
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

additive model

additive time preferences

Allais, M.

Allais’ paradox

ambiguity aversion: maxmin; smooth

ambiguity prudence effect

anticipatory feelings

Arrow, K. J.

Arrow-Debreu securities

Arrow-Lind theorem

Arrow-Pratt approximation

Asheim, G. B.

asset pricing: capital asset pricing model (CAPM); classical equilibrium formula for; consumption-based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM); evaluation of risky projects (see also risky projects/risk premium)

autoregressive model

Aydede, S. K.

bandit problem

Bansal, R.

Barro, R. J.

Baumol, William

Baumstark, Luc

Bayes rule

Bernoulli-von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility theory. See also von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility theory

Black, F.

Bolton, P.

Bommier, A.

Boyer, J.

Broome, J.

Brownian motion, discrete version of

business cycles, economic growth and

cake-sharing rule

capital: continuously compounded rate of return on; opportunity cost of; rate of return on marginal productive; rate of return on risk-free

capital asset pricing model (CAPM)

CBA. See cost-benefit analysis

CCAPM. See consumption-based capital asset pricing model

Cecchetti, S. G.

certainty equivalent


Clark, G.

climate change: concerns regarding; discount rate applied to; global inequality and; non-marginal project, example of; precautionary principle at the Rio conference; risk assessment and

Club of Rome

Cochrane, J. H.

compensating risk premium

concordance and supermodularity

Constantinides, G.

consumption: accounting for optimal under the Weitzman argument; estimating the growth rate of; intergenerational habit formation and; uncertainty about in the distant future

consumption-based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM)

consumption habits

continuously compounded rates

Copenhagen Consensus

correlation aversion

correlation effect

cost-benefit analysis (CBA)

Cox, J.

Cropper, M. L.

cross-prudence in consumption effect

cumulative prospect theory

DARA. See decreasing absolute risk aversion

decision criteria; discounted expected utility (DEU) model; intergenerational habit formation; maxmin ambiguity aversion; option value (see option value); recursive expected utility; smooth ambiguity aversion

decreasing absolute ambiguity aversion

decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA)

decreasing term structure, theory of; current long discount rate and future short discount rates, relationship of; decreasing term structure; forward discount rate, effect of an increase in concordance of economic growth on; iid dynamic growth process, case of

DEU model. See discounted expected utility model

Diamond, Jared

Diamond, P.

Dietz, S.

diminishing expectations

Dimson, E.

disasters. See extreme events

discounted expected utility (DEU) model. See also decision criteria

discount rate; alternative bases for estimating; current long and future short, relationship of; decreasing term structure, theory of (see decreasing term structure, theory of); definition of; ecological (see ecological discount rate); efficient; level of; models, need for in estimating; for non-marginal projects (see non-marginal projects); rate of impatience and, distinction between; risk-adjusted; in a simple two-period model; term structure of (see term structure of the discount rate); three different ways to estimate; time horizons and; wealth effect, justified by (see also wealth effect)

Dixit, A. K.

downside risk aversion

Drèze, J. H.

ecological discount rate; analytical solution to estimating; calibrating the model; CES utility functions, examination of; determinants of; economic discount rate and; evaluating nonfinancial benefits; parametric uncertainty and; simple model of

ecological growth effect

ecological prudence effect

economic growth: convergence, impact of; convergence of and the discount rate; environmental quality and; extreme events in the history of (see extreme events); forward discount rate, effect of an increase in concordance on; mean-reversion and; parametric uncertainty regarding the history of (see parametric uncertainty); as random walk (see random walk); serial correlation in, impact on the forward interest rate of; two-state Markov model of; wealth inequality and the discount rate, impact on

Eeckhoudt, L.

efficient discount rate. See discount rate

Ellsberg, D.

Emmerling, J.

endogenous growth theory

environmental assets, accounting for. See ecological discount rate

Environmental Sustainability Index (Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy)

Epstein, L. G.

equity and bonds, annualized returns on

equity premium

equity premium puzzle

expected net future value (NFV) approach

expected net present value (NPV) approach. See also Weitzman argument

exponential psychological discounting

extended Ramsey rule: as an approximation; calibration of using cross-section data; calibration of using time series data; constant discount rate from the case of normal distribution; in the lognormal case

extreme events: numerical illustrations of the two-state Markov model; parametric uncertainty and (see parametric uncertainty); persistent shocks, effect on discount rate if economic growth is subject to (two-state Markov process); possibility of; random walk, effect on discount rate if economic growth is

financial markets: socially responsible investments; use of to determine the discount rate

First-order Stochastic Dominance (FSD)

Fisher, A. C.

France: discount rate recommended in; discount rate, recent changes in; extended Ramsey rule, calibration of using time series; precautionary effect in; returns on equity and the equity premium; risk-sensitive discount rate recommended in

Frederick, S.

FSD, First–order Stochastic Dominance

Gamma distribution


Gierlinger, J.

Gilboa, I.

Gollier, C.

Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)

government bonds, rates of return on

Green Book

Groom, B.

growth rate. See economic growth

Guéant, O.

Guesnerie, R.

Guiso, L.

Hall, R. E.

Hammitt, J. K.

Hansen, L.

Harris, C.

Harrod, R. F.

Heinzel, C.

Henry, C.

Hepburn, C.

historical rates of return

Hoel, M.

Hope, C.

Hyperbolic discounting

impatience: assumption and modeling of; effect in the extended Ramsey rule; rate of

independence axiom

indirect utility function approach

inequalities; economic convergence; economy in the model, description of; inefficient risk sharingin an “egalitarian” investment project; long-term risk-sharing allocations in the classical model, epitaph for; representative agent in the model, existence of; utility function of the representative agent, characterization of; valuation of projects that reduce; of wealth (see wealth inequality)

inequality premium

Ingersoll, J.

interest rates: continuously compounded; discount rate and; equilibrium forward; in a simple two-period model; term structure of

intergenerational habit formation

intergenerational perspectives/welfare; rate of impatience and. See also economic growth

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

internal rate of return

intertemporal inequality of consumption: aversion to; relative aversion to

intertemporal social welfare



Jappelli, T.

Johansson-Stenman, O.

Kahneman, D.

Keller, G.

Keynes, J. M.

Kimball, M. S.

Klibanoff, P.

Kocherlakota, N. R.

Koopmans, T. C.

Koundouri, P.

Kreps, D. M.

Krüger, Ph.

Laibson, D. I.

Lam, P.-S.

Landier, A.


Lasry, J.-M.

Layard, Richard

Leamer, E. E.

Lebègue, Daniel

Lebègue Report

Lehmann, E. L.

Leland, H. E.

lemma 1; proof of

lemma 2


“Limits to Growth, The” (Club of Rome)

Lind, R. C.

List, J. A.

Loewenstein, G.

Lomborg, Bjorn

Lucas, R.

Malinvaud, E.

Malthus’ Law

marginal-preserving increase in concordance (MPIC)

Marinacci, M.

Mark, N. C.

Markov switches

Marsh, P.

maxmin ambiguity aversion

McDonald, R.


Meyer, M.

Millimet, D. L.

Modigliani, F.

Modigliani-Miller’s Theorem

MPIC. See marginal-preserving increase in concordance

Mukerji, S.

mutuality principle

net future value (NFV). See also expected net future value; Weitzman argument

net present value (NPV); net future value and; as standard valuation approach. See also expected net present value

Newell, R.

NFV. See net future value

non-marginal projects: evaluation error and the discount rate; evaluation error and the risk premium; evaluation of; the size-adjusted efficient discount rate

non-monetary benefits, accounting for. See ecological discount rate

Nordhaus, W. D.

NPV. See net present value

O’Donoghue, T.

Office of Management and Budget, U.S. (OMB)

opportunity cost: of capital; discount rate and; of risk-free capital

optimal consumption plan

option value; learning in the Poisson bandit problem; numerical example of; optimal investment strategy in the Poisson bandit problem

Overlapping Generations models (OLG)

Panopoulou, E.

Pantelidis, T.

parametric uncertainty; ecological discount rate, in estimating the; random walk, when the growth process is; unknown trend, when the growth process involves; unknown volatility, when the growth process involves

Patmore, N.

Pearce, D.

pension liabilities, state discount rate on

Persson, M.

peso problem

pessimism effect

Pindyck, R. S.

Pizer, W.

Pleeter, S.

Pomeranz, K.

Porteus, E. L.

Portney, P. R.

positive quadrant dependence

power utility function

precautionary effect: ecological prudence effect and; recursive expected utility and

precautionary principle

precautionary saving

Prelec, D.

prudence: downside risk aversion and; increase in concordance and; precautionary saving and. See also risk aversion

Pure Expectations Hypothesis

Rady, S.

Ramsey, F. P.

Ramsey rule; discount rate in the United Kingdom and; extended (see extended Ramsey rule); formula of; growth rate of consumption and; quantitative implications of; wealth inequality and; Weitzman argument and; welfare-preserving rate of return of saving and (see also welfare-preserving rate of return of saving)

random walk: extreme events and assumption of; growth rate of the economy as; parametric uncertainty, as a special case of

rate of impatience

Rawls, John

recursive expected utility

reinvestment risk

relative aversion to intertemporal inequality of consumption

Rey, B.

Richard, S. F.

risk: competitive allocation of, inequalities and; a decision criterion under; inefficient sharing of; long-term international risk-sharing, epitaph for; macroeconomic; precautionary saving and; variation in, discount rates and; Weitzman argument and

risk-adjusted discount rate

risk aversion; ambiguity aversion, distinguished from; in the case of iid dynamic growth process; decreasing absolute (DARA); downside; expected net future value approach and. See also prudence

risk-free rate puzzle

risk-neutral probability

risk tolerance

risky projects/risk premium; the Arrow-Lind theorem; certainty equivalent and; the consumption-based capital asset pricing model; the equity premium; evaluation error for non-marginal products; evaluation of; the risk-adjusted discount rate and; solution to the equity premium puzzle; valuation of, investors and; valuation of the macroeconomic risk and the equity premium

Robinson, L. A.

“roll-over” strategy

Ross, S.

Rothschild, M.

Samuelson, P. A.

savings: precautionary motive for; uncertainty over future income and; welfare-preserving rate of return on

Schlesinger, H.

Schmeidler, D.

Scholes, M.

Segal, U.

Selden, L.

Sidgwick, H.

Siegel, D.

Singleton, K.

Smith, Adam

smooth ambiguity aversion

socially efficient discount rate. See discount rate

Solow, R.

Spivak, A.

Staunton, M.

Stengos, T.

Stern, N.

Sterner, T.

Stern Review

Strotz, R. H.

Strulovici, B.

Student-t distribution

substitution effect


sustainability, uncertainty about the future and

Tanny, S. M.

Tchen, A. H.

Terlizzese, D.

term structure of the discount rate: decreasing and time consistency; determinants of; diminishing expectations and; economic convergence and; extreme events and (see extreme events); flat; mean-reverting growth process and; parametric uncertainty and (see parametric uncertainty); random walk and analysis of; uncertainty, long-lasting effects of; unified theory of (see decreasing term structure, theory of); Weitzman argument and

term structure of the ecological discount rate

Thesmar, D.

time consistency

time horizons: declining term structure, Weitzman’s argument for; diminishing expectations and; the discount rate and different; extreme events and (see also extreme events); flat term structure and; long-term risk-sharing allocations and

Tol, R. S. J.

Townsend, R. M.

Traeger, C. P.

Treich, N.

Tversky, A.

“two-armed bandit” problem

two-period model; additive time preferences, assumption regarding; discount rate in; economy described; graphical representation of; interest rate in; optimal consumption plan

two-state Markov model: numerical illustrations of; statement of; unified theory of decreasing term structure and

Ulph, D.

uncertainty: about consumption; ambiguity aversion (see ambiguity aversion); the discount rate under; long-lasting effects of; parametric (see parametric uncertainty); random walk in the growth rate and; valuing environmental assets, as a problem for. See also risk

United Kingdom: discount rate, recent changes in; discount rate recommended in; extended Ramsey rule, calibration of using time series; precautionary effect in

United States: extended Ramsey rule, calibration of using time series; precautionary effect in; recent changes in the discount rate in; returns on equity and the equity premium; short-term real interest rates in

Vasicek, O.

veil of ignorance

von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility theory. See also Bernoullivon Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility theory

WACC. See Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Warner, J. T.

wealth effect; ecological growth effect and; as economic justification for discounting; recursive expected utility and

wealth inequality, impact on the efficient discount rate of

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Weikard, H.-P.

Weil, P.

Weitzman, M. L.

Weitzman argument: logarithmic utility function, the case of; optimality of consumption growth, accounting for; positive expected net present value vs. positive expected net future value; risk and time, accounting for preferences regarding; term structure of discount rates under

welfare-preserving rate of return of saving: additive time preferences assumption and; Ramsey rule and (see also Ramsey rule); rate of impatience and

Wilson, R.

World Bank

Yaron, A.


Zhu, X.

Zin, S.

Zuber, S.

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