How to do it

First, continue with the assumptions you had for the previous recipe.

  1. Open a new file and paste the following content into it.
$Guests = Import-Csv './chapter-08/05-Write-GuestSeatDetails.csv'
$CurrentGuest = 0

while ($CurrentGuest -lt $Guests.Length) {
    $Guest = $Guests[$CurrentGuest]

    $RowIdentifier = [byte][char](($Guest.Seat -split '-')[0].ToUpper())
    $RowNumber = ($RowIdentifier - 64).ToString()

    switch -Regex ($RowNumber) {
        '1(1|2|3)$' { $RowNumber += 'th'; break }
        '.?1$'      { $RowNumber += 'st'; break }
        '.?2$'      { $RowNumber += 'nd'; break }
        '.?3$'      { $RowNumber += 'rd'; break }
        Default     { $RowNumber += 'th'; break }

    $SeatNumber = ($Guest.Seat -split "-")[1]

    if ($SeatNumber -gt 20) { $Side = 'right' }
    else { $Side = 'left' }

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Write-Host "Welcome, $($Guest.Name)! " -NoNewline
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Write-Host "Your seat is in the $RowNumber row, to the $Side the aisle."

  1. Run the script; the output should be the same as that of the last recipe.
  2. Now, create a new PowerShell file and add the following code:
$Year = Read-Host "Enter the year (YYYY) you would like to find Mothers’ Day for"

$CurrentDay = Get-Date "01 May $Year"

while ($CurrentDay.DayOfWeek -ne 'Sunday') {
    $CurrentDay = $CurrentDay.AddDays(1)
$MothersDay = $CurrentDay.AddDays(7)

Write-Output "Mothers’ Day falls on $($MothersDay.ToLongDateString())."
  1. Run the script. Enter any year and you should get the date for Mothers’ Day for that year.
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