China Policy Series
Series Editor Zheng Yongnian

China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham, UK

China and the New International Order
Edited by Wang Gungwu and Zheng Yongnian

Zhao Ziyang and China's Political Future
Edited by Guoguang Wu and Helen Lansdowne

Hainan – State, Society, and Business in a Chinese Province
Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard

Non-Governmental Organizations in China
The rise of dependent autonomy
Yiyi Lu

Power and Sustainability of the Chinese State
Edited by Keun Lee, Joon-Han Kim and Wing Thye Woo

China's Information and Communications Technology Revolution
Social changes and state responses
Edited by Xiaoling Zhang and Yongnian Zheng

Socialist China, Capitalist China
Social tension and political adaptation under economic globalisation
Edited by Guoguang Wu and Helen Lansdowne

Environmental Activism in China
Lei Xei

China's Rise in the World ICT Industry
Industrial strategies and the catch-up development model
Lutao Ning

China's Local Administration
Traditions and changes in the sub-national hierarchy
Edited by Jae-Ho Chung and Tao-chiu Lam

The Chinese Communist Party as Organizational Emperor
Culture, reproduction and transformation
Zheng Yongian

China's Trade Unions – How Autonomous Are They?
Masaharu Hishida, Kazuko Kojima, Tomoaki Ishii and Jian Qiao

Legitimating the Chinese Communist Party since Tiananmen
A critical analysis of the stability discourse
Peter Sandby-Thomas

China and International Relations
The Chinese view and the contribution of Wang Gungwu
Zheng Yongnian

The Challenge of Labour in China
Strikes and the changing labour regime in global factories
Chris King-chi Chan

The Impact of China's 1989 Tiananmen Massacre
Edited by Jean-Philippe Béja

The Institutional Dynamics of China's Great Transformation
Edited by Xiaoming Huang

Higher Education in Contemporary China
Beyond expansion
Edited by W. John Morgan and Bin Wu

China's Crisis Management
Edited by Jae Ho Chung

China Engages Global Governance
A new world order in the making?
Gerald Chan, Pak K. Lee and Lai-Ha Chan

Political Culture and Participation in Rural China
Yang Zhong

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