How to do it...

We need an XML file. You can either use the New-Item cmdlet to create one, or simply use your favourite text editor. We use Visual Studio Code for this recipe. 

  1. Open your text editor and create a new empty file, and save it as CustomTypes.ps1xml.
  2. Add the following content to the XML file. Ensure not to change the case.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<GetScriptBlock>[math]::Round(((Get-Date) - $this.LastWriteTime).TotalDays)</GetScriptBlock>
  1. Save the file at a convenient location.
  2. Back at the Terminal (or the PowerShell Integrated Console), enter the following command to update the type data using the XML. Notice the PrependPath parameter.
PS> Update-TypeData -PrependPath ~/Documents/code/github/powershell/chapter-06/CustomTypes.ps1xml
  1. Now, list out all the files within any directory of your choice.
Get-ChildItem . -File | Select-Object Name, Length, Age, Modified

You should see the new properties that you created.

It is advised to never modify the PS1XML files in the $PSHome directory. They are digitally signed by Microsoft and could be replaced with new versions during upgrades or patches.
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