List of illustrations


7.1   Comparison of evaluation of central government performance between village cadres and villagers in southern Jiangsu province


2.1   Selected democratic values I

2.2   Selected democratic values II

2.3   Levels of socio-economic satisfaction

2.4   Levels of political satisfaction

2.5   Attitudes toward economic reforms

2.6   Levels of political efficacy

2.7   Support for political reform

2.8   Multiple regression in support of core democratic values

3.1   Support for government intervention in controlling income

3.2   Prospective evaluation of Chinese economy

3.3   Multiple regression in support of a market economy

4.1   Levels of political interest among Jiangsu peasants

4.2   Levels of political interest in USA, UK, The Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Mexico and South Africa

4.3   Multivariate analysis of rural political interest in southern Jiangsu province

5.1   Inter-item correlations for regime legitimacy items

5.2   Factor (principal component) analysis of regime legitimacy items

5.3   Levels of regime support and legitimacy among southern Jiangsu peasants

5.4   Evaluations of central government policy performance

5.5   Levels of political content with local officials

5.6   Fear for socio-political chaos

5.7   Multivariate model of popular support for China's political regime

6.1   Logistic regression of voter participation in villagers’ committee elections

7.1   Levels of political interest among village officials

7.2   Village officials’ participation and interest in local elections

7.3   Freedoms and political efficacy among village officials

7.4   Democratic values of election among village officials

7.5   Village cadres’ attitudes toward popular political participation and need for political reform

7.6   Political support among village cadres

7.7   Life satisfaction among village cadres

7.8   Political satisfaction among village cadres

7.9   Village cadres’ attitudes toward economic reforms

7.10 Village cadres’ attitudes toward the relationship between village authorities and township/town government

7.11 Village cadres’ attitudes toward party–government separation

7.12 Village cadres’ attitudes toward village governance and their own job tenure

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