
ABC activity-based costing
ACO administrative contracting officer
ACRS accelerated cost recovery system
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
ASBCA Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals
ASPR Armed Services Procurement Regulation
BCA Board of Contract Appeals
BOA basic ordering agreement
B&P bid and proposal
CAD/CAM computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing
CAS cost accounting standards
CASB Cost Accounting Standards Board
CICA Competition in Contracting Act
CLIN contract line item number
Cls Ct Court of Claims
CO contracting officer
CPA certified public accountant
CPAF cost plus award fee
CPFF cost plus fixed fee
CPIF cost plus incentive fee
C/SCSC cost/schedule control system criteria
DAR Defense Acquisition Regulation
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency
DD Department of Defense
DFARS Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERISA Employee Retirement Insurance Security Act
ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan
EVMS Earned Value Management System
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FARA Federal Acquisition Reform Act
FASA Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act
FFP firm fixed price
FIFO first-in, first-out
FMS foreign military sales
FPI fixed-price incentive
FPIF fixed-price incentive fee
FPIS fixed-price incentive successive targets
FP-LOE firm fixed-price, level of effort
FPR fixed-price redeterminable
FPR Federal Procurement Regulation
FPRA forward-pricing rate agreement
FPRR forward-pricing rate recommendation
FTR Federal Travel Regulation
FY fiscal year
G&A general and administrative
GAAP generally accepted accounting practices
GAAS generally accepted accounting standards
GAO Government Accountability Office
GSA General Services Administration
ICE Incurred Cost Electronically
ID indefinite delivery
IDIQ indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity
IFB invitation for bids
IG Inspector General
IQ indefinite quantity
IRAN inspect and repair as needed
IRS Internal Revenue Service
IR&D independent research and development
JTR Joint Travel Regulations
LIFO last-in, first-out
LOC limitation of cost
LOCC limitation of cost clause
LOE level of effort
MMAS Material Management and Accounting System
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA BCA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Board of Contract Appeals
NPR National Performance Review
NTE not to exceed
OFPP Office of Federal Procurement Policy
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OT other transaction
PPA Pension Protection Act
RFP request for proposals
RFI request for information
PHM Plastic Hull Minesweeper
PL public law
PNM price negotiation memorandum
PRB postretirement benefit
SDB small disadvantaged business
SF standard form
TCI total cost input
TD Treasury Decision
TINA Truth-in Negotiations Act
T&M time and materials
US United States
USC United States Code
VA value added
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