Create a Target Application

Scenario/Problem: You need to create a new application entry and need a target application variable.

Solution: Use the New-SPSecureStoreTargetApplication cmdlet.

When creating a new application for the Secure Store Service, you must specify the target application. You can create the target application object using the New-SPSecureStoreTargetApplication cmdlet. You configure the type of application using the ApplicationType parameter and one of the following values:







Typically, you are using the Secure Store Service to provide single sign-on functionality using a dedicated service account that has access to the application. Therefore, the most common application type is Group. Use a variable to create the target application object, as shown in Listing 16.9, so that the object can be used when creating a new application entry.

Listing 16.9. Creating the Target Application

$targetApp = New-SPSecureStoreTargetApplication -Name "SSOApplication"
-FriendlyName "SSO Application" -ApplicationType Group

The Name entry becomes the ApplicationID for the Secure Store Service application; therefore, providing a name without spaces is recommended. Use the FriendlyName parameter to provide a proper display name.

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