In Chapter 1, we discussed various applications of power electronics, including those for energy sustainability. Some of these applications, such as harnessing solar energy using photovoltaics, use of fuel cells, and energy storage in batteries, require DC-DC converters to convert voltages and currents from one DC level to another and to operate these systems optimally. In addition to these direct applications, DC-DC converters form the basic block of conversion between AC and DC voltages, required in applications such as harnessing wind energy and efficiently adjusting the speed of drives in transportation and compressor systems for increasing energy efficiency.


Figure 3.1a shows buck, boost, and buck-boost DC-DC converters by a block diagram and how the pulse-width modulation process regulates their output voltage. The design of the feedback controller is the subject of the next chapter. The power flow through these converters is in only one direction. Thus, their voltages and currents remain unipolar and unidirectional, as shown in Figure 3.1b. Based on these converters, several transformer-isolated DC-DC converter topologies, which are used in all types of electronics equipment, are discussed in Chapter 8.

FIGURE 3.1 Regulated switch-mode DC power supplies


All the converters that we will discuss consist of a switching power-pole that was introduced in Chapter 1 and is redrawn in Figure 3.2a. In these converter circuits in DC steady state, the input voltage and the output load are assumed constant. The switching power-pole operates with a transistor switching function q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, whose waveform repeats, unchanged from one cycle to the next, and the corresponding switch duty ratio remains constant at its steady-state DC value upper D. Therefore, all waveforms associated with the power pole repeat with the switching time period upper T Subscript s in the DC steady state, where the basic principles described below are extremely useful for analysis purposes.

FIGURE 3.2 Switching power-pole as the building block of DC-DC converters.

First, let us consider the voltage and current of the inductor associated with the power pole. The inductor current depends on the pulsating voltage waveform, as shown in Figure 3.2b. The inductor voltage and current are related by the conventional differential equation, which can be expressed in the integral form as follows:

v Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper L StartFraction d i Subscript upper L Baseline Over d t EndFraction right double arrow i Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction integral Underscript tau Endscripts v Subscript upper L Baseline d tau comma(3.1)

where tau is a variable of integration representing time. For simplicity, we will consider the first time period starting with t equals 0 in Figure 3.2b. Using the integral form in Equation (3.1), the inductor current at a time t can be expressed in terms of its initial value i Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis as:

normal i Subscript normal upper L Baseline left-parenthesis normal t right-parenthesis equals normal i Subscript normal upper L Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over normal upper L EndFraction Underscript 0 Overscript normal t Endscripts normal v Subscript normal upper L Baseline d tau period(3.2)

In the DC steady state, the waveforms of all circuit variables must repeat with the switching frequency time period upper T Subscript s, resulting in the following conclusions from Equation (3.2):

  1. The inductor current waveforms repeat with upper T Subscript s, and therefore in Equation (3.2)
    i Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis upper T Subscript s Baseline right-parenthesis equals i Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis period(3.3)
  2. Integrating over one switching time period upper T Subscript s in Equation (3.2) and using Equation (3.3) show that the inductor voltage integral over upper T Subscript s is zero. This leads to the conclusion that the average inductor voltage, averaged over upper T Subscript s, is zero:
    StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction integral Subscript 0 Superscript upper T Subscript s Baseline Baseline v Subscript upper L Baseline period d tau equals 0 right double arrow upper V Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper T EndFraction left-parenthesis integral Subscript 0 Superscript upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline Baseline v Subscript upper L Baseline UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript a r e a upper A Endscripts Endscripts period d tau plus integral Subscript upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline Superscript upper T Subscript s Baseline Baseline v Subscript upper L Baseline UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript a r e a upper B Endscripts Endscripts period d tau right-parenthesis equals 0(3.4)

In Figure 3.2a, the area A in volt-seconds, which causes the current to rise, equals in magnitude the negative area B, which causes the current to decline to its initial value.

Example 3.1

If the current waveform in steady state in an inductor of 50 normal mu normal upper H is as shown in Figure 3.3a, calculate the inductor voltage waveform v Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis.

FIGURE 3.3Example 3.1.

Therefore, the inductor voltage waveform is as shown in Figure 3.3b.

Solution During the current rise time, StartFraction d i Over d t EndFraction equals StartFraction left-parenthesis 4 minus 3 right-parenthesis Over 3 normal mu EndFraction equals left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 Over 3 normal mu EndFraction right-parenthesis StartFraction upper A Over s EndFraction period Therefore,

v Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper L StartFraction d i Over d t EndFraction equals 50 normal mu times StartFraction 1 Over 3 normal mu EndFraction equals 16.67 normal upper V period

During the current fall time, StartFraction d i Over d t EndFraction equals StartFraction left-parenthesis 3 minus 4 right-parenthesis Over 2 normal mu EndFraction equals left-parenthesis minus StartFraction 1 Over 2 normal mu EndFraction right-parenthesis StartFraction normal upper A Over normal s EndFraction period Hence,

normal v Subscript normal upper L Baseline equals normal upper L StartFraction d i Over d t EndFraction equals 50 normal mu times left-parenthesis minus StartFraction 1 Over 2 normal mu EndFraction right-parenthesis equals minus 25 normal upper V period

The above analysis applies to any inductor in a switch-mode converter circuit operating in a DC steady state. By analogy, a similar analysis applies to any capacitor in a switch-mode converter circuit operating in the DC steady state as follows: The capacitor voltage and current are related by the conventional differential equation, which can be expressed in the integral form as follows:

i Subscript upper C Baseline equals upper C StartFraction d v Subscript upper C Baseline Over d t EndFraction right double arrow v Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over upper C EndFraction integral Underscript tau Endscripts i Subscript upper C Baseline d tau comma(3.5)

where tau is a variable of integration representing time. Using the integral form of Equation (3.5), the capacitor voltage at a time t can be expressed in terms of its initial value v Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis as:

v Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals v Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis plus StartFraction 1 Over upper C EndFraction integral Subscript 0 Superscript t Baseline i Subscript upper C Baseline d tau period(3.6)

In the DC steady state, the waveforms of all circuit variables must repeat with the switching frequency time period upper T Subscript s, resulting in the following conclusions from Equation (3.6):

  1. The capacitor voltage waveform repeats with upper T Subscript s, and therefore in Equation (3.6)
    v Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis upper T Subscript s Baseline right-parenthesis equals v Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis period(3.7)
  2. Integrating over one switching time period upper T Subscript s in Equation (3.6) and using Equation (3.7) show that the capacitor current integral over upper T Subscript s is zero, which leads to the conclusion that the average capacitor current, averaged over upper T Subscript s, is zero:
    StartFraction 1 Over upper C EndFraction integral Subscript 0 Superscript upper T Subscript s Baseline Baseline i Subscript upper C Baseline d tau equals 0 right double arrow upper I Subscript upper C Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper T Subscript s Baseline EndFraction integral Subscript 0 Superscript upper T Subscript s Baseline Baseline i Subscript upper C Baseline d tau equals 0(3.8)

Example 3.2

The capacitor current i Subscript upper C, shown in Figure 3.4a, is flowing through a 100 normal mu normal upper F capacitor. Calculate the peak-peak ripple in the capacitor voltage waveform due to this ripple current.

FIGURE 3.4Example 3.2.

Solution For the given capacitor current waveform, the capacitor voltage waveform, as shown in Figure 3.4b, is at its minimum at time t 1, before which the capacitor current has been negative. This voltage waveform reaches its peak at time t 2, beyond which the current becomes negative.

The hatched area in Figure 3.4a equals the charge normal upper Q equals integral Subscript normal t 1 Superscript normal t 2 Baseline normal i Subscript normal upper C Baseline d t equals one-half times 0.5 times 2.5 mu upper C equals 0.625 mu upper C.

Using Equation (3.6), the peak-peak ripple in the capacitor voltage is upper Delta upper V Subscript normal p minus normal p Baseline equals StartFraction normal upper Q Over normal upper C EndFraction equals 6.25 m upper V.

In addition to the above two conclusions, it is important to recognize that in DC steady state, just as with instantaneous quantities, Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws apply to average quantities as well. In the DC steady state, average voltages sum to zero in a circuit loop, and average currents sum to zero at a node:

sigma-summation Underscript k Endscripts upper V Subscript k Baseline equals 0 comma(3.9)
sigma-summation Underscript k Endscripts upper I Subscript k Baseline equals 0 period(3.10)


To gain a clear understanding of the DC steady state, we will first make certain simplifying assumptions by ignoring the second-order effects listed below, and later on, we will include them for accuracy:

  1. Transistors, diodes, and other passive components are all ideal unless explicitly stated. For example, we will ignore the inductor equivalent series resistance.
  2. The input is a pure DC voltage upper V Subscript i n.
  3. Design specifications require the ripple in the output voltage to be very small. Therefore, we will initially assume that the output voltage is purely DC without any ripple, that is v Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis upper V Subscript o, and later calculate the ripple in it.
  4. The current at the current port of the power pole through the series inductor flows continuously, resulting in a continuous conduction mode, CCM (the discontinuous conduction mode, DCM, is analyzed later on).

It is, of course, possible to analyze a switching circuit in detail without making the above simplifying assumptions, as we will do in LTspice-based computer simulations. However, the two-step approach followed here, where the analysis is first carried out by neglecting the second-order effects and adding them later on, provides a deeper insight into converter operation and the design trade-offs.


In all three converters that we will analyze, the inductor associated with the switching power-pole acts as an energy transfer means from the input to the output. Turning on the transistor of the power pole increases the inductor energy by a certain amount, drawn from the input source, which is transferred to the output stage during the off interval of the transistor. In addition to this inductive energy-transfer means, depending on the converter, there may be additional energy transfer directly from the input to the output, as discussed in the following sections.


A buck converter is shown in Figure 3.5a, with the transistor and the diode making up the bi-positional switch of the power pole. The equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor will be ignored. Turning on the transistor increases the inductor current in the sub-circuit of Figure 3.5b. When the transistor is turned off, the inductor current freewheels through the diode, as shown in Figure 3.5c.

FIGURE 3.5 Buck DC-DC converter.

For a given transistor switching function waveform q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis shown in Figure 3.5d with a switch duty ratio upper D in steady state, the waveform of the voltage v Subscript upper A at the current port follows q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis as shown. In Figure 3.5d, integrating v Subscript upper A over upper T Subscript s, the average voltage upper V Subscript upper A equals upper D upper V Subscript i n. Recognizing that the average inductor voltage is zero (Equations 3.4) and the average voltages in the output loop sum to zero (Equations 3.9),

upper V Subscript o Baseline equals upper V Subscript upper A Baseline equals upper D upper V Subscript i n Baseline period(3.11)

The inductor voltage v Subscript upper L pulsates between two values, left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis and left-parenthesis minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis, as plotted in Figure 3.5d. Since the average inductor voltage is zero, the volt-second areas during two subintervals are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign. In DC steady state, the inductor current can be expressed as the sum of its average and the ripple component:

i Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper I Subscript upper L Baseline plus i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis comma(3.12)

where the average current depends on the output load, and the ripple component is dictated by the waveform of the inductor voltage v Subscript upper L in Figure 3.5d. As shown in Figure 3.5d, the ripple component consists of linear segments, rising when v Subscript upper L is positive and falling when v Subscript upper L is negative. The peak-peak ripple can be calculated as follows, using either area A or B:

upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript upper A r e a upper A Endscripts Endscripts upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript upper A r e a upper B Endscripts Endscripts upper T period(3.13)

This ripple component is plotted in Figure 3.5d. Since the average capacitor current is zero in DC steady state, the average inductor current equals the output load current by Kirchhoff’s current law applied at the output node:

upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper R EndFraction period(3.14)

The inductor current waveform is shown in Figure 3.5d by superposing the average and the ripple components.

Next, we will calculate the ripple current through the output capacitor. In practice, the filter capacitor is large enough to achieve the output voltage, nearly DC left-parenthesis v Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis. Therefore, to the ripple-frequency current, the path through the capacitor offers much smaller impedance than through the load resistance, hence justifying the assumption that the ripple component of the inductor current flows entirely through the capacitor. That is, in Figure 3.5a,

i Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis(3.15)

In practice, in a capacitor, the voltage drops across its equivalent series resistance (ESR) and the equivalent series inductance (ESL) dominate over the voltage drop StartFraction 1 Over normal upper C EndFraction integral normal i Subscript normal upper C Baseline d t across C, given by Equation (3.6). The capacitor current i Subscript upper C, equal to i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e in Figure 3.5d, can be used to calculate the ripple in the output voltage.

The input current i Subscript i n pulsates, equal to i Subscript upper L when the transistor is on, and otherwise zero, as plotted in Figure 3.5d. An input L-C filter is often needed to prevent the pulsating current from being drawn from the input DC source. The average value of the input current in Figure 3.5d is

normal upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals upper D upper I Subscript normal upper L Baseline equals upper D upper I Subscript normal o Baseline left-parenthesis u s i n g period 3 period 14 right-parenthesis(3.16)

Using Equations (3.11) and (3.16), we can confirm that the input power equals the output power, as it should, in this idealized converter:

upper V Subscript i n Baseline upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals upper V Subscript o Baseline upper I Subscript o(3.17)

Equation (3.11) shows that the voltage conversion ratio of buck converters in the continuous conduction mode (CCM) depends on D but is independent of the output load. If the output load decreases (that is, if the load resistance increases) to the extent that the inductor current becomes discontinuous, then the input-output relationship in CCM is no longer valid, and, if the duty ratio upper D were to be held constant, the output voltage in the discontinuous conduction mode would rise above that given by Equation (3.11). The discontinuous conduction mode will be considered fully in section 3.15.

Example 3.3

In the buck DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.5a, upper L equals 24 normal mu normal upper H. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 20 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.6, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 14 normal upper W, and normal f Subscript normal s Baseline equals 200 k upper H z. Assuming ideal components, calculate and draw the waveforms shown earlier in Figure 3.5d.

Solution With normal f Subscript normal s Baseline equals 200 k upper H z, normal upper T Subscript normal s Baseline equals 5 mu s and upper T Subscript o n Baseline equals upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline equals 3 normal mu normal s, upper V Subscript o Baseline equals upper D upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 12 normal upper V.

The inductor voltage v Subscript upper L fluctuates between left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis equals 8 normal upper V and left-parenthesis minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis equals minus 12 normal upper V, as shown in Figure 3.6.

FIGURE 3.6Example 3.3.

Therefore, from Equation (3.13), the ripple in the inductor current is upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline equals 1 normal upper A. The average inductor current is upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript o Baseline equals upper P Subscript o Baseline slash upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 1.167 normal upper A. Therefore, i Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript upper L Baseline plus i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e, as shown in Figure 3.6. When the transistor is on, i Subscript i n Baseline equals i Subscript upper L, and otherwise it zero. The average input currents is upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals upper D upper I Subscript o Baseline equals 0.7 normal upper A.

3.5.1 Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a non-ideal buck converter is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.4

In the buck DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.5a, upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, and upper R equals 8 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.7, and normal f Subscript normal s Baseline equals 100 k upper H z. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The LTspice model is shown in Figure 3.7, and the steady-state waveforms from the simulation of this converter are shown in Figure 3.8.

FIGURE 3.7 LTspice model.

FIGURE 3.8 LTspice simulation results

The Workbench model for implementing the above example in hardware using the Sciamble lab kit is as shown in Figure 3.9.

FIGURE 3.9 Workbench model.

The steady-state waveforms from running the buck converter using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 3.10. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [2].

FIGURE 3.10 Workbench hardware results: (1) inductor current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) input current, and (4) output voltage.


A Boost converter is shown in Figure 3.11a. It is conventional to show power flow from left to right. To follow this convention, the circuit of Figure 3.11a is flipped and drawn in Figure 3.11b. The output stage consists of the output load and a large filter capacitor that is used to minimize the output voltage ripple. This capacitor at the output initially gets charged to a voltage equal to upper V Subscript i n through the diode.

FIGURE 3.11 Boost DC-DC converter.

Compared to buck converters, the boost converters have two major differences:

  1. Power flow is from a lower voltage DC input to the higher load voltage in the opposite direction through the switching power-pole. Hence, the current direction through the series inductor of the power pole is chosen as shown, opposite to that in a buck converter, and this current remains positive in the continuous conduction mode.
  2. In the switching power-pole, the bi-positional switch is realized using a transistor and a diode that are placed as shown in Figure 3.7a. Across the output, a filter capacitor upper C is placed, which forms the voltage port and minimizes the output ripple voltage.

In a boost converter, turning on the transistor in the bottom position applies the input voltage across the inductor such that v Subscript upper L equals upper V Subscript i n, as shown in Figure 3.12a, and i Subscript upper L linearly ramps up, increasing the energy in the inductor. Turning off the transistor forces the inductor current to flow through the diode, as shown in Figure 3.12b, and some of the inductively stored energy is transferred to the output stage that consists of the filter capacitor and the output load across it.

FIGURE 3.12 Boost converter: operation and waveforms.

The transistor switching function is shown in Figure 3.12c, with a steady-state duty ratio upper D. Because of the transistor in the bottom position in the power pole, the resulting v Subscript upper A waveform is as plotted in Figure 3.12c. Since the average voltage across the inductor in the DC steady state is zero, the average voltage upper V Subscript upper A equals the input voltage upper V Subscript i n. The inductor voltage v Subscript upper L pulsates between two values: upper V Subscript i n and minus left-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline minus upper V Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis as plotted in Figure 3.12c. Since the average inductor voltage is zero, the volt-second areas during the two subintervals are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign.

The input/output voltage ratio can be obtained either by the waveform of v Subscript upper A or v Subscript upper L in Figure 3.12c. Using the inductor voltage waveform whose average is zero in DC steady state,

normal upper V Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis upper D upper T Subscript normal s Baseline right-parenthesis equals left-parenthesis normal upper V Subscript normal o Baseline minus normal upper V Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis 1 minus normal upper D right-parenthesis normal upper T Subscript normal s Baseline period(3.18)


StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline greater-than upper V Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis period(3.19)

The inductor current waveform consists of its average value, which depends on the output load, and a ripple component, which depends on v Subscript upper L:

i Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper I Subscript upper L Baseline plus i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis comma(3.20)

where as shown in Figure 3.12c, normal i Subscript normal upper L comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over normal upper L EndFraction integral normal v Subscript normal upper L Baseline d tau right-parenthesis, whose average value is zero, consists of linear segments, rising when v Subscript upper L is positive and falling when v Subscript upper L is negative. The peak-peak ripple can be calculated by using either area A or B:

upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline right-parenthesis UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript upper A r e a upper A Endscripts Endscripts equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline minus upper V Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript upper A r e a upper B Endscripts Endscripts 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper T Subscript s Baseline period(3.21)

In a boost converter, the inductor current equals the input current, whose average can be calculated from the output load current by equating the input and the output powers:

upper V Subscript i n Baseline upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals upper V Subscript o Baseline upper I Subscript o Baseline period(3.22)

Hence, using Equation (3.19) and upper I Subscript o Baseline equals upper V Subscript o Baseline slash upper R,

upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction upper I Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper I Subscript o Baseline Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper R EndFraction period(3.23)

The inductor current waveform is shown in Figure 3.12c, superposing its average and the ripple components.

The current through the diode equals 0 when the transistor is on; otherwise, it equals i Subscript upper L, as plotted in Figure 3.12c. In the DC steady state, the average capacitor current upper I Subscript upper C is zero, and therefore the average diode current equals the output current upper I Subscript o. In practice, the filter capacitor is large to achieve the output voltage of nearly DC left-parenthesis v Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis. Therefore, to the ripple-frequency component in the diode current, the path through the capacitor offers a much smaller impedance than through the load resistance, hence justifying the assumption that the ripple component of the diode current flows entirely through the capacitor. That is,

i Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis i Subscript d i o d e comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals i Subscript d i o d e Baseline minus upper I Subscript o Baseline period(3.24)

In practice, the voltage drops across the capacitor ESR and the ESL dominate over the voltage drop StartFraction 1 Over normal upper C EndFraction integral i Subscript normal upper C Baseline d t period across C. The plot of i Subscript upper C in Figure 3.8c can be used to calculate the ripple in the output voltage.

Example 3.5

In a boost converter, shown in Figure 3.11b, the inductor current has normal upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline equals 2 normal upper A. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 5 normal upper V, upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 12 normal upper V, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 11 normal upper W, and normal f Subscript normal s Baseline equals 200 k upper H z. (a) Assuming ideal components, calculate upper L and draw the waveforms as shown in Figure 3.12c.

Solution From Equation (3.19), the duty ratio upper D equals 0.583. With normal f Subscript normal s Baseline equals 200 k upper H z, upper T Subscript s Baseline equals 5 normal mu normal s and upper T Subscript o n Baseline equals upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline equals 2.917 normal mu normal s. v Subscript upper L fluctuates between upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 5 normal upper V and minus left-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline minus upper V Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis equals minus 7 normal upper V. Using the conditions during the transistor on-time, from Equation (3.21),

upper L equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline EndFraction upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline equals 7.29 normal mu normal upper H period

The average inductor current is upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals upper P Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper P Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis slash upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 2.2 normal upper A, and i Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript upper L Baseline plus i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e, as shown in Figure 3.13. When the transistor is on, the diode current is zero; otherwise i Subscript d i o d e Baseline equals i Subscript upper L. The average diode current is equal to the average output current:

upper I Subscript d i o d e Baseline equals upper I Subscript o Baseline equals left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals 0.917 normal upper A period

FIGURE 3.13Example 3.5.

The capacitor current is i Subscript upper C Baseline equals i Subscript d i o d e Baseline minus upper I Subscript o. When the transistor is on, the diode current is zero and i Subscript upper C Baseline equals minus upper I Subscript o Baseline equals minus 0.917 normal upper AA. The capacitor current jumps to a value of 2.283 normal upper A and drops to minus 0.917 normal upper A.

The above analysis shows that the voltage conversion ratio (Equation 3.19) of boost converters in CCM depends on 1 slash left-parenthesis 1 minus normal upper D right-parenthesis, and is independent of the output load, as shown in Figure 3.14. If the output load decreases to the extent that the average inductor current becomes less than the critical value upper I Subscript upper L comma c r i t, the inductor current becomes discontinuous, and in this discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), the input-output relationship of CCM is no longer valid, as shown in Figure 3.14.

FIGURE 3.14 Boost converter: voltage transfer ratio.

If the duty ratio upper D were to be held constant, as shown in Figure 3.14, the output voltage could rise to dangerously high levels in DCM; this case is fully considered in Section 3.15.

3.6.1 Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a non-ideal boost converter is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.6

In the boost DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.11b, upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, and upper R equals 39 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.7, and normal f Subscript normal s Baseline equals 100 k upper H z. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The LTspice model is shown in Figure 3.15, and the steady-state waveforms from the simulation of this converter are shown in Figure 3.16.

FIGURE 3.15 LTspice model.

FIGURE 3.16 LTspice simulation results.

The Workbench model for implementing the above example in hardware using the Sciamble lab kit is shown in Figure 3.17.

FIGURE 3.17 Workbench model.

The steady-state waveforms from running the boost converter using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 3.18. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [3].

FIGURE 3.18 Workbench hardware results: (1) input current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) diode current, (4) output voltage, and (M) switch current.


Buck-boost converters allow the output voltage to be greater or lower than the input voltage based on the switch duty ratio upper D. A buck-boost converter is shown in Figure 3.19a, where the switching power-pole is implemented as shown. Conventionally, to make the power flow from left to right, buck-boost converters are drawn as in Figure 3.19b.

FIGURE 3.19 Buck-boost DC-DC converter.

As shown in Figure 3.20a, turning on the transistor applies the input voltage across the inductor such that v Subscript upper L equals upper V Subscript i n, and the current linearly ramps up, increasing the energy in the inductor. Turning off the transistor results in the inductor current flowing through the diode, as shown in Figure 3.20b, transferring to the output the incremental energy in the inductor which was accumulated during the previous transistor state.

FIGURE 3.20 Buck-boost converter: operation and waveforms.

The transistor-switching function is shown in Figure 3.20c, with a steady-state duty ratio upper D. The resulting v Subscript upper A waveform is as plotted. Since the average voltage across the inductor in the DC steady state is zero, the average upper V Subscript upper A equals the output voltage upper V Subscript o. The inductor voltage pulsates between two values: upper V Subscript i n and minus upper V Subscript o, as plotted in Figure 3.20c. Since the average inductor voltage is zero, the volt-second areas during the two subintervals are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign.

The input/output voltage ratio can be obtained either by the waveform of v Subscript upper A or v Subscript upper L in Figure 3.20c. Using the v Subscript upper L waveform, whose average is zero in the DC steady state,

upper D upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline period(3.25)


StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction upper D Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction period(3.26)

The inductor current consists of an average value, which depends on the output load, and a ripple component, which depends on v Subscript upper L:

i Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals upper I Subscript upper L Baseline plus i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis comma(3.27)

where as shown in Figure 3.20c, i Subscript upper L comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction zero width space integral Overscript zero width space Endscripts zero width space v Subscript upper L Baseline d tau right-parenthesis, whose average value is zero, consists of linear segments, rising when v Subscript upper L is positive and falling when v Subscript upper L is negative. The peak-peak ripple can be calculated by using either area A or B,

upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline right-parenthesis UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript upper A r e a upper A Endscripts Endscripts equals StartFraction 1 Over upper L EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis UnderUnderscript presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript upper A r e a upper B Endscripts Endscripts upper T Subscript s Baseline period(3.28)

Applying Kirchhoff’s current law in Figure 3.19a or 3.19b, the average inductor current equals the sum of the average input current and the average output current (note that the average capacitor current is zero in DC steady state),

upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o Baseline period(3.29)

Equating the input and the output powers,

upper V Subscript i n Baseline upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals upper V Subscript o Baseline upper I Subscript o Baseline comma(3.30)

and using Equation (3.26),

upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction upper I Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper D Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction upper I Subscript o Baseline period(3.31)

Hence, using Equations (3.29) and (3.31),

upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction upper I Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper R EndFraction period(3.32)

Superposing the average and the ripple components, the inductor current waveform is shown in Figure 3.20c.

The diode current is zero, except when it conducts the inductor current, as plotted in Figure 3.20c. In the DC steady state, the average current upper I Subscript upper C through the capacitor is zero, and therefore by Kirchhoff’s current law, the average diode current equals the output current. In practice, the filter capacitor is large to achieve the output voltage nearly DC left-parenthesis v Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis. Therefore, to the ripple-frequency current, the path through the capacitor offers a much smaller impedance than through the load resistance, hence justifying the assumption that the ripple component of the diode current flows entirely through the capacitor. That is,

i Subscript upper C Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis i Subscript d i o d e comma r i p p l e Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis period(3.33)

In practice, the voltage drops across the capacitor ESR and the ESL dominate over the voltage drop StartFraction 1 Over upper C EndFraction zero width space integral Overscript zero width space Endscripts zero width space i Subscript upper C Baseline d t across C. The plot of i Subscript upper C in Figure 3.20c can be used to calculate the ripple in the output voltage.

Example 3.7

The buck-boost converter of Figure 3.19b is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 14 normal upper V, upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 42 normal upper V, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 21 normal upper W, normal upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline equals 1.8 normal upper A, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 200 kHz. Assuming ideal components, calculate upper L and draw the waveforms as shown in Figure 3.20c.

Solution From Equation (3.26), upper D equals 0.75. upper T Subscript s Baseline equals 1 slash f Subscript s Baseline equals 5 normal mu normal s and upper T Subscript o n Baseline equals upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline equals 3.75 normal mu normal s, as shown in Figure 3.13. The inductor voltage v Subscript upper L fluctuates between upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 14 normal upper V and minus upper V Subscript o Baseline equals minus 42 normal upper V. Using Equation (3.28),

upper L equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over normal upper Delta i Subscript upper L Baseline EndFraction upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline equals 29.17 normal mu normal upper H period

The average input current is upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals upper P Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper P Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis slash upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 1.5 normal upper A, and upper I Subscript o Baseline equals upper P Subscript o Baseline slash upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 0.5 normal upper A. Therefore, upper I Subscript upper L Baseline equals upper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o Baseline equals 2 normal upper A. When the transistor is on, the diode current is zero; otherwise, i Subscript d i o d e Baseline equals i Subscript upper L. The average diode current is equal to the average output current: upper I Subscript d i o d e Baseline equals upper I Subscript o Baseline equals 0.5 normal upper A. The capacitor current is i Subscript upper C Baseline equals i Subscript d i o d e Baseline minus upper I Subscript o. When the transistor is on, the diode current is zero and i Subscript upper C Baseline equals minus upper I Subscript o Baseline equals minus 0.5 normal upper A. The capacitor current jumps to a value of 2.4 normal upper A and drops to 1.1 minus 0.5 equals 0.6 normal upper A, as shown in Figure 3.21.

FIGURE 3.21Example 3.7.

The above analysis shows that the voltage conversion ratio (Equation 3.26) of buck-boost converters in CCM depends on upper D zero width space slash zero width space left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis and is independent of the output load, as shown in Figure 3.22. If the output load decreases to the extent that the average inductor current becomes less than the critical value upper I Subscript upper L comma c r i t, the inductor current becomes discontinuous, and in this discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), the input-output relationship of CCM is no longer valid, as shown in Figure 3.22. If the duty ratio upper D were to be held constant as shown in Figure 3.22, the output voltage could rise to dangerously high levels in DCM; this case is fully considered in Section 3.23.

FIGURE 3.22 Buck-boost converter: voltage transfer ratio.

3.7.1 Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a non-ideal buck-boost converter is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.8

In the buck-boost DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.19b, upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, and upper R equals 25 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.3, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The LTspice model is shown in Figure 3.23, and the steady-state waveforms from the simulation of this converter are shown in Figure 3.24.

FIGURE 3.23 LTspice model.

FIGURE 3.24 LTspice simulation results..

The Workbench model for implementing the above example in hardware using the Sciamble lab kit is as shown in Figure 3.25.

FIGURE 3.25 Workbench model.

The steady-state waveforms from running the buck-boost converter using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 3-26. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [4].

FIGURE 3.26 Workbench hardware results: (1) input current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) inductor current, and (4) output voltage.

3.7.2 Other Buck-Boost Topologies

There are two variations of the buck-boost topology, which are used in certain applications. These two topologies are briefly described below. SEPIC Converters (Single-Ended Primary Inductor Converters)

The SEPIC converter, shown in Figure 3.27a, is used in certain applications where the current drawn from the input is required to be relatively ripple-free. By applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law and the fact that the average inductor voltage is zero in the DC steady state, the capacitor in this converter gets charged to an average value that equals the input voltage upper V Subscript i n with the polarity shown. During the on interval of the transistor, upper D upper T Subscript s, as shown in Figure 3.27b, the diode gets reverse biased by the sum of the capacitor and the output voltages, and i Subscript upper L Baseline 1 and i Subscript upper L Baseline 2 flow through the transistor. During the off interval left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper T Subscript s, i Subscript upper L Baseline 1 and i Subscript upper L Baseline 2 flow through the diode, as shown in Figure 3.15c. The voltage across upper L 2 equals v Subscript upper C during the on interval and (minus upper V Subscript o) during the off interval. In terms of the average value of the capacitor voltage that equals upper V Subscript i n (by applying Equation (3.9) in Figure 3.27a), equating the average voltage across upper L 2 to zero results in,

FIGURE 3.27 SEPIC converter.

upper D upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline comma(3.34)


StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction upper D Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction period(3.35)

Unlike the buck-boost converters, the output voltage polarity in the SEPIC converter remains the same as that of the input. Ćuk Converters

Named after its inventor, the Ćuk converter is shown in Figure 3.28a, where the energy transfer means is through the capacitor upper C between the two inductors. Using Equation (3.9) in Figure 3.28a, this capacitor voltage has an average value of left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline plus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis with the polarity shown. During the on interval of the transistor, upper D upper T Subscript s, as shown in Figure 3.28b, the diode gets reverse biased by the capacitor voltage, and the input and the output currents flow through the transistor. During the off interval left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper T Subscript s, the input and the output currents flow through the diode, as shown in Figure 3.28c. In terms of the average values of the inductor currents, equating the net change in charge on the capacitor over upper T Subscript s to zero in steady state,

FIGURE 3.28 Ćuk converter.

upper D upper I Subscript o Baseline equals left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper I Subscript i n Baseline comma(3.36)


StartFraction upper I Subscript i n Baseline Over upper I Subscript o Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction upper D Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction period(3.37)

Equating input and output powers in this idealized converter leads to,

StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction upper D Over 1 minus upper D EndFraction comma(3.38)

which shows the same functionality as buck-boost converters. One of the advantages of the Ćuk converter is that it has non-pulsating currents at the input and the output, but it suffers from the same component stress disadvantages as the buck-boost converters and produces an output voltage of the polarity opposite to that of the input.


For selecting between the three converter topologies discussed in this chapter, the stresses listed in Table 3.1 can be compared, which are based on the assumption that the inductor ripple current is negligible.

TABLE 3.1  Topology selection criteria.

Transistor ModifyingAbove upper V With caretupper V Subscript i nupper V Subscript oleft-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline plus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis
Transistor ModifyingAbove upper I With caretupper I Subscript oupper I Subscript i nupper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o
upper I Subscript rmsTransistorStartRoot upper D EndRoot upper I Subscript oStartRoot upper D EndRoot upper I Subscript i nStartRoot upper D EndRoot left-parenthesis upper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis
upper I Subscript avgTransistorupper D upper I Subscript oupper D upper I Subscript i nupper D left-parenthesis upper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis
Diodeleft-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper I Subscript oleft-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis upper I Subscript i nleft-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis left-parenthesis upper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis
upper I Subscript upper Lupper I Subscript oupper I Subscript i nupper I Subscript i n Baseline plus upper I Subscript o
Effect of upper L on upper Csignificantlittlelittle
Pulsating Currentinputoutputboth

From the above table, we can clearly conclude that the buck-boost converter suffers from several additional stresses. Therefore, it should be used only if both the buck and the boost capabilities are needed. Otherwise, the buck or the boost converter should be used based on the desired capability. A detailed analysis is carried out in [2].


The worst-case design should consider the ranges in which the input voltage and the output load vary. As mentioned earlier, converters above a few tens of watts are often designed to operate in CCM. To ensure CCM even under very light load conditions would require prohibitively large inductance. Hence, the inductance value chosen is often no larger than three times the critical inductance left-parenthesis upper L less-than 3 upper L Subscript c Baseline right-parenthesis, where the critical inductance upper L Subscript c is the value of the inductor that will make the converter operate at the border of CCM and DCM at full load.


Operating voltages in computing and communication equipment have already dropped to an order of 1 V, and even lower voltages, such as 0.5 V, are predicted in the near future. At these low voltages, the diode (even a Schottky diode) of the power pole in a buck converter has an unacceptably high voltage drop across it, resulting in extremely poor converter efficiency.

As a solution to this problem, the switching power-pole in a buck converter is implemented using two MOSFETs, as shown in Figure 3.29a, which are available with very low upper R Subscript upper D upper S left-parenthesis o n right-parenthesis in low voltage ratings. The two MOSFETs are driven by almost complementary gate signals (some dead time, where both signals are low, is necessary to avoid the shoot-through of current through the two transistors), as shown in Figure 3.29b.

FIGURE 3.29 Buck converter: synchronous rectified.

When the upper MOSFET is off, the inductor current flows through the channel, from the source to the drain, of the lower MOSFET that has gate voltage applied to it. This results in a very low voltage drop across the lower MOSFET. At light load conditions, the inductor current may be allowed to become negative without becoming discontinuous, flowing from the drain to the source of the lower MOSFET [3].

It is possible to achieve soft switching in such converters, as discussed in Chapter 10, where the ripple in the total output and the input currents can be minimized by interleaving, which is discussed in the next section.

3.10.1 Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a non-ideal synchronous buck converter is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.9

In the synchronous-rectified buck DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.29a, upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, and upper R equals 25 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.5, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz. For the switch, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The LTspice model is shown in Figure 3.30, and the steady-state waveforms from the simulation of this converter are shown in Figure 3.31.

FIGURE 3.30 LTspice model.

FIGURE 3.31 LTspice simulation results.

The Workbench model for implementing the above example in hardware using the Sciamble lab kit is shown in Figure 3.32.

FIGURE 3.32 Workbench model.

The steady-state waveforms from running the synchronous-rectified buck converter using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 3.33. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [7].

FIGURE 3.33 Workbench hardware results for synchronous-rectified buck converter using Si switches: (1) inductor current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) high-side switch current/input current, and (M) low-side switch current.

In the case of a buck converter, discussed in section 3.5, there is a significant reduction in the efficiency due to the 0.3–1.1 V drop across the freewheeling diode, as seen in Figure 3.34a. This drop can be greatly reduced in the synchronous-rectified buck converter by using a Si-MOSFET instead of a diode, as seen in Figure 3.34b.

FIGURE 3.34 Switch-node voltage: (a) buck converter, (b) synchronous-rectified buck converter using Si-MOSFETs, (c) synchronous-rectified buck converter using GaN-FETs.

It must be noted that, while the gate ON signal transitions from one MOSFET to the other, both MOSFETs’ gate is held OFF for a brief period of time to prevent shoot-through. During this short interval, the current flows through the body diode of the MOSFET, as seen by the −0.7 V drop during the dead time, of about 200 ns, in Figure 3.34b.

Figure 3.34c shows the switch-node voltage of a synchronous-rectified buck converter using GaN-FETs. The dead time required for GaN-FET of a similar rating as Si-MOSFET is typically an order of magnitude lower, 30 ns in this case. This faster switching characteristic leads to reduced switching losses. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the dead time is maintained as low as possible [8] because the voltage drop across the GaN-FET under reverse current conduction, while the gate is OFF, is typically around 3.5 V, as seen in Figure 3.34c. This reverse voltage drop is significantly higher than that of a Si-MOSFET’s body diode.


Figure 3.35a shows two interleaved converters whose switching waveforms are phase-shifted by upper T Subscript s Baseline slash 2, as shown in Figure 3.35b. In general, n such converters can be used, their operation phase-shifted by upper T Subscript s Baseline slash n. The advantage of such interleaved multi-phase converters is the cancellation of ripple in the input and the output currents to a large degree. This is also a good way to achieve higher control bandwidth.

FIGURE 3.35 Interleaving of converters.


Almost all DC-DC converters are operated with their output voltages regulated to equal their reference values within a specified tolerance band (for example, plus-or-minus 1 percent-sign around its nominal value) in response to disturbances in the input voltage and the output load. The average output of the switching power-pole in a DC-DC converter can be controlled by pulsed-width modulating (PWM) the duty ratio d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis of this power pole.

Figure 3.36a shows a block diagram form of a regulated DC-DC converter. It shows that the converter output voltage is measured and compared with its reference value within a PWM controller IC, briefly described in Chapter 2. The error between the two voltages is amplified by an amplifier, whose output is the control voltage v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis. Within the PWM-IC, the control voltage is compared with a ramp signal v Subscript r Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, as shown in Figure 3.36b, where the comparator output represents the switching function q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis whose pulse width d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis can be modulated to regulate the output of the converter.

FIGURE 3.36 Regulation of output by PWM.

The ramp signal v Subscript r has the amplitude ModifyingAbove upper V With caret Subscript zero width space r, and the switching frequency f Subscript s constant. The output voltage of this comparator represents the transistor-switching function q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, which equals 1 if v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis greater-than-or-equal-to v Subscript r and 0 otherwise. The switch duty ratio in Figure 3.36b is given as

d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals StartFraction v Subscript c Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis Over ModifyingAbove upper V With caret Subscript zero width space r Baseline EndFraction comma(3.39)

and thus the control voltage, limited in a range between 0 and ModifyingAbove upper V With caret Subscript zero width space r, linearly and dynamically controls the pulse width d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis in Equation (3.39) and shown in Figure 3.36b. The topic of feedback controller design for regulating the output voltage is discussed in detail in Chapter 4.


In all three types of DC-DC converters in CCM, the switching power-pole switches between two sub-circuit states based on the switching function q left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis. (It switches between three sub-circuit states in DCM, where the switch can be considered “stuck” between the on and the off positions during the subinterval when the inductor current is zero, discussed in detail in Section 3.15.) It is very beneficial to obtain non-switching average models of these switch-mode converters for simulating the converter performance under dynamic conditions caused by the change of input voltage and/or the output load. Under the dynamic condition, the converter duty ratio, and the average values of voltages and currents within the converter vary with time, but relatively slowly, with frequencies an order of magnitude smaller than the switching frequency.

The switching power-pole is shown in Figure 3.37a, where the voltages and currents are labeled with the subscript v p for the voltage port and c p for the current port. In the above analysis for the three converters in the DC steady state, we can write the average voltage and current relationships for the bi-positional switch of the power pole as,

upper V Subscript c p Baseline equals upper D upper V Subscript v p Baseline comma(3.40a)
upper I Subscript v p Baseline equals upper D upper I Subscript c p Baseline period(3.40b)

FIGURE 3.37 Average dynamic model of a switching power-pole.

Relationships in Equation (3.40) can be represented by an ideal transformer as shown in Figure 3.37b, where the ideal transformer, hypothetical and only a convenience for mathematical representation, can operate with AC as well DC voltages and currents, which a real transformer cannot. A symbol consisting of a straight bar with a curve below it is used to remind us of this fact. Since no electrical isolation exists between the voltage port and the current port of the switching power-pole, the two windings of this ideal transformer in Figure 3.37b are connected at the bottom. Moreover, the voltage at the voltage port in Figure 3.37b cannot become negative, and d is limited to a range between 0 and 1.

Under dynamic conditions, the average model in Figure 3.37b of the bi-positional switch can be substituted in the power pole of Figure 3.37a, resulting in the dynamic average model shown in Figure 3.37c, using Equation (3.39) for d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis. Here, the uppercase letters used in the DC steady state relationships are replaced with lowercase letters with an overbar (a “–” on top) to represent average voltages and currents, which may vary dynamically with time: upper D by d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, upper V Subscript c p by ModifyingAbove v With bar Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, upper I Subscript c p by ModifyingAbove i With bar Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, and upper I Subscript v p by ModifyingAbove i With bar Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis. Therefore, from Equations (3.40a) and (3.40b):

ModifyingAbove v With bar Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis ModifyingAbove v With bar Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis comma(3.41a)
ModifyingAbove i With bar Subscript v p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis equals d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis ModifyingAbove i With bar Subscript c p Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis period(3.41b)

The above discussion shows that the dynamic average model of a switching power-pole in CCM is an ideal transformer with the turns ratio 1 colon d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis. Using this model for the switching power-pole, the dynamic average models of the three converters shown in Figure 3.38a are as in Figure 3.38b in CCM. Note that in the boost converter where the transistor is in the bottom position in the power pole, the transformer turns ratio is 1 zero width space colon zero width space left-parenthesis 1 minus d right-parenthesis for the following reason: Unlike buck and buck-boost converters, the transistor in a boost converter is in the bottom position. Therefore, when the transistor is on with a duty ratio d, the effective bi-positional switch is in the “down” position, and the pole duty ratio is left-parenthesis 1 minus d right-parenthesis. The average representation of these converters in DCM is described in section 3.15.5.

FIGURE 3.38 Average dynamic models: buck (left), boost (middle), and buck-boost (right).

In the average representation of the switching converters, all the switching information is removed, and hence it provides an uncluttered understanding of achieving desired objectives. Moreover, the average model in simulating the dynamic response of a converter results in computation speeds orders of magnitude faster than that in the switching model, where the simulation time-step must be smaller than at least one-hundredth of the switching time period upper T Subscript s in order to achieve an accurate resolution.


In buck, boost, and buck-boost DC-DC converters, the implementation of the switching power-pole by one transistor and one diode dictates the instantaneous current flow to be unidirectional. As shown in Figure 3.39a, combining the switching power-pole implementations of buck and boost converters, where the two transistors are switched by complementary signals, allows a continuous bi-directional power and current capability.

FIGURE 3.39 Bi-directional power flow through a switching power-pole.

In such a bi-directional switching power-pole, the positive inductor current, as shown in Figure 3.39b, represents a buck mode, where only the transistor and the diode associated with the buck converter take part. Similarly, as shown in Figure 3.39c, the negative inductor current represents a boost mode, where only the transistor and the diode associated with the boost converter take part. We will utilize such bi-directional switching power-poles in DC and AC motor drives, uninterruptible power supplies, and power systems applications, discussed in Chapters 11 and 12.

In a bi-directional switching power-pole where the transistors are gated by complementary signals, the current through it can flow in either direction, and hence ideally (ignoring a small dead time needed due to practical considerations when both the transistors are off simultaneously for a very short interval), a discontinuous conduction mode does not exist.

As described by Figures 3.39b and c above, the bi-directional switching power-pole in Figure 3.40a is in the “up” position, regardless of the direction of i Subscript upper L, when q equals 1, as shown in Figure 3.40b. Similarly, it is in the “down” position, regardless of the direction of i Subscript upper L, when q equals 0. Therefore, the average representation of the bi-directional switching power-pole in Figure 3.40a (represented as in Figure 3.40b) is an ideal transformer shown in Figure 3.40c, with a turns ratio 1 zero width space colon zero width space d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis, where d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis represents the pole duty ratio that is also the duty ratio of the transistor associated with the buck mode.

FIGURE 3.40 Average dynamic model of the switching power-pole with bi-directional power flow.


All DC-DC converters for unidirectional power and current flow have their switching power-pole implemented by one transistor and one diode and hence go into a discontinuous conduction mode, DCM, below a certain output load. As an example, as shown in Figure 3.41, if we keep the switch duty ratio constant, a decline in the output load results in the inductor average current to decrease until a critical load value is reached, where the inductor current waveform reaches zero at the end of the turn-off interval.

FIGURE 3.41 Inductor current at various loads; duty ratio is kept constant.

We will call the average inductor current in this condition the critical inductor current and denote it by upper I Subscript upper L comma c r i t. For loads below this critical value, the inductor current cannot reverse through the diode in any of the three converters (buck, boost, and buck-boost) and enters DCM, where the inductor current remains zero for a finite interval until the transistor is turned on, beginning the next switching cycle.

In DCM, during the interval when the inductor current remains zero, there is no power drawn from the input source, and there is no energy in the inductor to transfer to the output stage. This interval of inactivity generally results in increased device stresses and the ratings of the passive components. DCM also results in noise and EMI, although the diode reverse recovery problem is minimized. Based on these considerations, converters above a few tens of watts are generally designed to operate in CCM, although all of them implemented using one transistor and one diode will enter DCM at very light loads, and the feedback controller should be designed to operate adequately in both modes. It should be noted that designing the controller of some converters, such as the buck-boost converters, in CCM is more complicated, so the designers may prefer to keep such converters in DCM for all possible operating conditions. This we will discuss further in the next chapter, dealing with the feedback controller design.

3.15.1 Critical Condition at the Border of Continuous-Discontinuous Conduction

At the critical load condition with i Subscript upper L comma c r i t shown in Figure 3.41, the average inductor current is one-half the peak value:

upper I Subscript upper L comma c r i t Baseline equals StartFraction ModifyingAbove i With caret Subscript upper L comma c r i t Baseline Over 2 EndFraction(3.42)

At the critical condition, the peak inductor current in Figure 3.41 can be calculated by considering the voltage v Subscript upper L that is applied across the inductor for an interval upper D upper T Subscript s when the transistor is on, causing the current to rise from zero to its peak value. In buck converters, this inductor voltage is left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis. Using Equation (3.42) and the fact that f Subscript s Baseline equals 1 zero width space slash zero width space upper T Subscript s Baseline and upper V Subscript o Baseline equals upper D upper V Subscript i n (the same voltage relationship holds in the critical condition as in CCM),

upper I Subscript upper L comma c r i t comma upper B u c k Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis(3.43)

In both the boost and the buck-boost converters, the inductor voltage during upper D upper T Subscript s equals upper V Subscript i n. Hence, using Equation (3.42),

upper I Subscript upper L comma c r i t comma upper B o o s t Baseline equals upper I Subscript upper L comma c r i t comma upper B u c k minus upper B o o s t Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D(3.44)

Equating the critical values of the average inductor current given in Equations (3.43) and (3.44) to input/output currents, relating the output voltage upper V Subscript o to the input voltage upper V Subscript i n and recognizing that the output resistance upper R equals upper V Subscript o Baseline zero width space slash zero width space upper I Subscript o Baseline, the critical values of the load resistance in these converters can be derived as:

StartLayout 1st Row upper R Subscript c r i t comma upper B u c k Baseline equals StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis EndFraction 2nd Row upper R Subscript c r i t comma upper B o o s t Baseline equals StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline Over upper D left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction 3rd Row upper R Subscript c r i t comma upper B u c k minus upper B o o s t Baseline equals StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline Over left-parenthesis 1 minus upper D right-parenthesis squared EndFraction period EndLayout(3.45)

A load resistance above this critical value results in less than a critical load, causing the corresponding converter to go into DCM.

3.15.2 Buck Converters in DCM in Steady State

Waveforms for a buck converter under DCM are shown in Figure 3.42a. In DCM, the inductor current remains zero for a finite interval, resulting in an average value (equal to upper I Subscript o) that is smaller than the critical value. When the inductor current is zero during the upper D Subscript o f f comma 2 Baseline upper T Subscript s interval, the voltage across the inductor is zero and v Subscript upper A Baseline equals upper V Subscript o.

FIGURE 3.42 Buck converter in DCM.

In a buck converter, i Subscript i n equals i Subscript upper L during the on interval and is otherwise zero. In Figure 3.42a in DCM,

ModifyingAbove upper I With caret Subscript i n Baseline equals ModifyingAbove upper I With caret Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis Over upper L EndFraction upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline period(3.46)

Hence the average value of the input current, recognizing that f Subscript s Baseline equals 1 zero width space slash zero width space upper T Subscript s Baseline,

upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals StartFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus upper V Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D squared period(3.47)

Equating the average input power upper P Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript i n Baseline upper I Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis to the output power upper P Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript o Superscript 2 Baseline zero width space slash zero width space upper R right-parenthesis, we can derive that (see problem 3.32),

upper V Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over 2 EndFraction left-parenthesis StartRoot upper M left-parenthesis upper M plus 4 right-parenthesis EndRoot minus upper M right-parenthesis in DCM comma(3.48a)


upper M equals left-parenthesis StartFraction upper R Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis upper D squared period(3.48b)

Equation (3.48) shows that light loads with upper R greater-than upper R Subscript c r i t comma upper B u c k cause the output voltage to rise towards the input voltage, as shown in Figure 3.42b. Of course in a regulated DC-DC converter, the feedback controller will adjust the duty ratio in order to regulate the output voltage. Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a non-ideal buck converter operating under discontinuous conduction mode is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.10

In the buck DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.5a, upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, and upper R equals 25 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.2, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 40 kHz. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The LTspice model is the same as the one shown in Figure 3.7, and the steady-state waveforms from the simulation of this converter are shown in Figure 3.43.

FIGURE 3.43 LTspice simulation results.

The steady-state waveforms from running the buck converter under discontinuous conduction mode using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 3.44. The Workbench model is the same as the one shown in Figure 3.9. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [9].

FIGURE 3.44 Workbench hardware: (1) inductor current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) input current, and (4) output voltage. Ringing of the Voltage at the Switching Node

Compared to the operation of the ideal buck converter in Figure 3.5a, the switch node voltage of a practical buck converter during upper D Subscript o f f comma 2 rings with a peak-to-peak magnitude which is double that of the magnitude of the output voltage, clamped between 0 and Vin :0 less-than upper V Subscript upper A Baseline less-than upper V Subscript i n. This is due to the LC tank circuit formed by the filter inductor and the parallel combination of switch and diode parasitic capacitance, as shown in Figure 3.45.

FIGURE 3.45 Non-ideal buck converter showing the parasitic switch and diode capacitance.

This ringing leads to increased electromagnetic interference (EMI) and higher losses. Knowing the frequency of this ringing is necessary to design an EMI filter to suppress this frequency component. The procedure is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.11

In the buck converter shown in Figure 3.45, the switch has a parasitic capacitance of upper C Subscript upper T Baseline equals 1550 p upper Fand the diode has a parasitic capacitance of upper C Subscript upper D Baseline equals 450 p upper F. Assume the remaining parameters are the same as those given in Example 3.10. Compute the ringing frequency of the ringing of switching node voltage.


f 0 equals StartFraction 1 Over 2 pi StartRoot upper L left-parenthesis upper C Subscript upper T Baseline plus upper C Subscript upper D Baseline right-parenthesis EndRoot EndFraction equals StartFraction 1 Over 2 pi StartRoot 68 normal e minus 6 left-parenthesis 1550 normal e minus 12 plus 450 normal e minus 12 right-parenthesis EndRoot EndFraction equals 0.432 MHz

This matches the results shown in Figure 3.45. The magnitude and the total time period of this ringing can be greatly reduced by means of a snubber circuit, which is discussed in Chapter 8.

3.15.3 Boost Converters in DCM in Steady State

Waveforms for a boost converter under DCM are shown in Figure 3.46a. In DCM, when the inductor current is zero during the upper D Subscript o f f comma 2 Baseline upper T Subscript s interval, the voltage across the inductor is zero, and v Subscript upper A equals upper V Subscript i n. In a boost converter, the average upper V Subscript upper A Baseline equals upper V Subscript i n, and i Subscript i n equals i Subscript upper L during all intervals. In Figure 3.46a in DCM,

ModifyingAbove upper I With caret Subscript i n Baseline equals ModifyingAbove upper I With caret Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over upper L EndFraction upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline period(3.49)

FIGURE 3.46 Boost converter in DCM.

Hence the average value of the input current, recognizing that f Subscript s Baseline equals 1 zero width space slash zero width space upper T Subscript s Baseline,

upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D left-parenthesis upper D plus upper D Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline right-parenthesis period(3.50)

Equating the average input power upper P Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript i n Baseline upper I Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis to the output power upper P Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript o Superscript 2 Baseline slash upper R right-parenthesis,

StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Superscript 2 Baseline Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D left-parenthesis upper D plus upper D Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper R EndFraction period(3.51)

From Figure 3.46a, the average output current, equal to upper V Subscript o Baseline slash upper R, is as follows:

StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D upper D Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Baseline Over upper R EndFraction period(3.52)

Solving for upper D Subscript o f f comma 1 from Equation (3.52) and substituting into Equation (3.51),

upper V Subscript o Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over 2 EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 plus StartRoot 1 plus 4 upper M EndRoot right-parenthesis in DCM comma(3.53a)


upper M equals left-parenthesis StartFraction upper R Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis upper D squared period(3.53b)

Equation (3.53) shows that light loads with upper R greater-than upper R Subscript c r i t comma upper B o o s t cause the output voltage to rise dangerously high toward infinity, as shown in Figure 3.46b. Of course, in a regulated DC-DC converter, the feedback controller must adjust the duty ratio in order to regulate the output voltage. Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a non-ideal boost converter operating under discontinuous conduction mode is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.12

In the boost DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.11a, upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, and upper R equals 39 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.3, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 20 kHz. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The LTspice model is the same as the one shown in Figure 3.15, and the steady-state waveforms from the simulation of this converter are shown in Figure 3.47.

FIGURE 3.47 LTspice simulation results.

The steady-state waveforms from running the boost converter under discontinuous conduction mode using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 3.48. The Workbench model is the same as the one shown in Figure 3.17. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [10].

FIGURE 3.48 Workbench hardware: (2) switch-node voltage, (3) diode current, (4) output voltage, and (M) switch current.

Similar to the practical buck converter, the switch-node voltage of the practical boost converter also rings, during upper D Subscript o f f comma 2 with a peak-to-peak magnitude which is double that of the magnitude of the difference between the output and the input voltage, clamped between 0 and V0:0 less-than upper V Subscript upper A Baseline less-than upper V Subscript o.

3.15.4 Buck-Boost Converters in DCM in Steady State

Waveforms for a buck-boost converter under DCM are shown in Figure 3.49a. In DCM, when the inductor current is zero during upper D Subscript o f f comma 2 Baseline upper T Subscript s interval, the voltage across the inductor is zero and v Subscript upper A equals upper V Subscript o. In a buck-boost converter, the average upper V Subscript upper A Baseline equals upper V Subscript o.

FIGURE 3.49 Buck-boost converter in DCM.

In a buck-boost converter, i Subscript i n equals i Subscript upper L during the on interval and is otherwise zero. In Figure 3.49a in DCM,

ModifyingAbove upper I With caret Subscript i n Baseline equals ModifyingAbove upper I With caret Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over upper L EndFraction upper D upper T Subscript s Baseline period(3.54)

Hence, the average value of the input current, recognizing that f Subscript s Baseline equals 1 slash upper T Subscript s,

upper I Subscript i n Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D squared period(3.55)

Equating the average input power upper P Subscript i n Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript i n Baseline upper I Subscript i n Baseline right-parenthesis to the output power upper P Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis equals upper V Subscript o Superscript 2 Baseline slash upper R right-parenthesis,

StartFraction upper V Subscript i n Superscript 2 Baseline Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper D squared equals StartFraction upper V Subscript o Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper R EndFraction period(3.56)


upper V Subscript o Baseline equals upper D upper V Subscript i n Baseline StartRoot StartFraction upper R Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction EndRoot in DCM period(3.57)

Equation (3.57) shows that light loads with upper R greater-than upper R Subscript c r i t comma upper B u c k minus upper B o o s t cause the output voltage to rise dangerously high toward infinity, as shown in Figure 3.49b. Of course, in a regulated DC-DC converter, the feedback controller must adjust the duty ratio in order to regulate the output voltage. Simulation and Hardware Prototyping

The simulation of a non-ideal buck-boost converter operating under discontinuous conduction mode is demonstrated by means of an example:

Example 3.13

In the buck-boost DC-DC converter shown in Figure 3.19b, upper L equals 68 normal mu normal upper H, upper C equals 490 normal mu upper F, and upper R equals 39 normal upper Omega. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 15 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.3, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 20 kHz. For the switch and the diode, use the parameters given in the Appendix of Chapter 2. Simulate this converter using LTspice.

Solution The simulation file used in this example is available on the accompanying website. The LTspice model is the same as the one shown in Figure 3.23, and the steady-state waveforms from the simulation of this converter are shown in Figure 3.50.

FIGURE 3.50 LTspice simulation results.

The steady-state waveforms from running the buck-boost converter under discontinuous conduction mode using the Sciamble laboratory kit are shown in Figure 3.51. The Workbench model is the same as the one shown in Figure 3.25. The step-by-step procedure for re-creating the above hardware implementation is presented in [11].

FIGURE 3.51 Workbench hardware: (1) input current, (2) switch-node voltage, (3) inductor current, and (4) output voltage.

Similar to the practical buck converter, the switch-node voltage of the practical buck-boost converter also rings, during upper D Subscript o f f comma 2 with a peak-to-peak magnitude which is double that of the magnitude of the output voltage, clamped between 0 and Vin + Vo :0 less-than upper V Subscript upper A Baseline less-than upper V Subscript i n Baseline plus upper V Subscript o.

3.15.5 Average Representation in CCM and DCM for Dynamic Analysis

In the previous sections, all three DC-DC converters are analyzed in DCM in steady state. Unlike the CCM, where the output voltage is dictated only by the input voltage upper V Subscript i n and the transistor duty ratio, the output voltage in DCM also depends on the converter parameters and the operating condition. The output voltage at the voltage port of the switching power-pole is higher than that in the CCM case.

If the duty ratio varies slowly, with a frequency an order of magnitude smaller than the switching frequency, then the average representation obtained on the basis of the DC steady state can be used for dynamic modeling in CCM and DCM by replacing uppercase letters with lowercase letters with an overbar (a “–” on top) to represent average quantities that are shown explicitly to be functions of time:

upper D right-arrow d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis upper V Subscript o Baseline right-arrow ModifyingAbove v With bar Subscript o Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis upper I Subscript upper L Baseline right-arrow ModifyingAbove i With bar Subscript upper L Baseline left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis upper I Subscript i n Baseline right-arrow i overbar Subscript i n Baseline period(3.58)

Therefore, as derived in the Appendix, in DCM, the average model of a switching power-pole in CCM by an ideal transformer is augmented by a dependent voltage source v Subscript k at the current port and by a dependent current source i Subscript k at the voltage port, as shown in Figure 3.52a for buck and buck-boost converters and in Figure 3.52b for boost converters. The values of these dependent sources for the three converters are calculated in the Appendix, and only the results are presented in Table 3.2.

FIGURE 3.52 Average representation of a switching power-pole valid in CCM and DCM.

TABLE 3.2 Vk and Ik .

Converter v Subscript k i Subscript k
Buckleft-parenthesis 1 minus zero width space StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline Over left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus v overbar Subscript o Baseline right-parenthesis d EndFraction right-parenthesis v overbar Subscript oStartFraction d squared Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus v overbar Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis minus d i overbar Subscript upper L
Boostleft-parenthesis 1 minus zero width space StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline d EndFraction right-parenthesis left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus v overbar Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesisStartFraction d squared Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper V Subscript i n minus d i overbar Subscript upper L
Buck-Boostleft-parenthesis 1 minus zero width space StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline d EndFraction right-parenthesis v overbar Subscript oStartFraction d squared Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper V Subscript i n minus d i overbar Subscript upper L

If v Subscript k and i Subscript k are expressed conditionally such that they are both zero in CCM and are expressed by the expressions in Table 3.2 only in DCM when the average inductor current falls below its critical value, then the representations in Figure 3.52 become valid for both the CCM and the DCM. In LTspice the ideal transformer itself is represented by a dependent current source and a dependent voltage source. The conditional dependent sources v Subscript k and i Subscript k shown in Figures 3.52a and 3.52b are in addition to those used to represent the ideal transformer.


  1. 1. N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland, and W.P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, 3rd Edition (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003).
  2. 2. Buck Converter Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/buck-converter.
  3. 3. Boost Converter Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/boost-converter.
  4. 4. Buck-Boost Converter Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/ buck-boost-converter.
  5. 5. B. Carsten, “Converter Component Load Factors: A Performance Limitation of Various Topologies,” PCI Proceedings, June 1988, pp. 31–49.
  6. 6. M. Walters, “An Integrated Synchronous-Rectifier Power IC with Complementary-Switching (HIP5010, HIP5011),” Technical Brief, July 1995, TB332, Intersil Corp.
  7. 7. Synchronous-Rectified Buck Converter Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/synchronous-buck-converter.
  8. 8. “Does GaN Have a Body Diode?—Understanding the Third Quadrant Operation of GaN,” Texas Instruments Application Report SNOAA36–February 2019. https://www.ti.com/lit/an/snoaa36/snoaa36.pdf?ts=1654535176366.
  9. 9. Buck Converter Discontinuous Conduction Mode Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/buck-converter-dcm.
  10. 10. Boost Converter Discontinuous Conduction Mode Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/boost-converter-dcm.
  11. 11. Buck-Boost Converter Discontinuous Conduction Mode Lab Manual. https://sciamble.com/resources/pe-drives-lab/basic-pe/buck-boost-converter-dcm.


Buck DC-DC Converters

Problems 3.1 through 3.6: In a buck DC-DC converter, upper L equals 25 normal mu normal upper H. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions:upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 42 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.3, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 24 normal upper W, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 400 kHz. Assume ideal components.

  • 3.1 Calculate and draw the waveforms as shown in Figure 3.5d.
  • 3.2 Draw the inductor voltage and current waveforms if upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 12 normal upper W; all else is unchanged. Compare the ripple in the inductor current with that in Problem 3.1.
  • 3.3 In this buck converter, the output load is changing. Calculate the critical value of the output load upper P Subscript o below which the converter will enter the discontinuous conduction mode of operation.
  • 3.4 Calculate the critical value of the inductance upper L such that this buck converter remains in the continuous conduction mode at and above upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 5 normal upper W under all values of the input voltage upper V Subscript i n in a range from 24 V to 50 V.
  • 3.5 Draw the waveforms for the variables shown in Figure 3.5d for this buck converter at the output load that causes it to operate at the border of continuous and discontinuous modes.
  • 3.6 In this buck converter, the input voltage is varying in a range from 24 V to 50 V. For each input value, the duty ratio is adjusted to keep the output voltage constant at its nominal value (with upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 40 normal upper V and upper D equals 0.3). Calculate the minimum value of the inductance upper L that will keep the converter in the continuous conduction mode at upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 5 normal upper W.
  • 3.7 A buck DC-DC converter is to be designed for upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 20 normal upper V, upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 12 normal upper V, and the maximum output power upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 72 normal upper W. The switching frequency is selected to be f Subscript s Baseline equals 400 kHz. Assume ideal components. Estimate the value of the filter inductance that should be used if the converter is to remain in CCM at one-third the maximum output power.

Boost DC-DC Converters

Problems 3.8 through 3.13: In a boost converter, upper L equals 25 normal mu normal upper H. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 12 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.4, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 25 normal upper W, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 400 kHz. Assume ideal components.

  • 3.8 Calculate and draw the waveforms as shown in Figure 3.12c.
  • 3.9 Draw the inductor voltage and current waveforms, if upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 15 normal upper W; all else is unchanged. Compare the ripple in the inductor current with that in Problem 3.8.
  • 3.10 In this boost converter, the output load is changing. Calculate the critical value of the output load upper P Subscript o below which the converter will enter the discontinuous conduction mode of operation.
  • 3.11 Calculate the critical value of the inductance upper L below which this boost converter will enter the discontinuous conduction mode of operation at upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 5 normal upper W.
  • 3.12 Draw the waveforms for the variables in Figure 3.12c for this boost converter at the output load that causes it to operate at the border of continuous and discontinuous modes.
  • 3.13 In this boost converter, the input voltage is varying in a range from 9 V to 15 V. For each input value, the duty ratio is adjusted to keep the output voltage constant at its nominal value (with upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 12 normal upper V and upper D equals 0.4). Calculate the critical value of the inductance upper L such that this boost converter remains in the continuous conduction mode at and above upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 5 normal upper W under all values of the input voltage upper V Subscript i n.
  • 3.14 A boost converter is to be designed with the following values: upper D equals 0.333, upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 12 normal upper V, and the maximum output power upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 40 normal upper W. The switching frequency is selected to be f Subscript s Baseline equals 400 kHz. Assume ideal components. Estimate the value of upper L if the converter is to remain in CCM at one-third the maximum output power.

Boost DC-DC Converters

Problems 3.15 through 3.20: In a buck-boost converter, upper L equals 25 normal mu normal upper H. It is operating in DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 12 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.6, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 36 normal upper W, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 400 kHz. Assume ideal components.

  • 3.15 Calculate and draw the waveforms as shown in Figure 3.20c.
  • 3.16 Draw the inductor voltage and current waveforms if upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 18 normal upper W; all else is unchanged. Compare the ripple in the inductor current with that in Problem 3.15.
  • 3.17 In this buck-boost converter, the output load is changing. Calculate the critical value of the output load upper P Subscript o below which the converter will enter the discontinuous conduction mode of operation.
  • 3.18 Calculate the critical value of the inductance upper L below which this buck-boost converter will enter the discontinuous conduction mode of operation at upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 5 normal upper W
  • 3.19 Draw the waveforms for the variables in Figure 3.20c for this buck-boost converter at the output load that causes it to operate at the border of continuous and discontinuous modes.
  • 3.20 In this buck-boost converter, the input voltage is varying in a range from 9 V to 15 V. For each input value, the duty ratio is adjusted to keep the output voltage constant at its nominal value (with upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 12 normal upper V and upper D equals 0.6). Calculate the critical value of the inductance upper L such that this buck-boost converter remains in the continuous conduction mode at and above upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 5 normal upper W under all values of the input voltage upper V Subscript i n.
  • 3.21 A buck-boost converter is to be designed under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 12 normal upper V, upper V Subscript o Baseline equals 42 normal upper V, and the maximum output power is upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 96 normal upper W. The switching frequency is selected to be f Subscript s Baseline equals 300 kHz. Assume ideal components. Estimate the value of upper L if the converter is to remain in CCM at one-third the maximum output power.

SEPIC DC-DC Converters

  • 3.22 In a SEPIC converter, assume the ripple in the inductor currents and the capacitor voltage to be zero. This SEPIC converter is operating in a DC steady state under the following conditions:upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 10 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.333, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 50 normal upper W, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 200 kHz. Assume ideal components. Draw the waveforms for all the converter variables under this DC steady-state condition.
  • 3.23 Show that the SEPIC converter consists of a switching power-pole as its building block.

Ćuk DC-DC Converters

  • 3.24 In a Ćuk converter, assume the ripple in the inductor currents and the capacitor voltage to be zero. This Ćuk converter is operating in a DC steady state under the following conditions: upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 10 normal upper V, upper D equals 0.333, upper P Subscript o Baseline equals 50 normal upper W, and f Subscript s Baseline equals 200 kHz. Assume ideal components. Draw the waveforms for all the converter variables under this DC steady-state condition.
  • 3.25 Show that the Ćuk converter consists of a switching power-pole as its building block.

Interleaving of DC-DC Converters

  • 3.26 Two interleaved buck converters, each similar to the buck converter for Problem 3.1, are supplying a total of 48 normal upper W. Calculate and draw the waveforms of the total input current and the total current left-parenthesis i Subscript upper L 1 Baseline plus zero width space i Subscript upper L 2 Baseline right-parenthesis to the output stage. The gate signals to the converters are phase shifted by 180 degree.

Regulation by PWM

  • 3.27 In a buck converter, consider two values of duty ratios: 0.3 and 0.4. The switching frequency f Subscript s is 200 kHz and f Subscript s. Draw the waveforms as in Figure 3.36b.

Dynamic Average Models in CCM

  • 3.28 Draw the dynamic average representations for buck, boost, buck-boost, SEPIC, and Ćuk converters in the continuous conduction mode for representation in LTspice.
  • 3.29 In the converters based on average representations in Problem 3.28, calculate the average input current for each converter in terms of the average output current and the duty ratio d left-parenthesis t right-parenthesis.

Bi-Directional Switching Power-Poles

  • 3.30 The DC-DC bi-directional converter shown in Figure 3.40a interfaces a 12/14-V battery with a 36/42-V battery bank. The internal emfs are upper E 1 equals 40 normal upper V (DC) and upper E 2 equals 13 normal upper V (DC). Both these battery sources have an internal resistance of 0.1 normal upper Omega each. In the DC steady state, calculate the power pole duty ratio upper D Subscript upper A if (a) the power into the low-voltage battery terminals is 140 W, and (b) the power out of the low-voltage battery terminals is 140 W.

DC-DC Converters in DCM

  • 3.31 Derive the expressions for the critical resistance for the three converters given in Equation (3.45).
  • 3.32 Derive the voltage ratio in DCM for a buck converter, given by Equation (3.48).
  • 3.33 Derive the voltage ratio in DCM for a boost converter, given by Equation (3.53).
  • 3.34 Derive the voltage ratio in DCM for a buck-boost converter, given by Equation (3.57).
  • 3.35 Repeat the buck converter Problem 3.1 if upper P Subscript o is not specified but the load resistance is twice its critical value.
  • 3.36 Repeat the boost converter Problem 3.8 if upper P Subscript o is not specified but the load resistance is twice its critical value.
  • 3.37 Repeat the buck-boost converter Problem 3.15 if upper P Subscript o is not specified, but the load resistance is twice its critical value.

Sustainability-Related Questions

  • 3.38 A 1.2 kW PV system consists of 4 series-connected arrays, each of which has a rated voltage of 55 V and a rated current of 6.0 A at the maximum power point, at the maximum expected insolation. The output of the series-connected arrays is boosted to 400 V (DC) by a boost converter as an input to an inverter that feeds power into the single-phase utility grid. Assuming that the switching frequency in the boost converter is selected to be 200 kHz and the peak-to-peak ripple in the input current to this converter is to be less than 10% of the rated current at the maximum power, calculate the value of the inductance in this converter. Assume ideal components.
  • 3.39 In a large battery-storage system, the rated output voltage of a battery string is 650 V (DC), and the rated current is 1,200 A. The voltage can vary in a range from 500 V to 800 V. This output voltage is boosted to 900 V (DC), as an input to an inverter that interfaces with the three-phase utility grid. A switching power-pole with a bi-directional power capability is used. The switching frequency is selected to be 50 kHz, and the inductor value is selected such that the peak-to-peak ripple in the inductor current is less than 10% of the rated battery current, with the battery voltage at its rated value.
    1. Calculate the inductance value.
    2. Calculate the peak-to-peak ripple in the inductor current if operating at the rated current, but the battery voltage is at its minimum.
    3. Repeat part (b) if the battery voltage is at its maximum.

Simulation Problems

  • 3.40 In the buck converter shown in Figure 3.5a, various parameters are as follows: upper L equals 100 normal mu normal upper H comma upper R Subscript upper L Baseline equals 10 m normal upper Omega comma upper C equals 100 normal mu upper F and upper R Subscript upper L o a d Baseline equals 9.0 normal upper Omega. The input voltage upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 24 normal upper V, the switching frequency f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz, and the switch duty ratio d equals 0.75.
    1. Plot the waveforms, after reaching the steady state, during the last 10 switching cycles for i Subscript upper L, v Subscript upper L, and v Subscript o.
    2. Plot the average value of v Subscript upper L.
    3. Plot i Subscript upper L and measure the peak-peak ripple upper Delta i Subscript upper L and compare it with Equation (3.13).
    4. Plot the i Subscript upper C waveform. What is the average of i Subscript upper C? Compare the i Subscript upper C waveform with the ripple in i Subscript upper L.
    5. Plot the input current waveform and calculate its average. Compare it to the value calculated from Equation (3.16).
  • 3.41 In Problem 3.40, calculate the inductance value of upper L, if upper Delta i Subscript upper L should be one-third of the load current. Verify the results by simulations.
  • 3.42 In Problem 3.40, change the output power to one-half its original value. Measure the peak-peak ripple upper Delta i Subscript upper L and compare it with that in Problem 3.40c. Comment on this comparison.
  • 3.43 In the circuit of Problem 3.40, calculate upper R Subscript c r i t from Equation (3.45) and verify by simulation whether the converter is operating on the boundary of CCM and DCM.
  • 3.44 In the boost converter shown in Figure 3.11, various parameters are as follows: upper L equals 100 normal mu normal upper H comma upper R Subscript upper L Baseline equals 10 m upper Omega comma upper C equals 100 normal mu upper F and upper R Subscript upper L o a d Baseline equals 12.5 normal upper Omega. The input voltage upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 10 upper V, the switching frequency f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz, and the switch duty ratio d equals 0.6.
    1. Plot the waveforms during the last 10 switching cycles, after reaching the steady state, for i Subscript upper L, v Subscript upper L, and v Subscript o.
    2. Plot the average value of v Subscript upper L.
    3. Plot i Subscript upper L and measure the peak-peak ripple upper Delta i Subscript upper L and compare it with Equation (3.21).
    4. Plot the i Subscript upper C and i Subscript d i o d e waveform. What is the average of i Subscript upper C? Compare the i Subscript upper C waveform with the ripple in i Subscript d i o d e.
    5. Plot the input current waveform and calculate its average. Compare it to the value calculated from Equation (3.23).
  • 3.45 In Problem 3.44, calculate the inductance value of upper L, if upper Delta i Subscript upper L should be one-third of the input current. Verify the results by simulations.
  • 3.46 In Problem 3.44, change the output power to one-half its original value. Measure the peak-peak ripple upper Delta i Subscript upper L and compare it with that in Problem 3.44c. Comment on this comparison.
  • 3.47 In Problem 3.44, calculate upper R Subscript c r i t from Equation (3.45) and verify whether the converter is operating on the boundary of CCM and DCM.
  • 3.48 In the buck-boost converter shown in Figure 3.11, various parameters are as follows: upper L equals 100 normal mu upper H comma upper R Subscript upper L Baseline equals 10 m upper Omega comma upper C equals 100 normal mu normal upper F and upper R Subscript upper L o a d Baseline equals 15.0 normal upper Omega. The input voltage upper V Subscript i n Baseline equals 10 normal upper V, the switching frequency f Subscript s Baseline equals 100 kHz, and the switch duty ratio d equals 0.75.
    1. Plot the waveforms during the last 10 switching cycles, after reaching the steady state, for i Subscript upper L, v Subscript upper L and v Subscript o.
    2. Plot the average value of v Subscript upper L.
    3. Plot i Subscript upper L and measure the peak-peak ripple upper Delta i Subscript upper L and compare it with Equation (3.28).
    4. Plot the i Subscript upper C and i Subscript d i o d e waveform. What is the average of i Subscript upper C? Compare the i Subscript upper C waveform with the ripple in i Subscript d i o d e.
    5. Plot the input current waveform and calculate its average. Compare it to the value calculated from Equation (3.31).
  • 3.49 In Problem 3.48, calculate the inductance value of upper L, if upper Delta i Subscript upper L should be one-third of the input current. Verify the results by simulations.
  • 3.50 In Problem 3.48, change the output power to one-half its original value. Measure the peak-peak ripple upper Delta i Subscript upper L and compare it with that in Problem 3.48c. Comment on this comparison.
  • 3.51 In Problem 3.48, calculate upper R Subscript c r i t from Equation (3.45) and verify whether the converter is operating on the boundary of CCM and DCM.
  • 3.52 The buck-boost converter of Problem 3.48 is initially operating with an output load resistance upper R Subscript upper L o a d Baseline equals 30.0 normal upper Omega. After the steady state is reached, an additional resistance of 30.0 normal upper Omega is switched in. Simulate this converter by representing the switching power-pole by its average model and compare the waveform of the inductor current in the average representation to that in switching representation.
  • 3.53 The buck-boost converter in Problem 3.48 is initially operating in DCM with upper R Subscript upper L o a d Baseline equals 1 k upper Omega.
    1. Plot the waveforms during the last 5 switching cycles for i Subscript upper L, v Subscript upper L, and v Subscript o.
    2. Plot the average value of v Subscript upper L.
    3. Calculate upper V Subscript o using Equation (3.57) and compare it with its measured value.
    4. Plot the waveform of v Subscript upper A, label it in terms of upper V Subscript i n and upper V Subscript o, and compare it with Figure 3.49a.
    5. Show that the hatched area in Figure 3.49a, averaged over the switching time period, results in the increase in upper V Subscript o, compared to its CCM value.


3A.1 Introduction

Single-switch converters such as buck, boost, and buck-boost DC converters enter the discontinuous-conduction mode (DCM) under light-load conditions. In DCM, the inductor current becomes zero for a finite interval during a switching cycle. In the continuous-conduction mode (CCM), the building-block switch has two positions, either up or down. In DCM, the switch has another position (in the middle), thus resulting in three circuit sub-states during a switching cycle.

The following analysis shows that the average representation of single-switch converters in DCM consists of an ideal transformer (similar to that in CCM), augmented by dependent voltage and current sources. Such a representation allows a smooth transition between continuous and discontinuous modes.

3A.2 Average Representation in Discontinuous-Conduction Mode

3A.2.1 Buck and Buck-Boost Converters

The basic building block, with the switch and the diode in the appropriate positions for the buck and the buck-boost converters, is shown in Figure 3A.1a. The currents i Subscript c pand i Subscript v p and the voltage v Subscript c p are shown in Figure 3A.1b, where v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 is the voltage at the second terminal of the inductor, as defined in Figure 3A.1a. The switch duty ratio, controlled by the PWM-IC, is defined as d. The inductor current flows through the diode during d Subscript o f f comma 1, and the inductor current remains zero during d Subscript o f f comma 2.

FIGURE 3A.1(a) Building Block. (b) Waveforms.

Based on voltages in the circuit of Figure 3A.1a, and the waveforms in Figure 3A.1b,

i Subscript p k Baseline equals StartFraction upper V Subscript v p Baseline minus v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline Over upper L EndFraction d upper T Subscript s Baseline equals StartFraction v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline Over upper L EndFraction d Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline upper T Subscript s Baseline comma(3A.1)


i overbar Subscript c p Baseline equals StartFraction d plus d Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline Over 2 EndFraction i Subscript p k Baseline period(3A.2)

From Equations 3A.1 and 3A.2,

d plus d Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline equals StartFraction 2 i overbar Subscript c p Baseline upper L Over left-parenthesis upper V Subscript v p Baseline minus v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline right-parenthesis d upper T Subscript s Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction k i overbar Subscript c p Baseline Over left-parenthesis upper V Subscript v p Baseline minus v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline right-parenthesis d EndFraction comma(3A.3)


k equals 2 upper L f Subscript s(3A.4)

is a constant in terms of the inductance and the switching frequency f Subscript s Baseline equals 1 slash upper T Subscript s.

The average equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 3.28a where the ideal transformer with the turns ratio 1 colon d is augmented by two dependent sources i Subscript k and v Subscript k. The expressions for these dependent sources can be calculated easily, as shown below:

In the model of Figure 3.52a,

i Subscript k Baseline equals i overbar Subscript v p Baseline minus d i overbar Subscript c p Baseline period(3A.5)

From the waveforms in Figure 3A.1b,

i overbar Subscript v p Baseline equals StartFraction d Over d plus d Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline EndFraction i overbar Subscript c p Baseline period(3A.6)

Substituting for i overbar Subscript v p from Equation 3A.6, and for left-parenthesis d plus d Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline right-parenthesis from Equation 3A.3 into Equation 3A.5,

i Subscript k Baseline equals StartFraction d squared Over k EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript v p Baseline minus v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline right-parenthesis minus d i overbar Subscript c p Baseline period(3A.7)

To calculate v Subscript k in Figure 3.28a, the average of the voltage at the current port is

v overbar Subscript c p Baseline equals upper V Subscript v p Baseline d plus 0 dot d Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline plus d Subscript o f f comma 2 Baseline v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline equals upper V Subscript v p Baseline d plus left-bracket 1 minus left-parenthesis d plus d Subscript o f f comma 1 Baseline right-parenthesis right-bracket v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline period(3A.8)

From Figure 3A.2,

v Subscript k Baseline equals v overbar Subscript c p Baseline minus d upper V Subscript v p Baseline period(3A.9)

Substituting Equation 3A.8 and Equation 3A.3 into Equation 3A.9,

v Subscript k Baseline equals left-bracket 1 minus StartFraction k i overbar Subscript c p Baseline Over left-parenthesis upper V Subscript v p Baseline minus v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline right-parenthesis d EndFraction right-bracket v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline period(3A.10)

At the transition from the DCM to CCM, both i Subscript k and v Subscript k must go to zero simultaneously in the model of Figure 3.52a. The critical value of the current at the boundary of DCM and CCM, from either Equation 3A.7 for i Subscript k or Equation 3A.10 for v Subscript k is

i overbar Subscript c p comma c r i t Baseline equals StartFraction d Over k EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript v p Baseline minus v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline right-parenthesis period(3A.11)

3A.2.1.1 Expressions for Buck Converters

The above analysis was general, applicable to buck as well as buck-boost converters. Specifically in buck converters, upper V Subscript v p Baseline equals upper V Subscript i n, v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline equals v overbar Subscript 0, and i overbar Subscript c p Baseline equals i overbar Subscript upper L. Therefore,

i Subscript k comma b u c k Baseline equals StartFraction d squared Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus v overbar Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis minus d i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline period(3A.12a)
v Subscript k comma b u c k Baseline equals left-bracket 1 minus StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline Over left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus v overbar Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis d EndFraction right-bracket v overbar Subscript 0 Baseline period(3A.12b)


i overbar Subscript upper L comma c r i t comma b u c k Baseline equals StartFraction d Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus v overbar Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis period(3A.12c)

3A.2.1.2 Expressions for Buck-Boost Converters

In buck-boost converters, upper V Subscript v p Baseline equals upper V Subscript i n Baseline plus v overbar Subscript 0, v Subscript upper L Baseline 2 Baseline equals v overbar Subscript 0, and i overbar Subscript c p Baseline equals i overbar Subscript upper L. Therefore,

i Subscript k comma b u c k minus b o o s t Baseline equals StartFraction d squared Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus d i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline comma(3A.13a)
v Subscript k comma b u c k minus b o o s t Baseline equals left-bracket 1 minus StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline d EndFraction right-bracket upper V 0 comma(3A.13b)


i overbar Subscript upper L comma c r i t comma b u c k minus b o o s t Baseline equals StartFraction d Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline period(3A.13c)

3A.2.2 Boost Converters

The average representation for boost converters operating in DCM is shown in Figure 3.52b. A similar analysis as for buck and buck-boost converters results in the following equations:

i Subscript k comma b o o s t Baseline equals StartFraction d squared Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus d i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline comma(3A.14a)
v Subscript k comma b o o s t Baseline equals left-bracket 1 minus StartFraction 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline i overbar Subscript upper L Baseline Over upper V Subscript i n Baseline d EndFraction right-bracket left-parenthesis upper V Subscript i n Baseline minus v overbar Subscript 0 Baseline right-parenthesis comma(3A.14b)


i overbar Subscript upper L comma c r i t comma b o o s t Baseline equals StartFraction d Over 2 upper L f Subscript s Baseline EndFraction upper V Subscript i n Baseline period (3A.14c)

3A.3 Average Modeling in PSpice for Large Signal Disturbances

To keep it general so that the models in PSpice are valid both in CCM and DCM, the dependent sources in Figure 3.52a and Figure 3.52b should be represented by conditional expressions, which make them go to zero in CCM.

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