overlooked is making governance deci-
sions in terms of:
a. Stage gates
b. Regulatory compliance
c. Risks and issues
d. Stakeholder management
4. One of the reasons your CEO is interested in setting up portfolio manage-
ment in your consulting company is that he came from a background in
new product development in which gate reviews were a common prac-
tice. However, portfolio management is a new concept in your consulting
company as its work is received through competitive bids on proposals or
through customer referrals. You also worked in portfolio management with
the CEO at the other organization so were hired as the portfolio manager.
You are establishing specic decision- making rights and authorities and roles
and responsibilities that are needed to manage progress based on:
a. Benet realization
b. Key performance indicators
c. Critical success factors
d. Portfolio risk
5. The Chief Financial Ofcer is a key stakeholder and is a member of your
company’s Portfolio Review Board. He ensures before each Board meeting
that tangible, accurate, and up- to- date nancial information is available as
portfolio selection and prioritization decisions are made The purpose for his
active involvement is to:
a. Compare project spending with the allocated budget
b. Ensure the projected nancial benets are quantiable and delivered
c. Provide value- for money analyses
d. Determine if the proposed component will provide sufcient benets to
then acquire external resources to perform it
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