

ABC. See activity-based costing

accounting systems. See also record keeping

complexity, 40

cost accounting standards, 39

generally accepted accounting principles, 39

manually maintained, 40

overview, 39

products, 40–41

activity-based costing (ABC), 48

administrative contracting officer (ACO), 201, 204

Aerojet-General Corporation (ASBCA No. 12264), 182

alcoholic beverages, 82

allowable costs

accepted business practices, 60–61

advance agreements, 65–66

contract terms, 65–66

cosmetically low rates, 70–71

cost pools, criteria for establishing, 67–69

costs benefiting several cost objectives, 63–64

costs incurred specifically for contract, 63

costs necessary to overall business operations, 64–65

indirect cost pools, 66–67

ordinary and necessary, 60

overview, 57–59

prudent business person, 61

reasonableness, 59

segregation of unallowable costs, 71–73

significant deviations, 61

American Bosch Arma Corporation (ASBCA No. 10305), 182, 196

American Machine & Foundry Co. (ASBCA No. 15037), 194

Armed Services Procurement Regulation (ASPR), 53

asset valuations resulting from business

combinations, 82


accounting system review, 239–240

auditor approaches, 258

basic record keeping, 240–241

compensation system, 255

contract termination, 270

cost accounting standards, 268–270

DCAA Contract Audit Manual, 272–273

developing cost estimates, 257

direct labor costs, 258

direct labor hours, 259

direct labor rates, 258–259

DOD Estimating System Requirements, 245–248

employee interviews, 252–254

equitable contract price adjustment, 270

estimating system review, 243–244

financial capability, 270–271

incurred cost, 259–260

indirect cost rates, 258–259

indirect costs, 261–263

internal controls, 241–242

labor costs, 260–261

labor recording system, 248–249

limitation of cost clause, 242–243

make-or-buy decisions, 244–245

material management and accounting system, 272

materials, 258–259, 261

operations, 271–272

organizational relationships, 244

other direct costs, 258–259, 263–264

overview, 239

payment requests, 242

postaward review, 264–268

price proposal, 257

procurement system review, 254–255

reasonableness of compensation, 255–256

reports, 254

review requirements, 244

risk assessment, 249–252

subcontracts, 258, 261

uncompensated overtime, 256–257

updating cost or pricing data, 245

written policies and procedures, 241–242


B&P. See bid and proposal

B&P/IR&D compliance, 263

backpay, 85

bad debts, 76

basic ordering agreement (BOA), 35–36

BCA. See Board of Contract Appeals

Beech Aircraft Corporation (ASBCA No. 25388), 199

Bell and Howell Co. (ASBCA No. 11999), 186, 194

bid and proposal (B&P), 98, 251

BOA. See basic ordering agreement

Board of Contract Appeals (BCA), 25


CAS. See cost accounting standards

CAS Steering Committee and Working Group, 113–115

CASB. See Cost Accounting Standards Board

Chu Associates, Inc. (ASBCA No. 15004), 185

CICA. See Competition in Contracting Act

CLIN. See contract line item number

CO. See contracting officer

commercial items, 1–3

communications, competitive proposals, 9–11

company-furnished automobiles, 84

Competition in Contracting Act (CICA), 1, 175

Composition of Total Costs, 50

consulting costs, 88–90

contingency costs, 99

contract administration

auditor determination procedure, 205

audits, 202–203

Contract Briefing Card, 232–235

contract modifications, 208–209

contract payments, 203

contracting officer determination, 204–205

cost-sharing rates and ceilings on indirect cost rates, 205

disallowing costs after incurrence, 207

duties, 201–202

earned value management systems, 210

ethics, 210

final indirect cost rates, 204

forward-pricing rate agreements, 205–206

government delay of work, 207–208

government property, 209–210

importance of, 201

past performance evaluations, 208

provisional or interim billing rates, 203–204

quick-closeout procedure, 206–207

Schedule A, Summary of Claimed Indirect Cost Rates, 212

Schedule B, General and Administrative Costs Expenses, 213

Schedule C, Overhead Expenses, 214

Schedule D, Fringe Benefit Expenses, 215

Schedule E, Claimed Direct Costs, 215

Schedule F, Facilities Capital Cost of Money Factors Computation, 216

Schedule H, Direct Cost, 217

Schedule H-1, Government Participation in Costs, 218

Schedule I, Schedule of Cumulative Direct and Indirect Costs, 219

Schedule J, Subcontract Information, 220

Schedule K, Summary of Hours and Amounts on T&M/Labor Hour Contracts, 221–229

Schedule L—Reconciliation of Total Payroll to Total labor Distribution, 230

Schedule M-Listing of Decisions/Agreements or Approvals, 231

Schedule N—Certificate of Final Indirect Costs, 231

Schedule O—Schedule of Contract Closing Information, 231

Schedule T—Executive Compensation Data, 237

stop-work orders, 207–208

subcontracting, 209

suspension of work, 207–208

Table of Contents, 211

termination for convenience, 210

contract cost principles, origins of, 53

contract costs, managing, 45–46

contract line item number (CLIN), 7

contract price negotiation, 159–161, 171–173. See also

Department of Defense

contract types

financial reward, 36–38

government selection, 14–15

overview, 13–14

contracting officer (CO), 201

contributions, 76

corporate security prices, 83

cost accounting standards (CAS)

covered contracts, 111–112

exempt contracts, 112

importance of, 36

legislation, 107–108

price adjustments, 110–111

waivers, 112–113

Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB). See also


history, 110

importance of, 53, 107

operating policies, 109–110

Public Law 91–379, 108–109

cost allocation, 46, 49

cost reimbursement contracts

cost-plus-award-fee contract, 29–30

cost-plus-fixed-fee, 28

cost-plus-incentive-fee, 28–32

cost-reimbursement-only, 28

cost-sharing, 26–28

overview, 23–26

cost structure, 49–50

cost-plus-award-fee contract (CPAF), 29–30

cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (CPFF), 28

cost-plus-incentive-fee contract (CPIF), 28–32

cost-reimbursement-only contracts, 28

cost-sharing contract, 26–28

CPAF. See cost-plus-award-fee contract

CPFF. See cost-plus-fixed-fee contract

CPIF. See cost-plus-incentive-fee contract

credits, 52, 55–56

Cutler Hammer, Inc. v. U.S., 197–198


DAR. See Defense Acquisition Regulation

DCAA. See Defense Contract Audit Agency

DCAA Contract Audit Manual (DCAM), 272–273

DCMA. See Defense Contract Management Agency

Defense Acquisition Regulation (DAR), 53

Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), 12, 39, 49, 202, 264–266

Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), 201

Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), 201

deferred compensation, 86

Deltek, 40

Department of Defense (DOD)

contract-type risk and working capital adjustment, 165–168

cost efficiency factor, 171

DD 1861-Contract Facilities Capital Cost of Money, 169

facilities capital employed, 168–170

Factors Computation for Facilities Capital Cost of Money, 170

management risk, 164–165

performance risk, 163

profit objective determination, 161, 163

technical risk, 163–164

Truth in Negotiations Act, 175

weighted guidelines method, 161–162

direct costs, 46–47

disclosure statement

corporate expenses, 138

deferred compensation, 138

depreciation and capitalization practices, 138

direct costs, 137

dollar threshold of contract awards for determining filing requirements, 134–135

exemptions, 136

general information and certification, 136–137

importance, 134

indirect costs, 137–138

insurance, 138

other costs and credits, 138

review and approval, 136

revising, 135–136

discussions, 9–11

DLA. See Defense Logistics Agency

DOD. See Department of Defense

donations, 77

Dynamics NAV, 40

Dynamics SL, 40


E-Systems (ASBCA No. 17557), 187

earned value management systems (EVMS), 210

employee morale, 87

employee stock ownership plan, 87

employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), 87

enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, 40

entertainment costs, 77

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 202

ERP. See enterprise resource planning software

ESOP. See employee stock ownership plan

estimating process

direct labor costs, 140–142

direct material costs, 142–144

indirect costs, 145–147

make-or-buy decision, 140

other direct costs, 144–145

overview, 140

quantity estimates, 140

evaluation factors, 8–9

evaluation process, competitive proposals, 8–9

EVMS. See earned value management systems

excessive pass-through costs, 82

executive compensation, 83


False Claims Act (FCA), 210

FAR. See Federal Acquisition Regulation

FARA. See Federal Acquisition Reform Act

FASA. See Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act

FCA. See False Claims Act

Federal Acquisition Reform Act (FARA), 176

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 39, 53

Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA), 1, 176

Federal Procurement Regulation (FPR), 53

Federal Supply Service (FSS), 1

FFP. See firm-fixed-price contracts

financial costs, 77

fines, 77

firm-fixed-price contracts (FFP), 15

firm-fixed-price with successive targets, 20–26

fixed-price award-fee contracts, 23

fixed-price contracts

firm-fixed-price, 15

firm-fixed-price with economic adjustment, 19–20

firm-fixed-price with successive targets, 20–26

fixed-price award-fee, 23

fixed-price incentive, 16–19

fixed-price level-of-effort, 22–23

fixed-price redeterminable, 20

incentives, 18–19

overview, 15

fixed-price incentive contracts (FPI), 16–18

fixed-price level-of-effort (FP-LOE), 22–23

fixed-price redeterminable contracts (FPR), 20

FMC Corporation (ASBCA Nos. 10095 and 11113), 189

forward-pricing rate agreement (FPRA), 187, 205

forward-pricing rate recommendation (FPRR), 206

FP-LOE. See fixed-price level-of-effort

FPI. See fixed-price incentive contracts

FPR. See Federal Procurement Regulation; fixed-price redeterminable contracts

FPRA. See forward-pricing rate agreement

FPRR. See forward-pricing rate recommendation

fringe benefits, 84

FSS. See Federal Supply Service


G&A. See general and administrative costs

GAAP. See generally accepted accounting principles

gaming, 256

GAO. See Government Accountability Office

general and administrative (G&A) costs, 30, 48–49

General Services Administration (GSA), 3

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 39, 53, 240

gifts, 88

golden handcuffs, 86

golden parachutes, 86

goodwill, 81–82

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 239

government contracting. See federal contracting

government cost regulations, 53–55

GSA. See General Services Administration


human resource costs

backpay, 85

company-furnished automobiles, 84

consulting costs, 88–90

corporate security prices, 83

deferred compensation, 86

employee morale, 87

employee stock ownership plan, 87

executive compensation, 83

fringe benefits, 84

gifts, 88

golden handcuffs, 86

golden parachutes, 86

labor/management agreements, 86

pension plans, 83–84

personal services compensation, 82

post-retirement benefits, 86–87

professional activity costs, 90

professional costs, 88–90

reasonableness of compensation, 85–86

rebates, 84

relocation, 90

retirement, 90

severance pay, 84–85

trade activity costs, 90

training, 91

travel, 84, 91–93

tuition, 84


ICE. See indirect cost electronically

ID. See indefinite-delivery contracts

IDIQ. See indefinite-delivery indefinite quantity contracts

IFB. See Invitation for Bids

IG. See Office of the Inspector General

incentives contracts, 18–19

incurred costs, 56–57

indefinite-delivery (ID) contracts

definite-quantity, 33

indefinite-quantity, 34–35

overview, 32–33

requirements contract, 33

indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) contracts, 34–35

independent research and development (IR&D), 98, 251

indirect account analyses, 263

indirect adjusting entries, 263

indirect allocation bases, 263

indirect cost electronically (ICE), 204

indirect cost structure development, 51

indirect costs, 46–47

indirect rate computations, 263

inspect-and-repair-as-needed (IRAN) contracts, 31

interest, 77

internal controls, 44–45

Invitation for Bids (IFB), 3

IR&D. See independent research and development

IRAN. See inspect-and-repair-as-needed contracts


job order system, 50


labor-hour contracts, 32

labor/management agreements, 86

Lambert Engineering Company (ASBCA No. 13338), 188

late proposals, 7

legal and other proceedings costs, 80–81

letter contracts, 35

Libby Welding Corp. (ASBCA No. 15084), 199

limitation of cost clause (LOC), 24–25, 46, 242

lobbying, 77–79

LOC. See limitation of cost clause

losses on other contracts, 79


M-R-S Manufacturing Company (ASBCA No. 14825), 191

marketing. See also shaping the RPF

McDonnell Douglas Corporation (ABSCA No. 12786), 192

Microsoft Office, 40

miscellaneous costs

contingencies, 99

economic planning, 100

environmental cleanup, 104–105

government shutdowns, 106

insurance indemnification, 100

material costs, 100–101

other business expenses, 101

patents, 11

precontract, 101

restructuring, 105–106

royalties, 101

taxes, 102–103

termination, 103–104

use of patents, 101–102

mischarging costs, 77


National Performance Review (NPR), 175

negotiated contracts

cost or priced, 4–5

evaluation factors, 5

exchanging information, 5–6

oral presentations, 5

overview, 4

sealed bid, compared to, 4–5

special notices, 6

new business-related costs

bid and proposal, 98

independent research and development, 98

selling costs, 98–99

not-to-exceed (NTE) price, 35

NPR. See National Performance Review


Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Circular A-122, 202

Circular A-21, 202

Circular A-76, 7

Office of the Inspector General (IG), 202

Oracle, 40

organization costs, 79

other transactions (OT), 36

overhead costs, 47–48


Paceco, Inc. (ASBCA No. 16548), 186

past performance, 8–9

penalties, 77

pension plans, 83–84

personal services compensation, 82

physical resource costs

cost of money, 93

depreciation, 94–95

disposition of depreciable property, 95–96

idle capacity, 96

idle facilities, 96

maintenance and repair, 96

manufacturing and production engineering, 96–97

plant reconversion, 97

rental costs, 97

special test equipment, 97–98

special tooling, 97

PNM. See price negotiation memorandum

political activity, 77–79

post-retirement benefit (PRB), 86–87

presolicitation notices, 6

price negotiation memorandum (PNM), 195, 206

price proposals

direct labor, 157–158

Employee Worksheet, 148

facilities capital cost of money, 158

Fringe Benefit Calculation Worksheet, 149

General and Administrative Calculation Worksheet, 152–154

general instructions, 147, 149, 151, 154–156

indirect costs, 158

materials and services, 156–157

other costs, 158

Overhead Calculation Worksheet, 150–151

royalties, 158

price reasonableness, 9

process cost system, 50, 52

procurement methods, overview, 1

professional activity costs, 90

professional costs, 88–90

profit, 36–37

Prompt Payment Act, 203

public relations and advertising costs, 75–76


reasonableness of compensation, 85–86

rebates, 84

record keeping, 41–43. See also accounting systems

relocation, 90

request for information (RFI), 6

request for proposals (RFP)

contractor-initiated, 40

draft, 6

oral, 7

purpose, 7

requirements contracts, 33

retirement, 90

Revenue Act of 1916, 53

RFI. See request for information

RFP. See request for proposals

Rogerson Aircraft Controls (ASBCA No. 27954), 198


SAP, 40

sealed bids, 3–4

service centers, 48

severance pay, 84–85

significant subfactors, 8–9

Singer Co., Librascope Division (ASBCA No. 17604), 181

solicitation mailing lists. See bidders’ lists

Standard 401: Consistency in Estimating, 155

Standard 402: Consistency in Allocating Costs Incurred for the Same Purposes, 115–116

Standard 403: Allocation of Home Office Expenses to Segments, 116–117

Standard 404: Capitalization of Tangible Assets, (1) 118

Standard 405: Accounting for Unallowable Costs, (2) 119

Standard 406: Cost Accounting Period, 119

Standard 407: Use of Standard Costs for Direct Material and Direct Labor, 119–120

Standard 408: Accounting for Costs of Compensated Personal Absences, 120–121

Standard 409: Depreciation of Tangible Capital Assets, 121–123

Standard 410: Allocation of Business Unit General and Administrative Expenses to Final Cost Objectives, 123–125

Standard 411: Accounting for Acquisition Costs of Materials, 125–126

Standard 412: Composition and Measurement of Pension Cost, 126–128

Standard 413: Adjustment and Allocation of Pension Cost, 128–130

Standard 414: Cost of Money as an Element of the Cost of Facilities Capital, 130

Standard 415: Accounting for the Cost of Deferred Compensation, 130–131

Standard 416: Accounting for Insurance Costs, (i) 132

Standard 417: Cost of Money as an Element of

the Cost of Capital Assets Under Construction, (ii) 133

Standard 418: Allocation of Direct and Indirect Costs, 133

Standard 420: Accounting for Independent Research and Development and Bid and Proposal Costs, (iii) 134

Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. (ASBCA No. 13622), 190, 192

Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. v. U.S., 182, 196


T&M. See time and materials contracts

TD. See Treasury Decision

testing of indirect accounts, 263

three factor formula, 49

time and materials contracts (T&M), 30–32, 251

Time Report-Hourly Employees, 42

Time Report-Salaried Employees, 43

timeliness, 7–8

TINA. See Truth in Negotiations Act

total cost, 55

total cost input method, 48–49

trade activity costs, 90

training, 91

travel, 84, 91–93

Treasury Decision (TD), 53

Truth in Negotiations Act (TINA). See also defective


adequate price competition, 177

applicability, 175–176

available data, 189–191

certificates, 199

changes in production methods or purchasing volume, 186–187

commercial items, 178

contract reliance on quotes, 185–186

cost and pricing data, 181–183

covered contracts, 176–177

data supporting projections, 187–188

government burden of proof, 181

importance, 11–12, 175

make-or-buy decisions, 189

management decisions affecting costs, 189

nonrecurring costs, 186

postaward review, 264–265

price increase, 196–197

price reductions, 179

prohibitions on obtaining cost or pricing data, 177

reliance, 195–196

requiring information other than cost or pricing data, 178–179

setoffs, 197–199

subcontract considerations, 179–180

subcontract prices negotiated after prime’s price agreement with the government, 186

subcontractor data and prime contractor’s

responsibilities, 183–185

submission of data, 191–195

unit-cost trends, 188–189

vendor/subcontractor quotes, 183

waivers, 178

tuition, 84


unallowable costs

alcoholic beverages, 82

asset valuations resulting from business combinations, 82

bad debts, 76

contributions, 76

donations, 77

entertainment costs, 77

excessive pass-through costs, 82

financial costs, 77

fines, 77

goodwill, 81–82

interest, 77

legal and other proceedings costs, 80–81

lobbying, 77–79

losses on other contracts, 79

mischarging costs, 77

organization costs, 79

penalties, 77

political activity, 77–79

public relations and advertising costs, 75–76

unauthorized contract types, 36

Universal Restoration, Inc. v. U.S., 195


Whittaker Corporation (ASBCA No. 17267), 193

written policies and procedures, 44–45

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