About the Authors

Jac Fitz-enz, Ph.D., is widely regarded as the father of human capital strategic analysis and measurement. He founded the famous Saratoga Institute and published the first HR metrics in 1978 and the first international HR benchmarks in 1985. HR World cited him as one of the top five “HR Management Gurus,” IHRIM gave him its Chairman’s Award for Innovation, and SHRM chose him as one of the persons in the twentieth century who “significantly changed what HR does and how it does it.” He has authored 13 books and more than 350 articles and has trained 90,000 managers in 46 countries on strategic management and measurement. His 2010 book, titled The New HR Analytics, introduced predictive analytics to human resources. Dr. Jac holds degrees from Notre Dame (B.A.), San Francisco State (M.A.), and University of Southern California (Ph.D.) in organizational communications.

John R. Mattox, II, Ph.D., is the director of research at Knowledge-Advisors, a CEB company. He is responsible for mining data from the Metrics that Matter® system to gain insight for internal and external clients. Prior to joining KnowledgeAdvisors in March 2010, John led training evaluation teams at KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Arthur Andersen for nearly 12 years. He has written articles about measurement for several magazines, including Chief Learning Officer, ELearning! Magazine, T&D, and Training Industry Quarterly.

He has an M.S. and Ph.D. in experimental psychology (quantitative and industrial/organizational) from the University of Memphis and lives in Franklin, Tennessee.

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