Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Federal Government Procurement Methods

Commercial Items

Sealed Bids

Contracting By Negotiation

Timeliness—Sealed Bid and Competitive Proposals

Evaluation Process—Competitive Proposals

Communications—Competitive Proposals

Truth in Negotiations—Competitive Cost-Type Proposals and All Non-Competitive Proposals

Chapter 2. Types of Government Contracts

Government Selection of Contract Types

Fixed-Price Contracts

   Firm-Fixed-Price Contract

   Fixed-Price-Incentive Contract

   Incentives Contract

   Firm-Fixed-Price with Economic Adjustment Contract

   Fixed-Price Redeterminable Contract

   Firm-Fixed-Price Contract with Successive Targets

   Fixed-Price, Level-of-Effort Contract

   Fixed-Price, Award-Fee Contract

Cost-Reimbursement Contracts

   Cost-Sharing Contract

   Cost-Reimbursement-Only Contract

   Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Contract

   Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee Contract

   Cost-Plus-Award-Fee Contract

Other Contract Types

   Time-and-Materials Contract

   Labor-Hour Contract

   Indefinite-Delivery Contract

   Letter Contract

   Basic Agreement

   Basic Ordering Agreement

Unauthorized Contract Types and Variations

Other Transactions

Contract Type and Potential Financial Reward

Chapter 3. Accounting System Requirements

Basic Record Keeping

Internal Controls and Written Policies and Procedures

Managing Contract Costs

Allocating Costs

   Direct and Indirect Costs

   Overhead Costs

   Service Centers

   General and Administrative Costs

   Consistent Application

   Establishing a Cost Structure

   Monitoring Indirect Costs

Other Cost Accounting Concepts


Chapter 4. Cost Allowability

Origin of Government Contract Cost Principles

Applicability of Government Cost Regulations

FAR Concept of Total Cost


Incurred Costs

Allowability of Costs



   Contract Terms/Advance Agreements

   Indirect Cost Pools

   Directly Associated Cost

   Cosmetically Low Rates

   Segregation of Unallowable Costs

Chapter 5. Principles—Selected Costs

Generally Unallowable Costs

   Public Relations and Advertising Costs (31.205-1)

   Bad Debts (31.205-3)

   Contributions or Donations (31.205-8)

   Entertainment Costs (31.205-14)

   Fines, Penalties, and Mischarging Costs (31.205-15)

   Interest and Other Financial Costs (31.205-20)

   Lobbying and Political Activity Costs (31.205-22)

   Losses on Other Contracts (31.205-23)

   Organization Costs (31.205-27)

   Costs Related to Legal and Other Proceedings (31.205-47)

   Goodwill (31.205-49)

   Costs of Alcoholic Beverages (31.205-51)

   Asset Valuations Resulting from Business Combinations (31.205-52)

   Excessive Pass-Through Costs (31.203(i))

Costs Related to Human Resources

   Compensation for Personal Services (31.205-6)

   Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) (31.205-6(q))

   Employee Morale, Health, Welfare, Food Service, and Dormitory Costs and Credits (31.205-13)

   Professional and Consulting Costs (31.205-33)

   Recruitment Costs (31.205-34)

   Relocation Costs (31.205-35)

   Trade, Business, Technical and Professional Activity Costs (31.205-43)

   Training and Educational Costs (31.205-44)

   Travel Costs (31.205-46)

Costs Related to Physical Resources

   Cost of Money (31.205-10)

   Depreciation (31.205-11)

   Gains and Losses on Disposition of Depreciable Property or Other Assets (31.205-16)

   Idle Facilities and Idle Capacity Costs (31.205-17)

   Maintenance and Repair Costs

   Manufacturing and Production Engineering Costs (31.205-25)

   Plant Reconversion Costs (31.205-31)

   Rental Costs (31.205-36)

   Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment Costs (31.205-40)

New Business-Related Costs

   Independent Research and Development and Bid and Proposal Costs (31.205-18)

   Selling Costs (31.205-38)

Miscellaneous Costs

   Contingencies (31.205-7)

   Economic Planning Costs (31.205-12)

   Insurance and Indemnification (31.205-19)

   Material Costs (31.205-26)

   Other Business Expenses (31.205-28)

   Patent Costs (31.205-30)

   Precontract Costs (31.205-32)

   Royalties and Other Costs for Use of Patents (31.205-37)

   Taxes (31.205-41)

   Termination Costs (31.205-42)

   Environmental Cleanup Costs

   Restructuring Costs (DFARS 231.205.70)

   Cost of Government Shutdowns

Chapter 6. Cost Accounting Standards

Original CAS Legislation

Basics of Public Law 91-379

CASB Operating Policies

After The Demise of The Original CASB

Basic CAS Requirements

   Price Adjustments

   Covered Contracts

   Exempt Contracts

   Waivers of CAS Coverage

CAS Steering Committee and Working Group

The Standards

   Standard 401: Consistency in Estimating, Accumulating, and Reporting Costs

   Standard 402: Consistency in Allocating Costs Incurred for the Same Purposes

   Standard 403: Allocation of Home Office Expenses to Segments

   Standard 404: Capitalization of Tangible Assets

   Standard 405: Accounting for Unallowable Costs

   Standard 406: Cost Accounting Period

   Standard 407: Use of Standard Costs For Direct Material and Direct Labor

   Standard 408: Accounting for Costs of Compensated Personal Absences

   Standard 409: Depreciation of Tangible Capital Assets

   Standard 410: Allocation of Business Unit General and Administrative Expenses to Final Cost Objectives

   Standard 411: Accounting for Acquisition Costs of Materials

   Standard 412: Composition and Measurement of Pension Cost

   Standard 413: Adjustment and Allocation of Pension Cost

   Standard 414: Cost of Money As an Element of the Cost of Facilities Capital

   Standard 415: Accounting for the Cost of Deferred Compensation

   Standard 416: Accounting for Insurance Costs

   Standard 417: Cost of Money As an Element of the Cost of Capital Assets Under Construction

   Standard 418: Allocation of Direct and Indirect Costs

   Standard 420: Accounting for Independent Research And Development (IR&D) and Bid and Proposal (B&P) Costs

Disclosure Statement

   Dollar Threshold of Contract Awards For Determining Filing Requirements

   Revisions to Disclosure Statements


   Review and Approval of Disclosure Statement

   Detailed Requirements of Disclosure Statement

Chapter 7. Developing Cost Estimates for Proposals

The Estimating Process

   Quantity Estimates

   Make-or-Buy Decisions

   Direct Labor Costs

   Direct Material Costs

   Other Direct Costs

   Indirect Costs

Indirect Cost Estimating Worksheet

Submitting Price Proposals

   General Instructions

   Required Breakdowns

Chapter 8. Contract Price Negotiation and Profit Guidelines

Government vs. Commercial Profit

Department of Defense Guidelines

   Weighted Guidelines Method

   Profit Objective Determination

   Values: Normal and Designated Ranges

   Cost Efficiency Factor

NASA Guidelines

Other Agencies’ Guidelines

Chapter 9. Truth in Negotiations

Applicability of The Law

Basic Coverage

   Covered Contracts

   Prohibitions on Obtaining Cost or Pricing Data

   Adequate Price Competition

   Commercial Items


   Requiring Information Other Than Cost or Pricing Data

Price Reductions

Special Subcontract Considerations

Government Burden of Proof

   Cost or Pricing Data

   Available Data

   Submission of Data


   Price Increase


   The Role of a Certificate

Chapter 10. Contract Administration

Responsibility for Contract Administration and Audits

   Contract Administration Duties

   Contract Audits

Financial Aspects

   Contract Payments

   Provisional or Interim Billing Rates

   Final Indirect Cost Rates

   Cost-Sharing Rates and Ceilings on Indirect Cost Rates

   Forward-Pricing Rate Agreements

   Quick-Closeout Procedure

   Disallowing Costs After Incurrence

Performance Aspects

   Suspension of Work, Stop-Work Orders, and Government Delay of Work

   Past Performance Evaluations

   Contract Modifications


   Government Property

   Earned Value Management Systems

   Termination for Convenience


Chapter 11. Government Contract Audits

Accounting System Review

   Basic Record Keeping

   Internal Controls and Written Policies and Procedures

   Payment Requests

   Limitation of Cost Clause

Estimating System Review

   Organizational Relationships

   Review Requirements

   Make-or-Buy Decisions

   Updating Cost or Pricing Data

   DOD Estimating System Requirements

Labor Recording System Audit

   Risk Assessment

   Employee Interviews

   Audit Report

Procurement System Review

Compensation System Audit

   Reasonableness of Compensation

   Uncompensated Overtime

Price Proposal Review

   Developing Cost Estimates

   Auditor Approaches

Incurred Cost Audit

   Labor Costs

   Material and Subcontract Costs

   Indirect Costs

   Other Direct Costs

Postaward Review (Defective Pricing)

   Audit Emphasis

   Applicability of the Truth in Negotiations Act

   Price Reduction

   Fraud in Defective Pricing

   Audit Techniques

Cost Accounting Standards

   Disclosure Statement

   Changes in Cost Accounting Practices

Contract Termination Audit

Equitable Contract Price Adjustment Audit

Financial Capability Audit

Operations Audit

Material Management And Accounting System

DCAA Contract Audit Manual



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