Getting ready

To understand what we are talking about, here, you need to have read the following recipes:

  1. Selecting columns from the output
  2. Creating a custom object from a returned object

Let us come back to the question: Why extend type data when we can use Select-Object?

Efficiency. While you could change the name, add a calculation, and reference the calculated property with the new name, that change would have existed only in that context. If you added it to a variable,  as in the last recipe, Creating a custom object from a returned object, where we did some nifty changes to the names and also created a custom NoteProperty, that would be a long way to go about it. Enter: extension of type data.

The rule of the thumb is,  If you do something repetitively, there's an issue: you haven't considered automating it. For example,  if you run:

PS> Get-ChildItem -Path . | select Name, Length, @{Name='Age'; Expression={[math]::Round(((Get-Date) - $_.LastWriteTime).TotalDays)}}

instead of:

PS> Get-ChildItem -Path . | select Name, Length, Age

and you do it fifteen times a day, you should consider extending the object to give you what you care about.

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