Communications Management
Study Hints
For portfolio management to be effective in organizations at any level, com-
munications management is essential so people realize why it is necessary. The
Communications Management questions on the PfMP
certication exam consti-
tute 15% of the exam or 25 questions.
These questions are part of the Portfolio Communications Management
Knowledge area as well as in the Dening and Aligning Process Groups in
The Standard for Portfolio Management—Third Edition (2013). There are two pro-
cesses in Portfolio Communications Management:
1. Develop Portfolio Communications Management Plan
2. Manage Portfolio Communications
The rst process is from the Dening Process Group, and Manage Portfolio
Information is in the Aligning Process Group. These processes transcend the
other knowledge areas in portfolio management since communications empha-
size the importance of ensuring stakeholder expectations for information about
portfolio management in the organization are met. Consistent and transparent
communications lead to effective portfolio decisions. Communications also are a
key competency for the portfolio manager as he or she must be able to commu-
nicate effectively with stakeholders at any level, both internal and external. The
importance of communications dictates the requirement to prepare and follow a
communications strategy.
Portfolio communications involve a two- way dialogue between stakeholders
such as executives, functional managers, sponsors, program managers, project
managers, suppliers and other vendors, regulatory agencies and other interest
and consumer groups. As the communications management plan is prepared,
stakeholder identication and analysis are needed for it to be useful. Even
though stakeholders have been identied once a decision is made to embrace
portfolio management, identication is an ongoing process. As stakeholders
are identied, then their information needs are compiled and maintained,
90PfMP® Exam Practice Tests and Study Guide
recognizing these information needs are much broader than those at a program
or project level.
In developing the communications management plan, it is helpful to review
the proposed and ongoing portfolio components to consolidate and standard-
ize communications at the portfolio level. The roadmap is helpful since it shows,
among other things, interdependencies between components. The portfolio
management plan may include the communications plan as a subsidiary docu-
ment but also is useful as if it changes, the changes may lead to new stakehold-
ers with new information requirements. Portfolio performance reports show the
total investment on each component to indicate its value, and dashboards often
are used. Portfolio process assets cannot be overlooked.
Tools and techniques focus on stakeholder analysis to best recognize those
stakeholders with the greatest interest in or inuence in the portfolio invest-
ment. Review the types of stakeholders as shown in Table7-1 in The Standard,
and their levels of inuence and interest as displayed in Figure7-5, in which
stakeholders are assigned into groups. It then follows that a stakeholder matrix
to list roles, interests and expectations by the type of stakeholder, as shown in
Table7-2, should be prepared so no one is overlooked.
Since the portfolio manager then spends much of his or her time interacting
with these stakeholders, he or she can determine whether their interests have
changed, and in meeting with them, can get feedback on the communications
plan. These data are useful to then develop a communications matrix, such as
the one in Table7-3, to array the different communications methods to use, their
frequency, the intended recipients, and the communications vehicles.
The communications plan then denes the process to gather the needed infor-
mation and distribute it and to set expectations for effective communications; the
risks of lack of communications cannot be underestimated.
However, once the plan is prepared, the information must be managed, which
involves collecting, analyzing, storing, and distributing it to stakeholders. Often,
web portals are used for ease of access, and information must be up to date and
of high quality for it to have value to the various stakeholders. In managing infor-
mation, the portfolio with the list of components, the portfolio management plan
to ensure communications are aligned with the other processes, and portfolio
reports are reviewed.
Tools and techniques focus on data gathering in component review meetings
and operational status reports and the portfolio management information system
with a document repository and document version control system to best cap-
ture and manage portfolio information. Communications requirements analysis
continues especially in market comparative analysis and to ensure meaningful
forecasts can be prepared. Different communications methods will be used such
as dashboards, as shown in Figure7-8, to provide extensive information in a
short format, resource histograms, and communications calendars. As portfolio
Communications Management91
information is managed, updates may be required to the portfolio management
plan, the roadmap, and the portfolio process assets.
Following is a list of the major topics in the Communications Management
domain. Use this list to focus your study efforts on the areas that are most likely
to appear on the exam.
92PfMP® Exam Practice Tests and Study Guide
Major Topics
Portfolio communications management purpose
Satisfy important information needs of stakeholders
Promote informed portfolio decision making
Minimize risks of insufcient communications
Dening Process Group
Aligning Process Group
Develop Portfolio Communications Management Plan process
Component information to consolidate and standardize communications
Interdependencies may impact communication objectives
Portfolio management plan
Initial stakeholder list
Shows communication requirements in all elements of the plan
Changes introduce new stakeholders
Portfolio reports
Information on total component investments
Use of dashboards
Portfolio process assets
Portfolio manager roles and responsibilities
Status reports
Risk proles and assessments
Forecasts and variances
Governance, funding, resource decisions
Portfolio value assessments
Delegation of responsibilities for communications
Tools and techniques
Stakeholder analysis
Interest and inuence in portfolio investments
Information about each stakeholder and relationships
Types of stakeholders
Assignment into groups
Stakeholder matrix
Portfolio manager’s relationships and interactions with stakeholders
Communications requirements analysis
Reviews for redundant information
Communications matrix
Organizational culture
Communications Management93
Portfolio management plan updates
Communications management plan
Roles and responsibilities
Stakeholders and expectations
Methods to collect and store information
Methods to access and deliver information
Policies and constraints
Portfolio process assets updates
Manage Portfolio Information
New components and new stakeholders
Portfolio management plan
Align communications with other processes
Portfolio reports
Assess stakeholder requirements
Component reports
Impact on overall portfolio performance
Portfolio process assets
Requirements, technology, media, record retention policies, security
Communications guidelines and procedures, distribution methods,
risks, performance data
Tools and techniques
Collect data and information to distribute
Portfolio management information system
Document repository, version control, technology based, capture and
manage portfolio communications
Communications requirements analysis
Market comparative analysis, data value, prepare forecasts
Communications methods
Dashboards, resource histograms, communications calendars
Portfolio management plan
Portfolio process assets
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